trim_tree_adaptive_top_down_v2 = function( tree, wilcox_p_thresh, mean_diff_thresh ) { # leaves = get_leaves(tree) if(igraph::vcount(tree)==1) return(tree) # cat('I am in trim_tree_adaptive_top_down_v2\n') nsig_nodes = union( igraph::V(tree)[which(igraph::V(tree)$wilcox_p > wilcox_p_thresh)]$name, igraph::V(tree)[which(igraph::V(tree)$mean_diff > mean_diff_thresh)]$name ) children_of_nsig = names(unlist(igraph::ego(tree, order=1, node=nsig_nodes, mode='out', mindist=1))) if(length(children_of_nsig)!=0) trimmed_tree = tree - children_of_nsig if(length(children_of_nsig)==0) trimmed_tree = tree comps = igraph::decompose(trimmed_tree) root_index = which(sapply( comps, function(comp) igraph::V(tree)[1]$name %in% igraph::V(comp)$name )==1) trimmed_tree = comps[[root_index]] if(!is_binary_tree( trimmed_tree )) stop("trim_tree_adaptive_top_down, the resulted tree is not a binary tree") return( trimmed_tree ) } prunning = function(branches, p0, to_correct=FALSE, width_thresh=-Inf, width_thresh_CD=5, boundary_signal_thresh=-Inf, return_which='TADs', top_down=FALSE, all_levels=FALSE, CD_border_adj=FALSE, peak_thresh=NULL, mean_diff_thresh) { size2correct = sum(sapply(branches, igraph::vcount)) - sum(sapply(branches, function(v) length(get_leaves(v)))) p_thresh = p0/size2correct if(to_correct==FALSE) p_thresh=p0 # if(!is.null(p0)) p_thresh = p0 if(top_down==FALSE) { trimmed_branches = lapply( branches, trim_tree_adaptive, max_imp_p=p_thresh, max_nimp_p=Inf, width_thresh=width_thresh, boundary_signal_thresh=boundary_signal_thresh, peak_thresh=peak_thresh ) # size2correct = sum(sapply(trimmed_branches, igraph::vcount)) - sum(sapply(trimmed_branches, function(v) length(get_leaves(v)))) # for( i in 1:length( trimmed_branches ) ) # { # trimmed_branch = trimmed_branches[[i]] # if(igraph::vcount(trimmed_branch) > 1) trimmed_branches[[i]] = lapply( trimmed_branches[i], trim_tree_adaptive, max_imp_p=p_thresh, max_nimp_p=Inf, width_thresh=width_thresh, boundary_signal_thresh=-1 )[[1]] # } } # if(top_down==TRUE) trimmed_branches = lapply( branches, trim_tree_adaptive_top_down, max_imp_p=p_thresh, max_nimp_p=Inf, width_thresh=width_thresh, boundary_signal_thresh=boundary_signal_thresh ) if(top_down==TRUE) trimmed_branches = lapply( branches, function(branch) trim_tree_adaptive_top_down_v2(wilcox_p_thresh=p_thresh, mean_diff_thresh=mean_diff_thresh, tree=branch )) if(CD_border_adj==TRUE) { all_tads = get_adjusted_nested_TADs( trimmed_branches, width_thresh_CD, all_levels ) return( all_tads ) } ## get all nested TADs in trimmed_branches if(all_levels==TRUE) { all_tads = data.frame(start_pos=numeric(), end_pos=numeric()) widths = c(0, sapply(trimmed_branches, function(v) igraph::V(v)[1]$width)) for(i in 1:length(trimmed_branches)) { all_tads_i = get_all_tads_in_a_trimmed_branch(trimmed_branches[[i]], pos_shift=sum(widths[1:i])) all_tads = rbind(all_tads, all_tads_i) } return( all_tads ) } if( return_which=='trimmed_branches' ) return( trimmed_branches ) tad_sizes_ind = lapply( trimmed_branches, function(v) get_leaves(v, 'igraph')$width ) tad_sizes = unlist(tad_sizes_ind) # tads = split(1:sum(tad_sizes), rep(seq_along(tad_sizes), tad_sizes)) end_pos = cumsum(tad_sizes) start_pos = c(1, 1 + end_pos[-length(end_pos)]) tads = data.frame(start_pos=start_pos, end_pos=end_pos) return( tads ) } ## This function combines prunning with branches of only one node prunning_hybrid <- function(branches, ...) { names(branches) = as.character(1:length(branches)) normal_branches = branches[sapply( branches, function(v) class(v)=='igraph' )] unnormal_branches = branches[sapply( branches, function(v) class(v)!='igraph' )] ## that is reprsented as bin_start:bin_end trimmed_branches = prunning(normal_branches, return_which='trimmed_branches', ...) normal_tad_sizes_ind = lapply( trimmed_branches, function(v) get_leaves(v, 'igraph')$width ) unormal_tad_sizes_ind = unnormal_branches tad_sizes_ind = c(normal_tad_sizes_ind, unormal_tad_sizes_ind) tad_sizes_ind = tad_sizes_ind[names(branches)] tad_sizes = unlist(tad_sizes_ind) # tads = split(1:sum(tad_sizes), rep(seq_along(tad_sizes), tad_sizes)) end_pos = cumsum(tad_sizes) start_pos = c(1, 1 + end_pos[-length(end_pos)]) tads = data.frame(start_pos=start_pos, end_pos=end_pos) return( tads ) } get_all_tads_in_a_trimmed_branch <- function(trimmed_branch, pos_shift) { res = data.frame( start_pos=igraph::V(trimmed_branch)$left + pos_shift, end_pos=igraph::V(trimmed_branch)$right + pos_shift ) res = res[order(res[,1], res[,2]), ] return(res) } prunning_bottom_up <- function(branches, p0=NULL, width_thresh) { size2correct = sum(sapply(branches, igraph::vcount)) - sum(sapply(branches, function(v) length(get_leaves(v)))) p_thresh = 0.05/size2correct if(!is.null(p0)) p_thresh = p0 trimmed_branches = lapply( branches, trim_tree_adaptive, max_imp_p=p_thresh, max_nimp_p=Inf, width_thresh=width_thresh ) tad_sizes_ind = lapply( trimmed_branches, function(v) get_leaves(v, 'igraph')$width ) tad_sizes = unlist(tad_sizes_ind) # tads = split(1:sum(tad_sizes), rep(seq_along(tad_sizes), tad_sizes)) end_pos = cumsum(tad_sizes) start_pos = c(1, 1 + end_pos[-length(end_pos)]) tads = data.frame(start_pos=start_pos, end_pos=end_pos) return( tads ) } trim_tree_adaptive_bottom_up <- function( tree, which_p='imp_p' ) { if(which_p=='imp_p') ps = sort(unique(igraph::V(tree)$imp_p), decreasing=TRUE) # if(which_p=='nimp_p') ps = sort(unique(igraph::V(tree)$nimp_p), decreasing=TRUE) # if(which_p=='both') ps = sort(unique(pmin(igraph::V(tree)$nimp_p, igraph::V(tree)$imp_p)), decreasing=TRUE) trimed_tree_current = tree trimmed_branch_bottom_up = vector('list', length(ps)) for(i in 1:length(ps)) { trimed_tree_current = trim_tree_adaptive( tree, L_diff_thresh=-Inf, max_imp_p=ps[i], max_nimp_p=Inf, width_thresh=-Inf ) trimmed_branch_bottom_up[[i]] = trimed_tree_current } igraph::vcounts = sapply(trimmed_branch_bottom_up, igraph::vcount) ps = ps[!duplicated(igraph::vcounts)] trimmed_branch_bottom_up = trimmed_branch_bottom_up[!duplicated(igraph::vcounts)] res = list(ps=ps, trimmed_branch_bottom_up=trimmed_branch_bottom_up) return( res ) } ## get adjusted nested TADs get_adjusted_nested_TADs <- function( trimmed_branches, width_thresh_CD, all_levels ) { widths = c(0, sapply(trimmed_branches, function(v) igraph::V(v)[1]$width)) all_tads_i_list = lapply( 1:length(trimmed_branches), function(i) get_all_tads_in_a_trimmed_branch(trimmed_branches[[i]], pos_shift=sum(widths[1:i]))) for(i in 1:length(trimmed_branches)) { all_tads_i = all_tads_i_list[[i]] if( nrow(all_tads_i) <= 1 ) next ## move the left-most border a little bit right if needed left_borders = unique(all_tads_i[,1]) min_diff_left = left_borders[2] - left_borders[1] if( min_diff_left <= width_thresh_CD ) { all_tads_i[ all_tads_i==left_borders[1] ] = left_borders[2] all_tads_i = all_tads_i[ all_tads_i[,2] > all_tads_i[,1], ] ## remove "negative" TADs all_tads_i = unique(all_tads_i[order(all_tads_i[,1], all_tads_i[,2]), ]) ## reorder the TADs all_tads_i_list[[i]] = all_tads_i ## need to modify the right border of nested TADs in previous CD if the left border of this CD is modified if(i > 1) { ## replace the max value of [i-1], i.e., the right most border, as the min of [i]-1, i.e., the left most border of [i] all_tads_i_list[[i-1]][ all_tads_i_list[[i-1]]==max(all_tads_i_list[[i-1]]) ] = min(all_tads_i_list[[i]]) - 1 } } if( nrow(all_tads_i) <= 1 ) next ## move the right-most border a little bit left if needed right_borders = unique(rev(all_tads_i[,2])) min_diff_right = right_borders[1] - right_borders[2] if( min_diff_right <= width_thresh_CD ) { all_tads_i[ all_tads_i==right_borders[1] ] = right_borders[2] all_tads_i = all_tads_i[ all_tads_i[,2] > all_tads_i[,1], ] all_tads_i = unique(all_tads_i[order(all_tads_i[,1], all_tads_i[,2]), ]) ## reorder the TADs all_tads_i_list[[i]] = all_tads_i if(i < length(trimmed_branches)) { ## replace the max value of [i-1], i.e., the right most border, as the min of [i]-1, i.e., the left most border of [i] all_tads_i_list[[i+1]][ all_tads_i_list[[i+1]]==min(all_tads_i_list[[i+1]]) ] = max(all_tads_i_list[[i]]) + 1 } } } if(!all_levels) all_tads_i_list = lapply( all_tads_i_list, function(v) data.frame(start_pos=head(v[,1],1), end_pos=tail(v[,2],1)) ) all_tads =, all_tads_i_list) colnames(all_tads) = c('start_pos', 'end_pos') return( all_tads ) }