@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Purpose: This template provides the layout of the organism node (page)
-// using the same templates used for the various feature content blocks.
-// To Customize the Featture Node Page:
-// - This Template: customize basic layout and which elements are included
-// - Using Panels: Override the node page using Panels3 and place the blocks
-// of content as you please. This method requires no programming. See
-// the Tripal User Guide for more details
-// - Block Templates: customize the content/layout of each block of stock
-// content. These templates are found in the tripal_stock subdirectory
-// Variables Available:
-// - $node: a standard object which contains all the fields associated with
-// nodes including nid, type, title, taxonomy. It also includes stock
-// specific fields such as stock_name, uniquename, stock_type, synonyms,
-// properties, db_references, object_relationships, subject_relationships,
-// organism, etc.
-// NOTE: For a full listing of fields available in the node object the
-// print_r $node line below or install the Drupal Devel module which
-// provides an extra tab at the top of the node page labelled Devel
-$organism = $variables['node']->organism;
-// get the template settings
-$template_settings = theme_get_setting('tripal');
-// toggle the sidebar if desired
-$no_sidebar = 0;
-if (is_array($template_settings['tripal_no_sidebar']) and
- $template_settings['tripal_no_sidebar']['organism']) {
- $no_sidebar = 1;
-if ($teaser) {
- print theme('tripal_organism_teaser', $variables);
-else { ?>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-(function ($) {
- Drupal.behaviors.organismBehavior = {
- attach: function (context, settings){<?php
- // hide the resource sidbar if requested and strech the details section
- if ($no_sidebar) { ?>
- $(".tripal_toc").hide();
- $(".tripal_details").addClass("tripal_details_full");
- $(".tripal_details_full").removeClass("tripal_details"); <?php
- }
- // use default resource sidebar
- else { ?>
- $(".tripal-info-box").hide();
- // set the widths of the details and sidebar sections so they can work
- // seemlessly with any theme.
- total_width = $(".tripal_contents").width();
- details_width = (total_width * 0.70) - 52; // 52 == 20 x 2 left/right padding + 10 right margin + 2pt border
- toc_width = (total_width * 0.30) - 42; // 42 == 20 x 2 left/right padding + 2pt border
- // don't let sidebar get wider than 200px
- if (toc_width > 200) {
- details_width += toc_width - 200;
- toc_width = 200;
- }
- $('#tripal_organism_toc').width(toc_width);
- $('#tripal_organism_details').width(details_width); <?php
- } ?>
- // iterate through all of the info boxes and add their titles
- // to the table of contents
- $(".tripal-info-box-title").each(function(){
- var parent = $(this).parent();
- var id = $(parent).attr('id');
- var title = $(this).text();
- $('#tripal_organism_toc_list').append('<li><a href="#'+id+'" class="tripal_organism_toc_item">'+title+'</a></li>');
- });
- // when a title in the table of contents is clicked, then
- // show the corresponding item in the details box
- $(".tripal_organism_toc_item").click(function(){
- $(".tripal-info-box").hide();
- href = $(this).attr('href');
- if(href.match(/^#/)){
- //alert("correct: " + href);
- }
- else{
- tmp = href.replace(/^.*?#/, "#");
- href = tmp;
- //alert("fixed: " + href);
- }
- $(href).fadeIn('slow');
- // we want to make sure our table of contents and the details
- // box stay the same height
- $("#tripal_organism_toc").height($(href).parent().height());
- return false;
- });
- // we want the base details to show up when the page is first shown
- // unless we're using the feature browser then we want that page to show
- var block = window.location.href.match(/[\?|\&]block=(.+?)\&/)
- if(block == null){
- block = window.location.href.match(/[\?|\&]block=(.+)/)
- }
- if(block != null){
- $("#tripal_organism-"+block[1]+"-box").show();
- }
- else if(window.location.href.match(/\?page=\d+/)){
- $("#tripal_organism-feature_browser-box").show();
- }
- else {
- $("#tripal_organism-base-box").show();
- }
- $("#tripal_organism_toc").height($("#tripal_organism-base-box").parent().height());
- }
- };
-<div id="tripal_organism_content" class="tripal_contents">
- <div id="tripal_organism_details" class="tripal_details">
- <!-- Resource Blocks CCK elements --> <?php
- if (property_exists($node, 'field_resource_titles')) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($node->field_resource_titles); $i++){
- if ($node->field_resource_titles[$i]['value']){ ?>
- <div id="tripal_organism-resource_<?php print $i?>-box" class="tripal_organism-info-box tripal-info-box">
- <div class="tripal_organism-info-box-title tripal-info-box-title"><?php print $node->field_resource_titles[$i]['value'] ?></div>
- <?php print $node->field_resource_blocks[$i]['value']; ?>
- </div> <?php
- }
- }
- }?>
- <!-- Let modules add more content -->
- <?php
- foreach ($content as $key => $values) {
- if (array_key_exists('#value', $values)) {
- print $content[$key]['#value'];
- }
- }
- ?>
- </div>
- <!-- Table of contents -->
- <div id="tripal_organism_toc" class="tripal_toc">
- <div id="tripal_organism_toc_title" class="tripal_toc_title">Resources</i></div>
- <span id="tripal_organism_toc_desc" class="tripal_toc_desc"></span>
- <ul id="tripal_organism_toc_list" class="tripal_toc_list">
- <!-- Resource Links CCK elements --><?php
- if(property_exists($node, 'field_resource_links')) {
- for($i = 0; $i < count($node->field_resource_links); $i++){
- if($node->field_resource_links[$i]['value']){
- $matches = preg_split("/\|/",$node->field_resource_links[$i]['value']);?>
- <li><a href="<?php print $matches[1] ?>" target="_blank"><?php print $matches[0] ?></a></li><?php
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- </ul>
- </div>
-} ?>