@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
* must be a valid Sequence Ontology (SO) term. Default is NULL
private $target_type = NULL;
+ private $target_type_id = NULL;
* A flag indicating if the target feature should be created. If FALSE
@@ -221,13 +222,13 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
* Maps parents to their children and contains the ranks of the children.
private $parent_lookup = [];
* An array that stores CVterms that have been looked up so we don't have
* to do the database query every time.
private $feature_cvterm_lookup = [];
* An array that stores CVterms that have been looked up so we don't have
* to do the database query every time.
@@ -565,6 +566,20 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
+ // If a target type is provided then get the ID.
+ if ($this->target_type) {
+ $target_type = new ChadoRecord('cvterm');
+ $target_type->setValues([
+ 'name' => $this->target_type,
+ 'cv_id' => $this->feature_cv->getID()
+ ]);
+ $num_found = $target_type->find();
+ if ($num_found == 0) {
+ throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the specified target type, !type.", ['!type' => $this->target_type]));
+ }
+ $this->target_type_id = $target_type->getID();
+ }
// Create the cache file for storing parsed GFF entries.
@@ -632,15 +647,10 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$this->logMessage("Step 18: Insert 'derives_from' relationships... ");
- $this->logMessage("Step 19: Insert Targets... ");
- // TODO: Target (target_organism & target_type)
- $this->logMessage("Step 20: Add any missing proteins... ");
- // TODO: protein records.
- // TODO: handle is_circular (it may just need to be a property).
+ $this->logMessage("Step 19: Insert Targets... ");
+ $this->insertFeatureTargets();
- $this->logMessage("Step 21: Associate features with analysis.... ");
+ $this->logMessage("Step 20: Associate features with analysis.... ");
if (!empty($this->residue_index)) {
@@ -892,9 +902,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'line' => $this->current_line,
'landmark' => $cols[0],
'source' => $cols[1],
- 'type' => $cols[2],
+ 'type' => strtolower($cols[2]),
'start' => $cols[3],
- 'end' => $cols[4],
+ 'stop' => $cols[4],
'score' => $cols[5],
'strand' => $cols[6],
'phase' => $cols[7],
@@ -905,9 +915,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// to be zero-based, so we substract 1 from the fmin. Also, in case
// they are backwards, put them in the right order.
$fmin = $ret['start'] - 1;
- $fmax = $ret['end'];
- if ($ret['end'] < $ret['start']) {
- $fmin = $ret['end'] - 1;
+ $fmax = $ret['stop'];
+ if ($ret['stop'] < $ret['start']) {
+ $fmin = $ret['stop'] - 1;
$fmax = $ret['start'];
$ret['start'] = $fmin;
@@ -925,7 +935,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$ret['strand'] = -1;
if (strcmp($ret['phase'], '.') == 0) {
- if (strtolower($ret['type']) == 'cds') {
+ if ($ret['type'] == 'cds') {
$ret['phase'] = '0';
else {
@@ -937,13 +947,14 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$attr_name = '';
$attr_uniquename = '';
$attrs = explode(";", $cols[8]);
- $attr_organism = [];
+ $attr_organism = $this->organism_id;
$attr_parent = '';
$attr_others = [];
$attr_aliases = [];
$attr_dbxref = [];
$attr_derives = [];
$attr_terms = [];
+ $attr_target = [];
foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
$attr = rtrim($attr);
$attr = ltrim($attr);
@@ -986,18 +997,61 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$attr_terms = array_merge($attr_terms, $tags[$tag_name]);
elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'organism') == 0) {
- $attr_organism = array_merge($attr_organism, $tags[$tag_name]);
+ if (count($tags[$tag_name]) > 1) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "organism" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one: %organism',
+ ['%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename'], '%organism' => $ret['organism']]));
+ }
+ $attr_organism = $this->findOrganism($tags[$tag_name][0], $this->current_line);
+ }
+ elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') == 0) {
+ $matches = [];
+ if (count($tags[$tag_name]) > 1) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "Target" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one.',
+ ['%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename']]));
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+[\+|\-])*$/', trim($tags[$tag_name][0]), $matches)) {
+ $attr_target['name'] = $matches[1];
+ $attr_target['start'] = $matches[2];
+ $attr_target['stop'] = $matches[3];
+ $tfmin = $attr_target['start'] - 1;
+ $tfmax = $attr_target['stop'];
+ if ($attr_target['stop'] < $attr_target['start']) {
+ $tfmin = $attr_target['stop'] - 1;
+ $tfmax = $attr_target['start'];
+ }
+ $attr_target['start'] = $tfmin;
+ $attr_target['stop'] = $tfmax;
+ $attr_target['phase'] = '';
+ $attr_target['strand'] = 0;
+ if (!empty($matches[4])) {
+ if (preg_match('/^\+$/', trim($matches[4]))) {
+ $attr_target['strand'] = 1;
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^\-$/', trim($matches[4]))) {
+ $attr_target['strand'] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ $attr_target['organism_id'] = $this->target_organism_id ? $this->target_organism_id : $this->organism_id;
+ $attr_target['type_id'] = $this->target_type_id ? $this->target_type_id : NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') == 0) {
+ $attr_target['organism_id'] = $this->findOrganism($tags[$tag_name][0], $this->current_line);
+ }
+ elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') == 0) {
+ $attr_target['type'] = $tags[$tag_name][0];
// Get the list of non-reserved attributes these will get added
- // as properties to the featureprop table. The 'Note' and 'Gap'
+ // as properties to the featureprop table. The 'Note', 'Gap', 'Is_Circular',
// attributes will go in as a property so those are not in the list
// checked below.
elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Name') !=0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'ID') !=0 and
strcmp($tag_name, 'Alias') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Parent') != 0 and
strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Derives_from') != 0 and
strcmp($tag_name, 'Dbxref') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Ontology_term') != 0 and
- strcmp($tag_name, 'Is_circular') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') != 0 and
- strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'organism' != 0)) {
+ strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') != 0 and
+ strcmp($tag_name, 'organism' != 0)) {
foreach ($tags[$tag_name] as $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($tag_name, $attr_others)) {
$attr_others[$tag_name] = [];
@@ -1007,6 +1061,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
+ // A feature may get ignored. But let's default this to FALSE.
+ $ret['skipped'] = FALSE;
// If neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one.
$names = $this->getFeatureName($tags, $ret['type'], $ret['landmark'], $fmin, $fmax);
$attr_uniquename = $names['uniquename'];
@@ -1060,19 +1117,20 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$ret['attrs'][$key] = $value;
// Add the organism entry.
- $ret['organism'] = '';
- if (count($attr_organism) == 1) {
- $ret['organism'] = $attr_organism[0];
+ $ret['organism'] = $attr_organism;
+ if (!$ret['organism']) {
+ $ret['skipped'] = TRUE;
- if (count($attr_organism) > 1) {
- throw new Exception(t('Each feature can only have one "organism" attribute. The feature %uniquename has more than one: %organism',
- [
- '%uniquename' => $ret['uniquename'],
- '%organism' => $ret['organism'],
- ]));
+ // Add the target. If the type_id is missing then remove it and we'll
+ // skip it.
+ $ret['target'] = $attr_target;
+ if (!$ret['target']['type']) {
+ $ret['target'] = [];
+ // Add the properties and parent.
$ret['properties'] = $attr_others;
$ret['parent'] = $attr_parent;
@@ -1297,19 +1355,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// Parse this feature from this line of the GFF3 file.
$gff_feature = $this->parseFeature($line);
- // A feature may get ignored. But let's default this to FALSE.
- $gff_feature['skipped'] = FALSE;
- // Lookup the organism ID if one is requested.
- if ($gff_feature['organism']) {
- $organism_id = $this->findOrganism($gff_feature['organism'], $line_num);
- if ($organism_id) {
- $gff_feature['organism'] = $organism_id;
- }
- elsE {
- $gff_feature['skipped'] = TRUE;
- }
- }
// Add the landmark if it doesn't exist in the landmark list.
if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['landmark'], $this->landmarks)) {
@@ -1347,6 +1392,13 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
+ // Add any target feature types to the list as well.
+ if (array_key_exists('name', $gff_feature['target'])) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['target']['type'], $feature_cvterms)) {
+ $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['target']['type']] = 0;
+ }
+ $feature_cvterms[$gff_feature['target']['type']]++;
+ }
// Organize the feature property types for faster access later on.
foreach ($gff_feature['properties'] as $prop_name => $value) {
@@ -1360,6 +1412,18 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
if ($gff_feature['uniquename'] != $gff_feature['landmark']) {
+ // If this feature has a target then we need to add the target as
+ // new feature for insertion.
+ if (array_key_exists('name', $gff_feature['target'])) {
+ $this->addTargetFeature($gff_feature);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we have the protein term in our list.
+ if (!array_key_exists('protein', $feature_cvterms) and
+ !array_key_exists('polypeptide', $feature_cvterms)) {
+ $feature_cvterms['polypeptide'] = 0;
// Iterate through the feature type terms and get a chado object for each.
@@ -1372,6 +1436,158 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
foreach (array_keys($featureprop_cvterms) as $name) {
$this->getTypeID($name, TRUE);
+ // Finally, add any protein features that need to be created.
+ $this->addProteinFeatures();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks the features and finds those that need proteins added.
+ */
+ private function addProteinFeatures() {
+ // Don't do anything if the user wants to skip creation of non listed
+ // proteins. Proteins that have actual lines in the GFF will still be
+ // created.
+ if ($this->skip_protein) {
+ $this->logMessage(' Skipping creation of non-specified proteins...');
+ return;
+ }
+ $proteins = [];
+ // First, store records for which proteins need to exist. These
+ // will be for any parent that has a 'CDS' or 'protein' child.
+ foreach ($this->features as $info) {
+ $findex = $info['findex'];
+ $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex);
+ $type = $feature['type'];
+ if ($type == 'cds' or $type == 'protein' or $type == 'polypeptide') {
+ $parent_name = $feature['parent'];
+ if ($parent_name) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($parent_name, $proteins)) {
+ $proteins[$parent_name] = [];
+ }
+ if ($type == 'cds') {
+ $proteins[$parent_name]['cds'][] = $findex;
+ }
+ if ($type == 'protein' or $type == 'polypeptide') {
+ $proteins[$parent_name]['protein'] = $findex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Second, iterate through the protein list and for any parents that
+ // don't already have a protein we need to create one.
+ foreach ($proteins as $parent_name => $info) {
+ // Skip addition of any proteins that are already in the GFF file.
+ if (array_key_exists('protein', $info)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we don't have a protein
+ if (array_key_exists('cds', $info)) {
+ $start = INF;
+ $stop = -INF;
+ $start_phase = 0;
+ $stop_phase = 0;
+ // Find the starting and end CDS.
+ foreach ($info['cds'] as $findex) {
+ $cds = $this->getCachedFeature($findex);
+ if ($cds['start'] < $start) {
+ $start = $cds['start'];
+ $start_phase = $cds['phase'];
+ }
+ if ($cds['stop'] > $stop) {
+ $stop = $cds['stop'];
+ $stop_phase = $cds['phase'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the start of the protein to be the start of the coding
+ // sequence minus the phase.
+ if ($cds['strand'] == '-1') {
+ $stop -= $stop_phase;
+ }
+ else {
+ $start += $start_phase;
+ }
+ // Get the name for the protein
+ $name = $parent_name;
+ if ($this->re_mrna and $this->re_protein) {
+ // We use a regex to generate protein name from parent name
+ $uname = preg_replace("/$this->re_mrna/", $this->re_protein, $parent_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ // No regex, use the default '-protein' suffix
+ $uname = $parent_name . '-protein';
+ }
+ // Now create the protein feature.
+ $feature = [
+ 'line' => $cds['line'],
+ 'landmark' => $cds['landmark'],
+ 'source' => $cds['source'],
+ 'type' => 'polypeptide',
+ 'start' => $start,
+ 'stop' => $stop,
+ 'strand' => $cds['strand'],
+ 'phase' => '',
+ 'attr' => [],
+ 'skipped' => FALSE,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'uniquename' => $uname,
+ 'synonyms' => [],
+ 'dbxrefs' => [],
+ 'terms' => [],
+ 'derives_from' => NULL,
+ 'organism' => $cds['organism_id'],
+ 'target' => [],
+ 'properties' => [],
+ 'parent' => $cds['parent'],
+ ];
+ $this->cacheFeature($feature);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a new target feature to the feature list.
+ *
+ * @param $gff_feature
+ * The feature array created by the parseFeature function.
+ */
+ private function addTargetFeature($gff_feature) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($gff_feature['target']['name'], $this->features)) {
+ $feature = [
+ 'is_target' => TRUE,
+ 'line' => $this->current_line,
+ 'landmark' => $gff_feature['landmark'],
+ 'source' => $gff_feature['source'],
+ 'type' => $gff_feature['target']['type'],
+ 'start' => $gff_feature['target']['start'],
+ 'stop' => $gff_feature['target']['stop'],
+ 'strand' => $gff_feature['target']['strand'],
+ 'phase' => $gff_feature['target']['phase'],
+ 'attr' => [],
+ 'skipped' => FALSE,
+ 'name' => $gff_feature['target']['name'],
+ 'uniquename' => $gff_feature['target']['name'],
+ 'synonyms' => [],
+ 'dbxrefs' => [],
+ 'terms' => [],
+ 'derives_from' => NULL,
+ 'organism' => $gff_feature['target']['organism_id'],
+ 'target' => [],
+ 'properties' => [],
+ 'parent' => '',
+ ];
+ $this->cacheFeature($feature);
+ }
@@ -1471,7 +1687,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// Only do an insert if this feature doesn't already exist in the databse.
if (!$feature_id and !$feature['skipped']) {
$residues = $this->getResidues($feature, FALSE);
- $type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($feature['type'])];
+ $type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[$feature['type']];
$sql .= "(:uniquename_$i, :name_$i, :type_id_$i, :organism_id_$i, :residues_$i, " .
" :md5checksum_$i, :seqlen_$i, FALSE, FALSE),\n";
$args[":uniquename_$i"] = $uniquename;
@@ -1534,7 +1750,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
while ($f = $results->fetchObject()) {
$matched_findex = $this->features[$f->uniquename]['findex'];
$matched_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($matched_findex);
- $matched_type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[strtolower($matched_feature['type'])];
+ $matched_type_id = $this->feature_cvterm_lookup[$matched_feature['type']];
$matched_organism_id = $matched_feature['organism'] ? $matched_feature['organism'] : $this->organism->getID();
if ($matched_type_id == $f->type_id and $matched_organism_id == $f->organism_id) {
$this->features[$f->uniquename]['feature_id'] = $f->feature_id;
@@ -1677,8 +1893,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
- // Get the 'part_of' cvterm
- $type_id = $this->getTypeID('part_of', FALSE);
+ // Get the 'part_of' and 'derives_from cvterm.
+ $part_of = $this->getTypeID('part_of', FALSE);
+ $derives_from = $this->getTypeID('derives_from', FALSE);
$init_sql = "INSERT INTO {feature_relationship} (subject_id, object_id, type_id, rank) VALUES\n";
$i = 0;
@@ -1702,6 +1919,10 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$child_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($child_findex);
$child_uniquename = $child_feature['uniquename'];
$child_feature_id = $this->features[$child_uniquename]['feature_id'];
+ $type_id = $part_of;
+ if ($child_feature['type'] == 'polypeptide' or $child_feature['type'] == 'protein') {
+ $type_id = $derives_from;
+ }
$sql .= "(:subject_id_$j, :object_id_$j, :type_id_$j, :rank_$j),\n";
$args[":subject_id_$j"] = $child_feature_id;
$args[":object_id_$j"] = $parent_feature_id;
@@ -2017,6 +2238,76 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ private function insertFeatureTargets() {
+ $batch_size = 1000;
+ $num_features = count(array_keys($this->features));
+ $num_batches = (int) ($num_features / $batch_size) + 1;
+ $this->setItemsHandled(0);
+ $this->setTotalItems($num_batches);
+ $init_sql = "
+ INSERT INTO {featureloc}
+ (srcfeature_id, feature_id, fmin, fmax, strand, phase, rank)
+ VALUES\n";
+ $i = 0;
+ $total = 0;
+ $batch_num = 1;
+ $sql = '';
+ $args = [];
+ foreach ($this->features as $info) {
+ $findex = $info['findex'];
+ $feature_id = $info['feature_id'];
+ $feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex);
+ $total++;
+ $i++;
+ // If the feature is not skipped and has a target then insert the
+ // target alignment.
+ if (!$feature['skipped'] and array_key_exists('name', $feature['target'])) {
+ $tname = $feature['target']['name'];
+ $tfindex = $this->features[$tname]['findex'];
+ $tfeature_id = $this->features[$tname]['feature_id'];
+ $target = $this->getCachedFeature($tfindex);
+ // According to the Chado instructions for rank, the feature aligned
+ // to the landmark will have a rank of 0. The feature aligned to the
+ // target match will have a rank of 1.
+ $rank = 1;
+ $sql .= "(:srcfeature_id_$i, :feature_id_$i, :fmin_$i, :fmax_$i," .
+ " :strand_$i, :phase_$i, :rank_$i),\n";
+ $args[":srcfeature_id_$i"] = $tfeature_id;
+ $args[":feature_id_$i"] = $feature_id;
+ $args[":fmin_$i"] = $target['start'];
+ $args[":fmax_$i"] = $target['stop'];
+ $args[":strand_$i"] = $target['strand'];
+ $args[":phase_$i"] = $target['phase'] ? $target['phase'] : NULL;
+ $args[":rank_$i"] = $rank;
+ }
+ // If we've reached the size of the batch then let's do the insert.
+ if ($i == $batch_size or $total == $num_features) {
+ if (count($args) > 0) {
+ $sql = rtrim($sql, ",\n");
+ $sql = $init_sql . $sql;
+ chado_query($sql, $args);
+ }
+ $this->setItemsHandled($batch_num);
+ $batch_num++;
+ // Now reset all of the varables for the next batch.
+ $sql = '';
+ $i = 0;
+ $args = [];
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -2100,10 +2391,10 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$feature = $this->getCachedFeature($findex);
+ $i++;
- // If the feature is not skipped
- if (!$feature['skipped']) {
- $i++;
+ // If the feature is not skipped and is not a match "target".
+ if (!$feature['skipped'] and $feature['is_target'] == FALSE) {
// Get the rank of this feature by iterating through all siblings of the
// parent and finding where this feature is in terms of start position.
@@ -2423,10 +2714,11 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$name = $attrs['Name'][0];
- // Does this uniquename already exist? This can happen for subfeatures
- // (e.g. CDS features) that have multiple components but are really
- // all the same thing.
+ // Does this uniquename already exist?
if (array_key_exists($uniquename, $this->features)) {
+ $prev_feature = $this->getCachedFeature($this->features[$uniquename]['findex']);
+ // A name can be duplicated for subfeatures (e.g. CDS features)
+ // that have the same parent but are really all the same thing.
if (array_key_exists('Parent', $attrs)) {
// Iterate through the list of similar IDs and see how many we have
// then add a numeric suffix.
@@ -2436,6 +2728,13 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$uniquename = $uniquename . "_" . $i;
+ // A name can be duplicated if there is a target match alignment and
+ // the feature appears first in the GFF as a target before it appears
+ // on it's own independent line of the gff file.
+ elseif ($prev_feature['is_target'] == TRUE) {
+ // Do nothing, the previous feature is a target so we'll overwrite
+ // it with this record.
+ }
else {
throw new Exception(t("A feature with the same ID exists multiple times: !uname", ['!uname' => $uniquename]));
@@ -2605,149 +2904,4 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
- /**
- * Load the target attribute of a gff3 record
- *
- * @param $feature
- * @param $tags
- * @param $target_organism_id
- * @param $target_type
- * @param $create_target
- * @param $attr_locgroup
- *
- * @ingroup gff3_loader
- */
- private function loadTarget($feature, $tags, $target_organism_id, $target_type, $create_target, $attr_locgroup) {
- // format is: "target_id start end [strand]", where strand is optional and may be "+" or "-"
- $matched = preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+[\+|\-])*$/', trim($tags['Target'][0]), $matches);
- // the organism and type of the target may also be specified as an attribute. If so, then get that
- // information
- $gff_target_organism = array_key_exists('target_organism', $tags) ? $tags['target_organism'][0] : '';
- $gff_target_type = array_key_exists('target_type', $tags) ? $tags['target_type'][0] : '';
- // if we have matches and the Target is in the correct format then load the alignment
- if ($matched) {
- $target_feature = $matches[1];
- $start = $matches[2];
- $end = $matches[3];
- // if we have an optional strand, convert it to a numeric value.
- if (!empty($matches[4])) {
- if (preg_match('/^\+$/', trim($matches[4]))) {
- $target_strand = 1;
- }
- elseif (preg_match('/^\-$/', trim($matches[4]))) {
- $target_strand = -1;
- }
- else {
- $target_strand = 0;
- }
- }
- else {
- $target_strand = 0;
- }
- $target_fmin = $start - 1;
- $target_fmax = $end;
- if ($end < $start) {
- $target_fmin = $end - 1;
- $target_fmax = $start;
- }
- // default the target organism to be the value passed into the function, but if the GFF
- // file species the target organism then use that instead.
- $t_organism_id = $target_organism_id;
- if ($gff_target_organism) {
- // get the genus and species
- $success = preg_match('/^(.*?):(.*?)$/', $gff_target_organism, $matches);
- if ($success) {
- $values = [
- 'genus' => $matches[1],
- 'species' => $matches[2],
- ];
- $torganism = chado_select_record('organism', ['organism_id'], $values);
- if (count($torganism) == 1) {
- $t_organism_id = $torganism[0]->organism_id;
- }
- else {
- $this->logMessage("Cannot find organism for target %target.",
- ['%target' => $gff_target_organism], TRIPAL_WARNING);
- $t_organism_id = '';
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->logMessage("The target_organism attribute is improperly formatted: %target. " .
- "It should be target_organism=genus:species.",
- ['%target' => $gff_target_organism], TRIPAL_WARNING);
- $t_organism_id = '';
- }
- }
- // default the target type to be the value passed into the function, but if the GFF file
- // species the target type then use that instead
- $t_type_id = '';
- if ($target_type) {
- $values = [
- 'name' => $target_type,
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'sequence',
- ],
- ];
- $type = chado_select_record('cvterm', ['cvterm_id'], $values);
- if (count($type) == 1) {
- $t_type_id = $type[0]->cvterm_id;
- }
- else {
- throw new Exception(t("The target type does not exist in the sequence ontology: %type. ",
- ['%type' => $target_type]));
- }
- }
- if ($gff_target_type) {
- $values = [
- 'name' => $gff_target_type,
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'sequence',
- ],
- ];
- // get the cvterm_id for the target type
- $type = chado_select_record('cvterm', ['cvterm_id'], $values);
- if (count($type) == 1) {
- $t_type_id = $type[0]->cvterm_id;
- }
- else {
- // check to see if this is a synonym
- $sql = "
- SELECT CVTS.cvterm_id
- FROM {cvtermsynonym} CVTS
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {cv} CV ON CV.cv_id = CVT.cv_id
- WHERE CV.name = 'sequence' and CVTS.synonym = :synonym
- ";
- $synonym = chado_query($sql, [':synonym' => $gff_target_type])->fetchObject();
- if ($synonym) {
- $t_type_id = $synonym->cvterm_id;
- }
- else {
- $this->logMessage("The target_type attribute does not exist in the sequence ontology: %type.",
- ['%type' => $gff_target_type], TRIPAL_WARNING);
- $t_type_id = '';
- }
- }
- }
- // we want to add a featureloc record that uses the target feature as the srcfeature (landmark)
- // and the landmark as the feature.
- $this->loadFeatureLoc($feature, NULL, $target_feature, $target_fmin,
- $target_fmax, $target_strand, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- $attr_locgroup, $t_type_id, $t_organism_id, $create_target, TRUE);
- }
- // the target attribute is not correctly formatted
- else {
- $this->logMessage("Could not add 'Target' alignment as it is improperly formatted: '%target'",
- ['%target' => $tags['Target'][0]], TRIPAL_ERROR);
- }
- }