@@ -1,35 +1,39 @@
* @file
- * API to handle much of the common functionality implemented when creating a drupal node type.
+ * API to handle much of the common functionality implemented when creating a
+ * drupal node type.
* @defgroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api Legacy Chado Nodes
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_api
* @{
- * Many Tripal modules implement Drupal node types as a means of displaying chado
- * records individually through Drupal as a single web page. In order to do this, many of
- * the same drupal hooks are implemented and the code between modules is actually quite
- * similar. This API aims to abstract much of the common functionality in order to make
- * it easier for new Tripal modules to implement drupal node types and to centralize the
- * maintenance effort as much as possible.
+ * Many Tripal modules implement Drupal node types as a means of displaying
+ * chado records individually through Drupal as a single web page. In order
+ * to do this, many of the same drupal hooks are implemented and the code
+ * between modules is actually quite similar. This API aims to abstract much
+ * of the common functionality in order to make it easier for new Tripal
+ * modules to implement drupal node types and to centralize the maintenance
+ * effort as much as possible.
* A generic sync form has been created. See chado_node_sync_form() for
* instructions on how to implement this form in your module.
- * Many of the base chado tables also have associated prop, _dbxref and _relationship
- * tables. Generic mini-forms have been created to help you handle these forms. To
- * implement this functionality you call the mini-form from your module node form and
- * then call the associated update functions from both your hook_insert and hook_update.
- * The functions of interest are as follows:
+ * Many of the base chado tables also have associated prop, _dbxref and
+ * _relationship tables. Generic mini-forms have been created to help you
+ * handle these forms. To implement this functionality you call the mini-form
+ * from your module node form and then call the associated update functions
+ * from both your hook_insert and hook_update. The functions of interest are
+ * as follows:
* - chado_add_node_form_properties() and chado_update_node_form_properties()
* to provide an interface for adding/removing properties
* - chado_add_node_form_dbxrefs() and chado_update_node_form_dbxrefs()
- * to provide an interface for adding/removing additional database references
- * - chado_add_node_form_relationships() and chado_update_node_form_relationships()
- * to provide an interface for adding/removing relationships between chado records
- * from your base table
+ * to provide an interface for adding/removing additional database
+ * references
+ * - chado_add_node_form_relationships() and
+ * chado_update_node_form_relationships() to provide an interface for
+ * adding/removing relationships between chado records from your base table
* @}
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ function chado_get_id_from_nid($table, $nid, $linking_table = NULL) {
$sql = "SELECT " . $table . "_id as id FROM {$linking_table} WHERE nid = :nid";
- return db_query($sql, array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField();
+ return db_query($sql, [':nid' => $nid])->fetchField();
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ function chado_get_id_from_nid($table, $nid, $linking_table = NULL) {
* @return
* The nid of the associated node
- * @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
+ * @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_get_nid_from_id($table, $id, $linking_table = NULL) {
if (empty($linking_table)) {
@@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ function chado_get_nid_from_id($table, $id, $linking_table = NULL) {
$sql = "SELECT nid FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE " . $table . "_id = :" . $table . "_id";
- return db_query($sql, array(":" . $table . "_id" => $id))->fetchField();
+ return db_query($sql, [":" . $table . "_id" => $id])->fetchField();
@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ function chado_get_nid_from_id($table, $id, $linking_table = NULL) {
* @return
* The name of the chado base table for the specified content type
- * @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
+ * @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_node_get_base_table($content_type, $module = FALSE) {
@@ -141,18 +145,19 @@ function chado_node_get_base_table($content_type, $module = FALSE) {
* Validate the Triggering element from a node form.
- * We are going to inspect the post to determine what PHP knows is the triggering
- * element and if it doesn't agree with Drupal then we are actually going to
- * change it in Drupal.
+ * We are going to inspect the post to determine what PHP knows is the
+ * triggering element and if it doesn't agree with Drupal then we are actually
+ * going to change it in Drupal.
* This fixes an obscure bug triggered when a property is added and then
* a relationship removed, Drupal thinks the first property remove button was
- * clicked and instead removes a property (not a relationship) and renders the new
- * property table in the relationship table page space.
+ * clicked and instead removes a property (not a relationship) and renders the
+ * new property table in the relationship table page space.
* NOTE: Many Drupal issues state that this problem is solved if the #name
- * of the button is unique (which it is in our case) but we are still experiencing
- * incorrectly determined triggering elements so we need to handle it ourselves.
+ * of the button is unique (which it is in our case) but we are still
+ * experiencing incorrectly determined triggering elements so we need to handle
+ * it ourselves.
function chado_validate_node_form_triggering_element($form, &$form_state) {
@@ -180,7 +185,7 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtables_add_button_validate($form, &$form_state)
if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+).*/', $form_state['triggering_element']['#name'], $matches)) {
$subsection = $matches[1];
- switch($subsection) {
+ switch ($subsection) {
case 'properties':
chado_add_node_form_properties_add_button_validate($form, $form_state);
@@ -209,7 +214,7 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtables_add_button_submit($form, &$form_state) {
if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+).*/', $form_state['triggering_element']['#name'], $matches)) {
$subsection = $matches[1];
- switch($subsection) {
+ switch ($subsection) {
case 'properties':
chado_add_node_form_properties_add_button_submit($form, $form_state);
@@ -232,9 +237,10 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtables_add_button_submit($form, &$form_state) {
* Supported subtables: Properties, Relationships, Additional DBxrefs.
* Since Removing isn't associated with any user input the only thing we
- * need to validate is that Drupal has determined the triggering element correctly.
- * That said, we will call each subtables associated validate function just incase
- * there is some case-specific validation we do not know of or have not anticipated.
+ * need to validate is that Drupal has determined the triggering element
+ * correctly. That said, we will call each subtables associated validate
+ * function just incase there is some case-specific validation we do not know
+ * of or have not anticipated.
* @param array $form
* @param array $form_state
@@ -252,7 +258,7 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtables_remove_button_validate($form, &$form_stat
if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+).*/', $form_state['triggering_element']['#name'], $matches)) {
$subsection = $matches[1];
- switch($subsection) {
+ switch ($subsection) {
case 'properties':
chado_add_node_form_properties_remove_button_validate($form, $form_state);
@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtables_remove_button_submit($form, &$form_state)
if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+).*/', $form_state['triggering_element']['#name'], $matches)) {
$subsection = $matches[1];
- switch($subsection) {
+ switch ($subsection) {
case 'properties':
chado_add_node_form_properties_remove_button_submit($form, $form_state);
@@ -318,7 +324,7 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtable_ajax_update($form, &$form_state) {
if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+).*/', $form_state['triggering_element']['#name'], $matches)) {
$subsection = $matches[1];
- switch($subsection) {
+ switch ($subsection) {
case 'properties':
return $form['properties']['property_table'];
@@ -338,83 +344,87 @@ function chado_add_node_form_subtable_ajax_update($form, &$form_state) {
- * Generic Sync Form to aid in sync'ing (create drupal nodes linking to chado content)
- * any chado node type.
+ * Generic Sync Form to aid in sync'ing (create drupal nodes linking to chado
+ * content) any chado node type.
* To use this you need to add a call to it from your hook_menu() and
- * add some additional information to your hook_node_info(). The Following code gives an
- * example of how this might be done:
+ * add some additional information to your hook_node_info(). The Following code
+ * gives an example of how this might be done:
+ *
* @code
- function modulename_menu() {
- // the machine name of your module
- $module_name = 'tripal_example';
- // the base specified in hook_node_info
- $node_type = 'chado_example';
- // This menu item will be a tab on the admin/tripal/legacy/tripal_example page
- // that is not selected by default
- $items['admin/tripal/legacy/tripal_example/sync'] = array(
- 'title' => ' Sync',
- 'description' => 'Sync examples from Chado with Drupal',
- 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
- 'page arguments' => array('chado_node_sync_form', $module_name, $node_type),
- 'access arguments' => array('administer tripal examples'),
- 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
- 'weight' => 0
- );
- return $items;
- }
- function modulename_node_info() {
- return array(
- 'chado_example' => array(
- 'name' => t('example'),
- 'base' => 'chado_example',
- 'description' => t('A Chado example is a collection of material that can be sampled and have experiments performed on it.'),
- 'has_title' => TRUE,
- 'locked' => TRUE,
- // this is what differs from the regular Drupal-documented hook_node_info()
- 'chado_node_api' => array(
- 'base_table' => 'example', // The name of the chado base table
- 'hook_prefix' => 'chado_example', // Usually the name of the node type
- 'linking_table' => 'chado_example', // Specifies the linking table used
- // to map records to Drupal nodes.
- // if 'linking_table' is not specified
- // it defaults to the node_type name.
- 'record_type_title' => array(
- 'singular' => t('Example'), // Singular human-readable title
- 'plural' => t('Examples') // Plural human-readable title
- ),
- 'sync_filters' => array( // filters for syncing
- 'type_id' => TRUE, // TRUE if there is an example.type_id field
- 'organism_id' => TRUE, // TRUE if there is an example.organism_id field
- 'checkboxes' => array('name') // If the 'checkboxes' key is present then the
- // value must be an array of column names in
- // base table. The values from these columns will
- // be retreived, contentated with a space delimeter
- // and provided in a list of checkboxes
- // for the user to choose which to sync.
- ),
- )
- ),
- );
- }
+ *
+ * function modulename_menu() {
+ *
+ * // the machine name of your module
+ * $module_name = 'tripal_example';
+ *
+ * // the base specified in hook_node_info
+ * $node_type = 'chado_example';
+ *
+ * // This menu item will be a tab on the admin/tripal/legacy/tripal_example
+ * page
+ * // that is not selected by default
+ * $items['admin/tripal/legacy/tripal_example/sync'] = array(
+ * 'title' => ' Sync',
+ * 'description' => 'Sync examples from Chado with Drupal',
+ * 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+ * 'page arguments' => array('chado_node_sync_form', $module_name, $node_type),
+ * 'access arguments' => array('administer tripal examples'),
+ * 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+ * 'weight' => 0
+ * );
+ *
+ * return $items;
+ * }
+ *
+ * function modulename_node_info() {
+ * return array(
+ * 'chado_example' => array(
+ * 'name' => t('example'),
+ * 'base' => 'chado_example',
+ * 'description' => t('A Chado example is a collection of material that can be
+ * sampled and have experiments performed on it.'),
+ * 'has_title' => TRUE,
+ * 'locked' => TRUE,
+ *
+ * // this is what differs from the regular Drupal-documented hook_node_info()
+ * 'chado_node_api' => array(
+ * 'base_table' => 'example', // The name of the chado base table
+ * 'hook_prefix' => 'chado_example', // Usually the name of the node type
+ * 'linking_table' => 'chado_example', // Specifies the linking table used
+ * // to map records to Drupal nodes.
+ * // if 'linking_table' is not specified
+ * // it defaults to the node_type name.
+ * 'record_type_title' => array(
+ * 'singular' => t('Example'), // Singular human-readable title
+ * 'plural' => t('Examples') // Plural human-readable title
+ * ),
+ * 'sync_filters' => array( // filters for syncing
+ * 'type_id' => TRUE, // TRUE if there is an example.type_id field
+ * 'organism_id' => TRUE, // TRUE if there is an example.organism_id field
+ * 'checkboxes' => array('name') // If the 'checkboxes' key is present then
+ * the
+ * // value must be an array of column names in
+ * // base table. The values from these columns will
+ * // be retreived, contentated with a space delimeter
+ * // and provided in a list of checkboxes
+ * // for the user to choose which to sync.
+ * ),
+ * )
+ * ),
+ * );
+ * }
* @endcode
- * For more information on how you can override some of this behaviour while still
- * benifiting from as much of the common architecture as possible see the following
- * functions: hook_chado_node_sync_create_new_node(), hook_chado_node_sync_form(),
- * hook_chado_node_sync_select_query().
+ * For more information on how you can override some of this behaviour while
+ * still benifiting from as much of the common architecture as possible see
+ * the following functions: hook_chado_node_sync_create_new_node(),
+ * hook_chado_node_sync_form(), hook_chado_node_sync_select_query().
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
- $form = array();
+ $form = [];
if (isset($form_state['build_info']['args'][0])) {
$module = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0];
@@ -433,56 +443,56 @@ function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form_state['chado_node_api'] = $args;
- $form['linking_table'] = array(
+ $form['linking_table'] = [
'#type' => 'hidden',
- '#value' => $linking_table
- );
+ '#value' => $linking_table,
+ ];
- $form['node_type'] = array(
+ $form['node_type'] = [
'#type' => 'hidden',
- '#value' => $node_type
- );
+ '#value' => $node_type,
+ ];
// define the fieldsets
- $form['sync'] = array(
+ $form['sync'] = [
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => 'Sync ' . $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
'#descrpition' => '',
- );
- $form['sync']['description'] = array(
- '#type' => 'item',
- '#value' => t("%title_plural of the types listed ".
- "below in the %title_singular Types box will be synced (leave blank to sync all types). You may limit the ".
- "%title_plural to be synced by a specific organism. Depending on the ".
- "number of %title_plural in the chado database this may take a long ".
- "time to complete. ",
- array(
- '%title_singular' => $args['record_type_title']['singular'],
- '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural']
- )),
- );
+ ];
+ $form['sync']['description'] = [
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#value' => t("%title_plural of the types listed " .
+ "below in the %title_singular Types box will be synced (leave blank to sync all types). You may limit the " .
+ "%title_plural to be synced by a specific organism. Depending on the " .
+ "number of %title_plural in the chado database this may take a long " .
+ "time to complete. ",
+ [
+ '%title_singular' => $args['record_type_title']['singular'],
+ '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
+ ]),
+ ];
if ($args['sync_filters']['type_id']) {
- $form['sync']['type_ids'] = array(
- '#title' => t('%title_singular Types',
- array(
+ $form['sync']['type_ids'] = [
+ '#title' => t('%title_singular Types',
+ [
'%title_singular' => $args['record_type_title']['singular'],
- '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural']
- )),
- '#type' => 'textarea',
+ '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
+ ]),
+ '#type' => 'textarea',
'#description' => t("Enter the names of the %title_singular types to sync. " .
- "Leave blank to sync all %title_plural. Separate each type with a comma ".
- "or new line. Pages for these %title_singular ".
- "types will be created automatically for %title_plural that exist in the ".
- "chado database. The names must match ".
- "exactly (spelling and case) with terms in the ontologies",
- array(
+ "Leave blank to sync all %title_plural. Separate each type with a comma " .
+ "or new line. Pages for these %title_singular " .
+ "types will be created automatically for %title_plural that exist in the " .
+ "chado database. The names must match " .
+ "exactly (spelling and case) with terms in the ontologies",
+ [
'%title_singular' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['singular']),
- '%title_plural' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural'])
- )),
+ '%title_plural' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']),
+ ]),
'#default_value' => (isset($form_state['values']['type_id'])) ? $form_state['values']['type_id'] : '',
- );
+ ];
// get the list of organisms
@@ -493,17 +503,17 @@ function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
foreach ($results as $organism) {
$organisms[$organism->organism_id] = "$organism->genus $organism->species ($organism->common_name)";
- $form['sync']['organism_id'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Organism'),
- '#type' => t('select'),
+ $form['sync']['organism_id'] = [
+ '#title' => t('Organism'),
+ '#type' => t('select'),
'#description' => t("Choose the organism for which %title_plural types set above will be synced.",
- array(
+ [
'%title_singular' => $args['record_type_title']['singular'],
- '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural']
- )),
- '#options' => $organisms,
+ '%title_plural' => $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
+ ]),
+ '#options' => $organisms,
'#default_value' => (isset($form_state['values']['organism_id'])) ? $form_state['values']['organism_id'] : 0,
- );
+ ];
// get the list of organisms
if (array_key_exists('checkboxes', $args['sync_filters'])) {
@@ -515,29 +525,29 @@ function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
// we can't proceed, otherwise, generate the checkboxes
if (array_key_exists('primary key', $table_info) and count($table_info['primary key']) == 1) {
$pkey = $table_info['primary key'][0];
- $columns = $args['sync_filters']['checkboxes'];
+ $columns = $args['sync_filters']['checkboxes'];
$select_cols = '';
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$select_cols .= $base_table . '.' . $column . "|| ' ' ||";
// Remove trailing || ' ' ||
$select_cols = substr($select_cols, 0, -9);
- $base_table_id = $base_table . '_id';
+ $base_table_id = $base_table . '_id';
- $select = array($base_table . '.' . $pkey, $select_cols . ' as value');
- $joins = array();
- $where_clauses = array();
- $where_args = array();
+ $select = [$base_table . '.' . $pkey, $select_cols . ' as value'];
+ $joins = [];
+ $where_clauses = [];
+ $where_args = [];
// Allow module to update the query.
$hook_query_alter = $node_type . '_chado_node_sync_select_query';
if (function_exists($hook_query_alter)) {
- $update = call_user_func($hook_query_alter, array(
+ $update = call_user_func($hook_query_alter, [
'select' => $select,
'joins' => $joins,
'where_clauses' => $where_clauses,
'where_args' => $where_args,
- ));
+ ]);
// Now add in any new changes
if ($update and is_array($update)) {
$select = $update['select'];
@@ -551,13 +561,13 @@ function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
// so that if no criteria are specified we only get those items that have not
// yet been synced.
$query = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $select) . ' ' .
- 'FROM {' . $base_table . '} ' . $base_table . ' ' . implode(' ', $joins) . ' '.
- " LEFT JOIN [" . $linking_table . "] CT ON CT.$base_table_id = $base_table.$base_table_id " .
- "WHERE CT.$base_table_id IS NULL";
+ 'FROM {' . $base_table . '} ' . $base_table . ' ' . implode(' ', $joins) . ' ' .
+ " LEFT JOIN [" . $linking_table . "] CT ON CT.$base_table_id = $base_table.$base_table_id " .
+ "WHERE CT.$base_table_id IS NULL";
// extend the where clause if needed
$where = '';
- $sql_args = array();
+ $sql_args = [];
foreach ($where_clauses as $category => $items) {
$where .= ' AND (';
foreach ($items as $item) {
@@ -574,71 +584,71 @@ function chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
$query .= " ORDER BY $base_table." . implode(", $base_table.", $columns);
$results = chado_query($query, $sql_args);
- $values = array();
+ $values = [];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$values[$result->$pkey] = $result->value;
if (count($values) > 0) {
- $form['sync']['ids'] = array(
- '#title' => 'Avaliable ' . $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
- '#type' => 'checkboxes',
- '#options' => $values,
- '#default_value' => (isset($form_state['values']['ids'])) ? $form_state['values']['ids'] : array(),
- '#suffix' => '</div><br>',
- '#prefix' => t("The following %title_plural have not been synced. Check those to be synced or leave all unchecked to sync them all.",
- array(
+ $form['sync']['ids'] = [
+ '#title' => 'Avaliable ' . $args['record_type_title']['plural'],
+ '#type' => 'checkboxes',
+ '#options' => $values,
+ '#default_value' => (isset($form_state['values']['ids'])) ? $form_state['values']['ids'] : [],
+ '#suffix' => '</div><br>',
+ '#prefix' => t("The following %title_plural have not been synced. Check those to be synced or leave all unchecked to sync them all.",
+ [
'%title_singular' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['singular']),
- '%title_plural' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural'])
- )) . '<div style="height: 200px; overflow: scroll">',
- );
+ '%title_plural' => strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']),
+ ]) . '<div style="height: 200px; overflow: scroll">',
+ ];
else {
- $form['sync']['no_ids'] = array(
- '#markup' => "<p>There are no " . strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']) . " to sync.</p>",
- );
+ $form['sync']['no_ids'] = [
+ '#markup' => "<p>There are no " . strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']) . " to sync.</p>",
+ ];
// if we provide a list of checkboxes we shouldn't need a max_sync
else {
- $form['sync']['max_sync'] = array(
+ $form['sync']['max_sync'] = [
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Maximum number of records to Sync'),
'#description' => t('Leave this field empty to sync all records, regardless of number'),
'#default_value' => (isset($form_state['values']['max_sync'])) ? $form_state['values']['max_sync'] : '',
- );
+ ];
- $form['sync']['button'] = array(
+ $form['sync']['button'] = [
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Sync ' . $args['record_type_title']['plural']),
'#weight' => 3,
- );
+ ];
- $form['cleanup'] = array(
+ $form['cleanup'] = [
'#type' => 'fieldset',
- '#title' => t('Clean Up')
- );
- $form['cleanup']['description'] = array(
+ '#title' => t('Clean Up'),
+ ];
+ $form['cleanup']['description'] = [
'#markup' => t("<p>With Drupal and chado residing in different databases " .
- "it is possible that nodes in Drupal and " . strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']) . " in Chado become " .
- "\"orphaned\". This can occur if a node in Drupal is " .
- "deleted but the corresponding chado records is not and/or vice " .
- "versa. Click the button below to resolve these discrepancies.</p>"),
+ "it is possible that nodes in Drupal and " . strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']) . " in Chado become " .
+ "\"orphaned\". This can occur if a node in Drupal is " .
+ "deleted but the corresponding chado records is not and/or vice " .
+ "versa. Click the button below to resolve these discrepancies.</p>"),
'#weight' => -10,
- );
- $form['cleanup']['cleanup_batch_size'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Batch Size'),
- '#description' => t('The number of records to analyze together in a batch. If you are having memory issues you might want to decrease this number.'),
- '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_node_api_cleanup_batch_size', 25000),
- );
- $form['cleanup']['button'] = array(
+ ];
+ $form['cleanup']['cleanup_batch_size'] = [
+ '#type' => 'textfield',
+ '#title' => t('Batch Size'),
+ '#description' => t('The number of records to analyze together in a batch. If you are having memory issues you might want to decrease this number.'),
+ '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_node_api_cleanup_batch_size', 25000),
+ ];
+ $form['cleanup']['button'] = [
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Clean up orphaned ' . strtolower($args['record_type_title']['plural']),
'#weight' => 2,
- );
+ ];
// Allow each module to alter this form as needed
$hook_form_alter = $args['hook_prefix'] . '_chado_node_sync_form';
@@ -693,13 +703,13 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
// Get the types separated into a consistent string
- $types = array();
+ $types = [];
if (isset($form_state['values']['type_ids'])) {
// seperate by new line or comma.
$temp_types = preg_split("/[,\n\r]+/", $form_state['values']['type_ids']);
// remove any extra spacing around the types
- for($i = 0; $i < count($temp_types); $i++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp_types); $i++) {
// skip empty types
if (trim($temp_types[$i]) == '') {
@@ -709,8 +719,8 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
// Get the ids to be synced
- $ids = array();
- if (array_key_exists('ids', $form_state['values'])){
+ $ids = [];
+ if (array_key_exists('ids', $form_state['values'])) {
foreach ($form_state['values']['ids'] as $id => $selected) {
if ($selected) {
$ids[] = $id;
@@ -720,20 +730,20 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
// get the organism to be synced
$organism_id = FALSE;
- if (array_key_exists('organism_id', $form_state['values'])) {
+ if (array_key_exists('organism_id', $form_state['values'])) {
$organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id'];
// Job Arguments
- $job_args = array(
+ $job_args = [
'base_table' => $base_table,
'max_sync' => (!empty($form_state['values']['max_sync'])) ? $form_state['values']['max_sync'] : FALSE,
'organism_id' => $organism_id,
'types' => $types,
'ids' => $ids,
'linking_table' => $linking_table,
- 'node_type' => $node_type
- );
+ 'node_type' => $node_type,
+ ];
$title = "Sync " . $args['record_type_title']['plural'];
tripal_add_job($title, $module, 'chado_node_sync_records', $job_args, $user->uid);
@@ -743,7 +753,12 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
$base_table = $form_state['chado_node_api']['base_table'];
$linking_table = $form_state['values']['linking_table'];
$node_type = $form_state['values']['node_type'];
- $job_args = array($base_table, $form_state['values']['cleanup_batch_size'], $linking_table, $node_type);
+ $job_args = [
+ $base_table,
+ $form_state['values']['cleanup_batch_size'],
+ $linking_table,
+ $node_type,
+ ];
variable_set('chado_node_api_cleanup_batch_size', $form_state['values']['cleanup_batch_size']);
tripal_add_job($form_state['values']['op'], $module, 'chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes', $job_args, $user->uid);
@@ -755,7 +770,8 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
* @param $base_table
* The name of the Chado table containing the record that should be synced
* @param $max_sync
- * Optional: A numeric value to indicate the maximum number of records to sync.
+ * Optional: A numeric value to indicate the maximum number of records to
+ * sync.
* @param $organism_id
* Optional: Limit the list of records to be synced to only those that
* are associated with this organism_id. If the record is not assocaited
@@ -784,8 +800,8 @@ function chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
- $organism_id = FALSE, $types = array(), $ids = array(),
- $linking_table = FALSE, $node_type = FALSE, $job_id = NULL) {
+ $organism_id = FALSE, $types = [], $ids = [],
+ $linking_table = FALSE, $node_type = FALSE, $job_id = NULL) {
global $user;
$base_table_id = $base_table . '_id';
@@ -800,20 +816,20 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
print "\nSync'ing $base_table records. ";
- $select = array("$base_table.*");
- $joins = array();
- $where_clauses = array();
- $where_args = array();
+ $select = ["$base_table.*"];
+ $joins = [];
+ $where_clauses = [];
+ $where_args = [];
// If types are supplied then handle them
$restrictions = '';
if (count($types) > 0) {
- $restrictions .= " Type(s): " . implode(', ',$types) . "\n";
+ $restrictions .= " Type(s): " . implode(', ', $types) . "\n";
$select[] = 'cvterm.name as cvtname';
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {cvterm} cvterm ON $base_table.type_id = cvterm.cvterm_id";
foreach ($types as $type) {
- $sanitized_type = str_replace(' ','_',$type);
+ $sanitized_type = str_replace(' ', '_', $type);
$where_clauses['type'][] = "cvterm.name = :type_name_$sanitized_type";
$where_args['type'][":type_name_$sanitized_type"] = $type;
@@ -830,7 +846,7 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
// If Organism is supplied
if ($organism_id) {
- $organism = chado_select_record('organism', array('*'), array('organism_id' => $organism_id));
+ $organism = chado_select_record('organism', ['*'], ['organism_id' => $organism_id]);
$restrictions .= " Organism: " . $organism[0]->genus . " " . $organism[0]->species . "\n";
$select[] = 'organism.*';
@@ -842,12 +858,12 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
// Allow module to add to query
$hook_query_alter = $node_type . '_chado_node_sync_select_query';
if (function_exists($hook_query_alter)) {
- $update = call_user_func($hook_query_alter, array(
+ $update = call_user_func($hook_query_alter, [
'select' => $select,
'joins' => $joins,
'where_clauses' => $where_clauses,
'where_args' => $where_args,
- ));
+ ]);
// Now add in any new changes
if ($update and is_array($update)) {
$select = $update['select'];
@@ -861,13 +877,13 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
// yet been synced.
$query = "
SELECT " . implode(', ', $select) . ' ' .
- 'FROM {' . $base_table . '} ' . $base_table . ' ' . implode(' ', $joins) . ' '.
+ 'FROM {' . $base_table . '} ' . $base_table . ' ' . implode(' ', $joins) . ' ' .
" LEFT JOIN [" . $linking_table . "] CT ON CT.$base_table_id = $base_table.$base_table_id " .
"WHERE CT.$base_table_id IS NULL ";
// extend the where clause if needed
$where = '';
- $sql_args = array();
+ $sql_args = [];
foreach ($where_clauses as $category => $items) {
$where .= ' AND (';
foreach ($items as $item) {
@@ -911,8 +927,8 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
$i = 0;
$transaction = db_transaction();
print "\nNOTE: Syncing is performed using a database transaction. \n" .
- "If the sync fails or is terminated prematurely then the entire set of \n" .
- "synced items is rolled back and will not be found in the database\n\n";
+ "If the sync fails or is terminated prematurely then the entire set of \n" .
+ "synced items is rolled back and will not be found in the database\n\n";
try {
$percent = 0;
foreach ($results as $record) {
@@ -920,13 +936,13 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
if ($job_id and $i % $interval == 0) {
$percent = sprintf("%.2f", (($i + 1) / $count) * 100);
print "Syncing $base_table " . ($i + 1) . " of $count (" . $percent . "%). Memory: " . number_format(memory_get_usage()) . " bytes.\r";
- tripal_set_job_progress($job_id, intval(($i/$count)*100));
+ tripal_set_job_progress($job_id, intval(($i / $count) * 100));
// Check if the record is already in the chado linking table
// (ie: check to see if it is already linked to a node).
$result = db_select($linking_table, 'lnk')
- ->fields('lnk',array('nid'))
+ ->fields('lnk', ['nid'])
->condition($base_table_id, $record->{$base_table_id}, '=')
@@ -948,8 +964,8 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
// Validate and Save New Node
- $form = array();
- $form_state = array();
+ $form = [];
+ $form_state = [];
node_validate($new_node, $form, $form_state);
if (!form_get_errors()) {
@@ -959,15 +975,13 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
else {
- throw new Exception(t("Failed to insert $base_table: %title", array('%title' => $new_node->title)));
+ throw new Exception(t("Failed to insert $base_table: %title", ['%title' => $new_node->title]));
print "\n\nComplete!\n";
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
print "\n"; // make sure we start errors on new line
watchdog_exception('trp-fsync', $e);
@@ -1001,7 +1015,7 @@ function chado_node_sync_records($base_table, $max_sync = FALSE,
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes($table, $nentries = 25000,
- $linking_table = NULL, $node_type = NULL, $job_id = NULL) {
+ $linking_table = NULL, $node_type = NULL, $job_id = NULL) {
// The max number of records either as nodes or linked records.
$count = 0;
@@ -1019,10 +1033,10 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes($table, $nentries = 25000,
// Find the number nodes of type chado_$table and find the number of entries
// in chado_$table; keep the larger of the two numbers.
$dsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type = :node_type";
- $ndat = db_query($dsql, array(':node_type' => $node_type));
+ $ndat = db_query($dsql, [':node_type' => $node_type]);
$temp = $ndat->fetchObject();
$ncount = $temp->count;
- $clsql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {" . $linking_table . "}";
+ $clsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {" . $linking_table . "}";
$cdat = db_query($clsql);
$clcount = $cdat->fetchObject();
if ($ncount < $clcount) {
@@ -1041,10 +1055,9 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes($table, $nentries = 25000,
for ($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) {
$offset = ($nentries * $i);
chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id, $nentries, $offset,
- $linking_table, $node_type);
+ $linking_table, $node_type);
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
print "\n"; // make sure we start errors on new line
watchdog_exception('trp-fsync', $e);
@@ -1067,15 +1080,15 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes($table, $nentries = 25000,
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id = NULL, $nentries,
- $offset, $linking_table, $node_type) {
+ $offset, $linking_table, $node_type) {
$count = 0;
// Retrieve all of the entries in the linker table for a given node type
// and place into an array.
print "Verifying $linking_table records...\n";
- $cnodes = array();
- $clsql= "
+ $cnodes = [];
+ $clsql = "
FROM {" . $linking_table . "} LT
ORDER BY LT.nid LIMIT $nentries OFFSET $offset";
@@ -1104,23 +1117,26 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id = NULL, $nentries,
// See if the node exits, if not remove the entry from linking table table.
$nsql = "SELECT * FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid AND type = :node_type";
- $results = db_query($nsql, array(':nid' => $linker->nid, ':node_type' => $node_type));
+ $results = db_query($nsql, [
+ ':nid' => $linker->nid,
+ ':node_type' => $node_type,
+ ]);
$node = $results->fetchObject();
if (!$node) {
- db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE nid = :nid", array(':nid' => $linker->nid));
+ db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE nid = :nid", [':nid' => $linker->nid]);
//print "$linking_table missing node.... DELETING where nid=".$linker->nid." $linking_table entry.\n";
// Does record in chado exists, if not remove entry from $linking_table.
$table_id = $table . "_id";
$lsql = "SELECT * FROM {" . $table . "} where " . $table_id . " = :chado_id";
- $results = chado_query($lsql, array(":chado_id" => $linker->$table_id));
+ $results = chado_query($lsql, [":chado_id" => $linker->$table_id]);
$record = $results->fetchObject();
if (!$record) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE " . $table_id . " = :chado_id";
- db_query($sql, array(":chado_id" => $linker->$table_id));
+ db_query($sql, [":chado_id" => $linker->$table_id]);
//print "$linking_table missing $table.... DELETING where $table_id=".$linker->$table_id." $linking_table entry.\n";
@@ -1141,8 +1157,8 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id = NULL, $nentries,
LIMIT $nentries OFFSET $offset
- $dsql_args = array(':node_type' => $node_type);
- $nodes = array();
+ $dsql_args = [':node_type' => $node_type];
+ $nodes = [];
$res = db_query($dsql, $dsql_args);
$count = 0;
foreach ($res as $node) {
@@ -1169,21 +1185,21 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id = NULL, $nentries,
// check to see if the node has a corresponding entry
// in the $linking_table table. If not then delete the node.
- $csql = "SELECT * FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE nid = :nid ";
- $results = db_query($csql, array(':nid' => $node->nid));
- $link = $results->fetchObject();
- if (!$link) {
- // Checking node_access creates a memory leak. Commenting out for now
- // assuming that this code can only be run by a site administrator
- // anyway.
-// if (node_access('delete', $node)) {
- $deleted++;
- node_delete($node->nid);
-// }
-// else {
-// print "\nNode missing in $linking_table table.... but cannot delete due to improper permissions (node $node->nid)\n";
-// }
- }
+ $csql = "SELECT * FROM {" . $linking_table . "} WHERE nid = :nid ";
+ $results = db_query($csql, [':nid' => $node->nid]);
+ $link = $results->fetchObject();
+ if (!$link) {
+ // Checking node_access creates a memory leak. Commenting out for now
+ // assuming that this code can only be run by a site administrator
+ // anyway.
+ // if (node_access('delete', $node)) {
+ $deleted++;
+ node_delete($node->nid);
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // print "\nNode missing in $linking_table table.... but cannot delete due to improper permissions (node $node->nid)\n";
+ // }
+ }
$percent = sprintf("%.2f", ($i / $count) * 100);
@@ -1201,9 +1217,9 @@ function chado_cleanup_orphaned_nodes_part($table, $job_id = NULL, $nentries,
* Note: For your own module, replace hook in the function name with the
* machine-name of your chado node type (ie: chado_feature).
- * @param $new_node:
+ * @param $new_node :
* a basic new node object
- * @param $record:
+ * @param $record :
* the record object from chado specifying the biological data for this node
* @return
@@ -1257,11 +1273,11 @@ function hook_chado_node_sync_form($form, &$form_state) {
* @ingroup tripal_legacy_chado_node_api
-function hook_chado_node_sync_form_submit ($form, $form_state) {
+function hook_chado_node_sync_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
global $user;
- $job_args = array(
+ $job_args = [
// The base chado table (ie: feature).
// The maximum number of records to sync or FALSE for sync all that match.
@@ -1269,12 +1285,12 @@ function hook_chado_node_sync_form_submit ($form, $form_state) {
// The organism_id to restrict records to or FALSE if not to restrict by organism_id.
// A string with the cvterm.name of the types to restrict to separated by |||
- $types
- );
+ $types,
+ ];
// You should register a tripal job
- // The title of the job -be descriptive.
+ // The title of the job -be descriptive.
// The name of your module.