@@ -455,20 +455,126 @@ class ChadoSchema {
- * Check that any given column in a Chado table exists.
+ * Check that any given sequence in a Chado table exists.
- * This function is necessary because Drupal's db_field_exists() will not
- * look in any other schema but the one were Drupal is installed
+ * @param table
+ * The name of the table the sequence is used in.
+ * @param column
+ * The name of the column the sequence is used to populate.
- * @param sequence
- * The name of the sequence
* @return
* TRUE if the seqeuence exists in the chado schema and FALSE if it does not.
* @ingroup tripal_chado_schema_api
- public function checkSequenceExists($sequence) {
- return chado_sequence_exists($sequence);
+ public function checkSequenceExists($table, $column) {
+ $prefixed_table = $this->schema_name.'.'.$table;
+ $sequence_name = db_query('SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(:table, :column);',
+ array(':table' => $prefixed_table, ':column' => $column))->fetchField();
+ // Remove prefixed table from sequence name
+ $sequence_name = str_replace($this->schema_name.'.', '', $sequence_name);
+ return chado_sequence_exists($sequence_name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check that the primary key exists, has a sequence and a constraint.
+ *
+ * @param $table
+ * The table you want to check the primary key for.
+ * @param $column
+ * (OPTIONAL) The name of the primary key column.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if the primary key meets all the requirements and false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkPrimaryKey($table, $column = NULL) {
+ // If they didn't supply the column, then we can look it up.
+ if ($column === NULL) {
+ $table_schema = $this->getTableSchema($table);
+ $column = $table_schema['primary key'][0];
+ }
+ // Check the column exists.
+ $column_exists = $this->checkColumnExists($table, $column);
+ if (!$column_exists) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // First check that the sequence exists.
+ $sequence_exists = $this->checkSequenceExists($table, $column);
+ if (!$sequence_exists) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Next check the constraint is there.
+ $constraint_exists = chado_query(
+ FROM information_schema.table_constraints
+ WHERE table_name=:table AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'",
+ array(':table' => $table))->fetchField();
+ if (!$constraint_exists) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check that the constraint exists.
+ *
+ * @param $table
+ * The table the constraint applies to.
+ * @param $constraint_name
+ * The name of the constraint you want to check.
+ * @param $type
+ * The type of constraint. Should be one of "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE", or "FOREIGN KEY".
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if the constraint exists and false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkConstraintExists($table, $constraint_name, $type) {
+ // Next check the constraint is there.
+ $constraint_exists = chado_query(
+ FROM information_schema.table_constraints
+ WHERE table_name=:table AND constraint_type = :type AND constraint_name = :name",
+ array(':table' => $table, ':name' => $constraint_name, ':type' => $type))->fetchField();
+ if (!$constraint_exists) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check the foreign key constrain specified exists.
+ *
+ * @param $base_table
+ * The name of the table the foreign key resides in. E.g. 'feature' for
+ * the feature.type_id => cvterm.cvterm_id foreign key.
+ * @param $base_column
+ * The name of the column that is a foreign key in. E.g. 'type_id' for
+ * the feature.type_id => cvterm.cvterm_id foreign key.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if the constraint exists and false otherwise.
+ */
+ function checkFKConstraintExists($base_table, $base_column) {
+ // Since we don't have a constraint name, we have to use the known pattern for
+ // creating these names in order to make this check.
+ // This is due to PostgreSQL not storing column information for constraints
+ // in the information_schema tables.
+ $constraint_name = $base_table . '_' . $base_column . '_fkey';
+ return $this->checkConstraintExists($base_table, $constraint_name, 'FOREIGN KEY');