@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+namespace Tests\tripal_chado\api;
+use StatonLab\TripalTestSuite\DBTransaction;
+use StatonLab\TripalTestSuite\TripalTestCase;
+class TripalChadoMViewsAPITest extends TripalTestCase {
+ // Use a transaction to roll back changes after every test.
+ use DBTransaction;
+ // This variable holds example materialized views that can be used
+ // by the unit tests below.
+ private $example_mviews = [
+ 'analysis_organism_test' => [
+ 'schema' => [
+ 'table' => 'analysis_organism_test',
+ 'description' => 'This view is for associating an organism (via it\'s associated features) to an analysis.',
+ 'fields' => [
+ 'analysis_id' => [
+ 'size' => 'big',
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'not null' => true,
+ ],
+ 'organism_id' => [
+ 'size' => 'big',
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'not null' => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'indexes' => [
+ 'networkmod_qtl_indx0' => [
+ 0 => 'analysis_id',
+ ],
+ 'networkmod_qtl_indx1' => [
+ 0 => 'organism_id',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'foreign keys' => [
+ 'analysis' => [
+ 'table' => 'analysis',
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'analysis_id' => 'analysis_id',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'organism' => [
+ 'table' => 'organism',
+ 'columns' => [
+ 'organism_id' => 'organism_id',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'sql' => "
+ SELECT DISTINCT A.analysis_id, O.organism_id
+ FROM analysis A
+ INNER JOIN analysisfeature AF ON A.analysis_id = AF.analysis_id
+ INNER JOIN feature F ON AF.feature_id = F.feature_id
+ INNER JOIN organism O ON O.organism_id = F.organism_id
+ ",
+ 'comment' => 'This view is for associating an organism (via it\'s associated features) to an analysis.',
+ 'module' => 'tripal_chado',
+ ],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Test creation of a new materialized view.
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_add_mview() {
+ // Add the analysis_organism mview.
+ $mview_name = 'analysis_organism_test';
+ $mview_module = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['module'];
+ $mview_sql = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['sql'];
+ $mview_schema = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['schema'];
+ $mview_comment = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['comment'];
+ $success = chado_add_mview($mview_name, $mview_module, $mview_schema, $mview_sql, $mview_comment, FALSE);
+ $this->assertTrue($success, "Failed to create materialized view: $mview_name");
+ // Make sure that the entry is now there.
+ $mview = db_select('tripal_mviews', 'tm')
+ ->fields('tm')
+ ->condition('name', $mview_name)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchObject();
+ $this->assertTrue(is_object($mview),
+ "Failed to find the materialized view, $mview_name, in the tripal_mviews table");
+ // Make sure that all of the fields exist and were properly added.
+ $this->assertTrue($mview->modulename == $mview_module,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the modulename field is incorrect: '$mview_module' != '$mview->modulename'");
+ $this->assertTrue($mview->mv_table == $mview_name,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the mv_table field does not match input.");
+ $this->assertTrue($mview->query == $mview_sql,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the query field does not match input.");
+ $this->assertTrue($mview->comment == $mview_comment,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the comment field does not match input.");
+ $this->assertNULL($mview->status,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the status field should be NULL.");
+ $this->assertNULL($mview->last_update,
+ "Failed to create a proper materialized the last_update field should be NULL.");
+ // Make sure the table exists.
+ $this->assertTrue(chado_table_exists($mview_name),
+ "Materialized view, $mview_name, was added to the tripal_mviews table but the table was not created.");
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test deletion of a materialized view.
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_delete_mview() {
+ // Make sure the mview is present.
+ $mview_name = 'analysis_organism_test';
+ $mview_module = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['module'];
+ $mview_sql = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['sql'];
+ $mview_schema = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['schema'];
+ $mview_comment = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['comment'];
+ $success = chado_add_mview($mview_name, $mview_module, $mview_schema, $mview_sql, $mview_comment, FALSE);
+ $this->assertTrue($success, "Failed to create materialized view: $mview_name");
+ // Get the mview_id.
+ $mview = db_select('tripal_mviews', 'tm')
+ ->fields('tm')
+ ->condition('name', $mview_name)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchObject();
+ $this->assertTrue(is_object($mview),
+ "Failed to find the materialized view, $mview_name, in the tripal_mviews table");
+ $mview_id = $mview->mview_id;
+ // Now run the API function to delete it.
+ $success = chado_delete_mview($mview_id);
+ $this->assertTrue($success,
+ "Materialized view, $mview_name, could not be deleted.");
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ // Make sure the table is gone.
+ $this->assertFalse(chado_table_exists($mview_name),
+ "Materialized view, $mview_name, table failed to be removed after deletion.");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test modifications to a materialized view
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_edit_mview() {
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test adding a Tripal Job to re-populate a materialized view
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_refresh_mview() {
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test re-populating a materialized view.
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_populate_mview() {
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test modifications to a materialized view
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_get_mview_id() {
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test retrieving names of the materialized views.
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_get_mview_table_names() {
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test retrieving all materialized view objects.
+ *
+ * @group api
+ */
+ public function test_chado_get_mviews() {
+ // TODO: this is currently a stub for a test function that neds
+ // implementation. For now it returns true to get past unit testing.
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Issue 322 reported the problem of re-adding a materialized view after
+ * the actual table had been manually removed outside of Tripal. The
+ * function reported errors.
+ *
+ * @ticket 322
+ */
+ public function test_re_adding_deleted_mview_issue_322() {
+ // Add the analysis_organism mview.
+ $mview_name = 'analysis_organism_test';
+ $mview_module = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['module'];
+ $mview_sql = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['sql'];
+ $mview_schema = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['schema'];
+ $mview_comment = $this->example_mviews[$mview_name]['comment'];
+ $success = chado_add_mview($mview_name, $mview_module, $mview_schema, $mview_sql, $mview_comment, FALSE);
+ $this->assertTrue($success, "Failed to create materialized view: $mview_name");
+ // Now simulate manual deletion of the table outside of the API.
+ chado_query('DROP TABLE {' . $mview_name . '}');
+ // Make sure the table no longer exists.
+ $this->assertFalse(chado_table_exists($mview_name),
+ "Failed to manually remove the materialized view, cannot complete the test.");
+ // Now try to read the mview. Previously, the behavior was the the mview
+ // table would not be created because Tripal thinks it's already there.
+ $success = chado_add_mview($mview_name, $mview_module, $mview_schema, $mview_sql, $mview_comment, FALSE);
+ $this->assertTrue($success, "Failed to re-create materialized view: $mview_name");
+ // Now make sure the mview table exists.
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ $this->assertTrue(chado_table_exists($mview_name),
+ "Manually removing a materialized views throws off the chado_add_mview function when the mview is re-added. See Issue #322");
+ $this->reset_tables();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The chado_table_exists() function mantains a global variable to keep track
+ * of which tables exist. If the table exists then it stores that info in
+ * the global variable. This is because lots of queries perform a check to
+ * see if the tables exist and that can have a major performance hit.
+ *
+ * Because we are creating and dropping Chado tables in our tests it throws
+ * off the array and we need to reset it. Normally this isn't a problem
+ * because this would get reset on every page load anyone. For testing it
+ * doesn't.
+ */
+ public function reset_tables() {
+ $GLOBALS["chado_tables"] = [];
+ }