@@ -289,8 +289,7 @@ save_dir/
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| **all_sub_compartments.bed** | a .bed file containing the optimal compartments for all `chrs`, that can be visualized in IGV. Different colors were used to distinguish compartments (at the resolution of 8 sub-compartments)
| **all_sub_compartments.bed** | a .bed file containing the optimal compartments for all `chrs`, that can be visualized in IGV. Different colors were used to distinguish compartments (at the resolution of 8 sub-compartments)
| **all_sub_compartments.tsv** | optimal compartments stored in tabular text format. Each row represents one 10kb region
| **all_sub_compartments.tsv** | optimal compartments stored in tabular text format. Each row represents one 10kb region
-| **all_sub_compartments.tsv** | optimal compartment information stored in tabular text format. Each row represents one 10kb region
-| **cor_with_ref.ALL.txt** | correlation of compartment rank with the reference compartment rank for each of `bin_sizes`, and the optimimal `bin_size` that is finally selected
+| **cor_with_ref.ALL.txt** | correlation of compartment rank with the reference compartment rank for each of extended `bin_sizes`, and the optimimal `bin_size` that is finally selected
| **cor_with_ref.pdf** | correlation of compartment rank with the reference compartment rank using the optimimal `bin_size`
| **cor_with_ref.pdf** | correlation of compartment rank with the reference compartment rank using the optimimal `bin_size`