#!/bin/bash #sequence_color.sh #get the gene.gff3 file and loaded into database sequence_color table. #Usage: sh sequence_color.sh /mnt/spruce/www/demo/geniecms/data/Egrandis_297_v2.0.gene.gff3 # if less than two arguments supplied, display error message if [ $# -le 0 ] then start='\033[0;33m' start_0='\033[0;33m' start_2='\033[0;31m' end='\033[0m' echo "\nUsage:\n$0 ${start}[file_name]${end}\nEx: ${start_2}sh sequence_color.sh gene.gff3${end} \nWhat it does?\n${start_0}This script will read input gff3 fil[file_name] and load feature coordinates to sequence_color table.${end}\n" exit 1 fi awk '/mRNA/{split($2,a,"=");sub(/ID=./,a[2]";");print $1;next}/gene/{;next}{sub(/ID=./,a[2]";");print $1}' FS=\; OFS=\; $1 | awk '!/#/{print $9"\t"$1"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5}' > tmp && sed -i 's/five_prime_UTR/5UTR/' tmp && sed -i 's/three_prime_UTR/3UTR/' tmp && /usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file="$(dirname "$0")"/.mysql.cnf --local_infile=1 <