array( 'attributes' => array(), 'items' => array(), 'start_index' => 0, 'controls' => TRUE, 'indicators' => TRUE, 'interval' => 5000, 'pause' => 'hover', 'wrap' => TRUE, ), ); // Bootstrap Dropdowns. $hooks['bootstrap_dropdown'] = array( 'render element' => 'element', ); // Bootstrap Modals. $hooks['bootstrap_modal'] = array( 'variables' => array( 'heading' => '', 'body' => '', 'footer' => '', 'dialog_attributes' => array(), 'attributes' => array(), 'size' => '', 'html_heading' => FALSE, ), ); // Bootstrap Panels. $hooks['bootstrap_panel'] = array( 'render element' => 'element', ); // Bootstrap search form wrapper. // @todo Remove this as it's not really needed and should use suggestions. $hooks['bootstrap_search_form_wrapper'] = array( 'render element' => 'element', ); return $hooks; } /** * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(). */ function bootstrap_theme_registry_alter(&$registry) { // Retrieve the active theme names. $themes = _bootstrap_get_base_themes(NULL, TRUE); // Return the theme registry unaltered if it is not Bootstrap based. if (!in_array('bootstrap', $themes)) { return; } // Inject the "footer" variable default in the existing "table" hook. // @see // @todo Make this discoverable in some way instead of a manual injection. $registry['table']['variables']['footer'] = NULL; // Process registered hooks in the theme registry. _bootstrap_process_theme_registry($registry, $themes); // Process registered hooks in the theme registry to add necessary theme hook // suggestion phased function invocations. This must be run after separately // and after all includes have been loaded. _bootstrap_process_theme_registry_suggestions($registry, $themes); // Merge both "html" and "page" theme hooks into "maintenance_page". Create // a fake "page" variable to satisfy both "html" and "page" preprocess/process // functions. Whether or not they stumble over each other doesn't matter since // the "maintenance_page" theme hook uses the "content" variable instead. $registry['maintenance_page']['variables']['page'] = array( '#show_messages' => TRUE, '#children' => NULL, 'page_bottom' => array(), 'page_top' => array(), ); foreach (array('html', 'page') as $theme_hook) { foreach (array('includes', 'preprocess functions', 'process functions') as $property) { if (!isset($registry['maintenance_page'][$property])) { $registry['maintenance_page'][$property] = array(); } if (!isset($registry[$theme_hook][$property])) { $registry[$theme_hook][$property] = array(); } $registry['maintenance_page'][$property] = array_merge($registry['maintenance_page'][$property], $registry[$theme_hook][$property]); } } // Post-process theme registry. This happens after all altering has occurred. foreach ($registry as $hook => $info) { // Ensure uniqueness. if (!empty($registry[$hook]['includes'])) { $registry[$hook]['includes'] = array_unique($info['includes']); } if (!empty($registry[$hook]['preprocess functions'])) { $registry[$hook]['preprocess functions'] = array_unique($info['preprocess functions']); } if (!empty($registry[$hook]['process functions'])) { $registry[$hook]['process functions'] = array_unique($info['process functions']); } // Ensure "theme path" is set. if (!isset($registry[$hook]['theme path'])) { $registry[$hook]['theme path'] = $GLOBALS['theme_path']; } } } /** * Processes registered hooks in the theme registry against list of themes. * * Discovers and fills missing elements in the theme registry. This is similar * to _theme_process_registry(), however severely modified for Bootstrap based * themes. * * All additions or modifications must live in `./templates`, relative to the * base theme or sub-theme's base folder. These files can be organized in any * order using sub-folders as it searches recursively. * * Adds or modifies the following theme hook keys: * - `includes`: When a variables file `*.vars.php` is found. * - `includes`: When a function file `*.func.php` is found. * - `function`: When a specific theme hook function override is found. * - `template`: When a template file `*.tpl.php` is found in. Note, if both * a function and a template are defined, a template implementation will * always be used and the `function` will be unset. * - `path`: When a template file `*.tpl.php` is found. * - `preprocess functions`: When a specific theme hook suggestion function * `hook_preprocess_HOOK__SUGGESTION` is found. * - `process functions` When a specific theme hook suggestion function * `hook_process_HOOK__SUGGESTION` is found. * * @param array $registry * The theme registry array, passed by reference. * @param string|array $themes * The name of the theme or list of theme names to process. * * @see bootstrap_theme_registry_alter() * @see _theme_process_registry() * @see _theme_build_registry() */ function _bootstrap_process_theme_registry(array &$registry, $themes) { // Convert to an array if needed. if (is_string($themes)) { $themes = array(); } // Processor functions work in two distinct phases with the process // functions always being executed after the preprocess functions. $variable_process_phases = array( 'preprocess functions' => 'preprocess', 'process functions' => 'process', ); // Iterate over each theme passed. // Iterate over the [pre]process phases. foreach ($variable_process_phases as $phase_key => $phase) { foreach ($themes as $theme) { // Get the theme's base path. $path = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme); // Find theme function overrides. foreach (drupal_system_listing('/\.(func|vars)\.php$/', $path, 'name', 0) as $name => $file) { // Strip off the extension. if (($pos = strpos($name, '.')) !== FALSE) { $name = substr($name, 0, $pos); } // Transform "-" in file names to "_" to match theme hook naming scheme. $hook = strtr($name, '-', '_'); // File to be included by core's theme function when a theme hook is // invoked. if (isset($registry[$hook])) { if (!isset($registry[$hook]['includes'])) { $registry[$hook]['includes'] = array(); } // Include the file now so functions can be discovered below. include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $file->uri; if (!in_array($file->uri, $registry[$hook]['includes'])) { $registry[$hook]['includes'][] = $file->uri; } } } // Process core's normal functionality. _theme_process_registry($registry, $theme, $GLOBALS['theme_key'] === $theme ? 'theme' : 'base_theme', $theme, $path); // Find necessary templates in the theme. $registry = drupal_array_merge_deep($registry, drupal_find_theme_templates($registry, '.tpl.php', $path)); // Iterate over each registered hook. foreach ($registry as $hook => $info) { // Ensure the current phase callback functions array exists. if (!isset($registry[$hook][$phase_key])) { $registry[$hook][$phase_key] = array(); } // Remove function callbacks if a template was found. if (isset($info['function']) && isset($info['template'])) { unset($registry[$hook]['function']); } // Correct template theme paths. if (!isset($info['theme path'])) { $registry[$hook]['theme path'] = $path; } // Correct the type that is implementing this override. $registry[$hook]['type'] = $GLOBALS['theme_path'] === $registry[$hook]['theme path'] ? 'theme' : 'base_theme'; // Sort the phase functions. // @see _bootstrap_registry_sort_phase_functions($registry[$hook][$phase_key], $hook, $phase, $themes); // Setup a default "context" variable. This allows #context to be passed // to every template and theme function. // @see if (isset($info['variables']) && !isset($info['variables']['context'])) { $registry[$hook]['variables']['context'] = array(); } // Setup a default "icon" variable. This allows #icon to be passed // to every template and theme function. // @see if (isset($info['variables']) && !isset($info['variables']['icon'])) { $registry[$hook]['variables']['icon'] = NULL; } if (isset($info['variables']) && !isset($info['variables']['icon_position'])) { $registry[$hook]['variables']['icon_position'] = 'before'; } } } } } /** * Ensures the phase functions are invoked in the correct order. * * @param array $functions * The phase functions to iterate over. * @param string $hook * The current hook being processed. * @param string $phase * The current phase being processed. * @param array $themes * An indexed array of current themes. * * @see */ function _bootstrap_registry_sort_phase_functions(array &$functions, $hook, $phase, array $themes) { // Immediately return if there is nothing to sort. if (count($functions) < 2) { return; } // Create an associative array of theme functions to ensure sort order. $theme_functions = array_fill_keys($themes, array()); // Iterate over all the themes. foreach ($themes as $theme) { // Only add the function to the array of theme functions if it currently // exists in the $functions array. $function = $theme . '_' . $phase . '_' . $hook; $key = array_search($function, $functions); if ($key !== FALSE) { // Save the theme function to be added later, but sorted. $theme_functions[$theme][] = $function; // Remove it from the current $functions array. unset($functions[$key]); } } // Iterate over all the captured theme functions and place them back into // the phase functions array. foreach ($theme_functions as $array) { $functions = array_merge($functions, $array); } } /** * Processes registered hooks in the theme registry against list of themes. * * This is used to add the necessary phased functions to theme hook suggestions. * Because it uses get_defined_functions(), it must be invoked after all * includes have been detected and loaded. This is similar to * drupal_find_theme_functions(), however severely modified for Bootstrap based * themes. * * @param array $registry * The theme registry array, passed by reference. * @param string|array $themes * The name of the theme or list of theme names to process. * * @see * @see drupal_find_theme_functions() */ function _bootstrap_process_theme_registry_suggestions(array &$registry, $themes) { // Convert to an array if needed. if (is_string($themes)) { $themes = array(); } // Merge in normal core detections first. $registry = drupal_array_merge_deep($registry, drupal_find_theme_functions($registry, $themes)); // Processor functions work in two distinct phases with the process // functions always being executed after the preprocess functions. $variable_process_phases = array( 'preprocess functions' => 'preprocess', 'process functions' => 'process', ); $grouped_functions = drupal_group_functions_by_prefix(); // Iterate over each theme passed. foreach ($themes as $theme) { // Iterate over each registered hook. foreach ($registry as $hook => $info) { // The pattern to match. $pattern = isset($info['pattern']) ? $info['pattern'] : ($hook . '__'); // Only process hooks that have not explicitly "turned off" patterns. if (empty($pattern)) { continue; } // Iterate over the [pre]process phases. foreach ($variable_process_phases as $phase_key => $phase) { // Find functions matching the specific theme and phase prefix. $prefix = $theme . '_' . $phase; // Grep only the functions which are within the prefix group. list($first_prefix,) = explode('_', $prefix, 2); if (isset($grouped_functions[$first_prefix]) && ($matches = preg_grep('/^' . $prefix . '_' . $pattern . '/', $grouped_functions[$first_prefix]))) { foreach ($matches as $match) { // Determine the current theme implementation. $hook = substr($match, strlen($prefix) + 1); $base_hook = $hook; // If there's no current theme implementation, keep checking for // more generic base hooks. If there's still no implementation, // one must be created using the last found implementation // information. if (!isset($registry[$base_hook]) || isset($registry[$base_hook]['base hook'])) { // Iteratively strip everything after the last '__' delimiter, // until an implementation is found. while ($pos = strrpos($base_hook, '__')) { $base_hook = substr($base_hook, 0, $pos); if (isset($registry[$base_hook])) { break; } } // No base hook was found, this allows the implementation to be // ignored in the next steps. if (!isset($registry[$base_hook])) { $base_hook = FALSE; } } // Process specific base hook implementations if necessary. if ($base_hook) { // The matched theme implementation does not exist in the // registry, one must be created if base hook information was // found, otherwise it will be ignored. if (!isset($registry[$hook])) { $registry[$base_hook] += array( 'type' => 'theme', 'preprocess functions' => array(), 'process functions' => array(), ); $hook_type = isset($registry[$base_hook]['function']) ? 'function' : 'template'; $arg_name = isset($registry[$base_hook]['variables']) ? 'variables' : 'render element'; $registry[$hook] = array( $hook_type => $registry[$base_hook][$hook_type], $arg_name => $registry[$base_hook][$arg_name], 'base hook' => $base_hook, 'type' => $registry[$base_hook]['type'], 'preprocess functions' => array(), 'process functions' => array(), ); if (isset($registry[$base_hook]['path'])) { $registry[$hook]['path'] = $registry[$base_hook]['path']; } if (isset($registry[$base_hook]['theme path'])) { $registry[$hook]['theme path'] = $registry[$base_hook]['theme path']; } } } // If the hook exists, merge in the functions. Otherwise ignore it // since there was no base hook found and a new implementation // could not be created. if (isset($registry[$hook])) { $registry[$hook] = drupal_array_merge_deep($registry[$hook], array( $phase_key => array($match), )); // Due to how theme() functions, if a base hook implements // preprocess or process functions, then the base hook info is // used to invoke the necessary phase functions instead of the // suggestion hook info. To get around this, a helper function // must be appended to the base hook info so it can call the // theme suggestion implementation's phase function. $function = '_bootstrap_' . $phase . '_theme_suggestion'; if (!in_array($function, $registry[$base_hook][$phase_key])) { $registry[$base_hook][$phase_key][] = $function; } } } } } } } } /** * Performance gain. * * Do not remove from 7.x. This function is not available in every core version. * * @see */ if (!function_exists('drupal_group_functions_by_prefix')) { /** * Group all user functions by word before first underscore. * * @return array * Functions grouped by the first prefix. */ function drupal_group_functions_by_prefix() { $functions = get_defined_functions(); $grouped_functions = array(); // Splitting user defined functions into groups by the first prefix. foreach ($functions['user'] as $function) { list($first_prefix,) = explode('_', $function, 2); $grouped_functions[$first_prefix][] = $function; } return $grouped_functions; } } /** * @} End of "addtogroup registry". */