@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* For load_gff3.pl */
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('H.sapiens', 'Homo','sapiens','human');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('D.melanogaster', 'Drosophila','melanogaster','fruitfly');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('M.musculus', 'Mus','musculus','mouse');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('A.gambiae', 'Anopheles','gambiae','mosquito');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('R.norvegicus', 'Rattus','norvegicus','rat');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('A.thaliana', 'Arabidopsis','thaliana','mouse-ear cress');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('C.elegans', 'Caenorhabditis','elegans','worm');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('D.rerio', 'Danio','rerio','zebrafish');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('O.sativa', 'Oryza','sativa','rice');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('S.cerevisiae', 'Saccharomyces','cerevisiae','yeast');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
+ values ('X.laevis', 'Xenopus','laevis','frog');
+insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species,common_name)
+ values ('D.discoideum','Dictyostelium','discoideum','dicty');
+insert into contact (name) values ('Affymetrix');
+insert into contact (name,description) values ('null','null');
+insert into cv (name) values ('null');
+insert into cv (name,definition) values ('local','Locally created terms');
+insert into cv (name,definition) values ('Statistical Terms','Locally created terms for statistics');
+insert into db (name, description) values ('null','a fake database for local items');
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'local:null');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('null',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'null'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='local:null'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'local:computer file');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('computer file', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'null'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='local:computer file'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'local:glass');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('glass','glass array',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'local'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='local:glass'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'local:photochemical_oligo');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('photochemical_oligo','in-situ photochemically synthesized oligoes',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'local'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='local:photochemical_oligo'));
+insert into pub (miniref,uniquename,type_id) values ('null','null',(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'null'));
+insert into db (name, description) values ('GFF_source', 'A collection of sources (ie, column 2) from GFF files');
+insert into db (name) values ('ATCC');
+insert into db (name) values ('refseq');
+insert into db (name) values ('genbank');
+insert into db (name) values ('EMBL');
+insert into db (name) values ('TIGR');
+insert into db (name) values ('ucsc');
+insert into db (name) values ('ucla');
+insert into db (name) values ('SGD');
+insert into db (name) values ('PFAM');
+insert into db (name) values ('SUPERFAMILY');
+insert into db (name) values ('PROFILE');
+insert into db (name) values ('PRODOM');
+insert into db (name) values ('PRINTS');
+insert into db (name) values ('SMART');
+insert into db (name) values ('TIGRFAMs');
+insert into db (name) values ('PIR');
+insert into db (name) values ('Affymetrix_U133');
+insert into db (name) values ('Affymetrix_U133PLUS');
+insert into db (name) values ('Affymetrix_U95');
+insert into db (name) values ('LocusLink');
+insert into db (name) values ('RefSeq_protein');
+insert into db (name) values ('GenBank_protein');
+insert into db (name) values ('OMIM');
+insert into db (name) values ('Swiss');
+insert into db (name) values ('RefSNP');
+insert into db (name) values ('TSC');
+--insert into db (name, contact_id, description, urlprefix) values ('affy:U133',(select contact_id from contact where name = 'null'),'Affymetrix U133','http://https://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/netaffx/fullrecord.affx?pk=HG-U133_PLUS_2:');
+--insert into db (name, contact_id, description, urlprefix) values ('affy:U95',(select contact_id from contact where name = 'null'),'Affymetrix U95','http://https://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/netaffx/fullrecord.affx?pk=HG-U95AV2:');
+insert into db (name, description) values ('GR','Gramene');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('uniprot','UniProt/TrEMBL','http://us.expasy.org/cgi-bin/niceprot.pl?');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('refseq:mrna','RefSeq mRNA','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=nucleotide&dopt=GenBank&term=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('refseq:protein','RefSeq Protein','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=protein&dopt=GenBank&term=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('unigene','Unigene','http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=unigene&cmd=search&term=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('omim','OMIM','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/dispomim.cgi?id=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('locuslink','LocusLink','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/LocusLink/LocRpt.cgi?l=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('genbank:mrna','GenBank mRNA','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=nucleotide&dopt=GenBank&term=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('genbank:protein','GenBank Protein','http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=protein&dopt=GenBank&term=');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('swissprot:display','SwissProt','http://us.expasy.org/cgi-bin/niceprot.pl?');
+insert into db (name, description, urlprefix) values ('pfam','Pfam','http://www.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/Pfam/dql.pl?query=');
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('dabg' ,'dabg' ,'dabg' );
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('dchip','dchip','dchip');
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('gcrma','gcrma','gcrma');
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('mas5' ,'mas5' ,'mas5' );
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('mpam' ,'mpam' ,'mpam' );
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('plier','plier','plier');
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('rma' ,'rma' ,'rma' );
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('sea' ,'sea' ,'sea' );
+insert into analysis (name,program,programversion) values ('vsn' ,'vsn' ,'vsn' );
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id) values ('unknown' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'null'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'null'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id) values ('virtual array' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'null'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'null'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U133_Plus_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U133A' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U133A_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U133B' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U95Av2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U95B' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U95C' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U95D' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HG-U95E' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HuExon1' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_HuGeneFL' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_U74Av2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_MG-U74Av2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_MG-U74Bv2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_MG-U74Cv2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RG-U34A' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RG-U34B' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RG-U34C' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RT-U34' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RN-U34' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_YG-S98' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Yeast_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RAE230A' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_RAE230B' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Rat230_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_MOE430A' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_MOE430B' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mouse430_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mouse430A_2' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_ATH1-121501' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping100K_Hind240' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping100K_Xba240' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping10K_Xba131' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping10K_Xba142' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping500K_NspI' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into arraydesign (name,manufacturer_id,platformtype_id,substratetype_id) values ('Affymetrix_Mapping500K_StyI' , (select contact_id from contact where name = 'Affymetrix'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'photochemical_oligo'),(select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'glass'));
+insert into cv (name) values ('developmental stages');
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:fetus');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('fetus', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'local'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:fetus'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:neonate');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('neonate', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'developmental stages'), (select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:neonate'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:child');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('child', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'developmental stages'), (select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:child'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:adult_young');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('adult_young',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'developmental stages'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:adult_young'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:adult');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('adult', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'developmental stages'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:adult'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'developmental stages:adult_old');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('adult_old', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'developmental stages'), (select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='developmental stages:adult_old'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'local:survival_time');
+insert into cvterm (name,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('survival_time',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'local'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='local:survival_time'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:n');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('n','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:n'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:minimum');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('minimum','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:minimum'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:maximum');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('maximum','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:maximum'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:modality');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('modality','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:modality'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:modality p');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('modality p','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:modality p'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:mean');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('mean','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:mean'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:median');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('median','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:median'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:mode');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('mode','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:mode'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:quartile 1');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('quartile 1','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:quartile 1'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:quartile 3');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('quartile 3','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:quartile 3'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:skewness');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('skewness','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:skewness'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:kurtosis');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('kurtosis','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:kurtosis'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:chi square p');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('chi square p','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:chi square p'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:standard deviation');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('standard deviation','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:standard deviation'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:expectation maximization gaussian mean');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('expectation maximization gaussian mean','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:expectation maximization gaussian mean'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:expectation maximization p');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('expectation maximization p','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:expectation maximization p'));
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'Statistical Terms:histogram');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('histogram','sensu statistica', (select cv_id from cv where name = 'Statistical Terms'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='Statistical Terms:histogram'));
+insert into cv (name,definition) values ('autocreated','Terms that are automatically inserted by loading software');
+insert into cv (name,definition) values ('chado_properties','Terms that are used in the chadoprop table to describe the state of the database');
+insert into dbxref (db_id,accession) values ((select db_id from db where name='null'), 'chado_properties:version');
+insert into cvterm (name,definition,cv_id,dbxref_id) values ('version','Chado schema version',(select cv_id from cv where name = 'chado_properties'),(select dbxref_id from dbxref where accession='chado_properties:version'));
+--this table will probably end up in general.sql
+ CREATE TABLE public.materialized_view (
+ materialized_view_id SERIAL,
+ last_update TIMESTAMP,
+ refresh_time INT,
+ name VARCHAR(64) UNIQUE,
+ mv_schema VARCHAR(64),
+ mv_table VARCHAR(128),
+ mv_specs TEXT,
+ indexed TEXT,
+ query TEXT,
+ special_index TEXT
+ );