@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// $Id:
+// Copyright 2009 Clemson University
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_init(){
+ // Add style sheet
+ drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'tripal').
+ '/css/tripal_analysis_unigene.css');
+ * HOOK: Implemntation of hook_menu() to provide a call back for EST Assembly Tab
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_menu() {
+ $items['node/%/assembly'] = array(
+ 'title' => t('EST Assemblies'),
+ 'page callback' => 'tripal_analysis_unigene_organism_assembly',
+ 'page arguments' => array(1),
+ 'access callback' => 'tripal_analysis_unigene_node_has_menu',
+ 'access arguments' => array('access chado_analysis content',1),
+ );
+ return $items;
+ * Dynamic addition/removal of menu item
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_node_has_menu($type,$vid){
+ // check to see if this node is an organism node
+ $sql = 'SELECT organism_id FROM {chado_organism} WHERE vid = %d';
+ $result = db_query($sql, $vid);
+ // menu status
+ $box_status =variable_get("tripal_analysis_unigene-box-assembly","menu_off");
+ // if this node is not an organism or a feature node then return false
+ // we don't want the menu item to be shown, otherwise get the normal perms
+ if($org_id = db_fetch_object($result)){
+ if(strcmp($box_status,"menu_on")==0){
+ return user_access($type);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ * tripal_analysis_unigene_nodeapi()
+ * HOOK: Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
+ * Display unigene results for allowed node types
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser, $page) {
+ switch ($op) {
+ case 'view':
+ // Find out which node types for showing the unigene
+ $types_to_show = variable_get('tripal_analysis_unigene_setting',
+ array('chado_feature','chado_organism'));
+ // Abort if this node is not one of the types we should show.
+ if (!in_array($node->type, $types_to_show, TRUE)) {
+ // Turn the menu off if it's on
+ $box_status = variable_get("tripal_analysis_unigene-box-assembly","menu_off");
+ if (strcmp($box_status,"menu_on")==0 && $node->type =='chado_organism'){
+ variable_set("tripal_analysis_unigene-box-assembly","menu_off");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add unigene to the content item if it's not a teaser
+ if (!$teaser) {
+ // add the alignment to the feature search indexing
+ if($node->build_mode == NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEX){
+ $node->content['tripal_analysis_unigene_index_version'] = array(
+ '#value' => theme('tripal_analysis_unigene_search_index',$node),
+ '#weight' => 4,
+ );
+ } else if ($node->build_mode == NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_RESULT) {
+ $node->content['tripal_analysis_unigene_index_version'] = array(
+ '#value' => theme('tripal_analysis_unigene_search_result',$node),
+ '#weight' => 4,
+ );
+ } else {
+ if(strcmp($node->type,'chado_feature')==0){
+ // Show unigene content if not at teaser view
+ $node->content['tripal_analysis_unigene_node_addition'] = array(
+ '#value' => theme('tripal_analysis_unigene_feature_alignments', $node),
+ '#weight' => 4
+ );
+ }
+ if(strcmp($node->type,'chado_organism')==0){
+ // Show unigene content if not at teaser view
+ $node->content['tripal_analysis_unigene_node_add'] = array(
+ '#value' => theme('tripal_analysis_unigene_node_add', $node),
+ '#weight' => 4
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * We need to let drupal know about our theme functions and their arguments.
+ * We create theme functions to allow users of the module to customize the
+ * look and feel of the output generated in this module
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_theme () {
+ return array(
+ 'tripal_analysis_unigene_search_index' => array (
+ 'arguments' => array('node'),
+ ),
+ 'tripal_analysis_unigene_search_result' => array (
+ 'arguments' => array('node'),
+ ),
+ 'tripal_analysis_unigene_feature_alignments' => array (
+ 'arguments' => array('node'),
+ ),
+ 'tripal_analysis_unigene_node_add' => array (
+ 'arguments' => array('node'),
+ ),
+ );
+ * This function is an extension of the chado_feature_view by providing
+ * the markup for the feature object THAT WILL BE INDEXED.
+ */
+function theme_tripal_analysis_unigene_search_index ($node) {
+ $feature = $node->feature;
+ $obj_feature = tripal_analysis_unigene_get_alignments($feature);
+ $alignments = $obj_feature->alignments;
+ $content = "<strong>";
+ if(count($alignments) > 0){
+ // iterate through each alignment
+ foreach ($alignments as $result){
+ // EST alignments in chado use an EST_match type to map ESTs to
+ // contigs and a rank to indicate the major srcfeature.
+ // We don't want to show EST_matches on the alignment view
+ // since that doesn't make much sense to the end user. If this
+ // is an EST_match and the feature is an EST then we want to show
+ // the contig in the alignments. The contig name is part of the
+ // uniquename in the EST_match
+ if($node->feature->cvname == 'EST' && $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT srcfeature_id ".
+ "FROM {featureloc} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $result->feature_id ".
+ "ORDER BY rank";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active ('chado');
+ $contig_fid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ $sql = "SELECT name FROM {feature} WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_name = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ db_set_active($previous_db);
+ $sql = "SELECT nid ".
+ "FROM {chado_feature} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_nid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ // Check if the EST exists as a drupal node. If yes, add a link to
+ // it. If no, just show the name
+ if ($contig_nid != 0) {
+ $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE nid=$contig_nid";
+ $node_exists = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ }
+ $content .= "$contig_name " ;
+ }
+ elseif($node->feature->cvname == 'contig' && $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT vid ".
+ "FROM {node} ".
+ "WHERE title = '$result->feature_name'".
+ "ORDER BY vid DESC";
+ // since the feature name is also the node title we can look it up
+ $est_node = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql));
+ $content .= "$result->feature_name ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $content .= "$result->cvname $result->feature_name ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $content .= "</strong>";
+ return $content;
+ * This function is an extension of the chado_feature_view by providing
+ * the markup for the feature object to show on a search result page.
+ */
+function theme_tripal_analysis_unigene_search_result ($node) {
+ $feature = $node->feature;
+ $obj_feature = tripal_analysis_unigene_get_alignments($feature);
+ $alignments = $obj_feature->alignments;
+ $content = "<strong>";
+ if(count($alignments) > 0){
+ // iterate through each alignment
+ foreach ($alignments as $result){
+ // EST alignments in chado use an EST_match type to map ESTs to
+ // contigs and a rank to indicate the major srcfeature.
+ // We don't want to show EST_matches on the alignment view
+ // since that doesn't make much sense to the end user. If this
+ // is an EST_match and the feature is an EST then we want to show
+ // the contig in the alignments. The contig name is part of the
+ // uniquename in the EST_match
+ if($node->feature->cvname == 'EST' && $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT srcfeature_id ".
+ "FROM {featureloc} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $result->feature_id ".
+ "ORDER BY rank";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active ('chado');
+ $contig_fid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ $sql = "SELECT name FROM {feature} WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_name = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ db_set_active($previous_db);
+ $sql = "SELECT nid ".
+ "FROM {chado_feature} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_nid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ // Check if the EST exists as a drupal node. If yes, add a link to
+ // it. If no, just show the name
+ if ($contig_nid != 0) {
+ $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE nid=$contig_nid";
+ $node_exists = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ }
+ $content .= "Alignment to contig $contig_name. " ;
+ }
+ elseif($node->feature->cvname == 'contig' && $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT vid ".
+ "FROM {node} ".
+ "WHERE title = '$result->feature_name'".
+ "ORDER BY vid DESC";
+ // since the feature name is also the node title we can look it up
+ $est_node = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql));
+ $content .= "Aligned EST: $result->feature_name ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $content .= "Aligned $result->cvname: $result->feature_name ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $content .= "</strong>";
+ return $content;
+ * tripal_analysis_unigene_results ()
+ * Prepare unigene result for the feature shown on the page
+ */
+function theme_tripal_analysis_unigene_feature_alignments($node) {
+ $feature = $node->feature;
+ $obj_feature = tripal_analysis_unigene_get_alignments($feature);
+ $alignments = $obj_feature->alignments;
+ if(count($alignments) > 0){
+ $content = "<div id=\"tripal_analysis_unigene_box\" class=\"tripal_unigene-info-box\">";
+ // we're showing contig alignments in GBrowse so create a link here for
+ // that if this feature is a contig
+ if($node->feature->cvname == 'contig'){
+ $content .= "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBox\">".
+ " <h3>ESTs in this contig</h3>".
+ "</div>";
+ $content .= "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBoxContent\">";
+ } else {
+ $content .= "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBox\">".
+ " <h3>Alignments</h3>".
+ "</div>";
+ $content .= "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBoxContent\">";
+ }
+ $content .= "".
+ "<table class=\"tripal_table_horz\">".
+ " <tr>".
+ " <th>Type</th>".
+ " <th>Feature</th>".
+ " <th align=\"right\">Position</th>".
+ " </tr>";
+ // iterate through each alignment
+ foreach ($alignments as $result){
+ // EST alignments in chado use an EST_match type to map ESTs to
+ // contigs and a rank to indicate the major srcfeature.
+ // We don't want to show EST_matches on the alignment view
+ // since that doesn't make much sense to the end user. If this
+ // is an EST_match and the feature is an EST then we want to show
+ // the contig in the alignments. The contig name is part of the
+ // uniquename in the EST_match
+ if($node->feature->cvname == 'EST' && $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT srcfeature_id ".
+ "FROM {featureloc} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $result->feature_id ".
+ "ORDER BY rank";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active ('chado');
+ $contig_fid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ $sql = "SELECT name FROM {feature} WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_name = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ db_set_active($previous_db);
+ $sql = "SELECT nid ".
+ "FROM {chado_feature} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = $contig_fid";
+ $contig_nid = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ // Check if the EST exists as a drupal node. If yes, add a link to
+ // it. If no, just show the name
+ if ($contig_nid != 0) {
+ $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE nid=$contig_nid";
+ $node_exists = db_result(db_query($sql));
+ }
+ $content .=
+ "<tr>".
+ " <td>Contig</td>".
+ " <td>";
+ if ($node_exists != 0) {
+ $content .= "<a href=\"".url("node/$contig_nid")."\">".
+ "$contig_name</a>";
+ } else {
+ $content .= $contig_name;
+ }
+ $content .=
+ " </td>".
+ " <td align=\"right\">".
+ number_format($result->fmin).
+ "-".
+ number_format($result->fmax).
+ " </td>".
+ "</tr>";
+ }
+ elseif($node->feature->cvname == 'contig' &&
+ $result->cvname == 'EST_match'){
+ $sql = "SELECT vid ".
+ "FROM {node} ".
+ "WHERE title = '$result->feature_name'".
+ "ORDER BY vid DESC";
+ // since the feature name is also the node title we can look it up
+ $est_node = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql));
+ $content .=
+ "<tr>".
+ " <td>EST</td>".
+ " <td>";
+ //Check if the EST exists as a drupal node before adding a hyperlink
+ if ($est_node->vid != 0) {
+ $content .=
+ "<a href=\"".url("node/$est_node->vid")."\">".
+ $result->feature_name.
+ "</a>";
+ } else {
+ $content .= $result->feature_name;
+ }
+ $content .=
+ " </td>".
+ " <td align=\"right\">".
+ number_format($result->fmin).
+ "-".
+ number_format($result->fmax).
+ " </td>".
+ "</tr>";
+ }
+ else {
+ $content .= "".
+ "<tr>".
+ " <td>$result->cvname</td>".
+ " <td>$result->feature_name</td>".
+ " <td align=\"right\">$result->fmin</td>".
+ " <td align=\"right\">$result->fmax</td>".
+ " <td align=\"right\">$result->strand</td>".
+ "</tr>";
+ }
+ }
+ $content .= "</table>";
+ /* if this is a contig then get the alignment
+ if($node->feature->cvname == 'contig'){
+ // get the directory prefix
+ $prefix = preg_replace("/^(\d*)\d{3}$/","$1",$node->feature_id);
+ if(!$prefix){
+ $prefix = '0';
+ }
+ $data_url = variable_get('chado_feature_data_url','sites/default/files/data');
+ $fh = fopen("$data_url/misc/$prefix/$node->feature->feature_id/alignment.txt", 'r');
+ if($fh){
+ $content .= "<b>Alignment:</b><div class=\"tripal_feature_assembly_alignment\"><pre>";
+ while(!feof($fh)){
+ $content .= fgets($fh);
+ }
+ $content .="</pre></div>";
+ }
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
+ */
+ $content .= "</div></div>";
+ }
+ return $content;
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_get_alignments($map) {
+ // get the alignments for this feature
+ $sql = "SELECT F.name as feature_name, FL.fmin, FL.fmax, FL.strand, ".
+ " FL.phase, CVT.name as cvname, F.feature_id, F.uniquename, ".
+ " FL.featureloc_id ".
+ "FROM {featureloc} FL ".
+ " INNER JOIN Feature F ON F.feature_id = FL.feature_id ".
+ " INNER JOIN Cvterm CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = F.type_id ".
+ "WHERE srcfeature_id = %d AND ".
+ " NOT(CVT.name = 'match' or CVT.name = 'match_part') ".
+ "ORDER BY FL.fmin, FL.fmax";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active('chado');
+ $results = db_query($sql,$map->feature_id);
+ $alignments = array();
+ $i=0;
+ while($subfeature = db_fetch_object($results)){
+ $alignments[$i++] = $subfeature;
+ }
+ $additions->alignments = $alignments;
+ /* get the GO Terms
+ $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {go_results_mview} ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = %d";
+ $results = db_query($sql,$map->feature_id);
+ $go_terms = array();
+ $i=0;
+ while($term = db_fetch_object($results)){
+ $go_terms[$i++] = $term;
+ }
+ $additions->go_terms = $go_terms;
+ // get the feature properties
+ $sql = "SELECT FP.value,FP.rank,CVT.name,CVT.definition ".
+ "FROM {featureprop} FP".
+ " INNER JOIN Cvterm CVT ".
+ " ON FP.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id ".
+ "WHERE feature_id = %d";
+ $results = db_query($sql,$map->feature_id);
+ $properties = array();
+ $i=0;
+ while($property = db_fetch_object($results)){
+ $properties[$i++] = $property;
+ }
+ $additions->properties = $properties;
+ */
+ db_set_active($previous_db);
+ return $additions;
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_organism_assembly($node){
+ $node = node_load($node);
+ return tripal_analysis_unigene_organism_add($node);
+function theme_tripal_analysis_unigene_node_add ($node){
+ if(strcmp($node->type,'chado_organism')==0){
+ $box_status = variable_get("tripal_analysis_unigene-box-assembly","menu_off");
+ if (strcmp($box_status,"menu_off")==0){
+ $content = tripal_analysis_unigene_organism_add($node);
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_organism_add($node){
+ // get the organism_id for this node:
+ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {chado_organism} WHERE vid = %d';
+ $org_id = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $node->nid));
+ // get information about this organism
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} ".
+ "WHERE organism_id = %d";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active('chado'); // use chado database
+ $organism = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql,$org_id->organism_id));
+ db_set_active($previous_db); // now use drupal database
+ // get information about this assembly and add it to the items in this node
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {unigene_mview} ".
+ "WHERE organism_id = %d ".
+ "ORDER BY analysis_id DESC";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active('chado'); // use chado database
+ $results = db_query($sql,$org_id->organism_id);
+ db_set_active($previous_db); // now use drupal database
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($assembly = db_fetch_object($results)){
+ // get information about this organism and add it to the items in this node
+ $libraries = array();
+ $libraries_sql = "SELECT library_id, library_name ".
+ "FROM {unigene_libraries_mview} ".
+ "WHERE analysis_id = %d ";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active('chado'); // use chado database
+ $libraries_result = db_query($libraries_sql,$assembly->analysis_id);
+ db_set_active($previous_db); // now use drupal database
+ $library_sql = "SELECT * FROM {chado_library} WHERE library_id = %d";
+ $k = 0;
+ while ($library = db_fetch_object($libraries_result)){
+ $library_node = db_fetch_object(db_query($library_sql,$library->library_id));
+ $library->node_id = $library_node->nid;
+ $libraries[$k++] = $library;
+ }
+ $assembly->libraries = $libraries;
+ $assemblies[$i++] = $assembly;
+ }
+ // if this content is intended to be a menu item the
+ // we need to know so we can format the content slightly different
+ $box_status =variable_get("tripal_analysis_unigene-box-assembly","menu_off");
+ if(count($assemblies) > 0){
+ $content = "<div id=\"organism_tab_content\">".
+ "<p>New assemblies are built after a significant number of sequences are added to the project or new software is available. ".
+ "Click on name for more information.</p><br>";
+ foreach($assemblies as $assembly){
+ $content .= "<div class=\"tripal_unigene-info-box\">".
+ "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBox\"><h3><a name=\"$assembly->name\">$assembly->name</a></h3></div>".
+ "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBoxContent\">";
+ $content .= "<table>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Version </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->uversion </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Analysis ID </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->analysis_id </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Date </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->adate </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Software </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->program </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Software Version </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->programversion </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Number of Contigs </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->num_contigs </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Description </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\">$assembly->description </td></tr>".
+ "<tr><td class=\"dbfieldname\"> Libraries Included in Assembly </td>".
+ " <td class=\"dbfieldvalue\"> ";
+ foreach($assembly->libraries as $library){
+ $content .= "<a href=\"/node/$library->node_id\">$library->library_name</a> ";
+ }
+ $content .= " </td></tr>".
+ "</table>";
+ # Generate the download linkes
+ $a_dir = tripal_get_moddir('tripal_analysis_unigene') .
+ "/$assembly->analysis_id";
+ if(is_dir($a_dir)){
+ $content .= "<ul class=\"organism\">";
+ if($target_file = file_scan_directory($a_dir,'\.contigs.fasta$',
+ array('.','..','CVS'),0,FALSE)){
+ foreach($target_file as $key=>$value){
+ $target = $target_file[$key];
+ }
+ $link = url($target->filename);
+ $content .= "
+ <li>
+ <a href=\"$link\">Download contigs </a>
+ </li>
+ ";
+ }
+ if($target_file = file_scan_directory($a_dir,'\.contigs.qual$',
+ array('.','..','CVS'),0,FALSE)){
+ foreach($target_file as $key=>$value){
+ $target = $target_file[$key];
+ }
+ $link = url($target->filename);
+ $content .= "
+ <li>
+ <a href=\"$link\">Download contigs quality </a>
+ </li>
+ ";
+ }
+ if($target_file = file_scan_directory($a_dir,'\.singlets.fasta$',
+ array('.','..','CVS'),0,FALSE)){
+ foreach($target_file as $key=>$value){
+ $target = $target_file[$key];
+ }
+ $link = url($target->filename);
+ $content .= "
+ <li>
+ <a href=\"$link\">Download singlets </a>
+ </li>
+ ";
+ }
+ if($target_file = file_scan_directory($a_dir,'\.singlets.qual$',
+ array('.','..','CVS'),0,FALSE)){
+ foreach($target_file as $key=>$value){
+ $target = $target_file[$key];
+ }
+ $link = url($target->filename);
+ $content .= "
+ <li>
+ <a href=\"$link\">Download singlets quality </a>
+ </li>
+ ";
+ }
+ if($target_file = file_scan_directory($a_dir,'\.ace$',
+ array('.','..','CVS'),0,FALSE)){
+ foreach($target_file as $key=>$value){
+ $target = $target_file[$key];
+ }
+ $link = url($target->filename);
+ $content .= "
+ <li>
+ <a href=\"$link\">Download ace file </a>
+ </li>
+ ";
+ }
+ $content .= "</ul>";
+ }
+ if(user_access('access administrative pages')){
+ $link = url("tripal_toggle_box_menu/tripal_analysis_unigene/assembly/$node->nid");
+ if(strcmp($box_status,"menu_off")==0){
+ $content .= "<a href=\"$link\">Show on menu</a>";
+ } else {
+ $content .= "<a href=\"$link\">Remove from menu</a>";
+ }
+ }
+ $content .= "</div></div>";
+ }
+ $content .= "</div>";
+ }
+ return $content;
+ * Tripal Unigene administrative setting form. This function is called by
+ * tripal_analysis module which asks for an admin form to show on the page
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_get_settings() {
+ // Get an array of node types with internal names as keys
+ $options = node_get_types('names');
+ // Add 'chado_feature' to allowed content types for showing unigene results
+ $allowedoptions ['chado_feature'] = "Show 'ESTs in this contig' on feature pages";
+ $allowedoptions ['chado_organism'] = "Show assemblies on organism pages";
+ $form['description'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#value' => t("This option allows user to display the unigene assembly ".
+ "information. For contigs, this would include an alignment and for ".
+ "organisms this would be a list of assemblies. Check the box to ".
+ "enable the display of unigene information. Uncheck to disable."),
+ '#weight' => 0,
+ );
+ $form['tripal_analysis_unigene_setting'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'checkboxes',
+ '#options' => $allowedoptions,
+ '#default_value'=>variable_get('tripal_analysis_unigene_setting',array()),
+ );
+ $settings->form = $form;
+ $settings->title = "Tripal Unigene";
+ return $settings;
+ * Set the permission types that the chado module uses. Essentially we
+ * want permissionis that protect creation, editing and deleting of chado
+ * data objects
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_unigene_perm(){
+ return array(
+ 'access chado_analysis_unigene content',
+ 'create chado_analysis_unigene content',
+ 'delete chado_analysis_unigene content',
+ 'edit chado_analysis_unigene content',
+ );
+ * The following function proves access control for users trying to
+ * perform actions on data managed by this module
+ */
+function chado_analysis_unigene_access($op, $node, $account){
+ if ($op == 'create') {
+ return user_access('create chado_analysis_unigene content', $account);
+ }
+ if ($op == 'update') {
+ if (user_access('edit chado_analysis_unigene content', $account)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($op == 'delete') {
+ if (user_access('delete chado_analysis_unigene content', $account)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($op == 'view') {
+ if (user_access('access chado_analysis_unigene content', $account)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;