@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * This file should contain all Drupal hooks for interacting with nodes.
- *
- */
- * Implementation of hook_node_info().
- *
- * This hook provides information to Drupal about any node types that are being
- * created by this module. If your module does not create any node types then
- * this function is not required.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function tripal_example_node_info() {
- $nodes = array();
- // EXPLANATION: this array describes all of the node types that are created
- // by this module. For many Tripal modules (e.g. tripal_example, tripal_stock,
- // tripal_library, tripal_pub, etc.) new node types are created. It is
- // customary to name all new node types that interact with data in Chado
- // with a 'chado_' prefix.
- $nodes['chado_example'] = array(
- 'name' => t('Example'),
- 'base' => 'chado_example',
- 'description' => t('A record from the fake chado example table'),
- 'has_title' => TRUE,
- 'locked' => TRUE,
- // EXPLANATION: This section of the node type array specifies how Tripal
- // will sync the node types with data in Chado. When Drupal creates a node
- // it has no way of coordinating which node belongs to which record in
- // Chado. Therefore, Tripal maintains tables in the Drupal schema that maps
- // Drupal nodes to records in Chado. Syncing is the process of creating
- // Drupal nodes and linking them to the appropriate record.
- 'chado_node_api' => array(
- // the base table name (e.g. example, example, contact)
- 'base_table' => 'example',
- // the node type hook prefix
- 'hook_prefix' => 'chado_example',
- 'record_type_title' => array(
- // how to refer to the record
- 'singular' => t('Example'),
- // how to refer to the record in plurals
- 'plural' => t('Examples')
- ),
- 'sync_filters' => array(
- 'type_id' => TRUE, // if the record has a type_id set to TRUE
- 'organism_id' => TRUE // if the record has an organism_id set to TRUE
- ),
- )
- );
- return $nodes;
- * Implement hook_access(). This hook provides instructions to Drupal for which
- * users can access the custom content types created in the function above. The
- * available permissions are set in the chado_example_permissions() hook in the
- * tripal_example.module file. This hook is not needed if no node types were
- * defined in the hook_node_info() hook.
- *
- * @return
- * This function should return null if it does not specifically deny access.
- * This allows for other mechanisms to to deny or reject access. If the return
- * value is TRUE then access is granted regardless of any other rules that might
- * be implemented by other modules.
- */
-function tripal_example_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
- $node_type = $node;
- if (is_object($node)) {
- $node_type = $node->type;
- }
- // EXPLANATION: in the tripal_example_permissions() function we created the
- // permission types that are used here to check for access permissions to the
- // 'chado_exmaple' node type.
- if($node_type == 'chado_example') {
- if ($op == 'create') {
- if (!user_access('create chado_example content', $account)) {
- }
- }
- if ($op == 'update') {
- if (!user_access('edit chado_example content', $account)) {
- }
- }
- if ($op == 'delete') {
- if (!user_access('delete chado_example content', $account)) {
- }
- }
- if ($op == 'view') {
- if (!user_access('access chado_example content', $account)) {
- }
- }
- }
- * Implementation of hook_form()
- *
- * Creates the form for editing or inserting a record
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_form($node, &$form_state) {
- // EXPLANATION: This function should construct a form array that is used by
- // Drupal to construct a form for inserting or editing our new node type.
- // See this page for information about the Form API:
- // https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!form.inc/group/form_api/7
- //
- // The code below is laid out in the following order
- // 1) Set default values
- // 2) Add form elements used by this node type
- // 3) Use the Tripal API to add form elements for properties,
- // dbxref's and relationships
- //
- // For the example code below we assume that the fake 'example' table only has
- // a uniquename, organism_id, type_id and example_id.
- $form = array();
- // Default values can come in the following ways:
- //
- // 1) as elements of the $node object. This occurs when editing an existing
- // example
- // 2) in the $form_state['values'] array which occurs on a failed validation
- // or ajax callbacks from non submit form elements
- // 3) in the $form_state['input'[ array which occurs on ajax callbacks from
- // submit form elements and the form is being rebuilt
- //
- // set form field defaults
- //---------------------------------------------
- $example = null; // holds the example object record
- $example_id = null; // when editing an example record we'll have an example_id
- // initialize the defaults for the form fields
- $uniquename = '';
- $example_type = '';
- $organism_id = '';
- $description = '';
- // if we are editing an existing node then the 'example' record from Chado
- // is already part of the node, so we set the defaults from that object
- if (property_exists($node, 'example')) {
- $example = $node->example;
- $example_id = $example->example_id;
- $uniquename = $example->uniquename;
- $description = $example->description;
- $organism_id = $example->organism_id;
- // keep track of the example id
- $form['example_id'] = array(
- '#type' => 'value',
- '#value' => $example_id,
- );
- }
- // if we are re constructing the form from a failed validation or ajax
- // callback then use the $form_state['values'] values
- if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state)) {
- $uniquename = $form_state['values']['uniquename'];
- $example_type = $form_state['values']['example_type'];
- $description = $form_state['values']['description'];
- $organism_id = $form_state['values']['organism_id'];
- }
- // if we are re building the form from after submission (from ajax call) then
- // the values are in the $form_state['input'] array
- if (array_key_exists('input', $form_state) and !empty($form_state['input'])) {
- $uniquename = $form_state['input']['uniquename'];
- $example_type = $form_state['input']['example_type'];
- $organism_id = $form_state['input']['organism_id'];
- }
- //---------------------------------------------
- $form['uniquename'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Unique Name'),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- '#default_value' => $uniquename,
- '#description' => t('Enter a unique name for this example. This name must be unique.'),
- '#maxlength' => 255
- );
- // for the type_id we want to use the default vocabulary so that this field
- // can have auto-complete functionality
- $type_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('example', 'type_id');
- $cv_id = $type_cv->cv_id;
- $form['example_type'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Example Type'),
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#description' => t("Choose the example type (e.g. Test Type)."),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- '#default_value' => $example_type,
- '#autocomplete_path' => "admin/tripal/vocab/cvterm/auto_name/$cv_id",
- );
- // add a select box of organisms
- $organisms = tripal_get_organism_select_options();
- $form['organism_id'] = array(
- '#title' => t('Organism'),
- '#type' => t('select'),
- '#description' => t("Choose the organism with which this example is associated"),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- '#default_value' => $organism_id,
- '#options' => $organisms,
- );
- $form['description'] = array(
- '#type' => 'text_format',
- '#title' => t('Description'),
- '#required' => TRUE,
- '#default_value' => $description,
- '#description' => t('Enter a description for this example.'),
- );
- //---------------------------------------------
- // If there is a exampleprop table and you want to allow users to add/remove
- // entries from it through your node form then add this section to your own
- // node form
- $prop_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('exampleprop', 'type_id');
- $cv_id = $prop_cv ? $prop_cv->cv_id : NULL;
- $details = array(
- // the name of the prop table
- 'property_table' => 'exampleprop',
- // the value of example_id for this record
- 'chado_id' => $example_id,
- // the cv.cv_id of the cv governing exampleprop.type_id
- 'cv_id' => $cv_id
- );
- // Adds the form elements to your current form
- chado_add_node_form_properties($form, $form_state, $details);
- //---------------------------------------------
- // If there is a example_dbxref table and you want to allow users to
- // add/remove entries from it through your node form then add this section to
- // your own node form
- $details = array(
- // the name of the _dbxref table
- 'linking_table' => 'example_dbxref',
- // the name of the key in your base chado table
- 'base_foreign_key' => 'example_id',
- // the value of example_id for this record
- 'base_key_value' => $example_id
- );
- // Adds the form elements to your current form
- chado_add_node_form_dbxrefs($form, $form_state, $details);
- //---------------------------------------------
- // If there is a example_relationship table and you want to allow users to
- // add/remove entries from it through your node form then add this section to
- // your own node form
- $rels_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('example_relationship', 'type_id');
- $cv_id = $rels_cv ? $rels_cv->cv_id : NULL;
- $details = array(
- // the name of the _relationship table
- 'relationship_table' => 'example_relationship',
- // the name of your chado base table
- 'base_table' => 'example',
- // the name of the key in your base chado table
- 'base_foreign_key' => 'example_id',
- // the value of example_id for this record
- 'base_key_value' => $example_id,
- // the human-readable name of your node type
- 'nodetype' => 'example',
- // the cv.cv_id of the cv governing example_relationship.type_id
- 'cv_id' => $cv_id
- );
- // Adds the form elements to your current form
- chado_add_node_form_relationships($form, $form_state, $details);
- // return the form
- return $form;
- * Implementation of hook_validate
- *
- * This function validates a form prior to insert or update. If an error is
- * detected, it sets the error using form_set_error() which takes the user back
- * to the form to make corrections.
- *
- * This validation is being used for three activities:
- * CASE A: Update a node that exists in both Drupal and Chado
- * CASE B: Synchronizing a node from Chado to Drupal
- * CASE C: Inserting a new node that exists in neither Drupal nor Chado
- *
- * @param $node
- *
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_validate($node, $form, &$form_state) {
- // We only want to validate when the node is saved.
- // Since this validate can be called on AJAX and Deletion of the node
- // we need to make this check to ensure queries are not executed
- // without the proper values.
- if(property_exists($node, "op") and $node->op != 'Save') {
- return;
- }
- // we are syncing if we do not have a node ID but we do have a example_id. We
- // don't need to validate during syncing so just skip it.
- if (!property_exists($node, 'nid') and property_exists($node, 'example_id') and $node->example_id != 0) {
- return;
- }
- // be sure to always trim text fields
- $node->uniquename = property_exists($node, 'uniquename') ? trim($node->uniquename) : '';
- // Validating for an update. If the 'nid' property is present in the node then
- // this is an update and validation can be different for updates
- if (property_exists($node, 'nid')) {
- // make sure the example type is an allowed term
- $type_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('example', 'type_id');
- $type = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
- 'name' => $node->example_type,
- 'cv_id' => $type_cv->cv_id,
- ));
- if (!$type) {
- form_set_error('example_type', t("The example type is not a valid name from the Sequence Ontology."));
- }
- // TODO: also we should check that the unique constraint is not invalidated
- // by changing either the type_id, organism_id or uniquename.
- }
- // Validating for an insert
- else {
- // make sure the example type is an allowed term
- $type_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('example', 'type_id');
- $type = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
- 'name' => $node->example_type,
- 'cv_id' => $type_cv->cv_id,
- ));
- if (!$type) {
- form_set_error('example_type', t("The example type is not a valid name from the Sequence Ontology."));
- }
- // TODO: also we should check that the unique constraint doesn't already exist
- }
- * Implementation of hook_insert(). This function is called after the node is
- * inserted into the database. We need it so that we can insert appropriate
- * fields as provided by the user into the database. And so that we can link the
- * new Drupal node to the data in Chado via the chado_example linking table. We
- * can get to this function also during "syncing".
- * With syncing, however, the data already exists in Chado and we do not want
- * to try to re-add it. But we do need to add an entry to the chado_example
- * table to link the Drupal node with the data in the 'example' table of Chado.
- *
- * This function is not required if the hook_node_info() does not define
- * any custom node types.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_insert($node) {
- $example_id = '';
- // if there is an example_id in the $node object then this must be a sync so
- // we can skip adding the example as it is already there, although we do need
- // to proceed with insertion into the chado/drupal linking table.
- if (!property_exists($node, 'example_id')) {
- // be sure to always trim text fields
- $node->uniquename = trim($node->uniquename);
- $node->description = trim($node->description['value']);
- // get the example type record
- $type_cv = tripal_get_default_cv('example', 'type_id');
- $type = tripal_get_cvterm(array(
- 'name' => $node->example_type,
- 'cv_id' => $type_cv->cv_id,
- ));
- // perform the insert using the chado_insert_record function();
- $values = array(
- 'uniquename' => $node->uniquename,
- 'description' => $node->description,
- 'type_id' => $type->cvterm_id,
- 'organism_id' => $node->organism_id,
- );
- $example = chado_insert_record('example', $values);
- if (!$example) {
- drupal_set_message(t('Unable to add example.'), 'warning');
- tripal_report_error('tripal_example', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Insert example: Unable to create example where values: %values',
- array('%values' => print_r($values, TRUE)));
- return;
- }
- // get the example_id for linking Drupal node with Chado data
- $example_id = $example['example_id'];
- // Only add to other Chado tables if the base record was inserted properly
- if ($example_id > 0) {
- // If you implemented the properties form in chado_example_form then you
- // need to handle inserting these properties into your Chado prop table.
- $details = array(
- // the name of the prop table
- 'property_table' => 'exampleprop',
- // the name of your Chado base table
- 'base_table' => 'example',
- // the name of the key in your base table
- 'foreignkey_name' => 'example_id',
- // the value of the example_id key
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id
- );
- chado_update_node_form_properties($node, $details);
- // If you implemented the dbxrefs form in chado_example_form then you need
- // to handle inserting these database references into your Chado _dbxref
- // table.
- $details = array(
- // the name of your _dbxref table
- 'linking_table' => 'example_dbxref',
- // the name of the key in your base table
- 'foreignkey_name' => 'example_id',
- // the value of the example_id key
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id
- );
- chado_update_node_form_dbxrefs($node, $details);
- // If you implemented the relationships form in chado_example_form then
- // you need to handle inserting these relationships into your Chado
- // _relationship table.
- $details = array(
- // name of the _relationship table
- 'relationship_table' => 'example_relationship',
- // value of the example_id key
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id
- );
- chado_update_node_form_relationships($node, $details);
- }
- }
- else {
- // the node has an example_id so get it for linking Drupal node with Chado
- // data
- $example_id = $node->example_id;
- }
- // Make sure the entry for this example doesn't already exist in the
- // chado_example table if it doesn't exist then we want to add it.
- $check_org_id = chado_get_id_from_nid('example', $node->nid);
- if (!$check_org_id) {
- $record = new stdClass();
- $record->nid = $node->nid;
- $record->vid = $node->vid;
- $record->example_id = $example_id;
- drupal_write_record('chado_example', $record);
- }
- * Implementation of hook_update(). This function runs after the node has been
- * inserted into the Drupal schema and allows us to update the record in Chado.
- *
- * This function is not required if the hook_node_info() does not define any
- * custom node types.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_update($node) {
- // be sure to always trim text fields
- $node->uniquename = trim($node->uniquename);
- $node->description = trim($node->description['value']);
- // use the chado_update_record() function to update the record
- $match = array(
- 'example_id' => $example_id,
- );
- $values = array(
- 'uniquename' => $node->uniquename,
- );
- $options = array('return_record' => TRUE);
- $status = chado_update_record('example', $match, $values, $options);
- if (!$status) {
- drupal_set_message(t('Unable to update example.'), 'warning');
- tripal_report_error('tripal_example', TRIPAL_WARNING, 'Update example: Unable to update example where values: %values',
- array('%values' => print_r($values, TRUE)));
- }
- // If you implemented the properties form in chado_example_form then you need
- // to handle updating these properties into your Chado prop table.
- $details = array(
- 'property_table' => 'exampleprop', // the name of the prop table
- 'base_table' => 'example', // the name of your Chado base table
- 'foreignkey_name' => 'example_id', // the name of the key in your base table
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id // the value of the example_id key
- );
- chado_update_node_form_properties($node, $details);
- // If you implemented the dbxrefs form in chado_example_form then you need to
- // handle updating these database references into your Chado _dbxref table.
- $details = array(
- 'linking_table' => 'example_dbxref', // the name of your _dbxref table
- 'foreignkey_name' => 'example_id', // the name of the key in your base table
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id // the value of the example_id key
- );
- chado_update_node_form_dbxrefs($node, $details);
- // If you implemented the relationships form in chado_example_form then you
- // need to handle updating these relationships into your Chado _relationship
- // table.
- $details = array(
- // name of the _relationship table
- 'relationship_table' => 'example_relationship',
- // value of the example_id key
- 'foreignkey_value' => $example_id
- );
- chado_update_node_form_relationships($node, $details);
- * Implementation of hook_delete(). This function runs after the node has been
- * deleted from the Drupal schema and allows us to delete the corresponding
- * record in Chado.
- *
- * This function is not required if the hook_node_info() does not define any
- * custom node types.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_delete($node) {
- // get the example id from the node
- $example_id = chado_get_id_from_nid('example', $node->nid);
- // if we don't have a example id for this node then this isn't a node of type
- // chado_example or the entry in the chado_example table was lost.
- if (!$example_id) {
- return;
- }
- // remove the entry in the chado_exapmle table linking the deleted
- // Drupal node with the data in Chado
- $sql_del = "DELETE FROM {chado_example} WHERE nid = :nid AND vid = :vid";
- db_query($sql_del, array(':nid' => $node->nid, ':vid' => $node->vid));
- // Remove data from example tables of Chado database. This will
- // cause a cascade delete and remove all data in referencing tables
- // for this example
- chado_query("DELETE FROM {example} WHERE example_id = :example_id", array(':example_id' => $example_id));
- // inform the user that the data was deleted
- drupal_set_message(t("The example and all associated data were removed from Chado"));
- * Implementation of hook_load(). This function is necessary to load into the
- * $node object the fields of the table form Chado. For example for the example
- * table, the chado_example_load() function adds in a example object which
- * contains all of the fields and sub objects for data in tables with foreign
- * key relationships.
- *
- * This function is not required if the hook_node_info() does not define any
- * custom node types.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function chado_example_load($nodes) {
- // EXPLANATION: when displaying or node or accessing the node in a template
- // we need the data from Chado. This function finds the record in Chado that
- // this node belongs to and adds the record.
- // there may be multiple nodes that get passed in so we have to iterate
- // through them all
- foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
- // find the example and add in the details
- $example_id = chado_get_id_from_nid('example', $nid);
- // if the nid does not have a matching record then skip this node.
- // this can happen with orphaned nodes.
- if (!$example_id) {
- continue;
- }
- // build the example variable by using the chado_generate_var() function
- $values = array('example_id' => $example_id);
- $example = chado_generate_var('example', $values);
- // for fields in the table that are of type 'text' you may want to include
- // those by default, the chado_generate_var does not include text fields as
- // they may be very large and including a large text field can slow the page
- // load.
- // If you know a text field will never be large and it is important for the
- // other functions that will see the node to have access to a field you can
- // include it here using the chado_expand_var() function. In most
- // cases it is probably best to let the end-user decide if text fields
- // should be included by using this function in the templates.
- $example = chado_expand_var($example, 'field', 'example.description');
- // add the new example object to this node.
- $nodes[$nid]->example = $example;
- // If your module is using the Chado Node: Title & Path API to allow custom
- // titles for your node type. Every time you want the title of the node, you
- // need to use the following API function:
- $node->title = chado_get_node_title($node);
- }
- * Implementation of hook_node_presave().
- *
- * Performs actions on a node object prior to it being saved
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function tripal_example_node_presave($node) {
- // EXPLANATION: This node is useful for making changes to the node prior to it
- // being saved to the database.
- // One useful case for this is to set the title of a node using values
- // supplied by the user.
- //
- // This function is not required. You probably won't need it if you don't
- // define a custom node type in the hook_node_info() function. But it is node
- // type agnostic, so you can use this function to change the contents of any
- // node regardless of it's type.
- // set the node title
- switch ($node->type) {
- // This step is for setting the title for the Drupal node. This title is
- // permanent and thus is created to be unique. Title changes provided by
- // tokens are generated on the fly dynamically, but the node title seen in
- // the content listing needs to be set here. Do not call the
- // chado_get_node_title() function here to set the title as the node object
- // isn't properly filled out and the function will fail.
- case 'chado_example':
- // for a form submission the 'uniquename' field will be set,
- // for a sync, we must pull from the example object
- if (property_exists($node, 'uniquename')) {
- // set the title
- $node->title = $node->uniquename;
- }
- else if (property_exists($node, 'example')) {
- $node->title = $node->example->uniquename;
- }
- break;
- }
- * Implementation of hook node_insert().
- *
- * Performs actions after any node has been inserted.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function tripal_example_node_insert($node) {
- // EXPLANATION: This function is used after any a node is inserted into the
- // database. It is different from the hook_insert() function above in that it
- // is called after any node is saved, regardless of it's type. This function
- // is useful for making changes to the database after a node is inserted.
- // An example comes from the tripal_feature module where the URL alias of a
- // node cannot be set in the hook_insert() function. Therefore the
- // tripal_feature module uses this function to set the URL path of a newly
- // inserted example node.
- //
- // This function is not required. You probably won't need it if you don't
- // define a custom node type in the hook_node_info() function. But it is node
- // type agnostic, so you can use this function to do any activity after insert
- // of any node.
- // the Example code below will set the URL path after inserting. We do it here
- // because we do not know the example_id in the pre-save and cannot do it in
- // the hook_insert()
- switch ($node->type) {
- case 'chado_example':
- // find the example and add in the details
- $example_id = chado_get_id_from_nid('example', $nid);
- // build the example variable by using the chado_generate_var() function
- $values = array('example_id' => $example_id);
- $example = chado_generate_var('example', $values);
- $node->example = $example;
- // EXPLANATION: You can allow the site admin to customize the
- // title and URL of your node. The 'Chado Node: Title & Path API'
- // contains two functions that can be called to generate the title and
- // URL based a schema provided by the site admin. These functions are
- // named chado_get_node_title() and chado_set_node_url(). These
- // functions use a string of tokens to build the URL and titles and the
- // site admin has the ability to set these tokens. There are
- // form elements made available in the tripal_example_admin() function
- // that allow the admin to set these tokens. The default token string
- // is provided to Tripal using two hook functions, and are found below.
- // These are: chado_exmaple_chado_node_default_title() and
- // chado_example_chdo_node_default_url().
- // Set the Title and URL for this node.
- $example->title = chado_get_node_title($node);
- chado_set_node_url($node);
- break;
- }
- * Implementation of hook node_update().
- *
- * Performs actions after any node has been updated.
- *
- */
-function tripal_example_node_update($node) {
- // EXPLANATION: This function is used after any a node is updated in the
- // database. It is different from the hook_update() function above in that it
- // is called after any node is updated, regardless of it's type.
- // An example comes from the tripal_feature module where the URL alias of a
- // node cannot be set in the hook_update() function. Therefore the
- // tripal_feature module uses this function to reset the URL path of an
- // updated feature node.
- //
- // This function is not required. You probably won't need it if you don't
- // define a custom node type in the hook_node_info() function. But it is node
- // type agnostic, so you can use this function to do any activity after insert
- // of a node.
- // add items to other nodes, build index and search results
- switch ($node->type) {
- case 'chado_example':
- // If your module is using the Chado Node: Title & Path API to allow
- // custom titles for your node type. Every time you want the title of the
- // node, you need to use the following API function:
- $example->title = chado_get_node_title($node);
- // set the URL for this example page
- // see the code in the tripal_feature/includes/tripal_feature.chado_node.inc
- // file in the function tripal_feature_node_insert for an example of how
- // that module sets the URL. It uses a configuration file to allow the
- // user to dynamically build a URL schema and then uses that schema to
- // generate a URL string.
- break;
- }
- * Implementation of hook_node_view().
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_example
- */
-function tripal_example_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
- // EXPLANATION: This function defines the content "blocks" that appear when
- // the node is displayed. It is node type agnostic so we can add content to
- // any node type. So, we use this function to add the content from all of our
- // theme templates onto our new node type. We will also use this function to
- // add content to other node types.
- switch ($node->type) {
- case 'chado_example':
- // there are different ways a node can be viewed. Primarily Tripal
- // supports full page view and teaser view.
- if ($view_mode == 'full') {
- // If you want to use the default Tripal node template then you need to
- // tell Tripal to generate the Table of Contents. This is done by
- // setting the following to TRUE. If your content type follows the
- // chado_<base table> convention then this is the default. In this case
- // if you don't want to use the default template then you need to set
- // the following to FALSE.
- $node->content['#tripal_generic_node_template'] = TRUE;
- // There is always a base template. This is the template that is first
- // shown when the example node type is first displayed.
- // If you are using the default Tripal node template, then you should
- // also set two additional items in each array: tripal_toc_id and
- // tripal_toc_title. The tripal_tock_id should be a single unique
- // world that is used to reference the template. This ID is used for
- // constructing URLs for the content. The tripal_toc_title contains
- // the title that should appear in the table of contents for this
- // content. You should only set the '#weight' element for the base
- // template (or Overview) to ensure that it appears at the top of the
- // list. Otherwise items are sorted alphabetically.
- $node->content['tripal_example_base'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_example_base',
- '#node' => $node,
- '#tripal_toc_id' => 'base',
- '#tripal_toc_title' => 'Overview',
- '#weight' => -100,
- );
- // we can add other templates as well for properties, publications,
- // dbxrefs, etc...
- $node->content['tripal_example_properties'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_example_properties',
- '#node' => $node,
- '#tripal_toc_id' => 'properties',
- '#tripal_toc_title' => 'Properties',
- );
- $node->content['tripal_example_references'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_example_references',
- '#node' => $node,
- '#tripal_toc_id' => 'references',
- '#tripal_toc_title' => 'Cross References',
- );
- $node->content['tripal_example_relationships'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_example_relationships',
- '#node' => $node,
- '#tripal_toc_id' => 'relationships',
- '#tripal_toc_title' => 'Relationships',
- );
- // Note: if you create a template that you do not want a user to know
- // where it is (discourage editing of it), you can add the following
- // key: '#tripal_template_show' => FALSE. If this key/value is set the
- // administrator message that Tripal provides indicating where the
- // template is housed will not be shown.
- }
- // set the content for the teaser view
- if ($view_mode == 'teaser') {
- // The teaser is also a required template
- $node->content['tripal_example_teaser'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_example_teaser',
- '#node' => $node,
- );
- }
- break;
- // you can add custom content to any node type by adding content to the node
- // in the same way as above.
- case 'chado_organism':
- if ($view_mode == 'full') {
- $node->content['tripal_organism_examples'] = array(
- '#theme' => 'tripal_organism_examples',
- '#node' => $node,
- '#tripal_toc_id' => 'examples',
- '#tripal_toc_title' => 'Examples',
- );
- }
- break;
- // ... etc
- }
- * Implements [content_type]_chado_node_default_title_format().
- *
- * Defines a default title format for the Chado Node API to set the titles on
- * Chado example nodes based on chado fields.
- */
-function chado_example_chado_node_default_title_format() {
- return '[example.name], [example.uniquename] ([example.type_id>cvterm.name]) [example.organism_id>organism.genus] [example.organism_id>organism.species]';
- * Implements hook_chado_node_default_url_format().
- *
- * Designates a default URL format for example nodes.
- */
-function chado_example_chado_node_default_url_format() {
- return '/example/[example.organism_id>organism.genus]/[example.organism_id>organism.species]/[example.type_id>cvterm.name]/[example.uniquename]';