Forráskód Böngészése

Publish admin page for entities updates entity tables for new entiteis and bundles. It also adds fields for base tables for all but FK fields

Stephen Ficklin 9 éve

+ 394 - 0

@@ -1,5 +1,399 @@
+ * Launchpad for feature administration.
+ *
+ * @ingroup tripal_feature
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_view() {
+  $output = '';
+  // set the breadcrumb
+  $breadcrumb = array();
+  $breadcrumb[] = l('Home', '<front>');
+  $breadcrumb[] = l('Administration', 'admin');
+  $breadcrumb[] = l('Tripal', 'admin/tripal');
+  $breadcrumb[] = l('Manage Data types', 'admin/tripal/data_types');
+  drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb);
+/*   // Add the view
+  $view = views_embed_view('tripal_feature_admin_features','default');
+  if (isset($view)) {
+    $output .= $view;
+  }
+  else {
+    $output .= '<p>The Feature module uses primarily views to provide an '
+      . 'administrative interface. Currently one or more views needed for this '
+        . 'administrative interface are disabled. <strong>Click each of the following links to '
+          . 'enable the pertinent views</strong>:</p>';
+    $output .= '<ul>';
+    $output .= '<li>'.l('Features View', 'admin/tripal/chado/tripal_feature/views/features/enable').'</li>';
+    $output .= '</ul>';
+  }
+  // Add a summary chart.
+  //-----------------------------------
+  $output .= theme('tripal_feature_bar_chart_type_organism_summary');
+  drupal_add_js('
+    Drupal.behaviors.tripalFeature_moveAdminSummaryChart = {
+      attach: function (context, settings) {
+        jQuery("#tripal-feature-admin-summary").insertBefore( jQuery(".view-filters") );
+    }};
+  ', 'inline'); */
+  return $output;
+ *
+ * @param unknown $form
+ * @param unknown $form_state
+ * @return multitype:
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_publish_form($form, &$form_state) {
+  $form = array();
+  // Set the defaults.
+  $cv_id = NULL;
+  $term_name = NULL;
+  // Set defaults using the form state.
+  if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state)) {
+    $cv_id = array_key_exists('cv_id', $form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values']['cv_id'] : NULL;
+    $term_name = array_key_exists('term_name', $form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values']['term_name'] : NULL;
+  }
+  // Let the user select the vocabulary and tripal_data but only if they haven't
+  // already selected a tripal_data.
+  $sql = "
+    SELECT CV.cv_id,
+    FROM {tripal_entity_type} TET
+      INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CV.cv_id = TET.cv_id
+  ";
+  $vocabs = chado_query($sql);
+  $cvs = array();
+  while ($vocab = $vocabs->fetchObject()) {
+    $cvs[$vocab->cv_id] = $vocab->name;
+  }
+  $form['cv_id'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'select',
+    '#title' => t('Vocabulary'),
+    '#options' => $cvs,
+    '#required' => TRUE,
+    '#description' => t('Select a vocabulary that contains the term you would like to set as publishable. Only vocabularies that are linked to data are shown.'),
+    '#default_value' => $cv_id,
+    '#ajax' => array(
+      'callback' => "tripal_entities_admin_publish_form_ajax_callback",
+      'wrapper' => 'tripal_entities_admin_publish_form',
+      'effect' => 'fade',
+      'method' => 'replace'
+    )
+  );
+  // If we have a CV ID then we want to provide an autocomplete field
+  if ($cv_id) {
+    $form['cvterm_select']['term_name'] = array(
+      '#title'       => t('Data Type'),
+      '#type'        => 'textfield',
+      '#description' => t("Please enter the name of the data type to set as publishable.  The data type must be a valid term in the selected vocabulary. This field will autopopulate as you type to help find available data types."),
+      '#required'    => TRUE,
+      '#default_value' => $term_name,
+      '#autocomplete_path' => "admin/tripal/chado/tripal_cv/cvterm/auto_name/$cv_id",
+    );
+    $form['cvterm_select']['select_button'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'submit',
+      '#value' => t('Publish Data'),
+      '#name' => 'publish',
+    );
+  }
+  $form['#prefix'] = '<div id="tripal_entities_admin_publish_form">';
+  $form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
+  return $form;
+ * An Ajax callback for the tripal_entities_admin_publish_form..
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_publish_form_ajax_callback($form, $form_state) {
+  // return the form so Drupal can update the content on the page
+  return $form;
+ * Implements hook_validate() for the tripal_entities_admin_publish_form.
+ *
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_publish_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
+  $cv_id = $form_state['values']['cv_id'];
+  $term_name = $form_state['values']['term_name'];
+  // Make sure the term_name is a real term in the vocabulary.
+  $type = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
+    'name' => $term_name,
+    'cv_id' => $cv_id
+  ));
+  if (!$type) {
+    form_set_error('term_name', t("The data type is not a valid name for the selected vocabulary."));
+  }
+  // Make sure the term is used in the site:
+  $values = array(
+    'cvterm_id' => $type->cvterm_id,
+  );
+  $bundles = chado_select_record('tripal_entity_bundle', array('bundle_id'), $values);
+  if (count($bundles) == 0) {
+    form_set_error('term_name', t("The data type, %type, is not associated with data on this site and thus cannot be set as publishable.", array('%type' => $term_name)));
+  }
+  // Make sure the term is not already published.
+  $values = array(
+    'cvterm_id' => $type->cvterm_id,
+    'publish' => 1,
+  );
+  $bundles = chado_select_record('tripal_entity_bundle', array('bundle_id'), $values);
+  if (count($bundles) > 0) {
+    form_set_error('term_name', t("This data type is already set as publishable."));
+  }
+ * Implements hook_submit() for the tripal_entities_admin_publish_form.
+ *
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_publish_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
+  $cv_id = $form_state['values']['cv_id'];
+  $term_name = $form_state['values']['term_name'];
+  // Get the data type using the $term_name and $cv_id.
+  $type = chado_generate_var('cvterm', array('cv_id' => $cv_id, 'name' => $term_name));
+  // Start the transaction.
+  $transaction = db_transaction();
+  try {
+    // We don't need to check if the vocabulary is used because the
+    // form only shows those vocabs that are used.
+    // Mark this entity as published.
+    $match = array('cv_id' => $cv_id);
+    $values = array('publish' => 1);
+    $success = chado_update_record('tripal_entity_type', $match, $values);
+    if (!$success) {
+      throw new Exception('Cannot set the vocabulary as publishable');
+    }
+    // We have already checked in the validate if the term already exists
+    // as a bundle. So, if we're here we can enable it.
+    $match = array('cvterm_id' => $type->cvterm_id);
+    $values = array('publish' => 1);
+    $success = chado_update_record('tripal_entity_bundle', $match, $values);
+    if (!$success) {
+      throw new Exception('Cannot set the data type as publishable');
+    }
+    // Get the bundle
+    $records = chado_select_record('tripal_entity_bundle', array('*'), $match);
+    $bundle = $records[0];
+    $bundle_name = $type->dbxref_id->db_id->name . '_' . $type->dbxref_id->accession;
+    $entity_type_name = $type->dbxref_id->db_id->name;
+    // Get the list of tables where this cvterm is used.
+    $values = array('bundle_id' => $bundle->bundle_id);
+    $tables = chado_select_record('tripal_entity_bundle_source', array('*'), $values);
+    // Iterate through the tables.
+    foreach ($tables as $table) {
+      $tablename = $table->data_table;
+      // We only want to look at base tables.
+      if ($tablename == 'cvterm_dbxref' || $tablename == 'cvterm_relationship' ||
+          $tablename == 'cvtermpath' || $tablename == 'cvtermprop' || $tablename == 'chadoprop' ||
+          $tablename == 'cvtermsynonym' || preg_match('/_relationship$/', $tablename) ||
+          preg_match('/_cvterm$/', $tablename)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Add in the bundle's fields.
+      tripal_entities_add_bundle_fields($tablename, $entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
+    }
+    drupal_set_message(t('Data type, %type, is now set as publishable.', array('%type' => $term_name)));
+  }
+  catch (Exception $e) {
+    $transaction->rollback();
+    drupal_set_message('Failure publishing this data type: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error');
+    watchdog_exception('trp_entities', $e);
+  }
+ *
+ * @param $table
+ * @param $entity_type
+ * @param $bundle_name
+ */
+function tripal_entities_add_bundle_fields($tablename, $entity_type_name, $bundle_name) {
+  // Iterate through the columns of the table and see if fields have been
+  // created for each one. If not, then create them.
+  $schema = chado_get_schema($tablename);
+  $columns = $schema['fields'];
+  foreach ($columns as $column_name => $details) {
+    $field_name = $tablename . '__' . $column_name;
+    $field = field_info_field($field_name);
+    // Skip the primary key field.
+    if ($column_name == $schema['primary key'][0]) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Determine if the field is required.
+    $is_required = 0;
+    if (array_key_exists('not null', $details)) {
+      $is_required = $details['not null'] ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    // Determine what type of field this should be.
+    // Drupal data types are:
+    // Field types are here:
+    $field_type = '';
+    $widget_type = '';
+    $settings = array();
+    $label = '';
+    switch($details['type']) {
+      case 'char':
+        // unsupported by postgres
+        break;
+      case 'varchar':
+        $field_type = 'text';
+        $widget_type = 'text_textfield';
+        $settings['max_length'] = $details['length'];
+        break;
+      case 'text':
+        $field_type = 'text';
+        $widget_type = 'text_textarea';
+        $settings['max_length'] = '';
+        break;
+      case 'blob':
+        // not sure how to support a blobl field.
+        continue;
+        break;
+      case 'int':
+        $field_type = 'number_integer';
+        $widget_type = 'number';
+        break;
+      case 'float':
+        $field_type = 'number_float';
+        $widget_type = 'number';
+        $settings['precision'] = 10;
+        $settings['scale'] = 2;
+        $settings['decimal_separator'] = '.';
+        break;
+      case 'numeric':
+        $field_type = 'number_decimal';
+        $widget_type = 'number';
+        break;
+      case 'serial':
+        // Serial fields are not every added as fields.
+        break;
+      case 'boolean':
+        // TODO: what is the proper field for booleans?????
+        break;
+      case 'datetime':
+        // TODO: What is the proper datetime fields ??????
+        break;
+      default:
+        drupal_set_message(t("Unhandled field type: %type", array('%type' => $details['type'])), 'warning');
+        $field_type = 'text';
+        $widget_type = 'text_textarea';
+        if (array_key_exists('length', $details)) {
+          $settings['max_length'] = $details['length'];
+        }
+    }
+    // If we don't have a field type then we don't need to create a field.
+    if (!$field_type) {
+      // If we don't have a field type but it is required and doesn't have
+      // a default value then we are in trouble.
+      if ($is_required and !array_key_exists('default', $details)) {
+        throw new Exception(t('The %table.%field type, %type, is not yet supported for Entity fields, but it is required,',
+          array('%table' => $tablename, '%field' => $column_name, '%type' => $details['type'])));
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If this field is a foreign key field then we will have a special custom
+    // field provided by Tripal.
+    $is_fk = FALSE;
+    if (array_key_exists('foreign keys', $details)) {
+      foreach ($details['foreign keys'] as $remote_table => $fk_details) {
+        if (array_key_exists($field_name, $fk_details['columns'])) {
+          $is_fk = TRUE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // If this column is a FK relationship then use a custom Tripal
+    // defined field type for it.
+    if ($is_fk) {
+      // TODO: We need a better way to get the fields for FK relationships.
+      // It's not a good idea to enumerate them all here. We need some sort
+      // of hook or something that will let us lookup the correct field.
+      switch ($column_name) {
+        case 'organism_id':
+          $field_type = 'organism_id';
+          $label = 'Organism';
+          break;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    // If the field doesn't exist then create it.
+    if (!$field) {
+      $field = array(
+        'field_name' => $field_name,
+        'type' => $field_type,
+        'cardinality' => 1,
+        'locked' => TRUE,
+        'storage' => array(
+          'type' => 'tripal_entities_storage'
+        ),
+      );
+      field_create_field($field);
+    }
+    // Attach the field to the bundle.
+    $field_instance = array(
+      'field_name' => $field_name,
+      'label' => $label ? $label : ucwords(preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $column_name)),
+      'widget' => array(
+        'type' => $widget_type
+      ),
+      'entity_type' => $entity_type_name,
+      'required' => $is_required,
+      'settings' => $settings,
+      'bundle' => $bundle_name,
+    );
+    field_create_instance($field_instance);
+  }
+ *
+ * @param unknown $form
+ * @param unknown $form_state
+ * @return multitype:
+ */
+function tripal_entities_admin_access_form($form, &$form_state) {
+  $form = array();
+  return $form;
  * This function populates the Tripal entity tables using existing
  * data in the database.

+ 41 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 require_once "api/";
-require_once "includes/";
 require_once "includes/";
 require_once "includes/";
 require_once "includes/";
@@ -20,6 +19,47 @@ function tripal_entities_views_api() {
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function tripal_entities_menu() {
+  $items = array();
+  // the administative settings menu
+  $items['admin/tripal/data_types'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Manage Data Types',
+    'description' => 'Tools for publishing, configurating and managing biological data.',
+    'page callback' => 'tripal_entities_admin_view',
+    'access arguments' => array('administer tripal data types'),
+    'file' =>  'includes/',
+    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
+  );
+  $items['admin/tripal/data_types/publish'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Publish',
+    'description' => 'Publish Data',
+    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+    'page arguments' => array('tripal_entities_admin_publish_form'),
+    'access arguments' => array('administer tripal data types'),
+    'file' =>  'includes/',
+    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+    'weight' => 2
+  );
+  $items['admin/tripal/data_types/access'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Access',
+    'description' => 'Set default access permissions for collections of data.',
+    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+    'page arguments' => array('tripal_entities_admin_access_form'),
+    'access arguments' => array('administer tripal data types'),
+    'file' =>  'includes/',
+    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+    'weight' => 3
+  );
+  return $items;
  * Implements hook_permission().