@@ -287,14 +287,6 @@ function tripal_cv_obo_form(&$form_state = NULL){
- $form['instructions']= array(
- '#value' => t('Use this interface to upload a controlled vocabulary in OBO format. A new vocabulary and its
- associated terms will be added to the database the first time an OBO is uploaded. Each
- subsequent upload will update the terms. The format of the OBO should be in v1.2 format,
- however, this loader does support some older styles formats. '),
- '#weight' => -2
- );
$form['obo_existing'] = array(
'#type' =>'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Use a Saved Ontology OBO Reference')
@@ -310,10 +302,7 @@ function tripal_cv_obo_form(&$form_state = NULL){
'#value' => t('The Ontology OBO files listed in the drop down below have been automatically added upon
installation of the Tripal CV module or were added from a previous upload. Select
an OBO, then click the submit button to load the vocabulary into the database. If the
- vocabularies already exist then the ontology will be updated. Note that the name of the
- ontology provided here may not match the namespace of the vocabulary. For instance,
- the Gene Ontology will add three vocabularies: biological_process, cellular_component, and
- molecular_function.'),
+ vocabularies already exist then the ontology will be updated.'),
'#weight' => -1