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Merge branch '7.x-3.x' into 438-tv3-pub_xml_fix

Stephen Ficklin 6 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

+ 1 - 2

@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@ function tripal_view_entity($entity, $view_mode = 'full') {
        $query->propertyCondition('status', 0);
-   //$query->propertyOrderBy('label', 'ASC');
    // Find out the total number of records and determine what page we're on, and
    // initialize the pager.
@@ -797,4 +796,4 @@ function tripal_entity_form_ajax_callback($form, $form_state) {
    return FALSE;
- }
+ }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -94,6 +94,14 @@ class data__accession_widget extends ChadoFieldWidget {
     $dbxref_id = $form_state['values'][$field_name]['und'][$delta]['chado-' . $field_table . '__dbxref_id'];
     $db_id = $form_state['values'][$field_name]['und'][$delta]['db_id'];
     $accession = $form_state['values'][$field_name]['und'][$delta]['accession'];
+    // Is this field required?
+    if ($element['#required'] and !$db_id) {
+      form_set_error($field_name . '][und][0][db_id', "A database for the accession must be provided.");
+    }
+    if ($element['#required'] and !$accession) {
+      form_set_error($field_name . '][und][0][accession', "An accession number must be provided.");
+    }
     // If user did not select a database, we want to remove dbxref_id from the
     // field. We use '__NULL__' because this field is part of the base table

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+class operation__analysis extends ChadoField {
+  // The default lable for this field.
+  public static $default_label = 'Analysis';
+  // The default description for this field.
+  public static $description = 'Application of analytical methods to existing data of a specific type.';
+  // Provide a list of instance specific settings. These can be access within
+  // the instanceSettingsForm.  When the instanceSettingsForm is submitted
+  // then Drupal with automatically change these settings for the instnace.
+  // It is recommended to put settings at the instance level whenever possible.
+  // If you override this variable in a child class be sure to replicate the
+  // term_name, term_vocab, term_accession and term_fixed keys as these are
+  // required for all TripalFields.
+  public static $default_instance_settings  = [
+    // The short name for the vocabulary (e.g. shcema, SO, GO, PATO, etc.).
+    'term_vocabulary' => 'operation',
+    // The name of the term.
+    'term_name' => 'Analysis',
+    // The unique ID (i.e. accession) of the term.
+    'term_accession' => '2945',
+    // Set to TRUE if the site admin is allowed to change the term
+    // type. This will create form elements when editing the field instance
+    // to allow the site admin to change the term settings above.
+    'term_fixed' => FALSE,
+  ];
+  // The default widget for this field.
+  public static $default_widget = 'operation__analysis_widget';
+  // The default formatter for this field.
+  public static $default_formatter = 'operation__analysis_formatter';
+  /**
+   * @see TripalField::load()
+   */
+  public function load($entity) {
+    $record = $entity->chado_record;
+    $settings = $this->instance['settings'];
+    $field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
+    $field_type = $this->field['type'];
+    $field_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table'];
+    $field_column = $this->instance['settings']['chado_column'];
+    // Get the terms for each of the keys for the 'values' property.
+    $name_term = chado_get_semweb_term('analysis', 'name');
+    // Set some defaults for the empty record.
+    $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0] = [
+      'value' => [],
+    ];
+    if (!$record or !$record->analysis_id) {
+      return;
+    }
+    $linker_field = 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . $field_column;
+    $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = [
+      $name_term => $record->{$field_column}->name,
+    ];
+    $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0][$linker_field] = $record->{$field_column}->analysis_id;
+    // Is there a published entity for this analysis?
+    if (property_exists($record->{$field_column}, 'entity_id')) {
+      $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value']['entity'] = 'TripalEntity:' . $record->{$field_column}->entity_id;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * @see TripalField::elementInfo()
+   */
+  public function elementInfo() {
+    $field_term = $this->getFieldTermID();
+    $name_term = chado_get_semweb_term('analysis', 'name');
+    return [
+      $field_term => [
+        'operations' => ['eq', 'contains', 'starts'],
+        'sortable' => TRUE,
+        'searchable' => TRUE,
+        'readonly' => FALSE,
+        'type' => 'xs:complexType',
+        'elements' => [
+          $name_term => [
+            'searchable' => TRUE,
+            'name' => 'name',
+            'operations' => ['eq', 'ne', 'contains', 'starts'],
+            'sortable' => FALSE,
+            'type' => 'xs:string',
+            'readonly' => TRUE,
+            'required' => FALSE,
+          ],
+          'entity' => [
+            'searchable' => FALSE,
+          ],
+        ],
+      ],
+    ];
+  }
+  /**
+   * @see ChadoField::query()
+   */
+  public function query($query, $condition) {
+    $alias = $this->field['field_name'];
+    $operator = $condition['operator'];
+    $field_term_id = $this->getFieldTermID();
+    $name_term = $field_term_id . ',' . chado_get_semweb_term('analysis', 'name');
+    // Join to the organism table for this field.
+    $this->queryJoinOnce($query, 'analysis', $alias, "base.analysis_id = $alias.analysis_id");
+    // If the column is the field name then we're during a search on the full
+    // scientific name.
+    if ($condition['column'] == $field_term_id or 
+        $condition['column'] == $name_term) {      
+      $query->condition("$", $condition['value'], $operator);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * @see ChadoField::queryOrder()
+   */
+  public function queryOrder($query, $order) {
+    $alias = $this->field['field_name'];
+    $field_term_id = $this->getFieldTermID();
+    $name_term = $field_term_id . ',' . chado_get_semweb_term('analysis', 'name');
+    // Join to the organism table for this field.
+    $this->queryJoinOnce($query, 'analysis', $alias, "base.analysis_id = $alias.analysis_id");
+    // Now perform the sort.
+    if ($order['column'] == $name_term) {
+      $query->orderBy("$", $order['direction']);
+    }
+  }

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+class operation__analysis_formatter extends ChadoFieldFormatter {
+  // The default lable for this field.
+  public static $default_label = 'Analysis';
+  // The list of field types for which this formatter is appropriate.
+  public static $field_types = ['operation__analysis'];
+  /**
+   * @see TripalFieldFormatter::view()
+   */
+  public function view(&$element, $entity_type, $entity, $langcode, $items, $display) {
+    if (count($items) > 0) {
+      $name_term = chado_get_semweb_term('analysis', 'name');
+      $content = $items[0]['value'][$name_term];
+      if (array_key_exists('entity', $items[0]['value'])) {
+        list($entity_type, $entity_id) = explode(':', $items[0]['value']['entity']);
+        $content = l($content, 'bio_data/' . $entity_id);
+      }
+      // The cardinality of this field is 1 so we don't have to
+      // iterate through the items array, as there will never be more than 1.
+      $element[0] = [
+        '#type' => 'markup',
+        '#markup' => $content,
+      ];
+    }
+  }

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+class operation__analysis_widget extends ChadoFieldWidget {
+  // The default lable for this field.
+  public static $default_label = 'Analysis';
+  // The list of field types for which this formatter is appropriate.
+  public static $field_types = ['operation__analysis'];
+  /**
+   * @see TripalFieldWidget::form()
+   */
+  public function form(&$widget, &$form, &$form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
+    parent::form($widget, $form, $form_state, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element);
+    $settings = $this->field['settings'];
+    $field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
+    $field_type = $this->field['type'];
+    $field_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table'];
+    $field_column = $this->instance['settings']['chado_column'];
+    // Set the linker field appropriately.
+    $linker_field = 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . $field_column;
+    $analysis_id = 0;
+    if (count($items) > 0 and array_key_exists($linker_field, $items[0])) {
+      $analysis_id = $items[0][$linker_field];
+    }
+    $widget['value'] = [
+      '#type' => 'value',
+      '#value' => array_key_exists($delta, $items) ? $items[$delta]['value'] : '',
+    ];
+    $sql = "SELECT analysis_id, name FROM {analysis} ORDER BY name";
+    $results = chado_query($sql);
+    $options = ['' => '- Select an analysis -'];
+    while ($r = $results->fetchObject()) {
+      $options[$r->analysis_id] = $r->name;
+    }
+    $widget[$linker_field] = [
+      '#type' => 'select',
+      '#title' => $element['#title'],
+      '#description' => $element['#description'],
+      '#options' => $options,
+      '#default_value' => $analysis_id,
+      '#required' => $element['#required'],
+      '#weight' => isset($element['#weight']) ? $element['#weight'] : 0,
+      '#delta' => $delta,
+    ];
+  }
+  /**
+   * @see TripalFieldWidget::validate()
+   */
+  public function validate($element, $form, &$form_state, $langcode, $delta) {
+    $field_name = $this->field['field_name'];
+    $field_type = $this->field['type'];
+    $field_table = $this->instance['settings']['chado_table'];
+    $field_column = $this->instance['settings']['chado_column'];
+    // Set the linker field appropriately.
+    $linker_field = 'chado-' . $field_table . '__' . $field_column;
+    // Make sure the value is set to the organism_id
+    $analysis_id = $form_state['values'][$field_name]['und'][0][$linker_field];
+    $form_state['values'][$field_name]['und'][0]['value'] = $analysis_id;
+  }

+ 64 - 2

@@ -554,6 +554,21 @@ function tripal_chado_bundle_fields_info_custom(&$info, $details, $entity_type,
+  // Analysis Id
+  if (array_key_exists('analysis_id', $schema['fields'])) {
+    $field_name = 'operation__analysis';
+    $field_type = 'operation__analysis';
+    $info[$field_name] = array(
+      'field_name' => $field_name,
+      'type' => $field_type,
+      'cardinality' => 1,
+      'locked' => FALSE,
+      'storage' => array(
+        'type' => 'field_chado_storage',
+      ),
+    );
+  }
@@ -833,6 +848,8 @@ function tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info($entity_type, $bundle) {
   tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info_custom($info, $entity_type, $bundle, $details);
   tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info_linker($info, $entity_type, $bundle, $details);
+  // dpm($info);
   return $info;
@@ -1527,6 +1544,11 @@ function tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info_custom(&$info, $entity_type, $bundle
   if (array_key_exists('dbxref_id', $schema['fields'])) {
     $field_name = 'data__accession';
+    $required = FALSE;
+    if (array_key_exists('not null', $schema['fields']['dbxref_id']) and
+        $schema['fields']['dbxref_id']['not null']) {
+      $required = TRUE;
+    }
     $info[$field_name] = array(
       'field_name' => $field_name,
       'entity_type' => $entity_type,
@@ -1534,7 +1556,7 @@ function tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info_custom(&$info, $entity_type, $bundle
       'label' => 'Accession',
       'description' => 'This field specifies the unique stable accession (ID) for
         this record. It requires that this site have a database entry.',
-      'required' => FALSE,
+      'required' => $required,
       'settings' => array(
         'auto_attach' => TRUE,
         'chado_table' => $table_name,
@@ -2028,6 +2050,46 @@ function tripal_chado_bundle_instances_info_custom(&$info, $entity_type, $bundle
+  // Analysis Id
+  if (array_key_exists('analysis_id', $schema['fields'])) {
+    $field_name = 'operation__analysis';
+    $is_required = FALSE;
+    if (array_key_exists('not null', $schema['fields']['analysis_id']) and
+        $schema['fields']['analysis_id']['not null']) {
+      $is_required = TRUE;
+    }
+    $info[$field_name] =  array(
+      'field_name' => $field_name,
+      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
+      'bundle' => $bundle->name,
+      'label' => 'Analysis',
+      'description' => 'Application of analytical methods to existing data of a specific type.',
+      'required' => $is_required,
+      'settings' => array(
+        'auto_attach' => TRUE,
+        'chado_table' => $table_name,
+        'chado_column' => 'analysis_id',
+        'base_table' => $table_name,
+        'term_vocabulary' => 'operation',
+        'term_name' => 'Analysis',
+        'term_accession' => '2945',
+      ),
+      'widget' => array(
+        'type' => 'operation__analysis_widget',
+        'settings' => array(
+          'display_label' => 0,
+        ),
+      ),
+      'display' => array(
+        'default' => array(
+          'label' => 'inline',
+          'type' => 'operation__analysis_formatter',
+          'settings' => array(),
+        ),
+      ),
+    );
+  }
@@ -2947,4 +3009,4 @@ function tripal_chado_field_views_data_alter(&$result, $field, $module) {

+ 6 - 1

@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
  * @param $phylotree
 function tripal_phylogeny_prepare_tree_viewer($phylotree) {
+  // If the phylotree is not provided then just return;
+  if (!$phylotree) {
+    tripal_report_error('tripal_phylotree', TRIPAL_ERROR, 'tripal_phylogeny_prepare_tree_viewer: must provide a $phylotree argument.');
+  }
   // Don't prepare for viewing more than once.
   if (property_exists($phylotree, 'prepared_to_view') and
@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ function tripal_phylogeny_prepare_tree_viewer($phylotree) {
   // Don't show tick marks for the taxonomy tree.
   $skip_ticks = 0;
-  if ($phylotree->type_id->name == 'taxonomy' or $phylotree->type_id->name == 'Species tree') {
+  if (!is_null($phylotree->type_id) and ($phylotree->type_id->name == 'taxonomy' or $phylotree->type_id->name == 'Species tree')) {
     $skip_ticks = 1;