1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- \name{org.My.egORGANISM}
- \alias{org.My.egORGANISM}
- \title{The Organism for org.My.eg}
- \description{
- org.My.egORGANISM is an R object that contains a single item: a
- character string that names the organism for which org.My.eg was built.
- }
- \details{
- Although the package name is suggestive of the organism for which it
- was built, org.My.egORGANISM provides a simple way to programmatically
- extract the organism name.
- }
- \seealso{
- \itemize{
- \item \code{\link[AnnotationDbi]{AnnotationDb-class}} for use of
- the \code{select()} interface.
- }
- }
- \examples{
- ## select() interface:
- ## Objects in this package can be accessed using the select() interface
- ## from the AnnotationDbi package. See ?select for details.
- ## Bimap interface:
- org.My.egORGANISM
- }
- \keyword{datasets}