@@ -192,6 +192,60 @@ function hook_bundle_create(&$bundle, $storage_args) {
function hook_bundle_postcreate(&$bundle) {
+ * Allows a module to add admin notifications to the associated tripal table
+ * during the cron run.
+ *
+ */
+function hook_tripal_cron_notification() {
+ * Allows a module to write to the admin notification table
+ * during the cron run.
+ *
+ * @param $title
+ * A generic phrase indicating what the notification is for.
+ * @param $details
+ * A human-readable sentence or two describing the issue.
+ * @param $type
+ * A one word type indicating the type of notification. Tripal types include: Jobs, Fields.
+ * If not type is required please pass NULL.
+ * @param $actions
+ * A serialized PHP associative array containing the link and URL for each action.
+ * If not type is required please pass NULL.
+ * @param $submitter_id
+ * A unique ID provided by the submitter for checking to make sure that the notification is not added more than once.
+ */
+function tripal_add_notifcation($title, $details, $type, $actions, $submitter_id) {
+ $transaction = db_transaction();
+ // Check the notification isn't already in the admin notification table.
+ $dedup = db_select('tripal_admin_notfications', 'tan')
+ ->fields('tan')
+ ->condition('submitter_id', $submitter_id, '=')
+ ->execute()->fetchAll();
+ if (empty($dedup)) {
+ try {
+ $record = new stdClass;
+ $record->details = $details;
+ $record->title = $title;
+ $record->submitter_id = $submitter_id;
+ $record->actions = serialize($actions);
+ $record->enabled = 1;
+ $record->type = $type;
+ drupal_write_record('tripal_admin_notfications', $record);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ $transaction->rollback();
+ watchdog('tripal_cron', 'Could not write notification to database.');
+ }
+ if ($success) {
+ watchdog('tripal_cron', 'New field notification created.');
+ }
+ }
* Creates a new Tripal Entity type (i.e. bundle).
@@ -397,7 +451,11 @@ function tripal_get_content_types() {
function tripal_cron() {
if (variable_get('tripal_admin_notification_creation_during_cron', TRUE)) {
- tripal_refresh_bundle_fields_cron();
+ $modules = module_implements('tripal_cron_notification');
+ foreach ($modules as $module) {
+ $function = $module . '_tripal_cron_notification';
+ $function();
+ }
watchdog('tripal_cron', 'tripal_cron ran');
@@ -408,7 +466,7 @@ function tripal_cron() {
* @param $bundle_name
* The name of the bundle to refresh (e.g. bio_data_4).
-function tripal_refresh_bundle_fields_cron() {
+function tripal_tripal_cron_notification() {
$num_created = 0;
// Get all bundle names to cycle through.
@@ -430,25 +488,20 @@ function tripal_refresh_bundle_fields_cron() {
$function = $module . '_bundle_create_fields';
$info = $function('TripalEntity', $bundle);
foreach ($info as $field_name => $details) {
- $field_type = $details['type'];
// If the field already exists then skip it.
$field = field_info_field($details['field_name']);
if ($field) {
// Create notification that new fields exist.
- $detail_info = 'Bundle: ' . $bundle_name->name. '. Type: ' . $details['storage']['type'] . '. Field name: ' . $details['field_name'] . '.';
- // Check the notification isn't already in the admin notification table.
- $notifications = db_select('tripal_admin_notfications', 'tan')
- ->fields('tan')
- ->condition('title', $details['field_name'], '=')
- ->condition('bundle_id', $bundle_name->name, '=')
- ->execute()->fetchAll();
- if ($notifications) {
- continue;
- }
- tripal_admin_notifications_creation($detail_info, $details['field_name'], $bundle_name->name, $module, TRUE, 'Field');
+ $detail_info = ' Tripal has detected a field named ' . $details['field_name'] . ' is available for the ' . $bundle->label. ' content type.';
+ $title = 'New field available';
+ $actions['import'] = 'admin/import/field/' . $details['field_name'] . '/' . $bundle_name->name . '/' . $module;
+ $type = 'Field';
+ $submitter_id = $details['field_name'] . '-' . $bundle_name->name . '-' . $module;
+ tripal_add_notifcation($title, $detail_info, $type, $actions, $submitter_id);
@@ -466,18 +519,15 @@ function tripal_refresh_bundle_fields_cron() {
in_array($bundle->name, $field['bundles']['TripalEntity'])) {
// Create notification that new fields exist.
- $detail_info = 'Bundle: ' . $bundle_name->name. '. Type: ' . $details['storage']['type'] . '. Field name: ' . $details['field_name'] . '.';
- // Check the notification isn't already in the admin notification table.
- $notifications = db_select('tripal_admin_notfications', 'tan')
- ->fields('tan')
- ->condition('title', $details['field_name'], '=')
- ->condition('bundle_id', $bundle_name->name, '=')
- ->execute()->fetchAll();
- if ($notifications) {
- continue;
- }
- tripal_admin_notifications_creation($detail_info, $details['field_name'], $bundle_name->name, $module, TRUE, 'Field');
+ $detail_info = ' Tripal has detected a field named ' . $details['field_name'] . ' is available for the ' . $bundle->name. ' content type.';
+ $title = 'New field available';
+ $actions['import'] = 'admin/import/field/' . $details['field_name'] . '/' . $bundle->label . '/' . $module;
+ $type = 'Field';
+ $submitter_id = $details['field_name'] . '-' . $bundle_name->name . '-' . $module;
+ tripal_add_notifcation($title, $detail_info, $type, $actions, $submitter_id);
@@ -487,32 +537,6 @@ function tripal_refresh_bundle_fields_cron() {
- * Implements .
- */
-function tripal_admin_notifications_creation($info, $title, $bundle, $module, $enabled, $type) {
- try {
- $success = db_insert('tripal_admin_notfications')
- ->fields( array(
- 'info' => $info,
- 'title' => $title,
- 'bundle_id' => $bundle,
- 'module' => $module,
- 'enabled' => $enabled,
- 'type' => $type,
- ))
- ->execute();
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- watchdog('tripal_cron', 'Could not write notification to database.');
- }
- if($success){
- watchdog('tripal_cron', 'New field notification created.');
- }
* Retrieves information about a given content type.