@@ -145,16 +145,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
expression would be "$1-P$2".'),
- $form['advanced']['use_transaction'] = [
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Use a transaction'),
- '#required' => FALSE,
- '#description' => t('Use a database transaction when loading the GFF file. If an error occurs
- the entire datset loaded prior to the failure will be rolled back and will not be available
- in the database. If this option is unchecked and failure occurs all records up to the point
- of failure will be present in the database.'),
- '#default_value' => 1,
- ];
$form['advanced']['add_only'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Import only new features'),
@@ -266,7 +256,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$update = $form_state['values']['update'];
$refresh = 0; //$form_state['values']['refresh'];
$remove = 0; //$form_state['values']['remove'];
- $use_transaction = $form_state['values']['use_transaction'];
$line_number = trim($form_state['values']['line_number']);
$landmark_type = trim($form_state['values']['landmark_type']);
$alt_id_attr = trim($form_state['values']['alt_id_attr']);
@@ -319,7 +308,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$update = $arguments['update'];
$refresh = FALSE;
$remove = FALSE;
- $use_transaction = $arguments['use_transaction'];
$target_organism_id = $arguments['target_organism_id'];
$target_type = $arguments['target_type'];
$create_target = $arguments['create_target'];
@@ -331,9 +319,13 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$re_protein = $arguments['re_protein'];
$skip_protein = $arguments['skip_protein'];
+ // An array that stores CVterms that have been looked up so we don't have
+ // to do the database query every time.
+ $this->cvterm_lookup = [];
$this->loadGFF3($file_path, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
- $add_only, $update, $refresh, $remove, $use_transaction,
+ $add_only, $update, $refresh, $remove,
$target_organism_id, $target_type, $create_target,
$start_line, $landmark_type, $alt_id_attr, $create_organism,
$re_mrna, $re_protein, $skip_protein);
@@ -363,9 +355,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
* @param $remove
* Set to 1 to remove features present in the GFF file that exist in the
* database. Default is 0.
- * @param $use_transaction
- * Set to 1 to use a transaction when loading the GFF. Any failure during
- * loading will result in the rollback of any changes. Default is 1.
* @param $target_organism_id
* If the GFF file contains a 'Target' attribute then the feature and the
* target will have an alignment created, but to find the proper target
@@ -422,7 +411,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
* @ingroup gff3_loader
private function loadGFF3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id,
- $add_only = 0, $update = 1, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0, $use_transaction = 1,
+ $add_only = 0, $update = 1, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0,
$target_organism_id = NULL, $target_type = NULL, $create_target = 0,
$start_line = 1, $landmark_type = '', $alt_id_attr = '', $create_organism = FALSE,
$re_mrna = '', $re_protein = '', $skip_protein = 0) {
@@ -430,10 +419,6 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$ret = [];
$date = getdate();
- // An array that stores CVterms that have been looked up so we don't have
- // to do the database query every time.
- $cvterm_lookup = [];
// An array that stores Landmarks that have been looked up so we don't have
// to do the database query every time.
$landmark_lookup = [];
@@ -471,10 +456,16 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// get the controlled vocaubulary that we'll be using. The
// default is the 'sequence' ontology
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {cv} WHERE name = :cvname";
+ $cv = chado_query($sql, [':cvname' => 'feature_property'])->fetchObject();
+ if (!$cv) {
+ throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the 'feature_property' ontology'", []));
+ }
+ $this->feature_property_cv_id = $cv->cv_id;
$cv = chado_query($sql, [':cvname' => 'sequence'])->fetchObject();
if (!$cv) {
throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the 'sequence' ontology", []));
+ $this->sequence_cv_id = $cv->cv_id;
// get the organism for which this GFF3 file belongs
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} WHERE organism_id = :organism_id";
$organism = chado_query($sql, [':organism_id' => $organism_id])->fetchObject();
@@ -483,26 +474,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$line_num = 0;
$num_read = 0;
- // prepare the statement used to get the cvterm for each feature.
- $sel_cvterm_sql = "
- SELECT CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.cv_id, CVT.name, CVT.definition,
- CVT.dbxref_id, CVT.is_obsolete, CVT.is_relationshiptype
- FROM {cvterm} CVT
- INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
- LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
- WHERE CV.cv_id = :cv_id and
- (lower(CVT.name) = lower(:name) or lower(CVTS.synonym) = lower(:synonym))
- ";
// If a landmark type was provided then pre-retrieve that.
if ($landmark_type) {
- $query = [
- ':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id,
- ':name' => $landmark_type,
- ':synonym' => $landmark_type,
- ];
- $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, $query);
- $landmark_cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
+ $landmark_cvterm = $this->getCvterm($landmark_type);
if (!$landmark_cvterm) {
throw new Exception(t('Cannot find landmark feature type \'%landmark_type\'.', ['%landmark_type' => $landmark_type]));
@@ -511,6 +485,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// iterate through each line of the GFF file
while ($line = fgets($fh)) {
+ $this->line_num = $line_num;
$size = drupal_strlen($line);
$num_read += $size;
@@ -596,21 +571,11 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$phase = '';
- if (array_key_exists($type, $cvterm_lookup)) {
- $cvterm = $cvterm_lookup[$type];
- }
- else {
- $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, [
- ':cv_id' => $cv->cv_id,
- ':name' => $type,
- ':synonym' => $type,
- ]);
- $cvterm = $result->fetchObject();
- $cvterm_lookup[$type] = $cvterm;
- if (!$cvterm) {
- throw new Exception(t('Cannot find feature term \'%type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file',
- ['%type' => $type, '%line_num' => $line_num]));
- }
+ $cvterm = $this->getCvterm($type);
+ if (!$cvterm) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Cannot find feature term \'%type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file',
+ ['%type' => $type, '%line_num' => $line_num]));
// break apart each of the attributes
@@ -678,7 +643,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$org = chado_select_record('organism', ["*"], $values);
if (count($org) == 0) {
if ($create_organism) {
- $feature_organism = (object) chado_insert_record('organism', $values);
+ $feature_organism = (object) chado_insert_record('organism', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$feature_organism) {
$this->logMessage("Could not add the organism, '%org', from line %line. Skipping this line.",
@@ -950,12 +917,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
TGPT.feature_id, TGPT.fmin, TGPT.fmax, TGCT.strand, FLM.uniquename
$results = chado_query($sql);
- $protein_cvterm = chado_get_cvterm([
- 'name' => 'polypeptide',
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'sequence',
- ],
- ]);
+ $protein_cvterm = $this->getCvterm('polypeptide');
while ($result = $results->fetchObject()) {
// If a protein exists with this same parent then don't add a new
// protein.
@@ -996,7 +958,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$feature = $this->loadFeature($organism, $analysis_id,
$protein_cvterm, $uname, $name, '', 'f', 'f', 1, 0);
// Add the derives_from relationship.
- $cvterm = chado_get_cvterm(['cvterm_id' => $result->cvterm_id]);
+ $cvterm = $this->getCvterm($result->feature_type);
$this->loadDerivesFrom($feature, $cvterm,
$result->uniquename, $organism, $pfmin, $pfmax);
// Add the featureloc record. Set the start of the protein to
@@ -1012,26 +974,26 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// Get features in a relationship that are also children of an alignment.
$sql = "
- SELECT DISTINCT F.feature_id, F.organism_id, F.type_id,
- F.uniquename, FL.strand
- FROM {tripal_gff_temp} TGT
- INNER JOIN {feature} F ON TGT.feature_id = F.feature_id
- INNER JOIN {feature_relationship} FR ON FR.object_id = TGT.feature_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
- INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL ON FL.feature_id = F.feature_id
- WHERE CVT.name = 'part_of'
- ";
+ SELECT DISTINCT F.feature_id, F.organism_id, F.type_id,
+ F.uniquename, FL.strand
+ FROM {tripal_gff_temp} TGT
+ INNER JOIN {feature} F ON TGT.feature_id = F.feature_id
+ INNER JOIN {feature_relationship} FR ON FR.object_id = TGT.feature_id
+ INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
+ INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL ON FL.feature_id = F.feature_id
+ WHERE CVT.name = 'part_of'
+ ";
$parents = chado_query($sql);
// Build and prepare the SQL for selecting the children relationship.
$sel_gffchildren_sql = "
- SELECT DISTINCT FR.feature_relationship_id, FL.fmin, FR.rank
- FROM {feature_relationship} FR
- INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL on FL.feature_id = FR.subject_id
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
- WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id AND CVT.name = 'part_of'
- ";
+ SELECT DISTINCT FR.feature_relationship_id, FL.fmin, FR.rank
+ FROM {feature_relationship} FR
+ INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL on FL.feature_id = FR.subject_id
+ INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = FR.type_id
+ WHERE FR.object_id = :feature_id AND CVT.name = 'part_of'
+ ";
// Now set the rank of any parent/child relationships. The order is based
// on the fmin. The start rank is 1. This allows features with other
@@ -1079,10 +1041,48 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
return 1;
+ /**
+ * Load a controlled vocabulary term.
+ *
+ * This method first checks if the term has already been loaded in the
+ * cvterm_lookup array, which helps a lot with performance.
+ *
+ * @param $type
+ * @param $cv_id
+ *
+ * @ingroup gff3_loader
+ */
+ private function getCvterm($type, $cv_id = NULL) {
+ if (!isset($cv_id)) {
+ $cv_id = $this->sequence_cv_id;
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($type, $this->cvterm_lookup)) {
+ return $this->cvterm_lookup[$type];
+ }
+ else {
+ $sel_cvterm_sql = "
+ SELECT CVT.cvterm_id
+ FROM {cvterm} CVT
+ LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
+ WHERE CVT.cv_id = {$cv_id} and
+ (lower(CVT.name) = lower(:name) or lower(CVTS.synonym) = lower(:synonym))
+ ";
+ $result = chado_query($sel_cvterm_sql, [
+ ':name' => $type,
+ ':synonym' => $type,
+ ]);
+ $cvterm = $result->fetchObject() ?? NULL;
+ if ($cvterm) {
+ $cvterm = chado_get_cvterm(array('cvterm_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id)) ?? NULL;
+ }
+ $this->cvterm_lookup[$type] = $cvterm;
+ return $cvterm;
+ }
+ }
* Load the derives from attribute for a gff3 feature
@@ -1096,6 +1096,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$organism, $fmin, $fmax) {
$type = $cvterm->name;
+ $derivesfrom_term = $this->getCvterm('derives_from');
// First look for the object feature in the temp table to get it's type.
$values = [
@@ -1105,15 +1106,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$result = chado_select_record('tripal_gff_temp', ['type_name'], $values);
$type_id = NULL;
if (count($result) > 0) {
- $otype = chado_get_cvterm([
- 'name' => $result[0]->type_name,
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'sequence',
- ],
- ]);
- if ($otype) {
- $type_id = $otype->cvterm_id;
- }
+ $type_id = $this->getCvterm($result[0]->type_name)->cvterm_id ?? NULL;
// If the object wasn't in the temp table then look for it in the
@@ -1173,12 +1166,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$values = [
'object_id' => $ofeature[0]->feature_id,
'subject_id' => $feature->feature_id,
- 'type_id' => [
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'sequence',
- ],
- 'name' => 'derives_from',
- ],
+ 'type_id' => $derivesfrom_term->cvterm_id,
'rank' => 0,
$rel = chado_select_record('feature_relationship', ['*'], $values);
@@ -1187,7 +1175,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// finally insert the relationship if it doesn't exist
- $ret = chado_insert_record('feature_relationship', $values);
+ $ret = chado_insert_record('feature_relationship', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$ret) {
$this->logMessage("Could not add 'Derives_from' relationship for :uniquename and :subject.",
@@ -1214,15 +1204,10 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$uname = $feature->uniquename;
$type = $cvterm->name;
$rel_type = 'part_of';
- // Prepare these SQL statements that will be used repeatedly.
- $cvterm_sql = "
- SELECT CVT.cvterm_id
- FROM {cvterm} CVT
- INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
- LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
- WHERE cv.name = :cvname and (CVT.name = :name or CVTS.synonym = :synonym)
- ";
+ $relcvterm = $this->getCvterm($rel_type);
+ if (!$relcvterm) {
+ throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the term, 'part_of', from the sequence ontology. This term is used for associating parent and children features. Please check that the ontology is fully imported."));
+ }
// Iterate through the parents in the list.
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
@@ -1239,19 +1224,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$parent_type = $result[0]->type_name;
// try to find the parent
- $parentcvterm = chado_query($cvterm_sql, [
- ':cvname' => 'sequence',
- ':name' => $parent_type,
- ':synonym' => $parent_type,
- ])->fetchObject();
- $relcvterm = chado_query($cvterm_sql, [
- ':cvname' => 'sequence',
- ':name' => $rel_type,
- ':synonym' => $rel_type,
- ])->fetchObject();
- if (!$relcvterm) {
- throw new Exception(t("Cannot find the term, 'part_of', from the sequence ontology. This term is used for associating parent and children features. Please check that the ontology is fully imported."));
- }
+ $parentcvterm = $this->getCvterm($parent_type);
$values = [
'organism_id' => $organism_id,
'uniquename' => $parent,
@@ -1280,7 +1253,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'object_id' => $parent_feature->feature_id,
'type_id' => $relcvterm->cvterm_id,
- $result = chado_insert_record('feature_relationship', $values);
+ $result = chado_insert_record('feature_relationship', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$result) {
$this->logMessage("Failed to insert feature relationship '$uname' ($type) $rel_type '$parent' ($parent_type).",
@@ -1300,7 +1275,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
if (isset($phase)) {
$values['phase'] = $phase;
- $result = chado_insert_record('tripal_gffcds_temp', $values);
+ $result = chado_insert_record('tripal_gffcds_temp', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$result) {
throw new Exception(t("Cound not save record in temporary CDS table, Cannot continue.", []));
@@ -1347,7 +1324,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'name' => $dbname,
'description' => 'Added automatically by the GFF loader',
- $success = chado_insert_record('db', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('db', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if ($success) {
$values = ['name' => "$dbname"];
$db = chado_select_record('db', ['db_id'], $values);
@@ -1373,7 +1352,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'accession' => $accession,
'version' => '',
- $ret = chado_insert_record('dbxref', $values);
+ $ret = chado_insert_record('dbxref', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
$values = [
'accession' => $accession,
'db_id' => $db->db_id,
@@ -1396,7 +1377,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'dbxref_id' => $dbxref->dbxref_id,
'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
- $success = chado_insert_record('feature_dbxref', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('feature_dbxref', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
$this->logMessage("Failed to insert Dbxref: $dbname:$accession.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
return 0;
@@ -1480,7 +1463,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'uniquename' => 'null',
- $success = chado_insert_record('feature_cvterm', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('feature_cvterm', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
$this->logMessage("Failed to insert ontology term: $dbname:$accession.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
@@ -1510,7 +1495,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'name' => 'synonym_type',
'definition' => 'vocabulary for synonym types',
- $success = chado_insert_record('cv', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('cv', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
$this->logMessage("Failed to add the synonyms type vocabulary.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
return 0;
@@ -1568,7 +1555,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'type_id' => $syntype->cvterm_id,
'synonym_sgml' => '',
- $success = chado_insert_record('synonym', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('synonym', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
$this->logMessage("Cannot add alias $alias to synonym table.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
return 0;
@@ -1631,7 +1620,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
'pub_id' => $pub->pub_id,
- $success = chado_insert_record('feature_synonym', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('feature_synonym', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
$this->logMessage("Cannot add alias $alias to feature synonym table.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
@@ -1705,7 +1696,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'is_analysis' => $is_analysis,
'is_obsolete' => $is_obsolete,
- $feature = (object) chado_insert_record('feature', $values);
+ $feature = (object) chado_insert_record('feature', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$feature) {
$this->logMessage("Failed to insert feature '$uniquename' ($cvterm->name).", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
return 0;
@@ -1747,7 +1740,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
if (strcmp($score, '.') != 0) {
$af_values['significance'] = $score;
- if (!chado_insert_record('analysisfeature', $af_values)) {
+ if (!chado_insert_record('analysisfeature', $af_values, array('skip_validation' => TRUE))) {
$this->logMessage("Could not add analysisfeature record: $analysis_id, $feature->feature_id.", [], TRIPAL_WARNING);
@@ -1839,7 +1832,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
'uniquename' => $landmark,
'type_id' => $landmark_type_id,
- $results = chado_insert_record('feature', $values);
+ $results = chado_insert_record('feature', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$results) {
$this->logMessage("Cannot find landmark feature: '%landmark', nor could it be inserted.",
['%landmark' => $landmark], TRIPAL_WARNING);
@@ -1930,13 +1925,13 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
if (strcmp($is_fmin_partial, 'f') == 0 or !$is_fmin_partial) {
$is_fmin_partial = 'FALSE';
- elseif (strcmp($is_fmin_partial, 't') == 0 or $is_fmin_partial = 1) {
+ elseif (strcmp($is_fmin_partial, 't') == 0 or $is_fmin_partial == 1) {
$is_fmin_partial = 'TRUE';
if (strcmp($is_fmax_partial, 'f') == 0 or !$is_fmax_partial) {
$is_fmax_partial = 'FALSE';
- elseif (strcmp($is_fmax_partial, 't') == 0 or $is_fmax_partial = 1) {
+ elseif (strcmp($is_fmax_partial, 't') == 0 or $is_fmax_partial == 1) {
$is_fmax_partial = 'TRUE';
$values = [
@@ -1954,7 +1949,9 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
if ($phase) {
$values['phase'] = $phase;
- $success = chado_insert_record('featureloc', $values);
+ $success = chado_insert_record('featureloc', $values, array(
+ 'skip_validation' => TRUE,
+ ));
if (!$success) {
throw new Exception("Failed to insert featureloc.");
@@ -1974,17 +1971,11 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
private function loadProperty($feature, $property, $value) {
// First make sure the cvterm exists. if not, then add it.
- $select = [
- 'name' => $property,
- 'cv_id' => [
- 'name' => 'feature_property',
- ],
- ];
- $result = chado_select_record('cvterm', ['*'], $select);
+ $result = $this->getCvterm($property, $this->feature_property_cv_id);
// If we don't have a property like this already, then add it otherwise,
// just return.
- if (count($result) == 0) {
+ if (empty($result)) {
$term = [
'id' => "local:$property",
'name' => $property,
@@ -2000,7 +1991,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
else {
- $cvterm = $result[0];
+ $cvterm = $result;
@@ -2147,7 +2138,7 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
$start = $matches[2];
$end = $matches[3];
// if we have an optional strand, convert it to a numeric value.
- if ($matches[4]) {
+ if (!empty($matches[4])) {
if (preg_match('/^\+$/', trim($matches[4]))) {
$target_strand = 1;
@@ -2233,12 +2224,12 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
else {
// check to see if this is a synonym
$sql = "
- SELECT CVTS.cvterm_id
- FROM {cvtermsynonym} CVTS
- INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
- INNER JOIN {cv} CV ON CV.cv_id = CVT.cv_id
- WHERE CV.name = 'sequence' and CVTS.synonym = :synonym
- ";
+ SELECT CVTS.cvterm_id
+ FROM {cvtermsynonym} CVTS
+ INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = CVTS.cvterm_id
+ INNER JOIN {cv} CV ON CV.cv_id = CVT.cv_id
+ WHERE CV.name = 'sequence' and CVTS.synonym = :synonym
+ ";
$synonym = chado_query($sql, [':synonym' => $gff_target_type])->fetchObject();
if ($synonym) {
$t_type_id = $synonym->cvterm_id;
@@ -2253,8 +2244,8 @@ class GFF3Importer extends TripalImporter {
// we want to add a featureloc record that uses the target feature as the srcfeature (landmark)
// and the landmark as the feature.
- $this->loadFeatureLoc($feature, $organism, $target_feature, $target_fmin,
- $target_fmax, $target_strand, $phase, $attr_fmin_partial, $attr_fmax_partial, $attr_residue_info,
+ $this->loadFeatureLoc($feature, NULL, $target_feature, $target_fmin,
+ $target_fmax, $target_strand, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
$attr_locgroup, $t_type_id, $t_organism_id, $create_target, TRUE);
// the target attribute is not correctly formatted