@@ -324,90 +324,90 @@ function tripal_views_views_data() {
// only add joins if this is a base table
// this keeps the list of available fields manageable
// all other tables should be added via relationships
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id = :setup";
- $joins = db_query($sql, array(':setup' => $setup_id));
- if (!isset($joins)) {
- $joins = array();
- }
- foreach ($joins as $join) {
- $left_table = $join->left_table;
- $left_field = $join->left_field;
- $base_table = $join->base_table;
- $base_field = $join->base_field;
- $handler = $join->handler;
- $base_title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $base_table));
- $left_title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $left_table));
- // if the 'node' table is in our integrated list then
- // we want to skip it. It shouldn't be there.
- if ($left_table == 'node') {
- continue;
- }
- // add join entry
- if (!$join->relationship_only) {
- $data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table] = array(
- 'left_field' => $base_field,
- 'field' => $left_field,
- );
- if ($handler) {
- $data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table]['handler'] = $handler;
- }
- if (!empty($join->arguments)) {
- array_merge($data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table], unserialize($join->arguments));
- }
- }
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id = :setup";
+ $joins = db_query($sql, array(':setup' => $setup_id));
+ if (!isset($joins)) {
+ $joins = array();
+ }
+ foreach ($joins as $join) {
+ $left_table = $join->left_table;
+ $left_field = $join->left_field;
+ $base_table = $join->base_table;
+ $base_field = $join->base_field;
+ $handler = $join->handler;
+ $base_title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $base_table));
+ $left_title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $left_table));
- // warn if deprecated method of relationship addition was used (ie: through handlers)
- if (isset($data[$base_table][$base_field]['relationship'])) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_views', TRIPAL_NOTICE,
- 'DEPRECATED: Currently using tripal_views_handlers to store relationship for %base => %left when you should be using tripal_views_joins.',
- array('%base' => $base_table, '%left' => $left_table));
- }
+ // if the 'node' table is in our integrated list then
+ // we want to skip it. It shouldn't be there.
+ if ($left_table == 'node') {
+ continue;
+ }
- // Add relationship entry.
- // NOTE: we use a fake field name to allow us to have multiple
- // relationships for the same field (ie: feature.feature_id has many
- // Many relationships but views only supports a single one).
- $fake_field = $base_field . '_to_' . $left_table;
- // Bug Fix: The old $fake_field used above doesn't take into account
- // multiple relationships to the same left table. To keep backwards
- // compatibility, this old fake_field needs to continue to be used for
- // the LAST recorded relationship. However, for all previously set
- // relationships we can use an improved fake name which takes into
- // account the left field and ensures all relationships for a single
- // left table are not condensed into a single relationship.
- if (array_key_exists($fake_field, $data[$base_table])) {
- // Again, note that we can't just change the fake_name after finding
- // there is more than one relationship because then the FIRST
- // relationship would keep the old fake_name rather than the LAST
- // which keeps backwards compatiblity since the old naming caused all
- // previous relationships be be overridden by the next one.
- // Thus we first need to determine the left field of the previous
- // join for this table combination and then use that to form our
- // improved fake field.
- $previous_left_field = $data[$base_table][$fake_field]['relationship']['base field'];
- $improved_fake_field = $base_field . '_to_' . $left_table . "." . $previous_left_field;
- $data[$base_table][$improved_fake_field] = $data[$base_table][$fake_field];
- }
- $data[$base_table][$fake_field] = array(
- 'title' => "$base_title.$base_field => $left_title.$left_field",
- 'help' => t("Joins @base to @left", array('@base' => "$base_title.$base_field", '@left' => "$left_title.$left_field")),
- 'relationship' => array(
- 'handler' => $join->relationship_handler,
- 'title' => t("$base_field => $left_title ($left_field)"),
- 'label' => t("$base_field => $left_title ($left_field)"),
- 'real field' => $base_field,
- 'base' => $left_table,
- 'base field' => $left_field
- )
+ // add join entry
+ if (!$join->relationship_only) {
+ $data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table] = array(
+ 'left_field' => $base_field,
+ 'field' => $left_field,
+ if ($handler) {
+ $data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table]['handler'] = $handler;
+ }
if (!empty($join->arguments)) {
- array_merge($data[$base_table][$fake_field]['relationship'], unserialize($join->arguments));
+ array_merge($data[$left_table]['table']['join'][$base_table], unserialize($join->arguments));
+ // warn if deprecated method of relationship addition was used (ie: through handlers)
+ if (isset($data[$base_table][$base_field]['relationship'])) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_views', TRIPAL_NOTICE,
+ 'DEPRECATED: Currently using tripal_views_handlers to store relationship for %base => %left when you should be using tripal_views_joins.',
+ array('%base' => $base_table, '%left' => $left_table));
+ }
+ // Add relationship entry.
+ // NOTE: we use a fake field name to allow us to have multiple
+ // relationships for the same field (ie: feature.feature_id has many
+ // Many relationships but views only supports a single one).
+ $fake_field = $base_field . '_to_' . $left_table;
+ // Bug Fix: The old $fake_field used above doesn't take into account
+ // multiple relationships to the same left table. To keep backwards
+ // compatibility, this old fake_field needs to continue to be used for
+ // the LAST recorded relationship. However, for all previously set
+ // relationships we can use an improved fake name which takes into
+ // account the left field and ensures all relationships for a single
+ // left table are not condensed into a single relationship.
+ if (array_key_exists($fake_field, $data[$base_table])) {
+ // Again, note that we can't just change the fake_name after finding
+ // there is more than one relationship because then the FIRST
+ // relationship would keep the old fake_name rather than the LAST
+ // which keeps backwards compatiblity since the old naming caused all
+ // previous relationships be be overridden by the next one.
+ // Thus we first need to determine the left field of the previous
+ // join for this table combination and then use that to form our
+ // improved fake field.
+ $previous_left_field = $data[$base_table][$fake_field]['relationship']['base field'];
+ $improved_fake_field = $base_field . '_to_' . $left_table . "." . $previous_left_field;
+ $data[$base_table][$improved_fake_field] = $data[$base_table][$fake_field];
+ }
+ $data[$base_table][$fake_field] = array(
+ 'title' => "$base_title.$base_field => $left_title.$left_field",
+ 'help' => t("Joins @base to @left", array('@base' => "$base_title.$base_field", '@left' => "$left_title.$left_field")),
+ 'relationship' => array(
+ 'handler' => $join->relationship_handler,
+ 'title' => t("$base_field => $left_title ($left_field)"),
+ 'label' => t("$base_field => $left_title ($left_field)"),
+ 'real field' => $base_field,
+ 'base' => $left_table,
+ 'base field' => $left_field
+ )
+ );
+ if (!empty($join->arguments)) {
+ array_merge($data[$base_table][$fake_field]['relationship'], unserialize($join->arguments));
+ }
+ }
return $data;