To override a setting, open ./subtheme/
and add the following:
is the name of the setting and VALUE
is the value.
Below is a complete list of default setting values in the Drupal Bootstrap base theme:
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
toggle_name | 1 |
toggle_search | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_fluid_container | 0 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_button_size | '' |
bootstrap_button_colorize | 1 |
bootstrap_button_iconize | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_image_shape | '' |
bootstrap_image_responsive | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_table_bordered | 0 |
bootstrap_table_condensed | 0 |
bootstrap_table_hover | 1 |
bootstrap_table_striped | 1 |
bootstrap_table_responsive | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_breadcrumb | 1 |
bootstrap_breadcrumb_home | 0 |
bootstrap_breadcrumb_title | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_navbar_position | '' |
bootstrap_navbar_inverse | 0 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_pager_first_and_last | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_region_well-navigation | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-header | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-highlighted | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-help | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-content | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-sidebar_first | 'well' |
bootstrap_region_well-sidebar_second | '' |
bootstrap_region_well-footer | '' |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_anchors_fix | 1 |
bootstrap_anchors_smooth_scrolling | 1 |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_forms_required_has_error | 0 |
bootstrap_forms_has_error_value_toggle | 1 |
bootstrap_forms_smart_descriptions | 1 |
bootstrap_forms_smart_descriptions_limit | 250 |
bootstrap_forms_smart_descriptions_allowed_tags | 'b, code, em, i, kbd, span, strong' |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_popover_enabled | 1 |
bootstrap_popover_animation | 1 |
bootstrap_popover_html | 0 |
bootstrap_popover_placement | 'right' |
bootstrap_popover_selector | '' |
[bootstrap_popover_trigger]['hover'] | 0 |
[bootstrap_popover_trigger]['focus'] | 0 |
[bootstrap_popover_trigger]['click'] | 'click' |
bootstrap_popover_trigger_autoclose | 1 |
bootstrap_popover_title | '' |
bootstrap_popover_content | '' |
bootstrap_popover_delay | 0 |
bootstrap_popover_container | 'body' |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_tooltip_enabled | 1 |
bootstrap_tooltip_animation | 1 |
bootstrap_tooltip_html | 0 |
bootstrap_tooltip_placement | 'auto left' |
bootstrap_tooltip_selector | '' |
[bootstrap_tooltip_trigger]['hover'] | 'hover' |
[bootstrap_tooltip_trigger]['focus'] | 'focus' |
[bootstrap_tooltip_trigger]['click'] | 0 |
bootstrap_tooltip_delay | 0 |
bootstrap_tooltip_container | 'body' |
Setting | Default value {.col-xs-4} |
bootstrap_cdn_provider | 'jsdelivr' |
bootstrap_cdn_custom_css | '' |
bootstrap_cdn_custom_css_min | '' |
bootstrap_cdn_custom_js | '' |
bootstrap_cdn_custom_js_min | '' |
bootstrap_cdn_jsdelivr_version | '3.4.1' |
bootstrap_cdn_jsdelivr_theme | 'bootstrap' |