@@ -260,6 +260,134 @@ function tripal_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info){
+ * Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
+ *
+ * For some reason not all our TripalFields end up in the properties field for
+ * each bundle. This becomes a problem with Search API integration because only
+ * fields listed in the properties for a bundle are available to be indexed.
+ * Thus we are altering the property info to add any fields attached to
+ * TripalEntities which may have been missed.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, there are some pecularities with how TripalFields store their
+ * value that causes the default getter callback difficulties in some edge cases.
+ * Thus we are overriding that function below.
+ */
+function tripal_entity_property_info_alter(&$info) {
+ // For each Tripal Content Type, we want to ensure all attached fields
+ // are added to the bundle properties.
+ foreach ($info['TripalEntity']['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle) {
+ // Retrieve information for all fields attached to this Tripal Content Type.
+ $fields = field_info_instances('TripalEntity', $bundle_name);
+ foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
+ // If there is a field attached to the current Tripal Content Type that
+ // is not listed in properties, then add it. We use the full defaults here
+ // just in case it's not a TripalField or ChadoField.
+ if (!isset($info['TripalEntity']['bundles'][$bundle_name]['properties'][$field_name])) {
+ $info['TripalEntity']['bundles'][$bundle_name]['properties'][$field_name] = array(
+ 'label' => $field_info['label'],
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'description' => $field_info['description'],
+ 'getter callback' => 'entity_metadata_field_property_get',
+ 'setter callback' => 'entity_metadata_field_property_set',
+ 'access callback' => 'entity_metadata_field_access_callback',
+ 'query callback' => 'entity_metadata_field_query',
+ 'translatable' => FALSE,
+ 'field' => TRUE,
+ 'required' => $field_info['required'],
+ );
+ }
+ // Now, if it's a TripalField or a ChadoField, then we want to use a custom
+ // getter callback in order to ensure values are retrieved properly.
+ // ASSUMPTION: All TripalFields and ChadoFields have an ontology term
+ // defining them.
+ if (isset($field_info['settings']['term_accession'])) {
+ $info['TripalEntity']['bundles'][$bundle_name]['properties'][$field_name]['getter callback'] = 'tripal_field_property_get';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Callback for getting TripalField and ChadoField property values.
+ *
+ * This function retrieves the value from a field. Since the value has already
+ * been set by the Tripal/ChadoField class at this point, it should just be a
+ * matter of grabbing the value.
+ *
+ * @param $entity
+ * The fully-loaded entity object to be indexed.
+ * @param $options
+ * Options that can be ued when retrieving the value.
+ * @param $field_name
+ * The machine name of the field we want to retrieve.
+ * @param $entity_type
+ * The type of entity (ie: TripalEntity).
+ *
+ * @return
+ * The rendered value of the field specified by $field_name.
+ */
+function tripal_field_property_get($entity, array $options, $field_name, $entity_type, $info) {
+ // Retrieve information for the field.
+ $field = field_info_field($field_name);
+ // Retrieve the language code.
+ $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : LANGUAGE_NONE;
+ $langcode = entity_metadata_field_get_language($entity_type, $entity, $field, $langcode, TRUE);
+ $values = array();
+ if (isset($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) {
+ // For each value of the field... (this will be multiple if cardinality is > 1).
+ foreach ($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] as $delta => $data) {
+ // All Tripal/ChadoFields should have a value key. Only the information
+ // stored in this value key should be displayed on the page, available
+ // via web services or indexed for searching. This is there is no value
+ // key, we will not index anything.
+ if (!isset($data['value'])) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Sometimes TripalFields may return multiple pieces of information in the
+ // value field. In this case, the key should be an ontology term describing
+ // what each piece of data is and the value should be the data.
+ if (is_array($data['value'])) {
+ // Just include all the pieces of information seperated by spaces
+ // so they are tokenized out later on.
+ $tmp = $data['value'];
+ if (isset($tmp['entity'])) { unset($tmp['entity']); }
+ foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $tmp[$k] = strip_tags($v); }
+ $curr_val = implode(' ', $tmp);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Otherwise, assume the value is a single piece of information
+ // and add that directly to be indexed.
+ $curr_val = strip_tags($data['value']);
+ // Ensure that we have a clean boolean data type.
+ if ($info['type'] == 'boolean' || $info['type'] == 'list<boolean>') {
+ $curr_val = (boolean) $curr_val;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only add the current value if it's not empty.
+ if (!empty(trim($curr_val))) {
+ $values[$delta] = $curr_val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // For an empty single-valued field, we have to return NULL.
+ return $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? ($values ? reset($values) : NULL) : $values;
* Checks access permissions for a given entity.