@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ function tripal_do_search($keywords, $type, $join1 = '', $where1 = '1 = 1', $arg
// Calculate maximum keyword relevance, to normalize it.
+ // @coder-ignore: can't use placeholders since variable defines a join
$select = "SELECT SUM(i.score * t.count) AS score FROM {search_index} i " . $join . " WHERE $conditions GROUP BY i.type, i.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= %d ORDER BY score DESC";
$arguments = array_merge($arguments1, array($query[4]));
$normalize = db_result(db_query_range($select, $arguments, 0, 1));
@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ function tripal_do_search($keywords, $type, $join1 = '', $where1 = '1 = 1', $arg
$columns2 = str_replace('i.relevance', '('. (1.0 / $normalize) .' * SUM(i.score * t.count))', $columns2);
// Build query to retrieve results.
+ // @coder-ignore: can't use placeholders since variable defines a join
$select = "SELECT i.type, i.sid, $columns2 FROM {search_index} i " . $join . " " . $join2 . " WHERE $conditions GROUP BY i.type, i.sid HAVING COUNT(*) >= %d";
$count_select = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($select) n1";
$arguments = array_merge($arguments2, $arguments1, array($query[4]));
@@ -144,3 +146,14 @@ function tripal_do_search($keywords, $type, $join1 = '', $where1 = '1 = 1', $arg
return $results;
+ * Implements hook_coder_ignore().
+ * Defines the path to the file (tripal_search.coder_ignores.txt) where ignore rules for coder are stored
+ */
+function tripal_search_coder_ignore() {
+ return array(
+ 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'tripal_search'),
+ 'line prefix' => drupal_get_path('module', 'tripal_search'),
+ );