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Generally speaking, these topics will not be very helpful to you unless you are a maintainer for this project. If you're simply curious about the process or even want to help improve this aspect of the project, all suggestions will be appreciated!

Drupal Bootstrap Styles

The stylesheets bundled with this base theme (formerly known as "overrides") have moved to a separate and dedicated project. Please file issues there:


This project attempts to provide more structured release notes. This allows the project to communicate more effectively to the users what exactly has changed and where to go for additional information. This documentation is intended for the project maintainers to help provide consistent results between releases.

Release notes template

The following is just a template to show a typical structured format used as release notes for this project:

<h3 id="change-records">Change Records</h3>
<!-- Change records table HTML -->

Optionally, you can insert any additional verbiage here.
However, if it is long, it should really be a change record.

<h3 id="notes">Notes</h3>

<p>Changes since <!-- previous release --> (<!-- commit count -->):</p>

<h3 id="security">Security Announcements</h3>
  <li><!-- Issue/Commit Message --></li>

<h3 id="features">New Features</h3>
  <li><!-- Issue/Commit Message --></li>

<h3 id="bugs">Bug Fixes</h3>
  <li><!-- Issue/Commit Message --></li>

Create a Release Node

{.alert.alert-info} NOTE: This project currently relies on the Drush Git Release Notes tool to automatically generate the the bulk of the release notes. This does, however, requires maintainers to do the following extra steps. This entire process will eventually be converted into a fully automated grunt task. Until then, please download and install this tool and follow the remaining steps.

  1. Create a tag in git that follows the previous version and push it to the repository.
  2. Create a project release node for this newly created tag.
  3. (Skip this step if this is a new "alpha/beta" release) In a separate tab, go to this project's releases page. Open and edit the previous release node. It should have followed the release note template. If it has, copy and paste its contents into the new release node body.
  4. In a separate tab, go to the change records for this project and filter by the new official release version ("alpha/beta/RC" releases should always use the next "official" version for their change records). If there are no change records, then remove this section. Otherwise, copy and paste the entire table into the template (replacing any existing one, if necessary).
  5. Generate a list of issues/commits by executing the following from the root of the project:

drush release-notes <old> <new> --commit-count (e.g. drush release-notes 7.x-3.0 7.x-3.1 --commit-count)

If this is a follow-up "alpha/beta/RC" release, always use the last "alpha/beta/RC" release version instead. This will allow for a quicker parsing of the list to merge into the previously copied release notes:

drush release-notes <old> <new> --commit-count (e.g. drush release-notes 7.x-3.1-beta2 7.x-3.1-beta3 --commit-count)

  1. Copy the entire generated output into the template, just under where the "Change Records" section would be, replacing only the commit count (do not replace the "since last {offical} version").
  2. Go though each item (<li>) that contains an issue link, ignoring duplicates and standalone verbiage (direct commits). Move (cut and paste) these items into the appropriate "New Features" or "Bug Fixes" sections.
  3. Once complete the generated list should be empty (e.g. <ul></ul>), remove it.
  4. Save the release node.