@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_loader_job_form_submit ($form, $form_state) {
$job_args[1] = $form_state['values']['nid'];
if (is_readable($form_state['values']['file'])) {
$fname = basename($form_state['values']['file']);
- tripal_add_job("Bulk Loading Job: $fname",'tripal_bulk_loader', 'tripal_bulk_loader_load_data', $job_args, $user->uid);
+ $job_id = tripal_add_job("Bulk Loading Job: $fname",'tripal_bulk_loader', 'tripal_bulk_loader_load_data', $job_args, $user->uid);
+ // add job_id to bulk_loader node
} else {
drupal_set_message("Can not open ".$form_state['values']['file'].". Job not scheduled.");
@@ -64,63 +67,38 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid) {
print "File: ".$node->file."\n";
// Prep Work ==================================================================================
- // get base table and it's table_description array
- $base_table = $node->template->template_array['module'];
- $base_table_desc = module_invoke_all('chado_'.$base_table.'_schema');
- $related_tables = module_invoke_all('tripal_bulk_loader_'.$base_table.'_related_tables');
- //print "Base Table: ".print_r($base_table,TRUE)."\nTable DEscription: ".print_r($base_table_desc, TRUE)."\nTemplate array: ".print_r($node->template->template_array,TRUE)."\n";
- // get a default values array to be passed into tripal_core_chado_insert
- // and get a mapping between table.field and spreadsheet column
- // also determine relationship between each table and base table
- $default_values_array = array();
+ // Generate default values array
+ $default_data = array();
$field2column = array();
- $relationships2base = array();
- $all_tables = array();
- foreach ($node->template->template_array as $table => $table_groups) {
- foreach ($table_groups as $group => $table_array) {
- if (is_array($table_array)) {
- $all_tables[$table] = $table;
- foreach ($table_array['field'] as $field_array) {
- if (preg_match('/table field/', $field_array['type'])) {
- $default_values_array[$table][$group][$field_array['field']] = '';
- $field2column[$table][$group][$field_array['field']] = $field_array['spreadsheet column'];
- } elseif (preg_match('/constant/', $field_array['type'])) {
- $default_values_array[$table][$group][$field_array['field']] = $field_array['constant value'];
- } else {
- print 'WARNING: Unsupported type: '. $field_array['type'] . ' for ' . $table . '.' . $field_array['field']."!\n";
- }
- }
- // Determine what relation is between this table and the base table-----------------------
- // This is used later to link the various records
- // Is there a foreign key to this table in the base table?
- if ($related_tables['Foreign Key Relations'][$table]) {
- $relationships2base['foreign key'][$table] = $base_table_desc['foreign keys'][$table];
- }
- // Is there a foreign key in this table to the base table?
- // ie: featureloc.feature_id (current) for feature (base)
- if ($related_tables['Direct Relations'][$table]) {
- $table_desc = module_invoke_all('chado_'.$table.'_schema');
- $relationships2base['direct'][$table] = $table_desc['foreign keys'][$base_table];
- }
- // Is there a linking table which links this table with the base table
- if ($related_tables['Indirect Relations'][$table]) {
- $table_desc = module_invoke_all('chado_'.$table.'_schema');
- $relationships2base['indirect'][$table] = $table_desc['foreign keys'];
- }
- }
- }
- } //end of preprocessing
- //print "\nDefault Values Array: ".print_r($default_values_array, TRUE)."\n";
+ $record2priority = array();
+ foreach ($node->template->template_array as $priority => $record_array) {
+ if (!is_array($record_array)) { continue; }
+ foreach ($record_array['fields'] as $field_index => $field_array) {
+ $default_data[$priority]['table'] = $record_array['table'];
+ $record2priority[$record_array['record_id']] = $priority;
+ if (preg_match('/table field/', $field_array['type'])) {
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']] = '';
+ $default_data[$priority]['need_further_processing'] = TRUE;
+ $field2column[$priority][$field_array['field']] = $field_array['spreadsheet column'];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/constant/', $field_array['type'])) {
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']] = $field_array['constant value'];
+ } elseif (preg_match('/foreign key/', $field_array['type'])) {
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']] = array();
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']]['foreign record'] = $field_array['foreign key'];
+ $default_data[$priority]['need_further_processing'] = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ print 'WARNING: Unsupported type: '. $field_array['type'] . ' for ' . $table . '.' . $field_array['field']."!\n";
+ }
+ } // end of foreach field
+ } //end of foreach record
+ //print "\nDefault Values Array: ".print_r($default_data, TRUE)."\n";
//print "\nField to Column Mapping: ".print_r($field2column, TRUE)."\n";
- //print "\nRelationships to Base Table: ".print_r($relationships2base, TRUE)."\n";
// Parse File adding records as we go ========================================================
$file_handle = fopen($node->file, 'r');
@@ -131,129 +109,46 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid) {
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
$line = array();
$raw_line = fgets($file_handle, 4096);
+ $raw_line = trim($raw_line);
$line = preg_split("/\t/", $raw_line);
+ $data = $default_data;
- // Contains constants set above
- $tables = $all_tables;
- $values = $default_values_array;
- // Insert base record-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- foreach ($relationships2base['foreign key'] as $table => $desc) {
- // check there is only 1 group & if more than one use first and warn
- if (sizeof($values[$table]) > 1) {
- print "WARNING: ".$table." has more than one group. There can only be one group for a "
- ."table related to the base by a foreign key. Only the first will be used.\n";
- }
- // Ensure foreign key is present
- $group = key($values[$table]);
- $sub_values = $values[$table][$group];
- $sub_values = tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($sub_values, $line, $field2column[$table][$group]);
- $values[$table][$group] = $sub_values;
- $success = tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($table, $sub_values);
- if ($success) {
- $num_records++;
- } else {
- $num_errors++;
- }
- //Add to base values array
- foreach ($desc['columns'] as $foreign_key => $primary_key) {
- // check there is only 1 group & if more than one use first and warn
- if (sizeof($values[$base_table]) > 1) {
- print "WARNING: ".$table." has more than one group. There can only be one group for a "
- ."table related to the base by a foreign key. Only the first will be used.\n";
- }
- $base_group = key($values[$base_table]);
- $values[$base_table][$base_group][$foreign_key] = $values[$table][$group];
+ foreach ($data as $priority => $table_data) {
+ $table = $table_data['table'];
+ $values = $table_data['values_array'];
+ if ($table_data['need_further_processing']) {
+ $values = tripal_bulk_loader_add_spreadsheetdata_to_values ($values, $line, $field2column[$priority]);
+ $values = tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($values, $data, $record2priority);
- unset($tables[$table]);
- }
- // base table
- $values[$base_table][$base_group] = tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values[$base_table][$base_group], $line, $field2column[$base_table][$base_group]);
- $success = tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($base_table, $values[$base_table][$base_group]);
- //print 'Base Table values array: '.print_r($values[$base_table], TRUE)."\n";
- if (!$success) {
- print "ERROR: Unable to insert base record where base table: ".$base_table.
- " and values array: ".tripal_bulk_loader_flatten_array($values[$base_table][$base_group])."\n";
- $num_errors++;
- } else {
- $num_records++;
- }
- unset($tables[$base_table]);
- // Insert all tables with direct relationship to base ----------------------------------------
- foreach ($relationships2base['direct'] as $table => $desc) {
- foreach ($values[$table] as $group => $sub_values) {
- //Add base to values array
- foreach ($desc['columns'] as $foreign_key => $primary_key) {
- $values[$table][$group][$foreign_key] = $values[$base_table][$base_group];
+ // add new values array into the data array
+ $data[$priority]['values_array'] = $values;
+ // first check if it already exists
+ $exists = tripal_core_chado_select($table, array_keys($values), $values, array('has_record'=>TRUE));
+ if ($exists) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader',
+ 'Record already exists in %table: %record',
+ array('%table' => $table, '%record' => tripal_bulk_loader_flatten_array($values)),
+ );
+ } else {
+ // if it doesn't exist already then insert it
+ $success = tripal_core_chado_insert($table, $values);
+ if (!$success) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader',
+ 'Unable to insert the following record into %table: %record',
+ array('%table' => $table, '%record' => tripal_bulk_loader_flatten_array($values)),
+ );
+ }// end of if/not record exists
+ } // end of foreach table in default data array
- // Supplement and Add record
- $values[$table][$group] = tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values[$table][$group], $line, $field2column[$table][$group]);
- $success = tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($table, $values[$table][$group]);
- if ($success) {
- $num_records++;
- } else {
- $num_errors++;
- }
- unset($tables[$table]);
- }
- }
- // Add in all other tables -----------------------------------------------------------------
- foreach ($tables as $table) {
- // Don't insert if its an indirect relationship linking table
- if (!$relationships2base['indirect'][$table]) {
- foreach ($values[$table] as $group => $sub_values) {
- // Supplement and Add record
- $values[$table][$group] = tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values[$table][$group], $line, $field2column[$table][$group]);
- $success = tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($table, $values[$table][$group]);
- if ($success) {
- $num_records++;
- } else {
- $num_errors++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add in indirect relationships -----------------------------------------------------------
- foreach ($relationships2base['indirect'] as $table => $desc) {
- foreach ($values[$table] as $group => $sub_values) {
- // Add foreign keys to values array
- foreach ($desc as $subtable => $subdesc) {
- foreach ($subdesc['columns'] as $foreign_key => $primary_key) {
- $values[$table][$group][$foreign_key] = $values[$subtable][$group];
- }
- }
- // Supplement and Add record
- $values[$group][$table] = tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values[$table][$group], $line, $field2column[$table][$group]);
- $success = tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($table, $values[$table][$group]);
- if ($success) {
- $num_records++;
- } else {
- $num_errors++;
- }
- }
- }
- } //end of file
+ } //end of foreach line of file
- print "\nNumber of Records Inserted:".$num_records."\n";
- print "Number of Lines in File:".$num_lines."\n";
- print "Number of Errors: ".$num_errors."\n\n";
- if (!$num_errors) {
- db_query("UPDATE {tripal_bulk_loader} SET job_status='%s' WHERE nid=%d", 'successfully loaded', $nid);
- } else {
- db_query("UPDATE {tripal_bulk_loader} SET job_status='%s' WHERE nid=%d", 'load attempted', $nid);
- }
@@ -268,9 +163,11 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid) {
* @return
* Supplemented values array
-function tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values, $line, $field2column) {
+function tripal_bulk_loader_add_spreadsheetdata_to_values ($values, $line, $field2column) {
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
+ if (is_array($value)) { continue; }
$column = $field2column[$field] - 1;
if ($line[$column] OR (!$values[$field])) {
$values[$field] = $line[$column];
@@ -281,36 +178,27 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_supplement_values_array ($values, $line, $field2colu
- * This function first ensures the record doesn't already exist and then inserts it
+ * Handles foreign keys in the values array.
+ *
+ * Specifically, if the value for a field is an array then it is assumed that the array contains
+ * the name of the record whose values array should be substituted here. Thus the foreign
+ * record is looked up and the values array is substituted in.
- * @param $table
- * The table the record should be present in
- * @param $values
- * The values array used for selecting and/or inserting the record
- * @return
- * TRUE or FALSE based on presence or absence of record
-function tripal_bulk_loader_ensure_record ($table, $values) {
- // get flattened values array for printing errors
- $flattened_values = tripal_bulk_loader_flatten_array($values);
- // check if record exists
- $has_record = tripal_core_chado_select($table, array_keys($values), $values, array('has_record' => TRUE));
- if ($has_record) {
- print "\tWARNING: Record already exists in $table where ".implode(',',$flattened_values).".\n";
- return true;
- } else {
- // if record doesn't exist then insert it
- $success = tripal_core_chado_insert($table, $values);
- if (!$success) {
- print "ERROR: Unable to insert the following record into $table: ".implode(',',$flattened_values)."\n";
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
+function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($values, $data, $record2priority) {
+ foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ $foreign_record = $value['foreign record'];
+ $foreign_priority = $record2priority[$foreign_record];
+ $foreign_values = $data[$foreign_priority]['values_array'];
+ //add to current values array
+ $values[$field] = $foreign_values;
+ return $values;