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CALDER is a Hi-C analysis tool that allows: (1) compute chromatin domains from whole chromosome contacts; (2) derive their non-linear hierarchical organization and obtain sub-compartments; (3) compute nested sub-domains within each chromatin domain from short-range contacts. CALDER is currently implemented in R.
Below we introduce two main updates:
selectionDue to reasons such as low data quality or large scale structural variation, compartments can be unreliably called at one bin_size
(equivalent to resolution
in the literature) but properly called at another bin_size
. We added an optimized bin_size
selection strategy to call reliable compartments. This strategy is based on the observation from our large scale compartment analysis (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22666-3), that although compartments can change between different conditions, their overall correlation cor(compartment_rank_1, compartment_rank_2)
is high (> 0.4).
The strategy: given a bin_size
specified by user, we call compartments with extended bin_sizes
and choose the smallest bin_size
such that no bigger bin_size
can increase the compartment correlation with a reference compartment more than 0.05. For example, if correlation for bin_size=10000
is 0.2 while for bin_size=50000
is 0.6, we are more confident that the latter is more reliable; if correlation for bin_size=10000
is 0.5 while for bin_size=50000
is 0.52, we would choose the former as it has higher resolution.
is extended in the following way thus contact matrices at any larger bin_sizes
can be aggregated from the input contact matrices directly:
if(bin_size==5E3) bin_sizes = c(5E3, 10E3, 50E3, 100E3)
if(bin_size==10E3) bin_sizes = c(10E3, 50E3, 100E3)
if(bin_size==20E3) bin_sizes = c(20E3, 40E3, 100E3)
if(bin_size==25E3) bin_sizes = c(25E3, 50E3, 100E3)
if(bin_size==40E3) bin_sizes = c(40E3, 80E3)
if(bin_size==50E3) bin_sizes = c(50E3, 100E3)
Note that this strategy is currently only available for hg19
, hg38
, mm9
and mm10
genome for which we generated high quality reference compartments using Hi-C data from: GSE63525 for hg19
, https://data.4dnucleome.org/files-processed/4DNFI1UEG1HD for hg38
, GSM3959427 for mm9
, http://hicfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/external/bonev/CN_mapq30.hic for mm10
Although CALDER was mainly tested on human and mouse dataset, it can be applied to dataset from other genomes. One additional information is required in such case: a feature_track
presumably positively correlated with compartment score (thus higher values in A than in B compartment). This information will be used for correctly determining the A/B
direction. Some suggested tracks are gene density, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K36me3 (or negative transform of H3K9me3) signals. Note that this information will not alter the hierarchical compartment/TAD structure, and can come from any external study with matched genome. An example of feature_track
is given in the Usage section.
The easiest way to get the package is to install from Bioconda:
conda install --channel bioconda r-calder2
On the command line:
git clone https://github.com/CSOgroup/CALDER2.git
Then, once inside of the R
install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type="source") # install from the cloned source file
One can also install directly from Github, together with the dependencies as follows:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Please contact yliueagle@googlemail.com for any questions about installation.
We provide a Docker image complete with all dependencies to run CALDER workflows.
# Pull the docker image from Dockerhub
docker pull lucananni93/calder2
# Run the image
docker run -it lucananni93/calder2
# Once inside the image we can run the command line Calder tool
calder [options]
# or we can just enter R
# and load Calder
CALDER contains three modules: (1) compute chromatin domains; (2) derive their hierarchical organization and obtain sub-compartments; (3) compute nested sub-domains within each compartment domain.
CALDER works on contact matrices compatible with that generated by Juicer tools (https://github.com/aidenlab/juicer), either a .hic file, or three-column dump
table retrieved by the juicer dump (or straw) command (https://github.com/aidenlab/juicer/wiki/Data-Extraction):
16050000 16050000 10106.306
16050000 16060000 2259.247
16060000 16060000 7748.551
16050000 16070000 1251.3663
16060000 16070000 4456.1245
16070000 16070000 4211.7393
16050000 16080000 522.0705
16060000 16080000 983.1761
16070000 16080000 1996.749
should be a data.frame or data.table of 4 columns (chr, start, end, score), and can be generated directly from conventional format such as bed or wig, see the example:
feature_track = import('ENCFF934YOE.bigWig') ## from ENCODE https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF934YOE/@@download/ENCFF934YOE.bigWig
feature_track = data.table::as.data.table(feature_track)[, c(1:3, 6)]
> feature_track
chr start end score
chr1 534179 534353 2.80512
chr1 534354 572399 0
chr1 572400 572574 2.80512
chr1 572575 628400 0
... ... ... ...
chrY 59031457 59032403 0
chrY 59032404 59032413 0.92023
chrY 59032414 59032415 0.96625
chrY 59032416 59032456 0.92023
chrY 59032457 59032578 0.78875
chrs = c(21:22)
## demo contact matrices in dump format
contact_file_dump = as.list(system.file("extdata", sprintf("mat_chr%s_10kb_ob.txt.gz", chrs),
names(contact_file_dump) = chrs
## Run CALDER to compute compartments but not nested sub-domains
## Run CALDER to compute compartments and nested sub-domains / will take more time
chrs = c(21:22)
contact_file_dump = as.list(system.file("extdata", sprintf("mat_chr%s_10kb_ob.txt.gz", chrs),
names(contact_file_dump) = chrs
contact_tab_dump = lapply(contact_file_dump, data.table::fread)
chrs = c(21:22)
hic_file = 'HMEC_combined_30.hic' ## can be downloaded from https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE63nnn/GSE63525/suppl/GSE63525_HMEC_combined_30.hic
## prepare feature_track
feature_track_raw = import('ENCFF934YOE.bigWig') ## from ENCODE https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF934YOE/@@download/ENCFF934YOE.bigWig
feature_track = data.table::as.data.table(feature_track_raw)[, c(1:3, 6)]
chrs = c(21:22)
contact_file_dump = as.list(system.file("extdata", sprintf("mat_chr%s_10kb_ob.txt.gz", chrs),
names(contact_file_dump) = chrs
| Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| chrs | A vector of chromosome names to be analyzed, with or without 'chr'. Chromosome names should be consistent with those in contact_file_hic
and feature_track
if such files are provided
| contact_file_dump |A list of contact files in dump format, named by chrs
. Each contact file stores the contact information of the corresponding chr
. Only one of contact_file_dump
, contact_tab_dump
, contact_file_hic
should be provided
| contact_tab_dump | A list of contact table in dump format, named by chrs
, stored as an R object. Only one of contact_file_dump
, contact_tab_dump
, contact_file_hic
should be provided
| contact_file_hic | A hic file generated by Juicer tools. It should contain all chromosomes in chrs
. Only one of contact_file_dump
, contact_tab_dump
, contact_file_hic
should be provided
| genome | One of 'hg19', 'hg38', 'mm9', 'mm10', 'others' (default). These compartments will be used as reference compartments for optimized bin_size selection. If genome = 'others'
, a feature_track
should be provided (see below) and no optimized bin_size selection will be performed
| save_dir | the directory to be created for saving outputs
| bin_size | The bin_size (resolution) to run CALDER. bin_size
should be consistent with the data resolution in contact_file_dump
or contact_tab_dump
if these files are provided as input, otherwise bin_size
should exist in contact_file_hic
. Recommended bin_size
is between 10000 to 100000
| single_binsize_only | logical. If TRUE, CALDER will compute compartments only using the bin_size specified by the user and not do bin size optimization
| feature_track | A genomic feature track in data.frame
or data.table
format with 4 columns (chr, start, end, score). This track will be used for determining the A/B compartment direction when genome='others'
and should presumably have higher values in A than in B compartment. Some suggested tracks can be gene density, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K36me3 (or negative transform of H3K9me3 signals)
| save_intermediate_data | logical. If TRUE, an intermediate_data will be saved. This file can be used for computing nested sub-domains later on
| n_cores | integer. Number of cores to be registered for running CALDER in parallel
| sub_domains | logical, whether to compute nested sub-domains
The output of the workflow is stored in the folder specified by save_dir
and will look like this:
|-- sub_domains
| `-- all_nested_boundaries.bed
|-- sub_compartments
| |-- cor_with_ref.txt
| |-- cor_with_ref.pdf
| |-- cor_with_ref.ALL.txt
| |-- all_sub_compartments.tsv
| `-- all_sub_compartments.bed
`-- intermediate_data
|-- sub_domains
| |-- chr22_sub_domains_log.txt
| |-- chr22_nested_boundaries.bed
| |-- chr21_sub_domains_log.txt
| `-- chr21_nested_boundaries.bed
`-- sub_compartments
|-- 50kb
| |-- chr22_sub_compartments.bed
| |-- chr22_log.txt
| |-- chr22_domain_hierachy.tsv
| |-- chr22_domain_boundaries.bed
| |-- chr21_sub_compartments.bed
| |-- chr21_log.txt
| |-- chr21_domain_hierachy.tsv
| `-- chr21_domain_boundaries.bed
|-- 10kb
| |-- chr22_sub_compartments.bed
| |-- chr22_log.txt
| |-- chr22_intermediate_data.Rds
| |-- chr22_domain_hierachy.tsv
| |-- chr22_domain_boundaries.bed
| |-- chr21_sub_compartments.bed
| |-- chr21_log.txt
| |-- chr21_intermediate_data.Rds
| |-- chr21_domain_hierachy.tsv
| `-- chr21_domain_boundaries.bed
`-- 100kb
|-- chr22_sub_compartments.bed
|-- chr22_log.txt
|-- chr22_domain_hierachy.tsv
|-- chr22_domain_boundaries.bed
|-- chr21_sub_compartments.bed
|-- chr21_log.txt
|-- chr21_domain_hierachy.tsv
`-- chr21_domain_boundaries.bed
folder stores the nested boundariessub_compartments
folder stores the optimal compartment information, including files:| Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| all_sub_compartments.bed | a .bed file containing the optimal compartments for all chrs
, that can be visualized in IGV. Different colors were used to distinguish compartments (at the resolution of 8 sub-compartments)
| all_sub_compartments.tsv | optimal compartments stored in tabular text format. Each row represents one 10kb region
| cor_with_ref.ALL.txt | a plot of correlation between compartment rank and the reference compartment rank for each of extended bin_sizes
, and the optimal bin_size
that is finally selected
| cor_with_ref.pdf | correlation of compartment rank with the reference compartment rank using the optimal bin_size
folder stores information at each of the extended bin_sizes
for each chromosome| Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------- |
| chrxx_domain_hierachy.tsv | information of compartment domain and their hierarchical organization. The hierarchical structure is fully represented by compartment_label
, for example, B.2.2.2
and B.2.2.1
are two sub-branches of B.2.2
. The pos_end
column specifies all compartment domain borders, except when it is marked as gap
, which indicates it is the border of a gap chromosome region that has too few contacts and was excluded from the analysis (e.g., due to low mappability, deletion, technique flaw)
| chrxx_sub_compartments.bed | a .bed file containing the compartment information, that can be visualized in IGV. Different colors were used to distinguish compartments (at the resolution of 8 sub-compartments)
| chrxx_domain_boundaries.bed | a .bed file containing the chromatin domains boundaries, that can be visualized in IGV
| chrxx_nested_boundaries.bed | a .bed file containing the nested sub-domain boundaries, that can be visualized in IGV
| chrxx_intermediate_data.Rds | an Rds file storing the intermediate_data that can be used to compute nested sub-domains
| chrxx_log.txt, chrxx_sub_domains_log.txt | log files storing the status and running time of each step
All .bed files can be view directly through IGV:
For the computational requirement, running CALDER on the GM12878 Hi-C dataset at bin size of 40kb took 36 minutes to derive the chromatin domains and their hierarchy for all chromosomes (i.e., CALDER Step1 and Step2); 13 minutes to derive the nested sub-domains (i.e., CALDER Step3). At the bin size of 10kb, it took 1 h 44 minutes and 55 minutes correspondingly (server information: 40 cores, 64GB Ram, Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz). The evaluation was done using a single core although CALDER can be run in a parallel manner.
If you use CALDER in your work, please cite: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22666-3