@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Fill out the fields as described in the table below.
"Name", "InterPro Annotations of C. sinensis v1.0"
"InterPro Program", "InterProScan"
- "InterPro Version", 4.8
- "Date Performed", "Current date"
+ "InterPro Version", "4.8"
+ "Date Performed", "Current Date"
"Data Source Name", "C. sinensis v1.0 mRNA"
"Data Source Version", "v1.0"
"Data Source URI", "n/a"
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ Next, we will load InterProScan results for our citrus gene. To do this, naviga
.. image:: interpro1.png
-The top section of this page provides multiple methods for providing results file: via an upload interface, specifying a remote URL or a file path that is local to the server. Most likely, you will always upload or provide a remote URL. However, we downloaded the files earlier, and stored them here: ```$DRUPAL_HOME/sites/default/files```. So, in this case we can use the path on the local server. Provide the following value for this form:
+The top section of this page provides multiple methods for providing results file: via an upload interface, specifying a remote URL or a file path that is local to the server. Most likely, you will always upload or provide a remote URL. However, we downloaded the files earlier, and stored them here: ``$DRUPAL_HOME/sites/default/files``. So, in this case we can use the path on the local server. Provide the following value for this form:
.. csv-table::
:header: "Field", "Value"
"Server path", "sites/default/files/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.iprscan.xml"
- "Analysis", " InterPro Annotations of C. sinensis v1.0"
+ "Analysis", "InterPro Annotations of C. sinensis v1.0"
'Load GO terms to the database', 'checked'
"Query Name RE", ""
"Use Unique Name", "unchecked"