@@ -125,20 +125,26 @@ function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form() {
database will not be altered.'),
'#default_value' => 1,
- $form['import_options']['refresh']= array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Import all and replace'),
- '#required' => FALSE,
- '#description' => t('Existing features will be updated and feature properties not
- present in the GFF file will be removed.'),
- );
- $form['import_options']['remove']= array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Delete features'),
- '#required' => FALSE,
- '#description' => t('Features present in the GFF file that exist in the database
- will be removed rather than imported'),
- );
+// SPF: there are bugs in refreshing and removing features. The bugs arise
+// if a feature in the GFF does not have a uniquename. GenSAS will auto
+// generate this uniquename and it will not be the same as a previous
+// load because it uses the date. This causes orphaned CDS/exons, UTRs
+// to be left behind during a delete or refresh. So, the short term
+// fix is to remove these options.
+// $form['import_options']['refresh']= array(
+// '#type' => 'checkbox',
+// '#title' => t('Import all and replace'),
+// '#required' => FALSE,
+// '#description' => t('Existing features will be updated and feature properties not
+// present in the GFF file will be removed.'),
+// );
+// $form['import_options']['remove']= array(
+// '#type' => 'checkbox',
+// '#title' => t('Delete features'),
+// '#required' => FALSE,
+// '#description' => t('Features present in the GFF file that exist in the database
+// will be removed rather than imported'),
+// );
$form['import_options']['create_organism']= array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Create organism'),
@@ -218,8 +224,8 @@ function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$create_organism = $form_state['values']['create_organism'];
$add_only = $form_state['values']['add_only'];
$update = $form_state['values']['update'];
- $refresh = $form_state['values']['refresh'];
- $remove = $form_state['values']['remove'];
+ $refresh = 0; //$form_state['values']['refresh'];
+ $remove = 0; //$form_state['values']['remove'];
$use_transaction = $form_state['values']['use_transaction'];
$line_number = trim($form_state['values']['line_number']);
$landmark_type = trim($form_state['values']['landmark_type']);
@@ -264,8 +270,8 @@ function tripal_feature_gff3_load_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id'];
$add_only = $form_state['values']['add_only'];
$update = $form_state['values']['update'];
- $refresh = $form_state['values']['refresh'];
- $remove = $form_state['values']['remove'];
+ $refresh = 0; //$form_state['values']['refresh'];
+ $remove = 0; //$form_state['values']['remove'];
$analysis_id = $form_state['values']['analysis_id'];
$use_transaction = $form_state['values']['use_transaction'];
$target_organism_id = $form_state['values']['target_organism_id'];
@@ -381,10 +387,19 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
$job = NULL) {
$ret = array();
+ $date = getdate();
- // empty the temp table
+ // An array that stores CVterms that have been looked up so we don't have
+ // to do the database query every time.
+ $cvterm_lookup = array();
+ // empty the temp tables
$sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_gff_temp}";
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_gffcds_temp}";
+ chado_query($sql);
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_gffprotein_temp}";
+ chado_query($sql);
// begin the transaction
$transaction = null;
@@ -429,7 +444,6 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
"Cannot find the 'sequence' ontology", array());
return '';
// get the organism for which this GFF3 file belongs
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} WHERE organism_id = :organism_id";
$organism = chado_query($sql, array(':organism_id' => $organism_id))->fetchObject();
@@ -454,6 +468,23 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
(lower(CVT.name) = lower(:name) or lower(CVTS.synonym) = lower(:synonym))
+ // If a landmark type was provided then pre-retrieve that.
+ if ($landmark_type) {
+ $query = array(
+ ':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id,
+ ':name' => $landmark_type,
+ ':synonym' => $landmark_type
+ );
+ $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, $query);
+ $landmark_cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
+ if (!$landmark_cvterm) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'cannot find landmark feature type \'%landmark_type\'.',
+ array('%landmark_type' => $landmark_type));
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
// iterate through each line of the GFF file
print "Parsing Line $line_num (0.00%). Memory: " . number_format(memory_get_usage()) . " bytes\r";
while ($line = fgets($fh)) {
@@ -491,20 +522,7 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
$rstart = $region_matches[2];
$rend = $region_matches[3];
if ($landmark_type) {
- $query = array(
- ':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id,
- ':name' => $landmark_type,
- ':synonym' => $landmark_type
- );
- $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, $query);
- $cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
- if (!$cvterm) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR,
- 'cannot find feature type \'%landmark_type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file',
- array('%landmark_type' => $landmark_type, '%line_num' => $line_num));
- return '';
- }
- tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $rid,
+ tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $landmark_cvterm, $rid,
$rid, '', 'f', 'f', 1, 0);
@@ -561,13 +579,18 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
if (strcmp($phase, '.') == 0) {
$phase = '';
- $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, array(':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id, ':name' => $type, ':synonym' => $type));
- $cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
- if (!$cvterm) {
- tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR, 'cannot find feature term \'%type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file',
- array('%type' => $type, '%line_num' => $line_num));
- return '';
+ if (array_key_exists($type, $cvterm_lookup)) {
+ $cvterm = $cvterm_lookup[$type];
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, array(':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id, ':name' => $type, ':synonym' => $type));
+ $cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
+ $cvterm_lookup[$type] = $cvterm;
+ if (!$cvterm) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR, 'cannot find feature term \'%type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file',
+ array('%type' => $type, '%line_num' => $line_num));
+ return '';
+ }
// break apart each of the attributes
@@ -650,7 +673,7 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
else {
- // we found the organism in the database so use it
+ // We found the organism in the database so use it.
$feature_organism = $org[0];
@@ -661,7 +684,7 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
$skip_feature = 1;
- // get the list of non-reserved attributes
+ // Get the list of non-reserved attributes.
elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Alias') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Parent') != 0 and
strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Gap') != 0 and
strcmp($tag_name, 'Derives_from') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Note') != 0 and
@@ -673,49 +696,46 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
- // if neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one
+ // If neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one.
if (!$attr_uniquename and !$attr_name) {
- // check if an alternate ID field is suggested, if so, then use
- // that for the name
+ // Check if an alternate ID field is suggested, if so, then use
+ // that for the name.
if (array_key_exists($alt_id_attr, $tags)) {
$attr_uniquename = $tags[$alt_id_attr][0];
$attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
- // if the row has a parent then generate a uniquename using the parent name
+ // If the row has a parent then generate a uniquename using the parent name
// add the date to the name in the event there are more than one child with
// the same parent.
elseif (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
- $date = getdate();
$attr_uniquename = $tags['Parent'][0] . "-$type-$landmark-" . $date[0] . ":" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax;
$attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
- // generate a unique name based on the date, type and location
- // and set the name to simply be the type
+ // Generate a unique name based on the date, type and location
+ // and set the name to simply be the type.
else {
- $date = getdate();
$attr_uniquename = $date[0] . "-$type-$landmark:" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax;
$attr_name = $type;
- // if a name is not specified then use the unique name as the name
+ // If a name is not specified then use the unique name as the name
if (strcmp($attr_name, '') == 0) {
$attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
- // if an ID attribute is not specified then we must generate a
+ // If an ID attribute is not specified then we must generate a
// unique ID. Do this by combining the attribute name with the date
// and line number.
if (!$attr_uniquename) {
- $date = getdate();
$attr_uniquename = $attr_name . '-' . $date[0] . '-' . $line_num;
- // make sure the landmark sequence exists in the database. If the user
- // has not specified a landmark type (and it's not requiredin the GFF foramt)
- // then We don't know the type of the landmark so we'll hope that it's unique across
- // all types for the orgnaism. Only do this test if the landmark and the feature are
- // different.
+ // Make sure the landmark sequence exists in the database. If the user
+ // has not specified a landmark type (and it's not required in the GFF
+ // format) then we don't know the type of the landmark so we'll hope
+ // that it's unique across all types for the orgnaism. Only do this
+ // test if the landmark and the feature are different.
if (!$remove and !(strcmp($landmark, $attr_uniquename) == 0 or strcmp($landmark, $attr_name) == 0)) {
$select = array(
'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
@@ -760,16 +780,17 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
return '';
- // if the option is to remove or refresh then we want to remove
+ // If the option is to remove or refresh then we want to remove
// the feature from the database.
if ($remove or $refresh) {
+ // Next remove the feature itself.
$sql = "DELETE FROM {feature}
WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
$match = array(
- 'organism_id' => $feature_organism->organism_id,
- 'uniquename' => $attr_uniquename,
- 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id
+ 'organism_id' => $feature_organism->organism_id,
+ 'uniquename' => $attr_uniquename,
+ 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id
$result = chado_delete_record('feature', $match);
if (!$result) {
@@ -779,19 +800,19 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
$feature = 0;
- // add or update the feature and all properties
+ */
+ // Add or update the feature and all properties.
if ($update or $refresh or $add_only) {
- // add/update the feature
+ // Add/update the feature.
$feature = tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($feature_organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm,
$attr_uniquename, $attr_name, $residues, $attr_is_analysis,
$attr_is_obsolete, $add_only, $score);
if ($feature) {
- // add a record for this feature to the tripal_gff_temp table for
- // later lookup
+ // Add a record for this feature to the tripal_gff_temp table for
+ // later lookup.
$values = array(
'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
'organism_id' => $feature->organism_id,
@@ -830,7 +851,8 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
// add parent relationships
if (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
- tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $tags['Parent'], $feature_organism->organism_id, $fmin);
+ tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $tags['Parent'],
+ $feature_organism->organism_id, $strand, $phase, $fmin, $fmax);
// add target relationships
@@ -851,7 +873,8 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
// add the Derives_from relationship (e.g. polycistronic genes).
if (array_key_exists('Derives_from', $tags)) {
- tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $tags['Derives_from'][0], $feature_organism);
+ tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $cvterm, $tags['Derives_from'][0],
+ $feature_organism, $fmin, $fmax);
// add in the GFF3_source dbxref so that GBrowse can find the feature using the source column
$source_ref = array('GFF_source:' . $source);
@@ -869,7 +892,76 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
+ // Do some last bit of processing.
if (!$remove) {
+ // First, add any protein sequences if needed.
+ $sql = "SELECT feature_id FROM {tripal_gffcds_temp} LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1";
+ $has_cds = chado_query($sql)->fetchField();
+ if ($has_cds) {
+ print "\nAdding protein sequences if CDS exist and no proteins in GFF...\n";
+ $sql = "
+ SELECT F.feature_id, F.name, F.uniquename, TGCT.strand,
+ CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.name as feature_type,
+ min(TGCT.fmin) as fmin, max(TGCT.fmax) as fmax,
+ TGPT.feature_id as protein_id, TGPT.fmin as protein_fmin,
+ TGPT.fmax as protein_fmax
+ FROM {tripal_gffcds_temp} TGCT
+ INNER JOIN {feature} F on F.feature_id = TGCT.parent_id
+ INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = F.type_id
+ LEFT JOIN {tripal_gffprotein_temp} TGPT on TGPT.parent_id = F.feature_id
+ GROUP BY F.feature_id, F.name, F.uniquename, CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.name,
+ TGPT.feature_id, TGPT.fmin, TGPT.fmax, TGCT.strand
+ ";
+ $results = chado_query($sql);
+ $protein_cvterm = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
+ 'name' => 'polypeptide',
+ 'cv_id' => array(
+ 'name' => 'sequence'
+ )
+ ));
+ while ($result = $results->fetchObject()) {
+ // If a protein exists with this same parent then don't add a new
+ // protein.
+ if (!$result->protein_id) {
+ // Get details about this protein
+ $uname = $result->uniquename . '-protein';
+ $name = $result->name;
+ $values = array(
+ 'parent_id' => $result->feature_id,
+ 'fmin' => $result->fmin
+ );
+ $min_phase = chado_select_record('tripal_gffcds_temp', array('phase'), $values);
+ $values = array(
+ 'parent_id' => $result->feature_id,
+ 'fmax' => $result->fmax
+ );
+ $max_phase = chado_select_record('tripal_gffcds_temp', array('phase'), $values);
+ $pfmin = $result->fmin;
+ $pfmax = $result->fmax;
+ if ($result->strand == '-1') {
+ $pfmax -= $max_phase[0]->phase;
+ }
+ else {
+ $pfmin += $min_phase[0]->phase;
+ }
+ // Add the new protein record.
+ $feature = tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id,
+ $protein_cvterm, $uname, $name, '', 'f', 'f', 1, 0);
+ // Add the derives_from relationship.
+ $cvterm = tripal_get_cvterm(array('cvterm_id' => $result->cvterm_id));
+ tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $cvterm,
+ $result->uniquename, $organism, $pfmin, $pfmax);
+ // Add the featureloc record. Set the start of the protein to
+ // be the start of the coding sequence minus the phase.
+ tripal_feature_load_gff3_featureloc($feature, $organism, $landmark,
+ $pfmin, $pfmax, $strand, '', 'f', 'f', '', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
print "\nSetting ranks of children...\n";
// get features in a relationship that are also children of an alignment
@@ -977,37 +1069,42 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
* @ingroup gff3_loader
-function tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $subject, $organism) {
+function tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $cvterm, $object,
+ $organism, $fmin, $fmax) {
- // get the subject. If the subject is not in the tripal_gff_temp table
- // then look for the subject in the feature table using the unique name.
- // if it is not unique then we can provide an error
+ $type = $cvterm->name;
+ // First look for the object feature in the temp table to get it's type.
$values = array(
'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
- 'uniquename' => $subject,
+ 'uniquename' => $object,
$result = chado_select_record('tripal_gff_temp', array('type_name'), $values);
- $type_id = array();
+ $type_id = NULL;
if (count($result) > 0) {
- $type_id = array(
+ $otype = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
'name' => $result[0]->type_name,
'cv_id' => array(
'name' => 'sequence'
- ),
- );
+ )
+ ));
+ if ($otype) {
+ $type_id = $otype->cvterm_id;
+ }
- // if we don't have a subject type then look for the feature in the feature table
- if (empty($type_id)) {
+ // If the object wasn't in the temp table then look for it in the
+ // feature table and get it's type.
+ if (!$type_id) {
$result = chado_select_record('feature', array('type_id'), $values);
if (count($result) > 1) {
- watchdog("tripal_feature", "Cannot find subject type for feature,'%subject' , in 'derives_from' relationship. Multiple matching features exist with this uniquename.",
- array('%subject' => $subject), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
+ watchdog("tripal_feature", "Cannot find feature type for, '%subject' , in 'derives_from' relationship. Multiple matching features exist with this uniquename.",
+ array('%subject' => $object), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
return '';
else if (count($result) == 0) {
- watchdog("tripal_feature", "Cannot find subject type for feature,'%subject' , in 'derives_from' relationship.",
- array('%subject' => $subject), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
+ watchdog("tripal_feature", "Cannot find feature type for, '%subject' , in 'derives_from' relationship.",
+ array('%subject' => $object), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
return '';
else {
@@ -1015,28 +1112,39 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $subject, $organism) {
- // get the subject feature
+ // Get the object feature.
$match = array(
'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
- 'uniquename' => $subject,
- 'type_id' => array(
- 'name' => $subject_type,
- 'cv_id' => array(
- 'name' => 'sequence'
- ),
- ),
+ 'uniquename' => $object,
+ 'type_id' => $type_id,
- $sfeature = chado_select_record('feature', array('feature_id'), $match);
- if (count($sfeature)==0) {
+ $ofeature = chado_select_record('feature', array('feature_id'), $match);
+ if (count($ofeature) == 0) {
tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Could not add 'Derives_from' relationship " .
"for %uniquename and %subject. Subject feature, '%subject', " .
"cannot be found", array('%uniquename' => $feature->uniquename, '%subject' => $subject));
- // now check to see if the relationship already exists
+ // If this feature is a protein then add it to the tripal_gffprotein_temp.
+ if ($type == 'protein' or $type == 'polypeptide') {
+ $values = array(
+ 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
+ 'parent_id' => $ofeature[0]->feature_id,
+ 'fmin' => $fmin,
+ 'fmax' => $fmax
+ );
+ $result = chado_insert_record('tripal_gffprotein_temp', $values);
+ if (!$result) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Cound not save record in temporary protein table, Cannot continue.", array());
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now check to see if the relationship already exists. If it does
+ // then just return.
$values = array(
- 'object_id' => $sfeature[0]->feature_id,
+ 'object_id' => $ofeature[0]->feature_id,
'subject_id' => $feature->feature_id,
'type_id' => array(
'cv_id' => array(
@@ -1070,13 +1178,14 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $subject, $organism) {
* @ingroup gff3_loader
-function tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $parents, $organism_id, $fmin) {
+function tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $parents,
+ $organism_id, $strand, $phase, $fmin, $fmax) {
$uname = $feature->uniquename;
$type = $cvterm->name;
$rel_type = 'part_of';
- // prepare these SQL statements that will be used repeatedly.
+ // Prepare these SQL statements that will be used repeatedly.
$cvterm_sql = "
SELECT CVT.cvterm_id
FROM {cvterm} CVT
@@ -1085,9 +1194,9 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $parents, $organism
WHERE cv.name = :cvname and (CVT.name = :name or CVTS.synonym = :synonym)
- // iterate through the parents in the list
+ // Iterate through the parents in the list.
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
- // get the parent cvterm
+ // Get the parent cvterm.
$values = array(
'organism_id' => $organism_id,
'uniquename' => $parent,
@@ -1136,6 +1245,24 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $parents, $organism
+ // If this feature is a CDS and now that we know the parent we can
+ // add it to the tripal_gffcds_temp table for later lookup.
+ if ($type == 'CDS') {
+ $values = array(
+ 'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
+ 'parent_id' => $parent_feature->feature_id,
+ 'fmin' => $fmin,
+ 'fmax' => $fmax,
+ 'strand' => $strand,
+ 'phase' => $phase,
+ );
+ $result = chado_insert_record('tripal_gffcds_temp', $values);
+ if (!$result) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_feature', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Cound not save record in temporary CDS table, Cannot continue.", array());
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
else {
tripal_report_error("tripal_feature", TRIPAL_WARNING, "Cannot establish relationship '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type): Cannot find the parent",
@@ -1482,12 +1609,12 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_alias($feature, $aliases) {
function tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $uniquename,
$name, $residues, $is_analysis = 'f', $is_obsolete = 'f', $add_only, $score) {
- // check to see if the feature already exists
+ // Check to see if the feature already exists.
$feature = NULL;
$fselect = array(
- 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
- 'uniquename' => $uniquename,
- 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id
+ 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
+ 'uniquename' => $uniquename,
+ 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id
$columns = array('feature_id', 'name', 'uniquename', 'seqlen', 'organism_id', 'type_id');
$result = chado_select_record('feature', $columns, $fselect);
@@ -1508,21 +1635,21 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $uni
$is_analysis = 'TRUE';
- // insert the feature if it does not exist otherwise perform an update
+ // Insert the feature if it does not exist otherwise perform an update.
if (!$feature) {
$values = array(
- 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'uniquename' => $uniquename,
-// 'residues' => $residues,
-// 'seqlen' => drupal_strlen($residues),
- 'md5checksum' => md5($residues),
- 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id,
- 'is_analysis' => $is_analysis,
- 'is_obsolete' => $is_obsolete,
+ 'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'uniquename' => $uniquename,
+// 'residues' => $residues,
+// 'seqlen' => drupal_strlen($residues),
+ 'md5checksum' => md5($residues),
+ 'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id,
+ 'is_analysis' => $is_analysis,
+ 'is_obsolete' => $is_obsolete,
- $result = chado_insert_record('feature', $values);
- if (!$result) {
+ $feature = (object) chado_insert_record('feature', $values);
+ if (!$feature) {
tripal_report_error("tripal_feature", TRIPAL_WARNING, "Failed to insert feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name)", array());
return 0;
@@ -1548,17 +1675,13 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $uni
else {
- // the feature exists and we don't want to update it so return
+ // The feature exists and we don't want to update it so return
// a value of 0. This will stop all downstream property additions
- return 0;
+ return $feature;
- // get the newly added feature
- $columns = array('feature_id', 'name', 'uniquename', 'seqlen', 'organism_id', 'type_id');
- $result = chado_select_record('feature', $columns, $fselect);
- $feature = $result[0];
- // add the analysisfeature entry to the analysisfeature table if it doesn't already exist
+ // Add the analysisfeature entry to the analysisfeature table if
+ // it doesn't already exist.
$af_values = array(
'analysis_id' => $analysis_id,
'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id
@@ -1589,6 +1712,7 @@ function tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $uni
return $feature;