123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698 |
- remove_small_domains = function(domain_size_min, binSignal, domains)
- {
- while(1)
- {
- i = min(setdiff(which(domains$size < domain_size_min/10E3), 1))
- if(i==Inf) break
- ids = domains[(i-1):i, 'to.id']
- index2rm = ((i-1):i)[which.max(binSignal[ids, 'mean.cf'])]
- domains = domains[-index2rm, ]
- domains[-1, 'from.id'] = domains[-nrow(domains), 'to.id'] + 1
- domains$size = domains[, 'to.id'] - domains[, 'from.id'] + 1
- cat(nrow(domains), '\n')
- if(nrow(domains) < 10) break
- }
- domains[, 'from.coord'] = domains[, 'from.id'] - 1
- domains[, 'to.coord'] = domains[, 'to.id']
- rownames(domains) = 1:nrow(domains)
- return(domains)
- }
- TopDom_v2 <- function( A_extended, window.size, outFile=NULL, statFilter=T, p_thresh=0.05, return_peak_and_binsignal=FALSE, window.sizes=NULL, stat_window_size=NULL, domain_size_min=NULL)
- {
- if(!is.null(window.sizes)) window.size = window.sizes[1]
- window.size = as.numeric(window.size)
- matdf = A_extended
- if( ncol(matdf) - nrow(matdf) == 3) {
- colnames(matdf) <- c("chr", "from.coord", "to.coord")
- } else if( ncol(matdf) - nrow(matdf) ==4 ) {
- colnames(matdf) <- c("id", "chr", "from.coord", "to.coord")
- } else {
- print("Unknwon Type of matrix file")
- return(0)
- }
- n_bins = 1*nrow(matdf)
- mean.cf <- rep(0, n_bins)
- pvalue <- rep(1, n_bins)
- local.ext = rep(-0.5, n_bins)
- bins <- data.frame(id=1:n_bins,
- chr=matdf[, "chr"],
- from.coord=matdf[, "from.coord"],
- to.coord=matdf[, "to.coord"] )
- matrix.data <- as.matrix( matdf[, (ncol(matdf) - nrow(matdf)+1 ):ncol(matdf)] )
- ptm <- proc.time()
- if(is.null(window.sizes)){
- for(i in 1:n_bins)
- {
- diamond = Get.Diamond.Matrix(mat.data=matrix.data, i=i, size=window.size)
- mean.cf[i] = mean(diamond)
- }
- }
- if(!is.null(window.sizes))
- {
- mean.cfs = matrix(, n_bins, length(window.sizes))
- for(k in 1:length(window.sizes) )
- {
- window.size.iter = window.sizes[k]
- for(i in 1:n_bins)
- {
- diamond = Get.Diamond.Matrix(mat.data=matrix.data, i=i, size=window.size.iter)
- mean.cfs[i, k] = mean(diamond)
- }
- }
- mean.cf = apply(mean.cfs, 1, mean)
- }
- eltm = proc.time() - ptm
- ptm = proc.time()
- gap.idx = Which.Gap.Region2(matrix.data=matrix.data, window.size)
- proc.regions = Which.process.region(rmv.idx=gap.idx, n_bins=n_bins, min.size=3)
- for( i in 1:nrow(proc.regions))
- {
- start = proc.regions[i, "start"]
- end = proc.regions[i, "end"]
- local.ext[start:end] = Detect.Local.Extreme(x=mean.cf[start:end])
- }
- local.ext_bp = local.ext
- eltm = proc.time() - ptm
- if(statFilter)
- {
- if(is.null(stat_window_size)) stat_window_size=window.size
- ptm = proc.time()
- scale.matrix.data = matrix.data
- for( i in 1:(2*stat_window_size) )
- {
- scale.matrix.data[ seq(1+(n_bins*i), n_bins*n_bins, 1+n_bins) ] = scale( matrix.data[ seq(1+(n_bins*i), n_bins*n_bins, 1+n_bins) ] )
- }
- for( i in 1:nrow(proc.regions))
- {
- start = proc.regions[i, "start"]
- end = proc.regions[i, "end"]
- pvalue[start:end] <- Get.Pvalue(matrix.data=scale.matrix.data[start:end, start:end], size=stat_window_size, scale=1)
- }
- local.ext[intersect( union(which( local.ext==-1), which(local.ext==-1)), which(pvalue<p_thresh))] = -2
- local.ext[which(local.ext==-1)] = 0
- local.ext[which(local.ext==-2)] = -1
- eltm = proc.time() - ptm
- } else pvalue = 0
- domains = Convert.Bin.To.Domain.TMP(bins=bins,
- signal.idx=which(local.ext==-1),
- gap.idx=which(local.ext==-0.5),
- pvalues=pvalue,
- pvalue.cut=p_thresh)
- domains = subset(domains, size!=0)
- if( sum(domains$size)!=nrow(A_extended) ) stop('In TopDom, some rows are missing')
- binSignal = cbind(bins,
- local.ext = local.ext,
- mean.cf = mean.cf,
- pvalue = pvalue)
- bins = binSignal
- if(!is.null(domain_size_min))
- {
- domains = remove_small_domains(domain_size_min=domain_size_min, binSignal=binSignal, domains=domains)
- }
- bedform = domains[, c("chr", "from.coord", "to.coord", "tag")]
- colnames(bedform) = c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name")
- if( !is.null(outFile) ) {
- outBinSignal = paste(outFile, ".binSignal", sep="")
- write.table(bins, file=outBinSignal, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
- outDomain = paste(outFile, ".domain", sep="")
- write.table( domains, file=outDomain, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
- outBed = paste(outFile, ".bed", sep="")
- write.table( bedform, file=outBed, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
- }
- if(return_peak_and_binsignal==TRUE) return( list( local_ext=local.ext_bp, mean_cf=mean.cf, domains=domains ) )
- return(list(binSignal=bins, domain=domains, bed=bedform))
- }
- Get.Diamond.Matrix <- function(mat.data, i, size)
- {
- n_bins = nrow( mat.data )
- if(i==n_bins) return(NA)
- lowerbound = max( 1, i-size+1 )
- upperbound = min( i+size, n_bins)
- return( mat.data[lowerbound:i, (i+1):upperbound] )
- }
- Which.process.region <- function(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=3)
- {
- gap.idx = rmv.idx
- proc.regions = data.frame(start=numeric(0), end=numeric(0))
- proc.set = setdiff(1:n_bins, gap.idx)
- n_proc.set = length(proc.set)
- i=1
- while(i < n_proc.set )
- {
- start = proc.set[i]
- j = i+1
- while(j <= n_proc.set)
- {
- if( proc.set[j] - proc.set[j-1] <= 1) j = j + 1
- else {
- proc.regions = rbind(proc.regions, c(start=start, end=proc.set[j-1]) )
- i = j
- break
- }
- }
- if(j >= n_proc.set ) {
- proc.regions = rbind(proc.regions, c(start=start, end=proc.set[j-1]) )
- break
- }
- }
- colnames(proc.regions) = c("start", "end")
- proc.regions <- proc.regions[ which( abs(proc.regions[,"end"] - proc.regions[, "start"]) >= min.size ), ]
- return(proc.regions)
- }
- Which.Gap.Region <- function(matrix.data)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(matrix.data)
- gap = rep(0, n_bins)
- i=1
- while(i < n_bins)
- {
- j = i + 1
- while( j <= n_bins)
- {
- if( sum( matrix.data[i:j, i:j]) == 0 ) {
- gap[i:j] = -0.5
- j = j+1
- } else break
- }
- i = j
- }
- idx = which(gap == -0.5)
- return(idx)
- }
- Which.Gap.Region3 <- function(mean.cf)
- {
- n_bins = length(mean.cf)
- gapidx = which(mean.cf==0)
- return(gapidx)
- }
- Which.Gap.Region2 <- function(matrix.data, w)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(matrix.data)
- gap = rep(0, n_bins)
- for(i in 1:n_bins)
- {
- if( sum( matrix.data[i, max(1, i-w):min(i+w, n_bins)] ) == 0 ) gap[i]=-0.5
- }
- idx = which(gap == -0.5)
- return(idx)
- }
- Detect.Local.Extreme <- function(x)
- {
- n_bins = length(x)
- ret = rep(0, n_bins)
- x[is.na(x)]=0
- if(n_bins <= 3)
- {
- ret[which.min(x)]=-1
- ret[which.max(x)]=1
- return(ret)
- }
- new.point = Data.Norm(x=1:n_bins, y=x)
- x=new.point$y
- cp = Change.Point(x=1:n_bins, y=x)
- if( length(cp$cp) <= 2 ) return(ret)
- if( length(cp$cp) == n_bins) return(ret)
- for(i in 2:(length(cp$cp)-1))
- {
- if( x[cp$cp[i]] >= x[cp$cp[i]-1] && x[cp$cp[i]] >= x[cp$cp[i]+1] ) ret[cp$cp[i]] = 1
- else if(x[cp$cp[i]] < x[cp$cp[i]-1] && x[cp$cp[i]] < x[cp$cp[i]+1]) ret[cp$cp[i]] = -1
- min.val = min( x[ cp$cp[i-1] ], x[ cp$cp[i] ] )
- max.val = max( x[ cp$cp[i-1] ], x[ cp$cp[i] ] )
- if( min( x[cp$cp[i-1]:cp$cp[i]] ) < min.val ) ret[ cp$cp[i-1] - 1 + which.min( x[cp$cp[i-1]:cp$cp[i]] ) ] = -1
- if( max( x[cp$cp[i-1]:cp$cp[i]] ) > max.val ) ret[ cp$cp[i-1] - 1 + which.max( x[cp$cp[i-1]:cp$cp[i]] ) ] = 1
- }
- return(ret)
- }
- Data.Norm <- function(x, y)
- {
- ret.x = rep(0, length(x))
- ret.y = rep(0, length(y))
- ret.x[1] = x[1]
- ret.y[1] = y[1]
- diff.x = diff(x)
- diff.y = diff(y)
- scale.x = 1 / mean( abs(diff(x) ) )
- scale.y = 1 / mean( abs( diff(y) ) )
- for(i in 2:length(x))
- {
- ret.x[i] = ret.x[i-1] + (diff.x[i-1]*scale.x)
- ret.y[i] = ret.y[i-1] + (diff.y[i-1]*scale.y)
- }
- return(list(x=ret.x, y=ret.y))
- }
- Change.Point <- function( x, y )
- {
- if( length(x) != length(y))
- {
- print("ERROR : The length of x and y should be the same")
- return(0)
- }
- n_bins <- length(x)
- Fv <- rep(NA, n_bins)
- Ev <- rep(NA, n_bins)
- cp <- 1
- i=1
- Fv[1]=0
- while( i < n_bins )
- {
- j=i+1
- Fv[j] = sqrt( (x[j]-x[i])^2 + (y[j] - y[i] )^2 )
- while(j<n_bins)
- {
- j=j+1
- k=(i+1):(j-1)
- Ev[j] = ( sum( abs( (y[j]-y[i] )*x[k] - (x[j] -x[i])*y[k] - (x[i]*y[j]) + (x[j]*y[i]) ) ) / sqrt( (x[j]-x[i])^2 + (y[j] - y[i] )^2 ) )
- Fv[j] = sqrt( (x[j]-x[i])^2 + (y[j] - y[i])^2 ) - ( sum( abs( (y[j]-y[i] )*x[k] - (x[j] -x[i])*y[k] - (x[i]*y[j]) + (x[j]*y[i]) ) ) / sqrt( (x[j]-x[i])^2 + (y[j] - y[i] )^2 ) )
- if( is.na(Fv[j]) || is.na(Fv[j-1]) ) {
- j = j-1
- cp <- c(cp, j)
- break
- }
- if(Fv[j] < Fv[j-1] ) {
- j = j - 1
- cp <- c(cp, j )
- break
- }
- }
- i=j
- }
- cp <- c(cp, n_bins)
- return(list(cp=cp, objF=Fv, errF=Ev))
- }
- Get.Pvalue <- function( matrix.data, size, scale=1 )
- {
- n_bins = nrow(matrix.data)
- pvalue <- rep(1, n_bins)
- for( i in 1:(n_bins-1) )
- {
- dia = as.vector( Get.Diamond.Matrix2(matrix.data, i, size=size) )
- ups = as.vector( Get.Upstream.Triangle(matrix.data, i, size=size) )
- downs = as.vector( Get.Downstream.Triangle(matrix.data, i, size=size) )
- wil.test = wilcox.test(x=dia*scale, y=c(ups, downs), alternative="less", exact=F)
- pvalue[i] = wil.test$p.value
- }
- pvalue[ is.na(pvalue) ] = 1
- return(pvalue)
- }
- Get.Upstream.Triangle <- function(mat.data, i, size)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(mat.data)
- lower = max(1, i-size)
- tmp.mat = mat.data[lower:i, lower:i]
- return( tmp.mat[ upper.tri( tmp.mat, diag=F ) ] )
- }
- Get.Downstream.Triangle <- function(mat.data, i, size)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(mat.data)
- if(i==n_bins) return(NA)
- upperbound = min(i+size, n_bins)
- tmp.mat = mat.data[(i+1):upperbound, (i+1):upperbound]
- return( tmp.mat[ upper.tri( tmp.mat, diag=F ) ] )
- }
- Get.Diamond.Matrix2 <- function(mat.data, i, size)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(mat.data)
- new.mat = matrix(rep(NA, size*size), nrow=size, ncol=size)
- for(k in 1:size)
- {
- if(i-(k-1) >= 1 && i < n_bins)
- {
- lower = min(i+1, n_bins)
- upper = min(i+size, n_bins)
- new.mat[size-(k-1), 1:(upper-lower+1)] = mat.data[i-(k-1), lower:upper]
- }
- }
- return(new.mat)
- }
- Convert.Bin.To.Domain <- function(bins, signal.idx, gap.idx, pvalues=NULL, pvalue.cut=NULL)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(bins)
- ret = data.frame(chr=character(0), from.id=numeric(0), from.coord=numeric(0), to.id=numeric(0), to.coord=numeric(0), tag=character(0), size=numeric(0))
- levels( x=ret[, "tag"] ) = c("domain", "gap", "boundary")
- rmv.idx = setdiff(1:n_bins, gap.idx)
- proc.region = Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=0)
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"], "from.coord"]
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- gap = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("gap", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- rmv.idx = union(signal.idx, gap.idx)
- proc.region = Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=0)
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"], "from.coord"]
- domain = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("domain", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- rmv.idx = setdiff(1:n_bins, signal.idx)
- proc.region = as.data.frame( Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=1) )
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- if(n_procs>0)
- {
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"]+1, "from.coord"]
- boundary = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("boundary", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- ret = rbind(ret, boundary)
- }
- ret = rbind(gap, domain)
- ret = ret[order(ret[,3]), ]
- ret[, "to.coord"] = c(ret[2:nrow(ret), "from.coord"], bins[n_bins, "to.coord"])
- ret[, "from.id"] = match( ret[, "from.coord"], bins[, "from.coord"] )
- ret[, "to.id"] = match(ret[, "to.coord"], bins[, "to.coord"])
- ret[, "size"] = ret[,"to.coord"]-ret[,"from.coord"]
- if(!is.null(pvalues) && !is.null(pvalue.cut))
- {
- for(i in 1:nrow(ret))
- {
- if(ret[i, "tag"]=="domain")
- {
- domain.bins.idx = ret[i, "from.id"]:ret[i, "to.id"]
- p.value.constr = which( pvalues[ domain.bins.idx ] < pvalue.cut )
- if( length(domain.bins.idx) == length(p.value.constr)) ret[i, "tag"] = "boundary"
- }
- }
- }
- new.bdr.set = data.frame(chr=character(0), from.id=numeric(0), from.coord=numeric(0), to.id=numeric(0), to.coord=numeric(0), tag=character(0), size=numeric(0))
- stack.bdr = data.frame(chr=character(0), from.id=numeric(0), from.coord=numeric(0), to.id=numeric(0), to.coord=numeric(0), tag=character(0), size=numeric(0))
- i=1
- while(i <= nrow(ret))
- {
- if( ret[i, "tag"] == "boundary" )
- {
- stack.bdr = rbind(stack.bdr, ret[i, ])
- } else if(nrow(stack.bdr)>0) {
- new.bdr = data.frame(chr=bins[1, "chr"],
- from.id = min( stack.bdr[, "from.id"]),
- from.coord=min(stack.bdr[, "from.coord"]),
- to.id = max( stack.bdr[, "to.id"]),
- to.coord=max(stack.bdr[, "to.coord"]),
- tag="boundary",
- size=max(stack.bdr[, "to.coord"]) - min(stack.bdr[, "from.coord"]))
- new.bdr.set = rbind(new.bdr.set, new.bdr)
- stack.bdr = data.frame(chr=character(0), from.id=numeric(0), from.coord=numeric(0), to.id=numeric(0), to.coord=numeric(0), tag=character(0), size=numeric(0))
- }
- i = i + 1
- }
- ret = rbind( ret[ ret[, "tag"]!="boundary", ], new.bdr.set )
- ret = ret[order(ret[, "to.coord"]), ]
- return(ret)
- }
- Convert.Bin.To.Domain.TMP <- function(bins, signal.idx, gap.idx, pvalues=NULL, pvalue.cut=NULL)
- {
- n_bins = nrow(bins)
- ret = data.frame(chr=character(0), from.id=numeric(0), from.coord=numeric(0), to.id=numeric(0), to.coord=numeric(0), tag=character(0), size=numeric(0))
- levels( x=ret[, "tag"] ) = c("domain", "gap", "boundary")
- rmv.idx = setdiff(1:n_bins, gap.idx)
- proc.region = Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=0)
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"], "from.coord"]
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- gap = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("gap", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- rmv.idx = union(signal.idx, gap.idx)
- proc.region = Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=0)
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"], "from.coord"]
- domain = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("domain", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- rmv.idx = setdiff(1:n_bins, signal.idx)
- proc.region = as.data.frame( Which.process.region(rmv.idx, n_bins, min.size=1) )
- n_procs = nrow(proc.region)
- if(n_procs>0)
- {
- from.coord = bins[proc.region[, "start"]+1, "from.coord"]
- boundary = data.frame(chr=rep( bins[1, "chr"], n_procs), from.id=rep(0, n_procs), from.coord=from.coord, to.id=rep(0, n_procs), to.coord=rep(0, n_procs), tag=rep("boundary", n_procs), size=rep(0, n_procs), stringsAsFactors=F)
- ret = rbind(ret, boundary)
- }
- ret = rbind(gap, domain)
- ret = ret[order(ret[,3]), ]
- ret[, "to.coord"] = c(ret[2:nrow(ret), "from.coord"], bins[n_bins, "to.coord"])
- ret[, "from.id"] = match( ret[, "from.coord"], bins[, "from.coord"] )
- ret[, "to.id"] = match(ret[, "to.coord"], bins[, "to.coord"])
- ret[, "size"] = ret[,"to.coord"]-ret[,"from.coord"]
- if(!is.null(pvalues) && !is.null(pvalue.cut))
- {
- for(i in 1:nrow(ret))
- {
- if(ret[i, "tag"]=="domain")
- {
- domain.bins.idx = ret[i, "from.id"]:ret[i, "to.id"]
- p.value.constr = which( pvalues[ domain.bins.idx ] < pvalue.cut )
- if( length(domain.bins.idx) == length(p.value.constr)) ret[i, "tag"] = "boundary"
- }
- }
- }
- return(ret)
- }