@@ -713,4 +713,209 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
+ /**
+ * @see TripalWebService::getSupportedClasses()
+ */
+ public function getSupportedClasses() {
+ global $user;
+ // An array of TripalWebServiceResources containing a
+ // description of the supported classes.
+ $supported_classes = array();
+ // Get the list of published terms (these are the bundle IDs)
+ $bundles = db_select('tripal_bundle', 'tb')
+ ->fields('tb')
+ ->orderBy('tb.label', 'ASC')
+ ->execute();
+ // Iterate through the terms and add an entry in the collection.
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($bundle = $bundles->fetchObject()) {
+ $entity = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $bundle->term_id));
+ $term = reset($entity);
+ $vocab = $term->vocab;
+ // Get the bundle description. If no description is provided then
+ // use the term definition
+ $description = tripal_get_bundle_variable('description', $bundle->id);
+ if (!$description) {
+ $description = $term->definition;
+ }
+ $supported = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->getServicePath());
+ $supported->addContextItem('supportedOperation', 'hydra:supportedOperation');
+ $supported->addContextItem('supportedProperty', 'hydra:supportedProperty');
+ $supported->setID(urlencode($bundle->label));
+ $supported->setType('hydra:Class');
+ $supported->addProperty('hydra:title', $bundle->label);
+ $supported->addProperty('hydra:description', $description);
+ // Add in the supported operations for this content type.
+ $operations = array();
+ // If the user can view this content type.
+ if (user_access('view ' . $bundle->name)) {
+ // All content types allow GET (if the user has view permission).
+ $get_op = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->getServicePath());
+ $get_op->addContextItem('supportedOperation', 'hydra:supportedOperation');
+ $get_op->addContextItem('method', 'hydra:method');
+ $get_op->addContextItem('statusCodes', 'hydra:statusCodes');
+ $get_op->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $get_op->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
+ $get_op->addContextItem('expects', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:expects",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $get_op->addContextItem('returns', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:returns",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $get_op->setID('_:' . preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', strtolower($bundle->label)) . '_retrieve');
+ $get_op->setType('hydra:Operation');
+ $get_op->addProperty('method', 'GET');
+ if (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/i', $bundle->label)) {
+ $get_op->addProperty('label', "Retrieves an " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ else {
+ $get_op->addProperty('label', "Retrieves a " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ $get_op->addProperty('description', NULL);
+ $get_op->addProperty('expects', NULL);
+ $get_op->addProperty('returns', $term->url);
+ $get_op->addProperty('statusCodes', array(
+ array(
+ 'code' => 404,
+ 'description' => 'The ' . $bundle->label . ' could not be found using the provided ID.'
+ ),
+ ));
+ $operations[] = $get_op;
+ }
+ // If the user can create this content type.
+ if (user_access('create ' . $bundle->name)) {
+ // All content types allow GET (if the user has view permission).
+ $create_op = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->getServicePath());
+ $create_op->addContextItem('method', 'hydra:method');
+ $create_op->addContextItem('statusCodes', 'hydra:statusCodes');
+ $create_op->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $create_op->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
+ $create_op->addContextItem('code', 'hydra:statusCode');
+ $create_op->addContextItem('expects', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:expects",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $create_op->addContextItem('returns', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:returns",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $create_op->setID('_:' . preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', strtolower($bundle->label)) . '_create');
+ $create_op->setType('http://schema.org/CreateAction');
+ $create_op->addProperty('method', 'POST');
+ if (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/i', $bundle->label)) {
+ $create_op->addProperty('label', "Creates an " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ else {
+ $create_op->addProperty('label', "Creates a " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ $create_op->addProperty('description', NULL);
+ $create_op->addProperty('expects', $term->url);
+ $create_op->addProperty('returns', $term->url);
+ $create_op->addProperty('statusCodes', array(
+ array(
+ 'code' => 404,
+ 'description' => 'The ' . $bundle->label . ' could not be created.'
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'code' => 409,
+ 'description' => 'The ' . $bundle->label . ' already exists.'
+ ),
+ ));
+ $operations[] = $create_op;
+ }
+ // If the user can edit this content type.
+ if (user_access('edit ' . $bundle->name)) {
+ // All content types allow GET (if the user has view permission).
+ $edit_op = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->getServicePath());
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('method', 'hydra:method');
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('statusCodes', 'hydra:statusCodes');
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('code', 'hydra:statusCode');
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('expects', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:expects",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $edit_op->addContextItem('returns', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:returns",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $edit_op->setID('_:' . preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', strtolower($bundle->label)) . '_update');
+ $edit_op->setType('http://schema.org/UpdateAction');
+ $edit_op->addProperty('method', 'PUT');
+ if (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/i', $bundle->label)) {
+ $edit_op->addProperty('label', "Update and replace an " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ else {
+ $edit_op->addProperty('label', "Update and replace a " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ $edit_op->addProperty('description', NULL);
+ $edit_op->addProperty('expects', $term->url);
+ $edit_op->addProperty('returns', $term->url);
+ $edit_op->addProperty('statusCodes', array(
+ array(
+ 'code' => 404,
+ 'description' => 'The ' . $bundle->label . ' could not be updated using the provided ID.'
+ ),
+ ));
+ $operations[] = $edit_op;
+ }
+ // If the user can edit this content type.
+ if (user_access('delete ' . $bundle->name)) {
+ // All content types allow GET (if the user has view permission).
+ $delete_op = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->getServicePath());
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('method', 'hydra:method');
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('statusCodes', 'hydra:statusCodes');
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('code', 'hydra:statusCode');
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('expects', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:expects",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $delete_op->addContextItem('returns', array(
+ "@id" => "hydra:returns",
+ "@type" => "@id"
+ ));
+ $delete_op->setID('_:' . preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', strtolower($bundle->label)) . '_delete');
+ $delete_op->setType('http://schema.org/DeleteAction');
+ $delete_op->addProperty('method', 'DELETE');
+ if (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/i', $bundle->label)) {
+ $delete_op->addProperty('label', "Deletes an " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ else {
+ $delete_op->addProperty('label', "Deletes a " . $bundle->label . " entity.");
+ }
+ $delete_op->addProperty('description', NULL);
+ $delete_op->addProperty('expects', $term->url);
+ $delete_op->addProperty('returns', $term->url);
+ $delete_op->addProperty('statusCodes', array(
+ array(
+ 'code' => 404,
+ 'description' => 'The ' . $bundle->label . ' could not be deleted using the provided ID.'
+ ),
+ ));
+ $operations[] = $delete_op;
+ }
+ $supported->addProperty('supportedOperation', $operations);
+ $supported_classes[] = $supported;
+ }
+ return $supported_classes;
+ }