@@ -378,56 +378,52 @@ function tripal_chado_field_storage_write_merge_fields($fields, $entity_type, $e
return $all_fields;
- * Recurses through a field's items breaking it into a nested array.
- */
-function tripal_chado_field_storage_expand_field($item_name, $value) {
- $matches = array();
- if (preg_match('/^(.*?)--(.*?)$/', $item_name, $matches)) {
- $parent_item_name = $matches[1];
- $sub_item_name = $matches[2];
- $sub_item = tripal_chado_field_storage_expand_field($sub_item_name, $value);
- return array($parent_item_name => $sub_item);
- }
- else {
- return array($item_name => $value);
- }
* Implements hook_field_storage_query().
function tripal_chado_field_storage_query($query) {
- // The conditions and order bys are reorganized into a filters array for the
- // chado_select_record function()
- $filters = array();
+ // Initialize the result array.
+ $result = array(
+ 'TripalEntity' => array()
+ );
+ // There must always be an entity filter that includes the bundle. Otherwise
+ // it would be too overwhelming to search every table of every content type
+ // for a matching field.
+ if (!array_key_exists('bundle', $query->entityConditions)) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $query->entityConditions['bundle']));
+ $data_table = $bundle->data_table;
+ $type_column = $bundle->type_column;
+ $type_id = $bundle->type_id;
+ $schema = chado_get_schema($data_table);
+ $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0];
+ // Initialize the Query object.
+ $cquery = chado_db_select($data_table, 'base');
+ $cquery->fields('base', array($pkey));
// Iterate through all the conditions and add to the filters array
// a chado_select_record compatible set of filters.
foreach ($query->fieldConditions as $index => $condition) {
$field = $condition['field'];
+ $field_type = $field['type'];
// Skip conditions that don't belong to this storage type.
if ($field['storage']['type'] != 'field_chado_storage') {
- $column = $condition['column'];
- $value = $condition['value'];
- $field_type = $field['type'];
- $field_module = $field['module'];
- $settings = $field['settings'];
// The Chado settings for a field are part of the instance and each bundle
// can have the same field but with different Chado mappings. Therefore,
// we need to iterate through the bundles to get the field instances.
- $bundles = $field['bundles'];
- foreach ($bundles['TripalEntity'] as $bundle_name) {
+ foreach ($field['bundles']['TripalEntity'] as $bundle_name) {
- // If there is a bundle filter for the entity and if this bundle is not in
+ // If there is a bundle filter for the entity and if the field is not
+ // associated with the bundle then skip it.
if (array_key_exists('bundle', $query->entityConditions)) {
if (strtolower($query->entityConditions['bundle']['operator']) == 'in' and
!array_key_exists($bundle_name, $query->entityConditions['bundle']['value'])) {
@@ -438,92 +434,15 @@ function tripal_chado_field_storage_query($query) {
- // Get the Chado mapping for this instance.
+ // Allow the field to update the query object.
$instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $field['field_name'], $bundle_name);
- $chado_table = $instance['settings']['chado_table'];
- $chado_column = $instance['settings']['chado_column'];
- // Set the value for this field search.
- $subfields = explode('.', $column);
- //print_r($subfields);
- if (count($subfields) > 1) {
- // Get the term for this field's column and replace the field_name with
- // the term. We need to do this for the recursive function to work.
- // We must lowercase the term and underscore it because that's how we
- // can support case-insensitivity and lack of spacing such as for
- // web services.
- $subfield1 = tripal_get_chado_semweb_term($chado_table, $chado_column, array('return_object' => TRUE));
- $subfields[0] = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $subfield1->name));
- $value = tripal_chado_field_storage_recurse_subfilters($chado_table, $subfields, $value);
- $value = array_shift($value);
- }
- else {
- $value = $condition['value'];
- }
- // Use the appropriate operator.
- $operator = $condition['operator'] ? $condition['operator'] : '=';
- switch ($operator) {
- case '=':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = $value;
- break;
- case '>':
- case '>=':
- case '<':
- case '<=':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => $operator,
- 'data' => $value,
- );
- break;
- case '<>':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => '<>',
- 'data' => $value,
- );
- break;
- case 'CONTAINS':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'LIKE',
- 'data' => '%' . $value . '%',
- );
- break;
- case 'NOT':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
- 'data' => '%' . $value . '%',
- );
- break;
- case 'STARTS WITH':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'LIKE',
- 'data' => $value . '%',
- );
- break;
- case 'NOT STARTS':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
- 'data' => $value . '%',
- );
- break;
- case 'ENDS WITH':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'LIKE',
- 'data' => '%' . $value,
- );
- break;
- case 'NOT ENDS':
- $filters[$chado_table][$chado_column] = array(
- 'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
- 'data' => '%' . $value,
- );
- break;
- default:
- // unrecognized operation.
- break;
+ if (tripal_load_include_field_class($field_type)) {
+ $field_obj = new $field_type($field, $instance);
+ $field_obj->query($condition, $cquery);
} // end foreach ($query->fieldConditions as $index => $condition) {
// Now get the list for sorting.
foreach ($query->order as $index => $sort) {
@@ -544,108 +463,156 @@ function tripal_chado_field_storage_query($query) {
$sorting[$chado_table][$chado_column] = $direction;
- //print_r($filters);
- // Iterate through the filters and perform the query.
- $entity_ids = array();
- foreach ($filters as $chado_table => $values) {
- //print_r($chado_table);
- //print_r($values);
- // First get the matching record IDs from the Chado table.
- $schema = chado_get_schema($chado_table);
- $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0];
- $results = chado_select_record($chado_table, array($pkey), $values);
- $record_ids = array();
- foreach ($results as $result) {
- $record_ids[] = $result->$pkey;
- }
- // Next look for matching IDs in the chado_entity table.
- $filter_ids = array();
- if (count($record_ids) > 0) {
- $select = db_select('chado_entity', 'CE');
- $select->join('tripal_entity', 'TE', 'TE.id = CE.entity_id');
- $select->fields('CE', array('entity_id'));
- $select->fields('TE', array('bundle'));
- $select->condition('record_id', $record_ids);
- // If a bundle is specified then make sure we match on the bundle.
- if (array_key_exists('bundle', $query->entityConditions)) {
- if (strtolower($query->entityConditions['bundle']['operator']) == 'in') {
- $select->condition('bundle', $query->entityConditions['bundle'], $operator);
- }
- else {
- $select->condition('bundle', $query->entityConditions['bundle']);
- }
- }
+ */
- $results = $select->execute();
- while ($result = $results->fetchObject()) {
- $entity_ids[] = array($result->entity_id, 0, $result->bundle);
- }
- }
+ // Now join with the chado_entity table to get published records only.
+ $cquery->join('chado_entity', 'CE', "CE.record_id = base.$pkey");
+ $cquery->fields('CE', array('entity_id'));
+ $cquery->condition('CE.data_table', $data_table);
+ if (array_key_exists('start', $condition['range'])) {
+ $cquery->range($condition['ragne']['start'], $condition['ragne']['length']);
+ $records = $cquery->execute();
- $result = array(
- 'TripalEntity' => array()
- );
- foreach ($entity_ids as $ids) {
- $result['TripalEntity'][$ids[0]] = entity_create_stub_entity('TripalEntity', $ids);
+ $result = array();
+ while ($record = $records->fetchObject()) {
+ $ids = array($record->entity_id, 0, $bundle_name);
+ $result['TripalEntity'][$record->entity_id] = entity_create_stub_entity('TripalEntity', $ids);
return $result;
- *
- * @param $subfields
- * @param $value
+ * @return
+ * An array containing the chado_select_record() compatible array.
-function tripal_chado_field_storage_recurse_subfilters($chado_table, $subfields, $value) {
- $sub_value = array();
- // Get the subvalue for this iteration
- $subfield = array_shift($subfields);
- // Get the cvterms mapped to this table.
- $columns = db_select('chado_semweb', 'CS')
- ->fields('CS', array('chado_column', 'cvterm_id'))
- ->condition('chado_table', $chado_table)
- ->execute();
- // Iterate through the columns and find the one with cvterm that matches
- // the subfield name.
- $chado_column = '';
- while($column = $columns->fetchObject()) {
- $cvterm_id = $column->cvterm_id;
- $cvterm = tripal_get_cvterm(array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm_id));
- // Convert the term name to lower-case and replace spaces with underscores
- // so we can perform case insensitive comparisions and ingore spacing.
- $term_name = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $cvterm->name));
- if ($subfield == $term_name) {
- $chado_column = $column->chado_column;
- }
- }
+function tripal_chado_field_storage_query_build_sql(&$sql, $prev_table, $prev_column, $prev_term, $chado_table, $query_terms, $condition, $value, $depth = 0) {
+ // Get schema information for the previous (linker) Chado table.
+ $pschema = chado_get_schema($prev_table);
+ $ppkey = $pschema['primary key'][0];
+ $pfkeys = $pschema['foreign keys'];
- // If we have more subfields then this should be a foreign key and we should
- // recurse.
- if (count($subfields) > 0) {
+ // Get schema information for the current Chado table.
+ $schema = chado_get_schema($chado_table);
+ $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0];
+ $fkeys = $schema['foreign keys'];
- // Get the foreign keys for this Chado table.
- $schema = chado_get_schema($chado_table);
- $fkeys = $schema['foreign keys'];
+ // Get the first query term from the list and find out what column this
+ // term maps to in the Chado table.
+ $term = array_shift($query_terms);
+ $chado_column = tripal_get_chado_semweb_column($chado_table, $term);
+ if (!$chado_column) {
+ // TODO: we could get to this point because a field has a value that
+ // doesn't map to a database column but is a manually created
+ // element. How do we deal with those?
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- // Iterate through the FKs to find the one that matches this Chado field.
- foreach ($fkeys as $fk_table => $details) {
- foreach ($details['columns'] as $lkey => $rkey) {
- if ($lkey == $chado_column) {
- $sub_value = tripal_chado_field_storage_recurse_subfilters($fk_table, $subfields, $value);
- return array($chado_column => $sub_value);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return array($chado_column => $value);
+ // reformat that term so it's compatible with SQL
+ $term = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $term);
+ // A query can be an array of column names separated by a period. We
+ // want to split them apart and just deal with the column at the head
+ // of the array. But before dealing with that head, we will recurse so that
+ // we build our filters array from the bottom up.
+ if (count($query_terms) > 0) {
+ // Since the $query_terms is not a single element that implies this
+ // query term represents a foreign key.
+ // We don't know which direction the foreign key is going, so we'll have
+ // to check both the previous and current tables to build the join
+ // statement correctly.
+ if (array_key_exists($prev_table, $fkeys) and
+ array_key_exists($chado_column, $fkeys[$prev_table]['columns'])) {
+ $fkey = $fkeys[$prev_table]['columns'][$chado_column];
+ $sql['join'][] = 'INNER JOIN {' . $chado_table . '} ' . $term . ' ON ' . $prev_term . '.' . $fkey . ' = ' . $term . '.' . $chado_column;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sql['join'][] = 'INNER JOIN {' . $chado_table . '} ' . $term . ' ON ' . $prev_term . '.' . $prev_column . ' = ' . $term . '.' . $chado_column;
+ }
+ // Get the table that this foreign key links to.
+ $next_table = '';
+ foreach ($fkeys as $fktable_name => $fk_details) {
+ foreach ($fk_details['columns'] as $lfkey => $rfkey) {
+ if ($lfkey == $chado_column) {
+ $next_table = $fktable_name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($next_table) {
+ tripal_chado_field_storage_query_build_sql($sql, $chado_table, $chado_column, $term, $next_table, $query_terms, $condition, $value, $depth++);
+ }
+ else {
+ // TODO: we could get to this point because a field has a value that
+ // doesn't map to a database column but is a manually created
+ // element. How do we deal with those?
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // We don't know which direction the foreign key is going, so we'll have
+ // to check both the previous and current tables to build the join
+ // statement correctly.
+ if (array_key_exists($prev_table, $fkeys) and
+ array_key_exists($chado_column, $fkeys[$prev_table]['columns'])) {
+ $fkey = $fkeys[$prev_table]['columns'][$chado_column];
+ $sql['join'][] = 'INNER JOIN {' . $chado_table . '} ' . $term . ' ON ' . $prev_term . '.' . $fkey . ' = ' . $term . '.' . $chado_column;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sql['join'][] = 'INNER JOIN {' . $chado_table . '} ' . $term . ' ON ' . $prev_term . '.' . $prev_column . ' = ' . $term . '.' . $chado_column;
+ }
+ // Use the appropriate operator.
+ $operator = $condition['operator'] ? $condition['operator'] : '=';
+ switch ($operator) {
+ case '=':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column = :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = $value;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ case '>=':
+ case '<':
+ case '<=':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column $op :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = $value;
+ break;
+ case '<>':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column $op :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = $value;
+ break;
+ case 'CONTAINS':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = '%' . $value . '%';
+ break;
+ case 'NOT':
+ $subfilters[$chado_column] = array(
+ 'op' => 'NOT LIKE',
+ 'data' => '%' . $value . '%',
+ );
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column NOT LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = '%' . $value . '%';
+ break;
+ case 'STARTS WITH':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = $value . '%';
+ break;
+ case 'NOT STARTS':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column NOT LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = $value . '%';
+ break;
+ case 'ENDS WITH':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = '%' . $value;
+ break;
+ case 'NOT ENDS':
+ $sql['where'][] = "$term.$chado_column NOT LIKE :value";
+ $sql['args'][':value'] = '%' . $value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // unrecognized operation.
+ break;
+ }