@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
// If we have a content type then list all of the entities that belong
// to it.
if ($ctype and !$entity_id and !$expfield) {
- $this->doContentTypeList($ctype);
+ $this->doEntityList($ctype);
// If we have an entity ID then build the resource for a single entity.
else if ($ctype and $entity_id and !$expfield) {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
// Otherwise just list all of the available content types.
else {
- $this->doAllTypesList();
+ $this->doContentTypesList();
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT, array('field_id' => $field['id']));
- $this->addEntityField($term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path, $expfield);
+ $this->addEntityField($this->resource, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path, $expfield);
@@ -163,7 +163,13 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$vocabulary = $instance['settings']['term_vocabulary'];
$accession = $instance['settings']['term_accession'];
$temp_term = tripal_get_term_details($vocabulary, $accession);
- if ($temp_term['name'] == $expfield) {
+ // See if the name provided matches the field name after a bit of
+ // cleanup.
+ if (strtolower(preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $temp_term['name'])) == strtolower($expfield)) {
+ return array($field, $instance, $temp_term);
+ }
+ // Alternatively if the CV term accession matches then we're good too.
+ if ($vocabulary . ':' . $accession == $expfield) {
return array($field, $instance, $temp_term);
@@ -208,7 +214,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $itemPage, url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
// Add in the entitie's fields.
- $this->addEntityFields($entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path);
+ $this->addEntityFields($this->resource, $entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path);
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
* Adds the fields as properties of an entity resource.
- private function addEntityFields($entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path) {
+ private function addEntityFields($resource, $entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path) {
// If the entity is set to hide fields that have no values then we
// want to honor that in the web services too.
@@ -296,34 +302,33 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
// that information.
$items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $entity, $field_name);
$term_key = $this->getContextTerm($term, array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
- $this->resource->addContextItem($term_key, $vocabulary . ':' . $accession);
- $this->resource->addContextItem($vocabulary . ':' . $accession, array(
+ $resource->addContextItem($term_key, $vocabulary . ':' . $accession);
+ $resource->addContextItem($vocabulary . ':' . $accession, array(
'@id' => $term['url'],
'@type' => '@id'
if ($items and count($items) > 0 and $items[0]['value']) {
- $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $term, $service_path . '/' . $entity->id . '/' . urlencode($term['name']), array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
+ $this->addResourceProperty($resource, $term, $service_path . '/' . $entity->id . '/' . urlencode($term['name']), array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
else {
if ($hide_fields == 'show') {
- $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $term, NULL, array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
+ $this->addResourceProperty($resource, $term, NULL, array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
// Get the details for this field for the JSON-LD response.
- $this->addEntityField($term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path);
+ $this->addEntityField($resource, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path);
* Adds the field as a property of the entity resource.
- private function addEntityField($term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance,
+ private function addEntityField($resource, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance,
$service_path, $expfield = NULL) {
// If the entity is set to hide fields that have no values then we
// want to honor that in the web services too.
$hide_fields = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle->id, 'hide');
@@ -346,11 +351,11 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$values = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
if (array_key_exists('value', $items[$i])) {
- $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($this->resource, $items[$i]['value'], $bundle, $service_path);
+ $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($resource, $items[$i]['value'], $bundle, $service_path);
elseif ($field['type'] == 'image') {
$url = file_create_url($items[$i]['uri']);
- $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($this->resource, $url, $bundle, $service_path);
+ $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($resource, $url, $bundle, $service_path);
else {
// TODO: handle this case.
@@ -369,17 +374,17 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
if (is_array($values[0])) {
if ($expfield) {
foreach ($values[0] as $k => $v) {
- $this->resource->addProperty($k, $v);
+ $resource->addProperty($k, $v);
else {
- $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $term, $values[0], array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
+ $this->addResourceProperty($resource, $term, $values[0], array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
// If the value is not an array it's a scalar so add it as is to the
// response.
else {
- $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $term, $values[0], array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
+ $this->addResourceProperty($resource, $term, $values[0], array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
@@ -397,7 +402,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
// Add the context of the parent resource because all of the keys
// were santizied and set to match the proper context.
- $member->setContext($this->resource);
+ $member->setContext($resource);
$this->setResourceType($member, $term);
foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
$member->addProperty($key, $value);
@@ -406,11 +411,11 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
if ($expfield) {
- $this->resource = $response;
+ $resource = $response;
else {
//$this->resource->addProperty($key, $response);
- $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $term, $response, array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
+ $this->addResourceProperty($resource, $term, $response, array('lowercase', 'spacing'));
@@ -684,20 +689,15 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
* @throws Exception
- private function getFilters($field_mapping, $bundle) {
+ private function getFieldFilters($field_mapping, $bundle) {
$filters = array();
// Iterate through the paramter list provided by user.
foreach ($this->params as $param => $value) {
// Ignore non filter parameters.
- if ($param == 'page' or $param == 'limit') {
- continue;
- }
- // Ignore the order parameter as that is handled by the getOrderBy()
- // function
- if ($param == 'order') {
+ if ($param == 'page' or $param == 'limit' or $param == 'order' or
+ $param == 'ids' or $param == 'fields') {
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
* Creates a collection of resources for a given type.
- private function doContentTypeList($ctype) {
+ private function doEntityList($ctype) {
$service_path = $this->getServicePath() . '/' . preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $ctype);
$this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path, $this->params);
@@ -831,23 +831,34 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$field_mapping = $this->getFieldMapping($bundle);
// Get arrays for filters and order by statements.
- $filters = $this->getFilters($field_mapping, $bundle);
+ $filters = $this->getFieldFilters($field_mapping, $bundle);
$order_by = $this->getOrderBy($field_mapping, $bundle);
- // Initialize the query to search for records for out bundle type
+ // Initialize the query to search for records for our bundle types
// that are published.
$query = new TripalFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'TripalEntity');
$query->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle->name);
$query->propertyCondition('status', 1);
+ if (array_key_exists('ids', $this->params)) {
+ $eids = explode(',', $this->params['ids']);
+ if (count($eids) > 1000) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide no more than 1000 ids.');
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric(implode('', $eids))) {
+ throw new Exception('All supplied ids must be numeric.');
+ }
+ $query->entityCondition('entity_id', $eids, 'IN');
+ }
// Now iterate through the filters and add those.
foreach ($filters as $key_field_name => $key_filters) {
foreach ($key_filters as $i => $filter) {
$column_name = $filter['column'];
$value = $filter['value'];
$op = $filter['op'];
- $query->fieldCondition($key_field_name, $column_name, $value, $op);
+ $query->fieldCondition($key_field_name, $column_name, $value, $op);
@@ -891,6 +902,26 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$entity_ids = $results['TripalEntity'];
+ // If the user wants to include any fields in the list then those provided
+ // names need to be converted to fields.
+ $add_fields = array();
+ $add_field_ids = array();
+ if (array_key_exists('fields', $this->params)) {
+ $fields = explode(',', $this->params['fields']);
+ foreach ($fields as $expfield) {
+ list($field, $instance, $temp_term) = $this->findField($bundle, $expfield);
+ if ($field) {
+ $add_fields[$expfield]['field'] = $field;
+ $add_fields[$expfield]['instance'] = $instance;
+ $add_fields[$expfield]['term'] = $temp_term;
+ $add_field_ids[] = $field['id'];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception(t('The field named, "!field", does not exist.', array('!field' => $expfield)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Iterate through the entities and add them to the output list.
foreach ($entity_ids as $entity_id => $stub) {
// We don't need all of the attached fields for an entity so, we'll
@@ -910,6 +941,18 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$this->setResourceType($member, $term);
$this->addResourceProperty($member, $label, $entity->title);
$this->addResourceProperty($member, $itemPage, url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
+ $entity = tripal_load_entity('TripalEntity', array($entity_id), FALSE, $add_field_ids);
+ $entity = $entity[$entity_id];
+ // Add in any requested fields
+ foreach ($fields as $expfield) {
+ if (array_key_exists($expfield, $add_fields)) {
+ $this->addEntityField($member, $add_fields[$expfield]['term'], $entity,
+ $bundle, $add_fields[$expfield]['field'], $add_fields[$expfield]['instance'],
+ $service_path);
+ }
+ }
@@ -917,7 +960,7 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
* Creates a resources that contains the list of content types.
- private function doAllTypesList() {
+ private function doContentTypesList() {
$service_path = $this->getServicePath();
$service_vocab = new TripalDocService_v0_1($this->base_path);
$this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path, $this->params);