소스 검색

Add unit tests for GFF3Importer Attributes.

Peter Richter 4 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일342개의 추가작업 그리고 2개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 2 0
  2. 5 0
  3. 335 2

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+##gff-version 3
+scaffold1	test_gene_001	gene	100	200	.	+	.	ID=test_gene_001;Name=test_gene_001;biotype=protein_coding;Alias=first_test_gene;Dbxref=TEST_DB:test_gene_dbx_001;Ontology_term=SO:0000704;Target=scaffold1 100 200;target_type=supercontig;Gap=test_gap_1;Gap=test_gap_2;Note=test_gene_001_note
+scaffold1	test_mrna_001	mRNA	100	150	.	+	.	ID=test_mrna_001.1;Parent=test_gene_001;Name=test_mrna_001;biotype=protein_coding;AED=0.05
+scaffold1	test_protein_001	polypeptide	100	150	.	+	.	ID=test_protein_001.1;Parent=test_mrna_001.1
+scaffold1	test_gene_002	gene	300	400	.	+	.	ID=test_gene_002;Name=test_gene_002;biotype=protein_coding;Derives_from=test_gene_001

+ 335 - 2

@@ -48,6 +48,337 @@ class GFF3ImporterTest extends TripalTestCase {
     $this->assertEquals($name, $query);
     $this->assertEquals($name, $query);
+  /**
+   * Run the GFF loader on small_gene.gff for testing.
+   *
+   * This gff has many attributes that we would like to test in the
+   * testGFFImporterAttribute*() methods.
+   */
+  private function initGFFImporterAttributes() {
+    $gff = ['file_local' => __DIR__ . '/../data/small_gene.gff'];
+    $fasta = ['file_local' => __DIR__ . '/../data/short_scaffold.fasta'];
+    $analysis = factory('chado.analysis')->create();
+    $organism = factory('chado.organism')->create();
+    $run_args = [
+      'analysis_id' => $analysis->analysis_id,
+      'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
+      'use_transaction' => 1,
+      'add_only' => 0,
+      'update' => 1,
+      'create_organism' => 0,
+      'create_target' => 0,
+      ///regexps for mRNA and protein.
+      're_mrna' => NULL,
+      're_protein' => NULL,
+      //optional
+      'target_organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
+      'target_type' => NULL,
+      'start_line' => NULL,
+      'landmark_type' => NULL,
+      'alt_id_attr' => NULL,
+    ];
+    $this->loadLandmarks($analysis, $organism, $fasta);
+    $this->runGFFLoader($run_args, $gff);
+    $this->organism = $organism;
+    $this->analysis = $analysis;
+    $this->gene_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'gene',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'sequence',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $this->mrna_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'mRNA',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'sequence',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $this->gene_1_uname = 'test_gene_001';
+    $this->gene_2_uname = 'test_gene_002';
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures that the feature record is loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeFeature() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $organism = $this->organism;
+    $query = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute();
+    $gene_1 = $query->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals('test_gene_001', $gene_1->uniquename);
+    $this->assertEquals('test_gene_001', $gene_1->name);
+    $this->assertEquals($organism->organism_id, $gene_1->organism_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_cvt, $gene_1->type_id);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures the feature alias is loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeAlias() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $alias = 'first_test_gene';
+    $gene_1 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $query = db_select('chado.feature_synonym', 'fs');
+    $query->join('chado.synonym', 's', 's.synonym_id = fs.synonym_id');
+    $query->fields('s');
+    $query->condition('fs.feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id);
+    $query = $query->execute();
+    $result = $query->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals($alias, $result->name);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures that the dbxref records are loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeDbxref() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $test_db_name = 'TEST_DB';
+    $dbx_accession = 'test_gene_dbx_001';
+    $test_db = chado_get_db(array('name' => $test_db_name));
+    $gff_db = chado_get_db(array('name' => 'GFF_source'));
+    $gene_1 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $dbx_query = db_select('chado.feature_dbxref', 'fdbx');
+    $dbx_query->join('chado.dbxref', 'dbx', 'dbx.dbxref_id = fdbx.dbxref_id');
+    $dbx_query->fields('dbx');
+    $dbx_query->condition('fdbx.feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id);
+    $gff_query = clone $dbx_query;
+    $dbx_query->condition('dbx.db_id', $test_db->db_id);
+    $dbx_query = $dbx_query->execute();
+    $gff_query->condition('dbx.db_id', $gff_db->db_id);
+    $gff_query = $gff_query->execute();
+    $dbxref = $dbx_query->fetchObject();
+    $gff_dbxref = $gff_query->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals($dbx_accession, $dbxref->accession);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_1_uname, $gff_dbxref->accession);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures ontology term records loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeOntology() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $ontology_db = 'SO';
+    $ontology_accession = '0000704';
+    $gene_1 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $term = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'dbxref_id' => array(
+        'accession' => $ontology_accession,
+        'db_id' => array(
+          'name' => $ontology_db,
+        ),
+      ),
+    ));
+    $feature_cvt = db_select('chado.feature_cvterm', 'fcvt')
+      ->fields('fcvt')
+      ->condition('cvterm_id', $term->cvterm_id)
+      ->condition('feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id)
+      ->execute();
+    $this->assertEquals(1, $feature_cvt->rowCount());
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures feature parent record loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeParent() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $mrna_uname = 'test_mrna_001.1';
+    $rel_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'part_of',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'sequence',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $mrna = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $mrna_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->mrna_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $query = db_select('chado.feature_relationship', 'fr');
+    $query->join('chado.feature', 'f', 'f.feature_id = fr.object_id');
+    $query->fields('f');
+    $query->condition('fr.subject_id', $mrna->feature_id);
+    $query->condition('fr.type_id', $rel_cvt);
+    $query = $query->execute();
+    $parent = $query->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals('test_gene_001', $parent->uniquename);
+    $this->assertEquals('test_gene_001', $parent->name);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_cvt, $parent->type_id);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->organism->organism_id, $parent->organism_id);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensure target record loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeTarget() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $target_feature = 'scaffold1';
+    $start = 99;
+    $end = 200;
+    $target_type = 'supercontig';
+    $target_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => $target_type,
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'sequence',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $source_feature = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $target_feature)
+      ->condition('type_id', $target_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $gene_1 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $featureloc = db_select('chado.featureloc', 'fl')
+      ->fields('fl')
+      ->condition('fl.feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id)
+      ->condition('fl.srcfeature_id', $source_feature->feature_id)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals($start, $featureloc->fmin);
+    $this->assertEquals($end, $featureloc->fmax);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensure properties loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeProperty() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $gap_1 = 'test_gap_1';
+    $gap_2 = 'test_gap_2';
+    $note_val = 'test_gene_001_note';
+    $gene_1 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_1_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $gap_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'Gap',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'feature_property',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $note_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'Note',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'feature_property',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    // Assert gaps loaded correctly
+    $gaps_query = db_select('chado.featureprop', 'fp')
+      ->fields('fp')
+      ->condition('feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id)
+      ->condition('type_id', $gap_cvt)
+      ->execute();
+    while (($gap = $gaps_query->fetchObject())) {
+      $gaps[$gap->value] = $gap;
+    }
+    $this->assertEquals($gap_1, $gaps[$gap_1]->value);
+    $this->assertEquals(0, $gaps[$gap_1]->rank);
+    $this->assertEquals($gap_2, $gaps[$gap_2]->value);
+    $this->assertEquals(1, $gaps[$gap_2]->rank);
+    // Assert note loaded correctly
+    $note = db_select('chado.featureprop', 'fp')
+      ->fields('fp')
+      ->condition('feature_id', $gene_1->feature_id)
+      ->condition('type_id', $note_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals($note_val, $note->value);
+    $this->assertEquals(0, $note->rank);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensure derives from information loaded correctly into chado.
+   *
+   * @group gff
+   */
+  public function testGFFImporterAttributeDerivesFrom() {
+    $this->initGFFImporterAttributes();
+    $gene_2 = db_select('chado.feature', 'f')
+      ->fields('f')
+      ->condition('uniquename', $this->gene_2_uname)
+      ->condition('type_id', $this->gene_cvt)
+      ->execute()->fetchObject();
+    $derivesfrom_cvt = chado_get_cvterm(array(
+      'name' => 'derives_from',
+      'cv_id' => array(
+        'name' => 'sequence',
+      ),
+    ))->cvterm_id;
+    $query = db_select('chado.feature', 'f');
+    $query->join('chado.feature_relationship', 'fr', 'f.feature_id = fr.object_id');
+    $query->fields('f');
+    $query->condition('fr.subject_id', $gene_2->feature_id);
+    $query->condition('fr.type_id', $derivesfrom_cvt);
+    $query = $query->execute();
+    $derivesfrom_feature = $query->fetchObject();
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_1_uname, $derivesfrom_feature->uniquename);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_1_uname, $derivesfrom_feature->name);
+    $this->assertEquals($this->gene_cvt, $derivesfrom_feature->type_id);
+  }
    * Add a skip protein option.  Test that when checked, implicit proteins are
    * Add a skip protein option.  Test that when checked, implicit proteins are
@@ -175,8 +506,10 @@ class GFF3ImporterTest extends TripalTestCase {
     //  });
     //  });
-  private function loadLandmarks($analysis, $organism) {
-    $landmark_file = ['file_remote' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statonlab/tripal_dev_seed/master/Fexcel_mini/sequences/empty_landmarks.fasta'];
+  private function loadLandmarks($analysis, $organism, $landmark_file = array()) {
+    if (empty($landmark_file)) {
+      $landmark_file = ['file_remote' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statonlab/tripal_dev_seed/master/Fexcel_mini/sequences/empty_landmarks.fasta'];
+    }
     $run_args = [
     $run_args = [
       'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
       'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,