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Proposed Fix to Issue #1022 - A and B

Reynold Tan 5 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 12 tillägg och 0 borttagningar
  1. 12 0

+ 12 - 0

@@ -875,6 +875,13 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
     // Get the TripalBundle, TripalTerm and TripalVocab type for this type.
     $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(['label' => $ctype]);
+    // Check that the user has access to this bundle.  If not then the
+    // function call will throw an error.
+    if (!user_access('view ' . $bundle->name)) {
+      throw new Exception("Permission Denied.");
+    }
     $term = entity_load('TripalTerm', ['id' => $bundle->term_id]);
     $term = reset($term);
@@ -1043,6 +1050,11 @@ class TripalContentService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
     // Iterate through the terms and add an entry in the collection.
     $i = 0;
     while ($bundle = $bundles->fetchObject()) {
+      if (!user_access('view ' . $bundle->name)) {
+        // Show only content types users have access to and skip the rest.
+        continue;
+      }
       $entity = entity_load('TripalTerm', ['id' => $bundle->term_id]);
       $term = reset($entity);
       $vocab = $term->vocab;