@@ -44,3 +44,30 @@ function tripal_analysis_unregister_child($modulename) {
db_query($sql, array(':modname' => $modulename));
db_query($sql, array(':modname' => $modulename));
+ * Get the analysis node same as node_load would but allowing different arguements
+ *
+ * @param $itentifier
+ * an array with the key stating what the identifier is. Supported keys (only on of the
+ * following unique keys is required):
+ * - analysis_id: the chado analysis.analysis_id primary key
+ * - nid: the drupal node.nid primary key
+ * @return
+ * the analysis node matching the passed in identifier
+ */
+function chado_get_analysis($identifier) {
+ // If the analysis_id is passed in then use it to get the nid
+ if (isset($identifier['analysis_id'])) {
+ $identifier['nid'] = chado_get_nid_from_id('analysis', $identifier['analysis_id']);
+ }
+ // Using the nid, get the node
+ if (isset($identifier['nid'])) {
+ return node_load($identifier['nid']);
+ }
+ // If there is neither the nid or analysis_id then return FALSE to indicate we failed
+ return FALSE;