@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ tripal_import_api();
require_once "includes/tripal.field_storage.inc";
require_once "includes/tripal.fields.inc";
+require_once "includes/tripal.entity.inc";
require_once "includes/TripalVocab.inc";
require_once "includes/TripalVocabController.inc";
@@ -437,255 +438,7 @@ function tripal_shortcut_default_set($account) {
-// http://www.bluespark.com/blog/drupal-entities-part-3-programming-hello-drupal-entity
-// http://dikini.net/31.08.2010/entities_bundles_fields_and_field_instances
- * Implement hook_entity_info().
- */
-function tripal_entity_info() {
- $entities = array();
- //return $entities;
- //
- // The TripalVocab entity is meant to house vocabularies. It is these
- // vocabs that are used by the TripalTerm entities. The storage backend
- // is responsible for setting the values of this entity.
- //
- $entities['TripalVocab'] = array(
- // A human readable label to identify our entity.
- 'label' => 'Controlled Vocabulary',
- 'plural label' => 'Controlled Vocabularies',
- // The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
- // Entity API.
- 'entity class' => 'TripalVocab',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalVocabController',
- // Adds Views integration for this entity.
- 'views controller class' => 'TripalVocabViewsController',
- // The table for this entity defined in hook_schema()
- 'base table' => 'tripal_vocab',
- // If fieldable == FALSE, we can't attach fields.
- 'fieldable' => TRUE,
- // entity_keys tells the controller what database fields are used for key
- // functions. It is not required if we don't have bundles or revisions.
- // Here we do not support a revision, so that entity key is omitted.
- 'entity keys' => array (
- 'id' => 'id',
- ),
- // Callback function for access to this entity.
- 'access callback' => 'tripal_entity_access',
- // FALSE disables caching. Caching functionality is handled by Drupal core.
- 'static cache' => FALSE,
- // This entity doesn't support bundles.
- 'bundles' => array (),
- 'view modes' => array (
- 'full' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Full content'),
- 'custom settings' => FALSE
- ),
- 'teaser' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Teaser'),
- 'custom settings' => TRUE
- ),
- ),
- );
- //
- // The TripalTerm entity is meant to house vocabulary terms. It is these
- // terms that are used by the TripalEntity entities. The storage backend
- // is responsible for setting the values of this entity.
- //
- $entities['TripalTerm'] = array(
- // A human readable label to identify our entity.
- 'label' => 'Controlled Vocabulary Term',
- 'plural label' => 'Controlled Vocabulary Terms',
- // The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
- // Entity API.
- 'entity class' => 'TripalTerm',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalTermController',
- // Adds Views integration for this entity.
- 'views controller class' => 'TripalTermViewsController',
- // The table for this entity defined in hook_schema()
- 'base table' => 'tripal_term',
- // If fieldable == FALSE, we can't attach fields.
- 'fieldable' => TRUE,
- // entity_keys tells the controller what database fields are used for key
- // functions. It is not required if we don't have bundles or revisions.
- // Here we do not support a revision, so that entity key is omitted.
- 'entity keys' => array (
- 'id' => 'id',
- ),
- // Callback function for access to this entity.
- 'access callback' => 'tripal_entity_access',
- // FALSE disables caching. Caching functionality is handled by Drupal core.
- 'static cache' => FALSE,
- // This entity doesn't support bundles.
- 'bundles' => array (),
- 'view modes' => array (
- 'full' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Full content'),
- 'custom settings' => FALSE
- ),
- 'teaser' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Teaser'),
- 'custom settings' => TRUE
- ),
- ),
- );
- //
- // The TripalEntity is used for all data. It links data from a storage
- // back-end to a TripalTerm entity.
- //
- $entities['TripalEntity'] = array (
- // A human readable label to identify our entity.
- 'label' => 'Tripal Content',
- 'plural label' => 'Tripal Content',
- // The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
- // Entity API.
- 'entity class' => 'TripalEntity',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalEntityController',
- // Adds Views integration for this entity.
- 'views controller class' => 'TripalEntityViewsController',
- // The table for this entity defined in hook_schema()
- 'base table' => 'tripal_entity',
- // Returns the uri elements of an entity.
- 'uri callback' => 'tripal_vocbulary_term_uri',
- // IF fieldable == FALSE, we can't attach fields.
- 'fieldable' => TRUE,
- // entity_keys tells the controller what database fields are used for key
- // functions. It is not required if we don't have bundles or revisions.
- // Here we do not support a revision, so that entity key is omitted.
- 'entity keys' => array (
- 'id' => 'id',
- 'bundle' => 'bundle'
- ),
- 'bundle keys' => array (
- 'bundle' => 'name'
- ),
- // Callback function for access to this entity.
- 'access callback' => 'tripal_entity_access',
- // FALSE disables caching. Caching functionality is handled by Drupal core.
- 'static cache' => FALSE,
- // Bundles are added dynamically below.
- 'bundles' => array (),
- 'label callback' => 'tripal_entity_label',
- // The information below is used by the TripalEntityUIController
- // (which extends the EntityDefaultUIController). The admin_ui
- // key here is mean to appear on the 'Find Content' page of the
- // administrative menu.
- 'admin ui' => array (
- 'path' => 'admin/content/bio_data',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalEntityUIController',
- 'menu wildcard' => '%TripalEntity',
- 'file' => 'includes/TripalEntityUIController.inc'
- ),
- 'view modes' => array (
- 'full' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Full content'),
- 'custom settings' => FALSE
- ),
- 'teaser' => array (
- 'label' => t ('Teaser'),
- 'custom settings' => TRUE
- )
- )
- );
- //
- // The TripalBundle entity is used manage the bundle types. The 'bundle of'
- // attribute links this to the TripalEntity and allows the UI provided
- // by the entity module to work for each TripalEntity bundle.
- //
- $entities['TripalBundle'] = array (
- 'label' => 'Tripal Content Type',
- 'entity class' => 'TripalBundle',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalBundleController',
- 'base table' => 'tripal_bundle',
- 'fieldable' => FALSE,
- 'bundle of' => 'TripalEntity',
- 'exportable' => FALSE,
- 'entity keys' => array (
- 'id' => 'id',
- 'name' => 'name',
- 'label' => 'label'
- ),
- 'access callback' => 'tripal_bundle_access',
- 'module' => 'tripal',
- // Enable the entity API's admin UI.
- 'admin ui' => array (
- 'path' => 'admin/structure/bio_data',
- 'controller class' => 'TripalBundleUIController',
- 'file' => 'includes/TripalBundleUIController.inc',
- 'menu wildcard' => '%TripalBundle',
- )
- );
- return $entities;
- * Implements hook_entities_info_alter().
- *
- * Add in the bundles (entity types) to the TripalEntity entity.
- */
-function tripal_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info){
- if (array_key_exists('TripalEntity', $entity_info)) {
- // Dynamically add in the bundles. Bundles are alternative groups of fields
- // or configuration associated with an entity type .We want to dynamically
- // add the bundles to the entity.
- $bundles = db_select('tripal_bundle', 'tb')
- ->fields('tb')
- ->execute();
- while ($bundle = $bundles->fetchObject()) {
- $bundle_name = $bundle->name;
- $term_id = $bundle->term_id;
- $term = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $term_id));
- $term = reset($term);
- $label = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', ucwords($term->name));
- $entity_info['TripalEntity']['bundles'][$bundle_name] = array (
- 'label' => $label,
- 'admin' => array (
- 'path' => 'admin/structure/bio_data/manage/%TripalBundle',
- 'real path' => 'admin/structure/bio_data/manage/' . $bundle_name,
- 'bundle argument' => 4,
- 'access arguments' => array (
- 'administer tripal data types'
- )
- )
- );
- }
- }
* Menu argument loader; Load a tripal data type by string.