Browse Source

Removed all taxonomy and reindex code that was still lingering

Stephen Ficklin 11 years ago

+ 0 - 37

@@ -110,43 +110,6 @@ function tripal_analysis_admin() {
  * @ingroup tripal_analysis
 function tripal_analysis_admin_validate($form, &$form_state) {
-  global $user;  // we need access to the user info
-  $job_args = array();
-  // -------------------------------------
-  // Submit the Reindex Job if selected
-  if ($form_state['values']['op'] == t('Reindex Features')) {
-    global $user;  // we need access to the user info
-    $job_args = array();
-    $analyses = $form_state['values']['re-analyses'];
-    foreach ($analyses as $analysis_id) {
-      if ($analysis_id and preg_match("/^\d+$/i", $analysis_id)) {
-        // get the analysis info
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {analysis} WHERE analysis_id = :analysis_id";
-        $analysis = chado_query($sql, array(':analysis_id' => $analysis_id))->fetchObject();
-        $job_args[0] = $analysis_id;
-        tripal_add_job("Reindex features for analysis: $analysis->name", 'tripal_analysis',
-             'tripal_analysis_reindex_features', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------
-  // Submit the Taxonomy Job if selected
-  if ($form_state['values']['op'] == t('Set Feature Taxonomy')) {
-    global $user;  // we need access to the user info
-    $job_args = array();
-    $analyses = $form_state['values']['tx-analyses'];
-    foreach ($analyses as $analysis_id) {
-      if ($analysis_id and preg_match("/^\d+$/i", $analysis_id)) {
-        // get the analysis info
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {analysis} WHERE analysis_id = :analysis_id";
-        $analysis = chado_query($sql, array(':analysis_id' => $analysis_id))->fetchObject();
-        $job_args[0] = $analysis_id;
-        tripal_add_job("Set taxonomy for features in analysis: $analysis->name", 'tripal_analysis',
-             'tripal_analysis_taxonify_features', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      }
-    }
-  }

+ 142 - 589

@@ -46,261 +46,7 @@ function tripal_feature_admin_feature_view() {
 function tripal_feature_admin() {
-  /*
-  // before proceeding check to see if we have any
-  // currently processing jobs. If so, we don't want
-  // to give the opportunity to sync libraries
-  $active_jobs = FALSE;
-  if (tripal_get_module_active_jobs('tripal_feature')) {
-    $active_jobs = TRUE;
-  }
-  if (!$active_jobs) {
-    get_tripal_feature_admin_form_title_set($form);
-    get_tripal_feature_admin_form_url_set($form);
-    $form['browser'] = array(
-       '#type' => 'fieldset',
-       '#title' => t('Feature Browser'),
-       '#collapsible' => TRUE,
-       '#collapsed' => FALSE,
-    );
-    $allowedoptions1  = array(
-      'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browser on the organism page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
-      'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the organism page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
-    );
-  //      $allowedoptions ['allow_feature_browser'] = "Allow loading of the feature browsing through AJAX. For large sites the initial page load will be quick with the feature browser loading afterwards.";
-    $form['browser']['browser_desc'] = array(
-       '#markup' => t('A feature browser can be added to an organism page to allow users to quickly ' .
-          'access a feature.  This will most likely not be the ideal mechanism for accessing feature ' .
-          'information, especially for large sites, but it will alow users exploring the site (such ' .
-          'as students) to better understand the data types available on the site.'),
-    );
-    $form['browser']['feature_types'] = array(
-       '#title'       => t('Feature Types'),
-       '#type'        => 'textarea',
-       '#description' => t("Enter the Sequence Ontology (SO) terms for the feature types that " .
-                           "will be shown in the feature browser."),
-       '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_browser_feature_types', 'gene mRNA'),
-    );
-    $form['browser']['browse_features'] = array(
-       '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Organism Page',
-       '#type' => 'radios',
-       '#options' => $allowedoptions1,
-       '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
-    );
-    $form['browser']['browse_features_library'] = array(
-      '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Library Page',
-      '#type' => 'radios',
-      '#options' => array(
-        'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browse on the library page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
-        'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the library page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
-      ),
-      '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_library_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
-    );
-    $form['browser']['browse_features_analysis'] = array(
-      '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Analysis Page',
-      '#type' => 'radios',
-      '#options' => array(
-        'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browse on the analysis page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
-        'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the analysis page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
-      ),
-     '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_analysis_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
-    );
-    $form['browser']['set_browse_button'] = array(
-       '#type' => 'submit',
-       '#value' => t('Set Browser'),
-       '#weight' => 2,
-    );
-    $form['summary'] = array(
-       '#type' => 'fieldset',
-       '#title' => t('Feature Summary Report'),
-       '#collapsible' => TRUE,
-       '#collapsed' => FALSE,
-    );
-    $allowedoptions2 ['show_feature_summary'] = "Show the feature summary on the organism page. The summary loads when page loads.";
-    $allowedoptions2 ['hide_feature_summary'] = "Hide the feature summary on the organism page. Disables the feature summary.";
-    $form['summary']['feature_summary'] = array(
-       '#title' => 'Feature Summary on Organism Page',
-       '#description' => 'A feature summary can be added to an organism page to allow users to see the ' .
-          'type and quantity of features available for the organism.',
-       '#type' => 'radios',
-       '#options' => $allowedoptions2,
-       '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_summary_setting', 'show_feature_summary'),
-    );
-    $form['summary']['feature_mapping'] = array(
-       '#title' => 'Map feature types',
-       '#description' => t('You may specify which Sequence Ontology (SO) terms to show in the ' .
-          'feature summary report by listing them in the following text area.   Enter one per line. ' .
-          'If left blank, all SO terms for all features will be shown in the report. Only those terms ' .
-          'listed below will be shown in the report. Terms will appear in the report in the same order listed. To rename a ' .
-          'SO term to be more human readable form, use an \'=\' sign after the SO term (e.g. \'polypeptide = Protein\')'),
-       '#type' => 'textarea',
-       '#rows' => 15,
-       '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_summary_report_mapping', ''),
-    );
-    $form['summary']['set_summary_button'] = array(
-       '#type' => 'submit',
-       '#value' => t('Set Summary'),
-       '#weight' => 2,
-    );
-    get_tripal_feature_admin_form_taxonomy_set($form);
-//    get_tripal_feature_admin_form_reindex_set($form);
-/*  }
-  else {
-    $form['notice'] = array(
-       '#type' => 'fieldset',
-       '#title' => t('Feature Management Temporarily Unavailable'),
-       '#collapsible' => FALSE,
-       '#collapsed' => FALSE,
-    );
-    $form['notice']['message'] = array(
-       '#value' => t('Currently, feature management jobs are waiting or " .
-          "are running. Managemment features have been hidden until these " .
-          "jobs complete.  Please check back later once these jobs have " .
-          "finished.  You can view the status of pending jobs in the Tripal " .
-          "jobs page.'),
-    );
-  }
-  */
-  return system_settings_form($form);
- * Validate the feature settings forms
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function tripal_feature_admin_validate($form, &$form_state) {
-  global $user;  // we need access to the user info
-  $job_args = array();
-  variable_set('chado_browser_feature_types', $form_state['values']['feature_types']);
-  switch ($form_state['values']['op']) {
-    case t('Set/Reset Taxonomy for all feature nodes') :
-      tripal_add_job('Set all feature taxonomy', 'tripal_feature',
-        'tripal_features_set_taxonomy', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      break;
-    case t('Reindex all feature nodes') :
-      tripal_add_job('Reindex all features', 'tripal_feature',
-        'tripal_features_reindex', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      break;
-    case t('Set Browser') :
-      variable_set('tripal_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features']);
-      variable_set('tripal_library_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features_library']);
-      variable_set('tripal_analysis_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features_analysis']);
-      break;
-    case t('Set Summary') :
-      variable_set('tripal_feature_summary_setting', $form_state['values']['feature_summary']);
-      variable_set('tripal_feature_summary_report_mapping', $form_state['values']['feature_mapping']);
-      break;
-    case t('Set Feature URLs') :
-      variable_set('chado_feature_url', $form_state['values']['feature_url']);
-      tripal_add_job('Set Feature URLs', 'tripal_feature',
-        'tripal_feature_set_urls', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      break;
-  }
- * Form: Reindex feature nodes for the drupal search
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_reindex_set(&$form) {
-  $form['reindex'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'fieldset',
-    '#title' => t('Index/Reindex'),
-    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
-    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
-  );
-  $form['reindex']['description'] = array(
-     '#type' => 'item',
-     '#value' => t("Indexing or reindexing of nodes is required for Drupal's full text searching. " .
-        "Index features for the first time to allow for searching of content, and later when content for features " .
-        "is updated.  Depending on the number of features this may take " .
-        "quite a while. Click the button below to begin reindexing of " .
-        "features. "),
-     '#weight' => 1,
-  );
-  $form['reindex']['button'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'submit',
-    '#value' => t('Reindex all feature nodes'),
-    '#weight' => 2,
-  );
- * Form: Set taxonomy for features
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_taxonomy_set(&$form) {
-  $form['taxonomy'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'fieldset',
-    '#title' => t('Set Taxonomy'),
-    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
-    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
-  );
-  $form['taxonomy']['description'] = array(
-     '#type' => 'item',
-     '#value' => t("Drupal allows for assignment of \"taxonomy\" or " .
-        "catagorical terms to nodes. These terms allow for advanced " .
-        "filtering during searching."),
-     '#weight' => 1,
-  );
-  $tax_options = array(
-    'organism' => t('Organism name'),
-    'feature_type'  => t('Feature Type (e.g. EST, mRNA, etc.)'),
-    'analysis' => t('Analysis Name'),
-    'library'  => t('Library Name'),
-  );
-  $form['taxonomy']['tax_classes'] = array(
-   '#title'       => t('Available Taxonomic Classes'),
-   '#type'        => t('checkboxes'),
-   '#description' => t("Please select the class of terms to assign to " .
-      "chado features"),
-   '#required'    => FALSE,
-   '#prefix'      => '<div id="taxclass_boxes">',
-   '#suffix'      => '</div>',
-   '#options'     => $tax_options,
-   '#weight'      => 2,
-   '#default_value' => variable_get('tax_classes', array()),
-  );
-  $form['taxonomy']['button'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'submit',
-    '#value' => t('Set/Reset Taxonomy for all feature nodes'),
-    '#weight' => 3,
-  );
- * Form: Set the definition of titles for features
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_title_set(&$form) {
   $form['title'] = array(
     '#type' => 'fieldset',
     '#title' => t('Feature Page Titles'),
@@ -308,11 +54,12 @@ function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_title_set(&$form) {
     '#collapsed' => FALSE,
   $form['title']['desc'] = array(
-    '#markup' => t('Each synced feature must have a unique page title, however, features
-                   may have the same name if they are of different types or from
-                   different organisms.  Therefore, we must be sure that the
-                   page titles can uniquely identify the feature being viewed.  Select
-                   an option below that will uniquely identify all features on your site.'),
+    '#markup' => t(
+      'Each synced feature must have a unique page title, however, features
+       may have the same name if they are of different types or from
+       different organisms.  Therefore, we must be sure that the
+       page titles can uniquely identify the feature being viewed.  Select
+       an option below that will uniquely identify all features on your site.'),
   $options = array(
     'feature_unique_name'  => 'Feature unique name',
@@ -330,22 +77,15 @@ function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_title_set(&$form) {
     '#options'       => $options,
     '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_feature_title', 'unique_constraint'),
- * Form: Set the URL definition for feature nodes
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_url_set(&$form) {
   $form['url'] = array(
     '#type' => 'fieldset',
     '#title' => t('Feature URL Path'),
     '#collapsible' => TRUE,
     '#collapsed' => FALSE,
   $options = array(
     'SID[id]'      => '[id]:' . t('The Chado feature_id'),
     'feature'      => 'feature:' . t('Chado table name'),
@@ -356,23 +96,22 @@ function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_url_set(&$form) {
     '[name]'       => '[name]:' . t('The feature name'),
     'reset'        => t('Reset'),
   $form['url']['chado_feature_url_string'] = array(
     '#title' => 'URL Syntax',
     '#type' => 'textfield',
     '#description' => t('You may rearrange elements in this text box to
-      customize the URLs.  The available tags include: [id],
-      [uniquename]. [name], [species], [genus], [type]. You can separate or
-      include any text between the tags. Click the "Set Feature URLs" button to
-      reset the URLs for all feature pages.  Click the "Save Configuration" button to
-      simply save this setup. <b>Important</b>: be sure that whatever you choose will always be unique even considering
-      future data that may be added.  If you include the Chado table name, genus, species, type
-      and uniquename you are guaranteed to have a unique URL. For example feature/[genus]/[species]/[type]/[uniquename]'),
+    customize the URLs.  The available tags include: [id],
+    [uniquename]. [name], [species], [genus], [type]. You can separate or
+    include any text between the tags. Click the "Set Feature URLs" button to
+    reset the URLs for all feature pages.  Click the "Save Configuration" button to
+    simply save this setup. <b>Important</b>: be sure that whatever you choose will always be unique even considering
+    future data that may be added.  If you include the Chado table name, genus, species, type
+    and uniquename you are guaranteed to have a unique URL. For example feature/[genus]/[species]/[type]/[uniquename]'),
     '#size' => 150,
     '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_feature_url_string', '/feature/[genus]/[species]/[type]/[uniquename]'),
   $form['url']['chado_feature_url'] = array(
     '#title'         => t('URL components'),
     '#type'          => 'checkboxes',
@@ -381,340 +120,154 @@ function get_tripal_feature_admin_form_url_set(&$form) {
     '#description'   => t('Click the item above to make it appear in the URL Syntax box'),
     '#attributes'    => array(
       'onclick' => '
-        box = $(\'#edit-chado-feature-url-string\');
-        if (this.value == \'reset\') {
-          box.val(\'\');
-        }
-        else {
-          box.val(box.val() + "/" + this.value);
-        }
-        this.checked = false;
-      ',
+      box = $(\'#edit-chado-feature-url-string\');
+      if (this.value == \'reset\') {
+        box.val(\'\');
+      }
+      else {
+        box.val(box.val() + "/" + this.value);
+      }
+      this.checked = false;
+    ',
   $form['url']['button'] = array(
     '#type' => 'submit',
     '#value' => t('Set Feature URLs'),
- * Set feature taxonomy
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function tripal_features_set_taxonomy($max_sync = 0, $job_id = NULL) {
-  // make sure our vocabularies are cleaned and reset before proceeding
-  tripal_feature_del_vocabulary();
-  tripal_feature_set_vocabulary();
-  // iterate through all drupal feature nodes and set the taxonomy
-  $results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {chado_feature}");
-  $nsql =  "
-    SELECT * FROM {node}
-    WHERE nid = :nid
-  ";
-  $i = 0;
-  // load into ids array
-  $count = 0;
-  $chado_features = array();
-  while ($chado_feature = $results->fetchObject()) {
-    $chado_features[$count] = $chado_feature;
-    $count++;
-  }
-  // Iterate through features that need to be synced
-  $interval = intval($count * 0.01);
-  foreach ($chado_features as $chado_feature) {
-  // update the job status every 1% features
-  if ($job_id and $i % $interval == 0) {
-    tripal_set_job_progress($job_id, intval(($i/$count)*100));
-  }
-  print "$i of $count: ";
-  $node = db_query($nsql, array(':nid' => $chado_feature->nid))->fetchObject();
-  tripal_feature_set_taxonomy($node, $chado_feature->feature_id);
-  $i++;
-  }
- * Set taxonomy for a single feature
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function tripal_feature_set_taxonomy($node, $feature_id) {
-  // iterate through the taxonomy classes that have been
-  // selected by the admin user and make sure we only set those
-  $tax_classes = variable_get('tax_classes', array());
-  $do_ft = 0;
-  $do_op = 0;
-  $do_lb = 0;
-  $do_an = 0;
-  foreach ($tax_classes as $class) {
-    if (strcmp($class , 'organism')==0) {
-      $do_op = 1;
-    }
-    if (strcmp($class, 'feature_type')==0) {
-      $do_ft = 1;
-    }
-    if (strcmp($class, 'library')==0) {
-      $do_lb = 1;
-    }
-    if (strcmp($class, 'analysis')==0) {
-      $do_an = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  // get the list of vocabularies and find our two vocabularies of interest
-  $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
-  $ft_vid = NULL;
-  $op_vid = NULL;
-  $lb_vid = NULL;
-  $an_vid = NULL;
-  foreach ($vocabularies as $vocab) {
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Feature Type') {
-      $ft_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Organism') {
-      $op_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Library') {
-      $lb_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Analysis') {
-      $an_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-  }
-  // get the cvterm and the organism for this feature
-  $sql = "
-    SELECT AS cvname, O.genus, O.species
-    FROM {cvterm} CVT
-      INNER JOIN {feature} F on F.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id
-      INNER JOIN {organism} O ON F.organism_id = O.organism_id
-    WHERE F.feature_id = :feature_id
-  ";
-  $feature = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id))->fetchObject();
-  // Set the feature type for this feature
-  if ($do_ft && $ft_vid) {
-    $tags["$ft_vid"] = "$feature->cvname";
-  }
-  // Set the organism for this feature type
-  if ($do_op && $op_vid) {
-    $tags["$op_vid"] = "$feature->genus $feature->species";
-  }
-  // get the library that this feature may belong to and add it as taxonomy
-  if ($do_lb && $lb_vid) {
-    $sql = "
-      SELECT
-      FROM {Library} L
-        INNER JOIN {Library_feature} LF ON LF.library_id = L.library_id
-      WHERE LF.feature_id = :feature_id
-    ";
-    $library = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id))->fetchObject();
-    $tags["$lb_vid"] = "$library->name";
-  }
-  // now add the taxonomy to the node
-  $terms['tags'] = $tags;
-  taxonomy_node_save($node, $terms);
-  //   print "Setting $node->name: " . implode(", ",$tags) . "\n";
-  // get the analysis that this feature may belong to and add it as taxonomy
-  // We'll add each one individually since there may be more than one analysis
-  if ($do_an && $an_vid) {
-    $sql = "
-      SELECT
-      FROM {Analysis} A
-        INNER JOIN {analysisfeature} AF ON AF.analysis_id = A.analysis_id
-      WHERE AF.feature_id = :feature_id
-    ";
-    $results = chado_query($sql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id));
-    $analysis_terms = array();
-    while ($analysis = $results->fetchObject()) {
-      $tags2["$an_vid"] = "$analysis->name";
-      $terms['tags'] = $tags2;
-      taxonomy_node_save($node, $terms);
-    }
-  }
- *  This function is an extension of the chado_feature_view by providing
- *  the markup for the feature object THAT WILL BE INDEXED.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function theme_tripal_feature_search_index($node) {
-  $feature = $node->feature;
-  $content = '';
-  // get the accession prefix
-  $aprefix = variable_get('chado_feature_accession_prefix', 'FID');
+  $form['browser'] = array(
+     '#type' => 'fieldset',
+     '#title' => t('Feature Browser'),
+     '#collapsible' => TRUE,
+     '#collapsed' => FALSE,
+  );
+  $allowedoptions1  = array(
+    'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browser on the organism page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
+    'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the organism page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
+  );
+//      $allowedoptions ['allow_feature_browser'] = "Allow loading of the feature browsing through AJAX. For large sites the initial page load will be quick with the feature browser loading afterwards.";
-  $content .= "<h1>$feature->uniquename</h1>. ";
-  $content .= "<strong>$aprefix$feature->feature_id.</strong> ";
-  $content .= "$feature->cvname ";
-  $content .= "$feature->common_name ";
+  $form['browser']['browser_desc'] = array(
+     '#markup' => t('A feature browser can be added to an organism page to allow users to quickly ' .
+        'access a feature.  This will most likely not be the ideal mechanism for accessing feature ' .
+        'information, especially for large sites, but it will alow users exploring the site (such ' .
+        'as students) to better understand the data types available on the site.'),
-  // add the synonyms of this feature to the text for searching
-  $synonyms = $node->synonyms;
-  if (count($synonyms) > 0) {
-    foreach ($synonyms as $result) {
-      $content .= "$result->name ";
-    }
-  }
+  );
+  $form['browser']['feature_types'] = array(
+     '#title'       => t('Feature Types'),
+     '#type'        => 'textarea',
+     '#description' => t("Enter the Sequence Ontology (SO) terms for the feature types that " .
+                         "will be shown in the feature browser."),
+     '#default_value' => variable_get('chado_browser_feature_types', 'gene mRNA'),
+  );
-  return $content;
- *  This function is an extension of the chado_feature_view by providing
- *  the markup for the feature object THAT WILL BE INDEXED.
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function theme_tripal_feature_search_results($node) {
-  $feature = $node->feature;
-  $content = '';
+  $form['browser']['browse_features'] = array(
+     '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Organism Page',
+     '#type' => 'radios',
+     '#options' => $allowedoptions1,
+     '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
+  );
-  // get the accession prefix
-  $aprefix = variable_get('chado_feature_accession_prefix', 'FID');
+  $form['browser']['browse_features_library'] = array(
+    '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Library Page',
+    '#type' => 'radios',
+    '#options' => array(
+      'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browse on the library page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
+      'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the library page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
+    ),
+    '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_library_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
+  );
-  $content .= "Feature Name: <h1>$feature->uniquename</h1>. ";
-  $content .= "<strong>Accession: $aprefix$feature->feature_id.</strong>";
-  $content .= "Type: $feature->cvname. ";
-  $content .= "Organism: $feature->common_name. ";
+  $form['browser']['browse_features_analysis'] = array(
+    '#title' => 'Feature Browser on Analysis Page',
+    '#type' => 'radios',
+    '#options' => array(
+      'show_feature_browser' => "Show the feature browse on the analysis page. The browser loads when page loads. This may be slow for large sites.",
+      'hide_feature_browser' => "Hide the feature browser on the analysis page. Disables the feature browser completely.",
+    ),
+   '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_analysis_feature_browse_setting', 'show_feature_browser'),
+  );
-  // add the synonyms of this feature to the text for searching
-  $synonyms = $node->synonyms;
-  if (count($synonyms) > 0) {
-    $content .= "Synonyms: ";
-    foreach ($synonyms as $result) {
-      $content .= "$result->name, ";
-    }
-  }
+  $form['browser']['set_browse_button'] = array(
+     '#type' => 'submit',
+     '#value' => t('Set Browser'),
+     '#weight' => 2,
+  );
-  return $content;
+  $form['summary'] = array(
+     '#type' => 'fieldset',
+     '#title' => t('Feature Summary Report'),
+     '#collapsible' => TRUE,
+     '#collapsed' => FALSE,
+  );
+  $allowedoptions2 ['show_feature_summary'] = "Show the feature summary on the organism page. The summary loads when page loads.";
+  $allowedoptions2 ['hide_feature_summary'] = "Hide the feature summary on the organism page. Disables the feature summary.";
+  $form['summary']['feature_summary'] = array(
+     '#title' => 'Feature Summary on Organism Page',
+     '#description' => 'A feature summary can be added to an organism page to allow users to see the ' .
+        'type and quantity of features available for the organism.',
+     '#type' => 'radios',
+     '#options' => $allowedoptions2,
+     '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_summary_setting', 'show_feature_summary'),
+  );
+  $form['summary']['feature_mapping'] = array(
+     '#title' => 'Map feature types',
+     '#description' => t('You may specify which Sequence Ontology (SO) terms to show in the ' .
+        'feature summary report by listing them in the following text area.   Enter one per line. ' .
+        'If left blank, all SO terms for all features will be shown in the report. Only those terms ' .
+        'listed below will be shown in the report. Terms will appear in the report in the same order listed. To rename a ' .
+        'SO term to be more human readable form, use an \'=\' sign after the SO term (e.g. \'polypeptide = Protein\')'),
+     '#type' => 'textarea',
+     '#rows' => 15,
+     '#default_value' => variable_get('tripal_feature_summary_report_mapping', ''),
+  );
+  $form['summary']['set_summary_button'] = array(
+     '#type' => 'submit',
+     '#value' => t('Set Summary'),
+     '#weight' => 2,
+  );
+  return system_settings_form($form);
- * Set the vocabulary to use taxonomy terms from
+ * Validate the feature settings forms
  * @ingroup tripal_feature
-function tripal_feature_set_vocabulary() {
-  //include the file containing the required functions for adding taxonomy vocabs
-  module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
+function tripal_feature_admin_validate($form, &$form_state) {
+  global $user;  // we need access to the user info
+  $job_args = array();
-  // get the vocabularies so that we make sure we don't recreate
-  // the vocabs that already exist
-  $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
-  $ft_vid = NULL;
-  $op_vid = NULL;
-  $lb_vid = NULL;
-  $an_vid = NULL;
+  variable_set('chado_browser_feature_types', $form_state['values']['feature_types']);
-  // These taxonomic terms are hard coded because we
-  // konw we have these relationships in the chado tables
-  // through foreign key relationships.  The tripal
-  // modules that correspond to these chado "modules" don't
-  // need to be installed for the taxonomy to work.
-  foreach ($vocabularies as $vocab) {
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Feature Type') {
-      $ft_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Organism') {
-      $op_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Library') {
-      $lb_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Analysis') {
-      $an_vid = $vocab->vid;
-    }
-  }
+  switch ($form_state['values']['op']) {
-  if (!$ft_vid) {
-    $form_state = array();
-    $values = array(
-       'name' => t('Feature Type'),
-       'nodes' => array('chado_feature' => 'chado_feature'),
-       'description' => t('The feature type (or SO cvterm for this feature).'),
-       'help' => t('Select the term that matches the feature'),
-       'tags' => 0,
-       'hierarchy' => 1,
-       'relations' => 1,
-       'multiple' => 0,
-       'required' => 0,
-       'weight' => 1,
-    );
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state, $values);
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state);
-  }
+    case t('Set Browser') :
+      variable_set('tripal_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features']);
+      variable_set('tripal_library_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features_library']);
+      variable_set('tripal_analysis_feature_browse_setting', $form_state['values']['browse_features_analysis']);
+      break;
-  if (!$op_vid) {
-    $form_state = array();
-    $values = array(
-       'name' => t('Organism'),
-       'nodes' => array('chado_feature' => 'chado_feature'),
-       'description' => t('The organism to which this feature belongs.'),
-       'help' => t('Select the term that matches the feature'),
-       'tags' => 0,
-       'hierarchy' => 1,
-       'relations' => 1,
-       'multiple' => 0,
-       'required' => 0,
-       'weight' => 2,
-    );
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state, $values);
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state);
-  }
+    case t('Set Summary') :
+      variable_set('tripal_feature_summary_setting', $form_state['values']['feature_summary']);
+      variable_set('tripal_feature_summary_report_mapping', $form_state['values']['feature_mapping']);
+      break;
-  if (!$lb_vid) {
-    $form_state = array();
-    $values = array(
-       'name' => t('Library'),
-       'nodes' => array('chado_feature' => 'chado_feature'),
-       'description' => t('Chado features associated with a library are assigned the term associated with the library'),
-       'help' => t('Select the term that matches the feature'),
-       'tags' => 0,
-       'hierarchy' => 1,
-       'relations' => 1,
-       'multiple' => 0,
-       'required' => 0,
-       'weight' => 3,
-    );
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state, $values);
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state);
+    case t('Set Feature URLs') :
+      variable_set('chado_feature_url', $form_state['values']['feature_url']);
+      tripal_add_job('Set Feature URLs', 'tripal_feature',
+        'tripal_feature_set_urls', $job_args, $user->uid);
+      break;
-  if (!$an_vid) {
-    $form_state = array();
-    $values = array(
-       'name' => t('Analysis'),
-       'nodes' => array('chado_feature' => 'chado_feature'),
-       'description' => t('Any analysis to which this feature belongs.'),
-       'help' => t('Select the term that matches the feature'),
-       'tags' => 0,
-       'hierarchy' => 1,
-       'relations' => 1,
-       'multiple' => 1,
-       'required' => 0,
-       'weight' => 4,
-    );
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state, $values);
-    drupal_form_submit('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $form_state);
-  }

+ 3 - 25

@@ -59,27 +59,7 @@ function tripal_feature_fasta_load_form() {
     '#description' => t('Please enter the Sequence Ontology (SO) term name that describes the sequences in the FASTA file (e.g. gene, mRNA, protein, etc...)'),
     '#autocomplete_path' => "admin/tripal/chado/tripal_cv/cvterm/auto_name/$cv_id",
-  // get the list of organisms
-  $sql = "SELECT L.library_id,, as type
-         FROM {library} L
-            INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON L.type_id = CVT.cvterm_id
-         ORDER BY name";
-  $lib_rset = chado_query($sql);
-  $libraries = array();
-  $libraries[''] = '';
-  while ($library = $lib_rset->fetchObject()) {
-    $libraries[$library->library_id] = "$library->name ($library->type)";
-  }
-  //   $form['library_id'] = array (
-  //     '#title'       => t('Library'),
-  //     '#type'        => t('select'),
-  //     '#description' => t("Choose the library to which these sequences are associated "),
-  //     '#required'    => FALSE,
-  //     '#options'     => $libraries,
-  //     '#weight'      => 5,
-  //   );
   $form['method']= array(
     '#type' => 'radios',
     '#title' => 'Method',
@@ -410,7 +390,7 @@ function tripal_feature_fasta_load_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
     $match_type = 'Unique name';
-  $args = array($dfile, $organism_id, $type, $library_id, $re_name, $re_uname,
+  $args = array($dfile, $organism_id, $type, $re_name, $re_uname,
           $re_accession, $db_id, $rel_type, $re_subject, $parent_type, $method,
           $user->uid, $analysis_id, $match_type);
@@ -428,8 +408,6 @@ function tripal_feature_fasta_load_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  *  The organism_id of the organism these features are from
  * @param $type
  *  The type of features contained in the fasta file
- * @param $library_id
- *  (Optional) The library_id to associate the features with
  * @param $re_name
  *  A regular expression to extract the from the fasta header
  * @param $re_uname
@@ -460,7 +438,7 @@ function tripal_feature_fasta_load_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  * @ingroup fasta_loader
 function tripal_feature_load_fasta($dfile, $organism_id, $type,
-  $library_id, $re_name, $re_uname, $re_accession, $db_id, $rel_type,
+  $re_name, $re_uname, $re_accession, $db_id, $rel_type,
   $re_subject, $parent_type, $method, $uid, $analysis_id,
   $match_type, $job = NULL) {

+ 0 - 34

@@ -966,40 +966,6 @@ function tripal_feature_cv_tree($tree_id) {
   return $options;
- * Delete the drupal taxonomy associated with our features
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_feature
- */
-function tripal_feature_del_vocabulary() {
-  //include the file containing the required functions for adding taxonomy vocabs
-  module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');
-  // get the vocabularies
-  $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
-  // These taxonomic terms are hard coded because we
-  // know we have these relationships in the chado tables
-  // through foreign key relationships.  The tripal
-  // modules that correspond to these chado "modules" don't
-  // need to be installed for the taxonomy to work.
-  foreach ($vocabularies as $vocab) {
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Feature Type') {
-      taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab->vid);
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Organism') {
-      taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab->vid);
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Library') {
-      taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab->vid);
-    }
-    if ($vocab->name == 'Analysis') {
-      taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab->vid);
-    }
-  }
  * Implements hook_job_describe_args() in order to describe the various feature jobs
  * to the tripal jobs interface.

+ 0 - 131

@@ -62,136 +62,5 @@ function tripal_organism_admin() {
  * @ingroup tripal_organism
 function tripal_organism_admin_validate($form, &$form_state) {
-  global $user;  // we need access to the user info
-  $job_args = array();
-  // -------------------------------------
-  // Submit the Reindex Job if selected
-  if ($form_state['values']['op'] == t('Reindex Features')) {
-    $organisms = $form_state['values']['re-organisms'];
-    foreach ($organisms as $organism_id) {
-      if ($organism_id and preg_match("/^\d+$/i" , $organism_id)) {
-        // get the organism info
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} WHERE organism_id = :organism_id";
-        $organism = chado_query($sql, array(':organism_id' => $organism_id))->fetchObject();
-        $job_args[0] = $organism_id;
-        tripal_add_job("Reindex features for organism: $organism->genus " .
-         "$organism->species", 'tripal_organism' ,
-         'tripal_organism_reindex_features', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // -------------------------------------
-  // Submit the taxonomy Job if selected
-  if ($form_state['values']['op'] == t('Set Feature Taxonomy')) {
-    $organisms = $form_state['values']['tx-organisms'];
-    foreach ($organisms as $organism_id) {
-      if ($organism_id and preg_match("/^\d+$/i", $organism_id)) {
-        // get the organism info
-        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} WHERE organism_id = :organism_id";
-        $organism = chado_query($sql, array(':organism_id' => $organism_id))->fetchObject();
-        $job_args[0] = $organism_id;
-        tripal_add_job("Set taxonomy for features in organism: " .
-          "$organism->genus $organism->species" , 'tripal_organism',
-          'tripal_organism_taxonify_features', $job_args, $user->uid);
-      }
-    }
-  }
- * Add a job to reindex the features associated with an organism for drupal search
- *
- * @param $organism_id
- *  The organism_id of the organism to re-index features of
- * @param $job_id
- *  (optional) specify a tripal job_id to create
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_organism
- */
-function tripal_organism_reindex_features($organism_id = NULL, $job_id = NULL) {
-  $i = 0;
-  if (!$organism_id) {
-    return;
-  }
-  $sql = "
-    SELECT *
-    FROM {feature}
-    WHERE organism_id = :organism_id
-    ORDER BY feature_id";
-  $results = chado_query($sql, array(':organism_id' => $organism_id));
-  // load into ids array
-  $count = 0;
-  $ids = array();
-  foreach ($results as $id) {
-    $ids[$count] = $id->feature_id;
-    $count++;
-  }
-  $interval = intval($count * 0.01);
-  foreach ($ids as $feature_id) {
-    // update the job status every 1% features
-    if ($job_id and $i % $interval == 0) {
-      tripal_set_job_progress($job_id , intval(($i/$count)*100));
-    }
-    $i++;
-  }
- * Add a tripal job to add drupal taxonomy to organisms
- *
- * @param $organism_id
- *  The organism_id of the organism to add taxonomy to
- * @param $job_id
- *  (optional) specify a tripal job_id to create
- *
- * @ingroup tripal_organism
- */
-function tripal_organism_taxonify_features($organism_id = NULL, $job_id = NULL) {
-  $i = 0;
-  if (!$organism_id) {
-    return;
-  }
-  $sql = "
-    SELECT *
-    FROM {feature}
-    WHERE organism_id = :organism_id
-    ORDER BY feature_id
-  ";
-  $results = chado_query($sql, array(':organism_id' => $organism_id));
-  // load into ids array
-  $count = 0;
-  $ids = array();
-  foreach ($results as $id) {
-    $ids[$count] = $id->feature_id;
-    $count++;
-  }
-  // make sure our vocabularies are set before proceeding
-  tripal_feature_set_vocabulary();
-  // use this SQL for getting the nodes
-  $nsql = "SELECT * FROM {chado_feature} CF " .
-          "  INNER JOIN {node} N ON N.nid = CF.nid " .
-          "WHERE feature_id = :feature_id";
-  // iterate through the features and set the taxonomy
-  $interval = intval($count * 0.01);
-  foreach ($ids as $feature_id) {
-    // update the job status every 1% features
-    if ($job_id and $i % $interval == 0) {
-      tripal_set_job_progress($job_id, intval(($i/$count)*100));
-    }
-    $node = db_query($nsql, array(':feature_id' => $feature_id))->fetchObject();
-    tripal_feature_set_taxonomy($node, $feature_id);
-    $i++;
-  }