@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-get_gene_info <- function(genome) {
- if(genome == 'hg19') {
- gene_info_file = system.file("extdata", "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene.rds", package = 'CALDER')
- } else if(genome == 'mm9') {
- gene_info_file = system.file("extdata", "TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene.rds", package = 'CALDER')
- } else {
- stop(paste0("Unknown genome (", genome, ")"))
- }
- gene_info = readRDS(gene_info_file)
-CALDER_CD_hierarchy = function(contact_mat_file,
- chr,
- bin_size,
- save_dir,
- save_intermediate_data=FALSE,
- genome = 'hg19')
- time0 = Sys.time()
- log_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_log.txt')
- cat('\n')
- cat('>>>> Begin process contact matrix and compute correlation score at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=FALSE)
- cat('>>>> Begin process contact matrix and compute correlation score at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n')
- processed_data = contact_mat_processing(contact_mat_file, bin_size=bin_size)
- A_oe = processed_data$A_oe
- ccA_oe_compressed_log_atanh = processed_data$atanh_score
- cat('\r', '>>>> Finish process contact matrix and compute correlation score at:', as.character(Sys.time()))
- cat('>>>> Finish process contact matrix and compute correlation score at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- p_thresh = ifelse(bin_size < 40000, 0.05, 1)
- window.sizes = 3
- compartments = vector("list", 2)
- chr_name = paste0("chr", chr)
- cat('>>>> Begin compute compartment domains and their hierachy at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- cat('\r', '>>>> Begin compute compartment domains and their hierachy at:', as.character(Sys.time()))
- compartments[[2]] = generate_compartments_bed(chr = chr, bin_size = bin_size, window.sizes = window.sizes, ccA_oe_compressed_log_atanh, p_thresh, out_file_name = NULL, stat_window_size = NULL)
- topDom_output = compartments[[2]]
- bin_names = rownames(A_oe)
- A_oe = as.matrix(A_oe)
- initial_clusters = apply(topDom_output$domain[, c("from.id", "to.id")], 1, function(v) v[1]:v[2])
- if (sum(sapply(initial_clusters, length)) != max(unlist(initial_clusters))) {
- stop(CELL_LINE, " initial_clusters error in topDom")
- }
- n_clusters = length(initial_clusters)
- A_oe_cluster_mean = HighResolution2Low_k_rectangle(A_oe, initial_clusters, initial_clusters, sum_or_mean = "mean")
- trend_mean_list = lapply( 1:4, function(v) 1*(A_oe_cluster_mean[, -(1:v)] > A_oe_cluster_mean[, - n_clusters - 1 + (v:1)]) )
- trend_mean = do.call(cbind, trend_mean_list)
- c_trend_mean = cor(t(trend_mean))
- atanh_c_trend_mean= atanh(c_trend_mean / (1+1E-7))
- # if(to_scale)
- {
- trend_mean = scale(trend_mean)
- c_trend_mean = scale(c_trend_mean)
- atanh_c_trend_mean= scale(atanh_c_trend_mean)
- }
- PC_12_atanh = get_PCs(atanh_c_trend_mean, which=1:10)
- PC_12_atanh[, 2:10] = PC_12_atanh[, 2:10]/5 ## xx-xx-xxxx: compress PC2
- rownames(PC_12_atanh) = 1:nrow(PC_12_atanh)
- ############################################################
- PC_direction = 1
- gene_info <- get_gene_info(genome)
- ## switch PC direction based on gene density
- {
- initial_clusters_ori_bins = lapply(initial_clusters, function(v) as.numeric(bin_names[v]))
- chr_bin_pc = data.table::data.table(chr=chr_name, bin=unlist(initial_clusters_ori_bins), PC1_val=rep(PC_12_atanh[,1], sapply(initial_clusters_ori_bins, length)))
- chr_bin_pc$start = (chr_bin_pc$bin - 1)*bin_size + 1
- chr_bin_pc$end = chr_bin_pc$bin*bin_size
- chr_bin_pc_range = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(chr_bin_pc, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
- gene_info_chr = subset(gene_info, seqnames==chr_name)
- refGR = chr_bin_pc_range
- testGR = gene_info_chr
- hits <- findOverlaps(refGR, testGR)
- overlaps <- pintersect(refGR[queryHits(hits)], testGR[subjectHits(hits)])
- overlaps_bins = unique(data.table::data.table(overlap_ratio=width(overlaps)/bin_size, bin=overlaps$bin))
- bin_pc_gene_coverage = merge(chr_bin_pc, overlaps_bins, all.x=TRUE)
- bin_pc_gene_coverage$overlap_ratio[is.na(bin_pc_gene_coverage$overlap_ratio)] = 0
- gene_density_cor = cor(method='spearman', subset(bin_pc_gene_coverage, (PC1_val < quantile(PC1_val, 0.25)) | (PC1_val > quantile(PC1_val, 0.75)) , c('PC1_val', 'overlap_ratio')))[1,2]
- if(abs(gene_density_cor) < 0.2) warning('correlation between gene density and PC1 is too weak')
- PC_direction = PC_direction*sign(gene_density_cor)
- PC_12_atanh = PC_12_atanh*PC_direction
- }
- project_info = project_to_major_axis(PC_12_atanh)
- x_pro = project_info$x_pro
- ############################################################
- hc_disect_kmeans_PC12 = bisecting_kmeans(PC_12_atanh[, 1:10, drop=FALSE])
- hc_hybrid_PC12 = hc_disect_kmeans_PC12
- {
- reordered_names = reorder_dendro(hc_hybrid_PC12, x_pro, aggregateFun=mean)
- hc_hybrid_PC12_reordered = dendextend::rotate(hc_hybrid_PC12, reordered_names)
- hc_hybrid_x_pro = hc_disect_kmeans_PC12
- reordered_names_x_pro = get_best_reorder(hc_hybrid_x_pro, x_pro)
- CALDER_hc = dendextend::rotate(hc_hybrid_x_pro, reordered_names_x_pro)
- }
- ############################################################
- parameters = list(bin_size = bin_size, p_thresh = p_thresh)
- res = list( CALDER_hc=CALDER_hc, initial_clusters=initial_clusters, bin_names=bin_names, x_pro=x_pro, parameters=parameters)
- intermediate_data_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_intermediate_data.Rds')
- hc = res$CALDER_hc
- hc_k_labels_full = try(get_cluser_levels(hc, k_clusters=Inf, balanced_4_clusters=FALSE)$cluster_labels)
- bin_comp = data.table::data.table(chr=chr, bin_index=res$bin_names, comp=rep(hc_k_labels_full, sapply(res$initial_clusters, length)))
- rownames(bin_comp) = NULL
- res$comp = bin_comp
- res$CDs = lapply(res$initial_clusters, function(v) res$bin_names[v])
- res$mat = A_oe
- res$chr = chr
- generate_hierachy_bed(chr=chr, res=res, save_dir=save_dir, bin_size=bin_size)
- cat('>>>> Finish compute compartment domains and their hierachy at: ', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- cat('\r', '>>>> Finish compute compartment domains and their hierachy at: ', as.character(Sys.time()))
- if(abs(gene_density_cor) < 0.2) cat('WARNING: correlation between gene density and PC1 on this chr is: ', substr(gene_density_cor, 1, 4), ', which is a bit low', '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- time1 = Sys.time()
- # delta_time = gsub('Time difference of', 'Total time used for computing compartment domains and their hierachy:', print(time1 - time0))
- delta_time <- time1 - time0
- timediff <- format(round(delta_time, 2), nsmall = 2)
- cat('\n\n', 'Total time used for computing compartment domains and their hierachy:', timediff, '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- # if(abs(gene_density_cor) > 0.2) cat('The gene density and PC1 correlation on this chr is: ', substr(gene_density_cor, 1, 4), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- ############################################################
- intermediate_data = res
- if(save_intermediate_data==TRUE) saveRDS(intermediate_data, file=intermediate_data_file)
- # cat(intermediate_data_file)
- return(intermediate_data)
-CALDER_sub_domains = function(intermediate_data_file=NULL, intermediate_data=NULL, chr, save_dir, bin_size)
- time0 = Sys.time()
- log_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_sub_domains_log.txt')
- cat('\r', '>>>> Begin compute sub-domains at:', as.character(Sys.time()))
- cat('>>>> Begin compute sub-domains at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=FALSE)
- if(is.null(intermediate_data)) intermediate_data = readRDS(intermediate_data_file)
- {
- if(intermediate_data$chr!=chr) stop('intermediate_data$chr!=chr; check your input parameters\n')
- if( !setequal(rownames(intermediate_data$mat), intermediate_data$bin_names) ) stop('!setequal(rownames(intermediate_data$mat), intermediate_data$bin_names) \n')
- compartment_segs = generate_compartment_segs( intermediate_data$initial_clusters )
- cat('\r', '>>>> Begin compute sub-domains within each compartment domain at:', as.character(Sys.time()))
- cat('>>>> Begin compute sub-domains within each compartment domain at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- sub_domains_raw = HRG_zigzag_compartment_domain_main_fun(intermediate_data$mat, './', compartment_segs, min_n_bins=2)
- no_output = post_process_sub_domains(chr, sub_domains_raw, ncores=1, out_dir=save_dir, bin_size=bin_size)
- cat('>>>> Finish compute sub-domains within each compartment domain at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- cat('\r', '>>>> Finish compute sub-domains within each compartment domain at:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n')
- time1 = Sys.time()
- # delta_time = gsub('Time difference of', 'Total time used for computing compartment domains and their hierachy:', print(time1 - time0))
- delta_time <- time1 - time0
- timediff <- format(round(delta_time, 2), nsmall = 2)
- cat('\n\n', 'Total time used for computing sub-domains:', timediff, '\n', file=log_file, append=TRUE)
- }
- # return(NULL)
-create_compartment_bed_v4 = function(chr_bin_domain, bin_size)
- # for( chr in chrs )
- {
- v = chr_bin_domain
- # v$intra_domain = as.character(6 - (as.numeric(v$intra_domain))) ## invert the labeling
- # v$intra_domain = names(cols)[(as.numeric(v$intra_domain))]
- v = v[order(v$bin_index), ]
- borders_non_consecutive = which(diff(v$bin_index)!=1)
- borders_domain = cumsum(rle(v$comp)$lengths)
- borders = sort(union(borders_non_consecutive, borders_domain))
- bins = v$bin_index
- to_id = as.numeric(bins[borders])
- from_id = as.numeric(bins[c(1, head(borders, length(borders)-1)+1)])
- pos_start = (from_id-1)*bin_size + 1
- pos_end = to_id*bin_size
- # chr = as.numeric( gsub('chr', '', v$chr) )
- chr = gsub('chr', '', v$chr) ## no need for as.numeric, also makes it compatible with chrX
- compartment_info_tab = data.frame(chr=rep(unique(chr), length(pos_start)), pos_start=pos_start, pos_end=pos_end, domain=v$comp[borders])
- }
- return(compartment_info_tab)
-generate_hierachy_bed = function(chr, res, save_dir, bin_size)
- chr_name = paste0('chr', chr)
- # res = reses[[chr_name]][[CELL_LINE]]
- hc = res$CALDER_hc
- hc_k_labels_full = try(get_cluser_levels(hc, k_clusters=Inf, balanced_4_clusters=FALSE)$cluster_labels)
- bin_comp = data.table::data.table(chr=chr, bin_index=as.numeric(res$bin_names), comp=rep(hc_k_labels_full, sapply(res$initial_clusters, length)))
- chr_bin_domain = bin_comp
- chr_bin_domain$chr = paste0('chr', chr_bin_domain$chr)
- # chr_bin_domain = chr_bin_domain[order(bin_index)]
- compartment_info_tab = create_compartment_bed_v4(chr_bin_domain, bin_size=bin_size)
- boundaries = unname(sapply(res$initial_clusters, max))
- boundaries_ori = as.numeric(res$bin_names[boundaries])*bin_size
- compartment_info_tab$is_boundary = 'gap'
- compartment_info_tab[compartment_info_tab$pos_end %in% boundaries_ori, 'is_boundary'] = 'boundary'
- colnames(compartment_info_tab)[4] = 'compartment_label'
- compartments_tsv_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_domain_hierachy.tsv')
- compartments_bed_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_sub_compartments.bed')
- boundary_bed_file = paste0(save_dir, '/chr', chr, '_domain_boundaries.bed')
- options(scipen=999)
- write.table( compartment_info_tab, file=compartments_tsv_file, quote=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names=FALSE )
- comp_cols = c("#FF0000", "#FF4848", "#FF9191", "#FFDADA", "#DADAFF", "#9191FF", "#4848FF", "#0000FF")
- names(comp_cols) = c('A.1.1', 'A.1.2', 'A.2.1', 'A.2.2', 'B.1.1', 'B.1.2', 'B.2.1', 'B.2.2')
- comp_val = (8:1)/8
- names(comp_val) = names(comp_cols)
- comp_8 = substr(compartment_info_tab$compartment_label, 1, 5)
- compartment_bed = data.frame(chr=paste0('chr', compartment_info_tab$chr), compartment_info_tab[, 2:4], comp_val[comp_8], '.', compartment_info_tab[, 2:3], comp_cols[comp_8])
- write.table( compartment_bed, file=compartments_bed_file, quote=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE )
- bounday_bed_raw = subset(compartment_info_tab, is_boundary=='boundary')
- bounday_bed = data.frame(chr=paste0('chr', compartment_info_tab$chr), compartment_info_tab[,3], compartment_info_tab[,3], '', '.', compartment_info_tab[,3], compartment_info_tab[,3], '#000000')
- write.table( bounday_bed, file=boundary_bed_file, quote=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE )
-project_to_major_axis <- function(PC_12_atanh)
- Data = data.frame(x=PC_12_atanh[,1], y=PC_12_atanh[,2])
- Data = Data[order(Data$x),]
- loess_fit <- loess(y ~ x, Data)
- more_x = seq(min(PC_12_atanh[,1]), max(PC_12_atanh[,1]), len=10*length(PC_12_atanh[,1]))
- major_axis = cbind(x=more_x, y=predict(loess_fit, newdata=more_x))
- new_x_axis = cumsum(c(0, sqrt(diff(major_axis[,1])^2 + diff(major_axis[,2])^2))) ## the new xaxis on the curved major_axis
- dis = fields::rdist(PC_12_atanh[, 1:2], major_axis)
- projected_x = new_x_axis[apply(dis, 1, which.min)]
- names(projected_x) = rownames(PC_12_atanh)
- # projected_x = major_axis[apply(dis, 1, which.min)]
- project_info = list(x_pro=projected_x, major_axis=major_axis)
- return(project_info)
-get_best_reorder <- function(hc_hybrid_x_pro, x_pro)
- n = length(x_pro)
- reordered_names_x_pro_list = list()
- reordered_names_x_pro_list[[1]] = reorder_dendro(hc_hybrid_x_pro, (x_pro), aggregateFun=mean) ## here the clusters are assigned into A.1 A.2 B.1 B.2
- best_index = which.max(sapply(reordered_names_x_pro_list, function(v) cor(1:n, unname(rank(x_pro, ties.method='first')[v]))))
- return(reordered_names_x_pro_list[[1]])