@@ -102,4 +102,776 @@ function tripal_load_include_web_service_class($class) {
return FALSE;
+ * Adds a new site to the web services table.
+ *
+ * @param $name
+ * Name of site to be included.
+ * @param $url
+ * URL of site to be added.
+ * @param $version
+ * Version of the API being used. default to 1
+ * @param $description
+ * A description of the site and any additional info that
+ * would be helpful for admins.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if the site is successfully added, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+function tripal_add_site($name, $url, $version, $description) {
+ $check_url = NULL;
+ $check_name = NULL;
+ $write_to_db = TRUE;
+ // When inserting a record.
+ $check_url =
+ db_select('tripal_sites', 'ts')
+ ->fields('ts', array('id'))
+ ->condition('url', $url)
+ ->condition('version', $version)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchField();
+ $check_name =
+ db_select('tripal_sites', 'ts')
+ ->fields('ts', array('id'))
+ ->condition('name', $name)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchField();
+ if ($check_url) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('The URL and version is used by another site.'), 'error');
+ $write_to_db = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ($check_name) {
+ drupal_set_message(t('The name is used by another site.'), 'error');
+ $write_to_db = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ($write_to_db === TRUE) {
+ db_insert('tripal_sites')
+ ->fields(array(
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'url' => $url,
+ 'version' => $version,
+ 'description' => $description
+ ))
+ ->execute();
+ drupal_set_message(t('Tripal site \'' . $name . '\' has been added.'));
+ return $write_to_db;
+ }
+ return $write_to_db;
+ * Remove a site from the web services table.
+ *
+ * @param $record_id
+ * ID of the record to be deleted.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if the record was successfully deleted, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+function tripal_remove_site($record_id) {
+ if ($record_id) {
+ db_delete('tripal_sites')
+ ->condition('id', $record_id)
+ ->execute();
+ drupal_set_message('The Tripal site \'' . $record_id . '\' has been removed.');
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Makes a request to the "content" service of a remote Tripal web site.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $path
+ * The web service path for the content (excluding
+ * 'web-servcies/vX.x/content'). To retrieve the full content listing
+ * leave this paramter empty.
+ * @param $query
+ * An query string to appear after the ? in a URL.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * The JSON response formatted in a PHP array or FALSE if a problem occured.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_content($site_id, $path = '', $query = '') {
+ if (!$site_id) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide a numeric site ID for the tripal_get_remote_content function.');
+ }
+ // Fetch the record for this site id.
+ $remote_site = db_select('tripal_sites', 'ts')
+ ->fields('ts')
+ ->condition('ts.id', $site_id)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchObject();
+ if (!$remote_site) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ t('Could not find a remote tripal site using the id provided: !id.',
+ array('!id' => $site_id)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Build the URL to the remote web services.
+ $ws_version = $remote_site->version;
+ $ws_url = $remote_site->url;
+ $ws_url = trim($ws_url, '/');
+ $ws_url .= '/web-services/content/' . $ws_version . '/' . $path;
+ // Build the Query and make and substitions needed.
+ if ($query) {
+ $ws_url = $ws_url . '?' . $query;
+ }
+ // TODO: something is wrong here, the query is not being recognized on
+ // the remote Tripal site. It's just returning the default.
+ $data = drupal_http_request($ws_url);
+ if (!$data) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ t('Could not connect to the remote web service.'));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // If the data object has an error then this is some sort of
+ // connection error (not a Tripal web servcies error).
+ if (property_exists($data, 'error')) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'Remote web Services reports the following error: !error. Using URL: !url',
+ array('!error' => $error, '!url' => $ws_url));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // We got a response, so convert it to a PHP array.
+ $data = drupal_json_decode($data->data);
+ // Check if there was a Tripal Web Services error.
+ if (array_key_exists('error', $data)) {
+ $error = '</pre>' . print_r($data['error'], TRUE) . '</pre>';
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'Tripal remote web services reports the following error: !error. Using URL: !url',
+ array('!error' => $error, '!url' => $ws_url));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return $data;
+ * Retrieves the JSON-LD context for any remote Tripal web service.
+ *
+ * @param $context_url
+ * The Full URL for the context file on the remote Tripal site. This URL
+ * can be found in the '@context' key of any response from a remote Tripal
+ * web services call.
+ * @param $cache_id
+ * A unique ID for caching of this context result to speed furture
+ * queries.
+ * @return
+ * The JSON-LD context mapping array, or FALSE if the context could not
+ * be retrieved.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_context($context_url, $cache_id) {
+ if (!$context_url) {
+ throw new Exception('PLease provide a context_url for the tripal_get_remote_context function.');
+ }
+ if (!$cache_id) {
+ throw new Exception('PLease provide unique $cache_id for the tripal_get_remote_context function.');
+ }
+ if ($cache = cache_get($cache_id)) {
+ return $cache->data;
+ }
+ $context = drupal_http_request($context_url);
+ if (!$context) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'There was a poblem retrieving the context from the remote site: !context_url.',
+ array('!context_url' => $context_url));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ $context = drupal_json_decode($context->data);
+ $context = $context['@context'];
+ cache_set($cache_id, $context);
+ return $context;
+ * Retrieves the JSON-LD context for a bundle or field on a remote Tripal site.
+ *
+ * The $site_id, $bundle_accession and $field_accession variables are not
+ * needed to retrieve the context, but are used for caching the context to
+ * make subsequent calls execute faster. This function is meant to be used
+ * only for the 'content' service provided by Tripal.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $context_url
+ * The Full URL for the context file on the remote Tripal site. This URL
+ * can be found in the '@context' key of any response from a remote Tripal
+ * web services call.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of
+ * the Class (i.e. content type).
+ * @return
+ * The JSON-LD context mapping array.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $context_url, $bundle_accession, $field_accession = '') {
+ $cache_id = substr('trp_ws_context_' . $site_id . '-' . $bundle_accession . '-' . $field_accession, 0, 254);
+ $context = tripal_get_remote_context($context_url, $cache_id);
+ return $context;
+ * Clears the cached remote site documentation and context.
+ *
+ * When querying a remote website, the site's API documenation and page context
+ * is cached to make re-use of that information easier in the future. This
+ * function can be used to clear those caches.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ */
+function tripal_clear_remote_cache($site_id) {
+ if (!$site_id) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide a numeric site ID for the tripal_clear_remote_cache function.');
+ }
+ cache_clear_all('trp_ws_context_' . $site_id , 'cache', TRUE);
+ cache_clear_all('trp_ws_doc_' . $site_id , 'cache', TRUE);
+ * Retrieves the API documentation for a remote Tripal web service.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @return
+ * The vocabulary of a remote Tripal web service, or FALSE if an error
+ * occured.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id) {
+ $site_doc = '';
+ if (!$site_id) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide a numeric site ID for the tripal_get_remote_API_doc function.');
+ }
+ $cache_name = 'trp_ws_doc_' . $site_id;
+ if ($cache = cache_get($cache_name)) {
+ return $cache->data;
+ }
+ // Get the site url from the tripal_sites table.
+ $remote_site = db_select('tripal_sites', 'ts')
+ ->fields('ts')
+ ->condition('ts.id', $site_id)
+ ->execute()
+ ->fetchObject();
+ if (!$remote_site) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Cannot find a remote site with id: "!id"', array('!id' => $site_id)));
+ }
+ // Build the URL to the remote web services.
+ $ws_version = $remote_site->version;
+ $ws_url = $remote_site->url;
+ $ws_url = trim($ws_url, '/');
+ $ws_url .= '/web-services/doc/' . $ws_version;
+ // Build and make the request.
+ $options = [];
+ $data = drupal_http_request($ws_url, $options);
+ if (!$data) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ t('Could not connect to the remote web service.'));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // If the data object has an error then this is some sort of
+ // connection error (not a Tripal web servcies error).
+ if (property_exists($data, 'error')) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'Remote web services document reports the following error: !error. Using URL: !url',
+ array('!error' => $error, '!url' => $ws_url));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // We got a response, so convert it to a PHP array.
+ $site_doc = drupal_json_decode($data->data);
+ // Check if there was a Tripal Web Services error.
+ if (array_key_exists('error', $data)) {
+ $error = '</pre>' . print_r($data['error'], TRUE) . '</pre>';
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'Tripal Remote web services document reports the following error: !error. Using URL: !url',
+ array('!error' => $error, '!url' => $ws_url));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ cache_set($cache_name, $site_doc);
+ return $site_doc;
+ * Queries a remote site for an array of bulk entity ids.
+ *
+ * This function returns an array of "fake" entities containing values
+ * for fields specified.
+ *
+ * @param $remote_entity_ids
+ * Array of the remote ids.
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_ids
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accessions for the fields available
+ * on the remote content type. Any remote fields that matches these IDs will
+ * be added to the entity returned.
+ * @return
+ * An array of fake entity objects where the key is the entity_id and
+ * the value is the object.
+ */
+function tripal_load_remote_entities($remote_entity_ids, $site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_ids) {
+ if (!$remote_entity_ids) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide the list of remote entity ids for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ if (!is_array($remote_entity_ids)) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide an array for the remote entity ids for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ if (!$site_id) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide a numeric site ID for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ if (!$bundle_accession) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide the bundle accession for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ if (!$field_ids) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide the list of field IDs for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ if (!is_array($field_ids)) {
+ throw new Exception('Please provide an array for the field IDs for the tripal_load_remote_entities function.');
+ }
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ // Generate an array for the query and then execute it.
+ $query = 'page=1&limit=' . count($remote_entity_ids) .
+ '&ids=' . urlencode(implode(",", $remote_entity_ids)) .
+ '&fields=' . urlencode(implode(",", $field_ids));
+ $results = tripal_get_remote_content($site_id, $bundle_accession, $query);
+ if (!$results) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Get the context JSON for this remote entity, we'll use it to map
+ $context_url = $results['@context'];
+ $context = tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $context_url, $bundle_accession);
+ if (!$context) {
+ return $entity;
+ }
+ $total_items = $results['totalItems'];
+ $members = $results['member'];
+ $entities = array();
+ foreach($members as $member) {
+ // Start building the fake entity.
+ $entity_id = preg_replace('/^.*?(\d+)$/', '$1', $member['@id']);
+ $entity = new stdClass();
+ $entity->entityType = 'TripalEntity';
+ $entity->entityInfo = [];
+ $entity->id = $entity_id;
+ $entity->type = 'TripalEntity';
+ $entity->bundle = $bundle_accession;
+ $entity->site_id = $site_id;
+ $member = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($member, $context, 1);
+ foreach ($member as $field_id => $value) {
+ $field = tripal_get_remote_field_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
+ $instance = tripal_get_remote_field_instance_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
+ $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+ $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = $value;
+ }
+ $entities[$entity_id] = $entity;
+ }
+ return $entities;
+ * Queries a remote site for an entity.
+ *
+ * This function returns a "fake" entity containing values for all fields
+ * specified.
+ *
+ * @param $remote_entity_id
+ * A remote entity ID.
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_ids
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accessions for the fields available
+ * on the remote content type. Any remote fields that matches these IDs will
+ * be added to the entity returned.
+ * @return
+ * A fake entity object.
+ */
+function tripal_load_remote_entity($remote_entity_id, $site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_ids) {
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ // Get the remote entity and create the fake entity.
+ $remote_entity = tripal_get_remote_content($site_id, $bundle_accession . '/' . $remote_entity_id);
+ if (!$remote_entity) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Start building the fake entity.
+ $entity = new stdClass();
+ $entity->entityType = 'TripalEntity';
+ $entity->entityInfo = [];
+ $entity->id = $remote_entity_id;
+ $entity->type = 'TripalEntity';
+ $entity->bundle = $bundle_accession;
+ $entity->site_id = $site_id;
+ // Get the context JSON for this remote entity, we'll use it to map
+ $context_url = $remote_entity['@context'];
+ $context = tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $context_url, $bundle_accession);
+ if (!$context) {
+ return $entity;
+ }
+ // Iterate through the fields and the those values to the entity.
+ foreach ($field_ids as $field_id) {
+ $field = tripal_get_remote_field_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
+ $instance = tripal_get_remote_field_instance_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
+ $field_name = $field['field_name'];
+ $field_key = '';
+ foreach ($context as $k => $v) {
+ if (!is_array($v) and $v == $field_id) {
+ $field_key = $k;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the field is not in this remote bundle then add an empty value.
+ if (!$field_key) {
+ $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = '';
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists($field_key, $remote_entity)) {
+ $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = '';
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the key is for a field that is not "auto attached' then we need
+ // to get that field through a separate call.
+ $attached = TRUE;
+ if (array_key_exists($field_id, $context) and is_array($context[$field_id]) and
+ array_key_exists('@type', $context[$field_id]) and $context[$field_id]['@type'] == '@id'){
+ $attached = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Set the value for this field.
+ $value = '';
+ if (is_array($remote_entity[$field_key])) {
+ $value = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($remote_entity[$field_key], $context, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = $remote_entity[$field_key];
+ }
+ // If the field is not attached then we have to query another level.
+ if (!$attached) {
+ $field_data = drupal_http_request($value);
+ if (!$field_data) {
+ tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR,
+ 'There was a poblem retrieving the unattached field, "!field:", for the remote entity: !entity_id.',
+ array('!field' => $field_id, '!entity_id' => $remote_entity_id));
+ $value = '';
+ }
+ $field_data = drupal_json_decode($field_data->data);
+ // Get the context for this field so we can map the keys to the
+ // controlled vocabulary accessions. If it fails then skip this field.
+ $field_context_url = $field_data['@context'];
+ $field_context = tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $field_context_url, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
+ if (!$field_context) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $value = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($field_data, $field_context);
+ }
+ $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = $value;
+ }
+ return $entity;
+ * A helper function for the tripal_get_remote_entity() function.
+ *
+ * This function converts the field's key elements to their
+ * vocabulary term accessions.
+ *
+ * @param $field_data
+ * The field array as returned by web services.
+ * @param $context
+ * The web service JSON-LD context for the bundle to which the field belongs.
+ */
+function _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($field_data, $context, $depth = 0) {
+ // Check if this is an array.
+ if ($field_data['@type'] == 'Collection') {
+ $members = array();
+ foreach ($field_data['member'] as $member) {
+ $next_depth = $depth + 1;
+ $members[] = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($member, $context, $next_depth);
+ }
+ // If we only have one item then just return it as a single item.
+ // TODO: we may need to check cardinality of the field and be more
+ // strict about how we return the value.
+ if ($field_data['totalItems'] == 1){
+ return $members[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $members;
+ }
+ }
+ $value = array();
+ foreach ($field_data as $k => $v) {
+ // Skip the JSON-LD keys.
+ if ($k == '@id' or $k == '@type' or $k == '@context') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Find the term accession for this element, and if the key's value is an
+ // array then recurse.
+ $accession = $context[$k];
+ if (is_array($v)) {
+ $next_depth = $depth + 1;
+ $subvalue = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($v, $context, $next_depth);
+ $value[$accession] = $subvalue;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value[$accession] = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+ * Behaves similar to the field_info_field() function but for remote fields.
+ *
+ * Returns a "fake" field info array for fields attached to content types
+ * on remote Tripal sites.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of
+ * the Class (i.e. content type).
+ * @return
+ * An array similar to that returned by the field_info_field function
+ * of Drupal for local fields.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_field_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession){
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ // Get the property from the document for this field.
+ $property = tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession);
+ // Now create the fake field and instance.
+ list($vocab, $accession) = explode(':', $field_accession);
+ $field_name = 'tripal_remote_site_' . $site_id . '_' . $field_accession;
+ $field = array(
+ 'field_name' => $field_name,
+ 'type' => $field_name,
+ 'storage' => array(
+ 'type' => 'tripal_remote_site'
+ ),
+ );
+ return $field;
+ * Behaves similar to the field_info_instance() function but for remote fields.
+ *
+ * Returns a "fake" instance info array for fields attached to content types
+ * on remote Tripal sites.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of
+ * the Class (i.e. content type).
+ * @return
+ * An array similar to that returned by the field_info_instance function
+ * of Drupal for local fields.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_field_instance_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession){
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ // Get the property from the document for this field.
+ $property = tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession);
+ list($vocab, $accession) = explode(':', $field_accession);
+ $field_name = 'tripal_remote_site_' . $site_id . '_' . $field_accession;
+ list($vocab, $accession) = explode(':', $field_accession);
+ $instance = array(
+ 'label' => $property['hydra:title'],
+ 'description' => $property['hydra:description'],
+ 'formatters' => $property['tripal_formatters'],
+ 'settings' => array(
+ 'term_vocabulary' => $vocab,
+ 'term_accession' => $accession
+ ),
+ 'field_name' => $field_name,
+ 'entity_type' => 'TripalEntity',
+ 'bundle_name' => $bundle_accession,
+ );
+ return $instance;
+ * Retreive the content type information from a remote Tripal site.
+ *
+ * The array returned is equivalent to the Hydra Vocabulary "supportedClass"
+ * stanza.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @return
+ * A PHP array corresponding to the Hydra Class stanza (i.e. a content type).
+ * Returns NULL if the class ID cannot be found.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_content_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession){
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ // Get the class that matches this bundle.
+ $classes = $site_doc['supportedClass'];
+ $class = NULL;
+ foreach ($classes as $item) {
+ if ($item['@id'] == $bundle_accession) {
+ return $item;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Retrieves the field information for a content type from a remote Tripal site.
+ *
+ * The array returned is equivalent to the Hydra Vocabulary "supportedProperty"
+ * stanza that belongs to a Hydra Class (content type).
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of
+ * the Class (i.e. content type).
+ * @return
+ * A PHP array corresponding to the Hydra property stanza (field) that
+ * belongs to the given Class (i.e. a content type). Retruns NULL if the
+ * property cannot be found.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession){
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ $class = tripal_get_remote_content_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession);
+ $properties = $class['supportedProperty'];
+ foreach ($properties as $item) {
+ if ($item['property'] == $field_accession) {
+ return $item;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Retrieves the list of download formatters for a remote field.
+ *
+ * All Tripal fields support the abilty for inclusion in files that can
+ * downloaded. This function is used to identify what formatters these
+ * fields are appropriate for. If those download formatter classes exist
+ * on this site then the field can be used with that formatter.
+ *
+ * @param $site_id
+ * The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $bundle_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type
+ * on the remote Tripal site.
+ * @param $field_accession
+ * The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of
+ * the Class (i.e. content type).
+ * @return
+ * An array of field downloader class names that are compoatible with the
+ * field and which exist on this site.
+ */
+function tripal_get_remote_field_formatters($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession) {
+ $flist = array();
+ // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
+ $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);
+ $property = tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession);
+ if (!$property) {
+ return $flist;
+ }
+ $formatters = $property['tripal_formatters'];
+ foreach($formatters as $formatter) {
+ if (tripal_load_include_downloader_class($formatter)) {
+ $flist[$formatter] = $formatter::$full_label;
+ }
+ }
+ return $flist;