@@ -14,6 +14,30 @@
* retireve. The getTableSchema method determines the appropriate version of
* Chado and uses the Drupal hook infrastructure to call the appropriate
* hook function to retrieve the table schema.
+ *
+ * Additionally, here are some other examples of how to use this class:
+ * @code
+ // Retrieve the schema array for the organism table in chado 1.2
+ $chado_schema = new \ChadoSchema('1.2');
+ $table_schema = $chado_schema->getTableSchema('organism');
+ // Retrieve all chado tables.
+ $chado_schema = new \ChadoSchema();
+ $tables = $chado_schema->getTableNames();
+ $base_tables = $chado_schema->getbaseTables();
+ // Check the feature.type_id foreign key constraint
+ $chado_schema = new \ChadoSchema();
+ $exists = $chado_schema ->checkFKConstraintExists('feature','type_id');
+ // Check Sequence exists
+ $chado_schema = new \ChadoSchema();
+ $exists = $chado_schema->checkSequenceExists('organism','organism_id');
+ // Or just check the primary key directly
+ $compliant = $chado_schema->checkPrimaryKey('organism');
+ * @endcode
class ChadoSchema {
@@ -448,6 +472,9 @@ class ChadoSchema {
elseif ($type == 'smallint' AND $expected_type == 'integer') {
return TRUE;
+ elseif ($type == 'bigint' AND $expected_type == 'integer') {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
else {
print "$table.$column... Expected: $expected_type, Actual: $type.\n";
return FALSE;