@@ -200,23 +200,23 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
elseif (preg_match('/foreign key/', $field_array['type'])) {
$default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']] = array();
$default_data[$priority]['need_further_processing'] = TRUE;
- $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']]['foreign record']['record'] = $field_array['foreign key'];
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']]['foreign record']['record'] = $field_array['foreign key'];
// Add in the FK / Referral table
$fk_priority = $record2priority[$field_array['foreign key']];
- $fk_table = $template_array[$fk_priority]['table'];
+ $fk_table = $template_array[$fk_priority]['table'];
$default_data[$priority]['values_array'][$field_array['field']]['foreign record']['table'] = $fk_table;
// Add in the FK / Referral field
// for backwards compatibility we need to get the FK relationship to find
- // out what field we're joining on. For templates created using a
+ // out what field we're joining on. For templates created using a
// previous version it was assumed that the FK field was always the field to join
if (!array_key_exists('foreign field', $field_array)) {
$tbl_description = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($record_array['table']);
foreach ($tbl_description['foreign keys'] as $key_table => $key_array) {
if ($key_table == $fk_table) {
foreach ($key_array['columns'] as $left_field => $right_field) {
- if ($left_field == $field_array['field']) {
+ if ($left_field == $field_array['field']) {
$field_array['foreign field'] = $right_field;
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
// Open File
print "\tPreparing to load the current constant set...\n";
print "\t\tOpen File...\n";
- $file = new SplFileObject($node->file, 'r');
- if (!$file) {
- watchdog('T_bulk_loader', 'Could not open file %file',
+ $file = new SplFileObject($node->file, 'r');
+ if (!$file) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader', 'Could not open file %file',
array($node->file), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
// Set defaults
$header = '';
if (preg_match('/(t|true|1)/', $node->file_has_header)) {
- $file->next();
+ $file->next();
$header = $file->current();
$num_records = 0;
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
tripal_bulk_loader_progress_bar(0, $total_lines);
while (!$file->eof()) {
- $raw_line = $file->current();
+ $raw_line = $file->current();
$raw_line = trim($raw_line);
if (empty($raw_line)) {
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
// update the job status every 1% of lines processed for the current group
if ($node->job_id and $num_lines % $interval == 0) {
// percentage of lines processed for the current group
$group_progress = round(($num_lines / $total_lines) * 100);
tripal_bulk_loader_progress_bar($num_lines, $total_lines);
@@ -386,11 +386,11 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
// execute all records that are not disabled
$no_errors = FALSE;
- if (array_key_exists($priority, $data) and
- array_key_exists('disabled', $data[$priority]) and
+ if (array_key_exists($priority, $data) and
+ array_key_exists('disabled', $data[$priority]) and
$data[$priority]['disabled'] == 0) {
$no_errors = process_data_array_for_line($priority, $data, $default_data, $options);
- }
+ }
else {
// set status to true for skipped records
$no_errors = TRUE;
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
$failed = TRUE;
- }
+ }
} // end of foreach table in default data array
tripal_bulk_loader_progress_file_track_job($job_id, FALSE, TRUE);
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_load_data($nid, $job_id) {
tripal_db_set_savepoint_transaction($savepoint, TRUE);
- }
+ }
} //end of foreach line of file
// END Transaction
@@ -477,13 +477,13 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
$table = $table_data['table'];
$values = $table_data['values_array'];
- // populate the values array with real value either from the input data file line
+ // populate the values array with real value either from the input data file line
// or from the foreign key / referral record
- if (array_key_exists('need_further_processing', $table_data) and $table_data['need_further_processing']) {
+ if (array_key_exists('need_further_processing', $table_data) and $table_data['need_further_processing']) {
if (array_key_exists($priority, $addt->field2column)) {
$values = tripal_bulk_loader_add_spreadsheetdata_to_values($values, $addt->line, $addt->field2column[$priority]);
- }
- $values = tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_data, $values, $data, $addt->record2priority, $addt->nid, $priority, $default_data);
+ }
+ $values = tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_data, $values, $data, $addt->record2priority, $addt->nid, $priority, $default_data);
$values = tripal_bulk_loader_regex_tranform_values($values, $table_data, $addt->line);
@@ -492,20 +492,20 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
// get the table description
- $table_desc = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($table);
- // Check that template required fields are present. if a required field is
+ $table_desc = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($table);
+ // Check that template required fields are present. if a required field is
// missing and this
// is an optional record then just return. otherwise raise an error
$skip_optional = 0;
foreach ($table_data['required'] as $field => $required) {
if ($required) {
// check if the field has no value (or array is empty)
- if (!isset($values[$field]) or
+ if (!isset($values[$field]) or
(is_array($values[$field]) and count($values[$field]) == 0)) {
// check if the record is optional. For backwards compatiblity we need to
// check if the 'mode' is set to 'optional'
- if ($table_data['optional'] or preg_match('/optional/', $table_data['mode']) or
+ if ($table_data['optional'] or preg_match('/optional/', $table_data['mode']) or
$table_data['select_optional']) {
$skip_optional = 1;
// set the values array to be empty since we all required fields are
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
$values = array();
else {
- $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' "' . $table_data['record_id'] .
+ $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' "' . $table_data['record_id'] .
'" (' . $table_data['mode'] . ') Missing template required value: ' . $table . '.' . $field;
watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
$data[$priority]['error'] = TRUE;
@@ -523,71 +523,75 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
// for an insert, check that all database required fields are present in the values array
- // we check for 'optional' in the mode for backwards compatibility. The 'optional'
+ // we check for 'optional' in the mode for backwards compatibility. The 'optional'
// mode used to be a type of insert
- if (!$skip_optional and (preg_match('/insert/', $table_data['mode']) or
+ if (!$skip_optional and (preg_match('/insert/', $table_data['mode']) or
preg_match('/optional/', $table_data['mode']))) {
// Check all database table required fields are set
$fields = $table_desc['fields'];
- foreach ($fields as $field => $def) {
+ foreach ($fields as $field => $def) {
// a field is considered missing if it cannot be null and there is no default
// value for it or it is not of type 'serial'
if (array_key_exists('not null', $def) and $def['not null'] == 1 and // field must have a value
!array_key_exists($field, $values) and // there is not a value for it
!array_key_exists('default', $def) and // there is no default for it
strcmp($def['type'], 'serial') != 0) { // it is not a 'serial' type column
- $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] .
+ $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] .
' (' . $table_data['mode'] . ') Missing Database Required Value: ' . $table . '.' . $field;
- watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
$data[$priority]['error'] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// add updated values array into the data array
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = $values;
// if there was an error already -> don't insert
if (array_key_exists('error', $data[$priority]) and $data[$priority]['error']) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader','Skipping processing of %table due to previous errors',array('%table'=>$table),WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return $no_errors;
- // skip optional fields
+ // skip optional fields
if ($skip_optional) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader','Skipping an optional record (%record)',array('%record'=>$table_data['record_id']),WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return $no_errors;
// check if it is already inserted
if (array_key_exists('inserted', $table_data) and $table_data['inserted']) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader','Skipping %record since it is already inserted',array('%record'=>$table_data['record_id']),WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return $no_errors;
// check if it is already selected, if so, just get the value stored in
// the default_data array
if (array_key_exists('selected', $table_data) and $table_data['selected']) {
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = $default_data[$priority]['values_array'];
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader','%record was already selected thus we are just returning the values previously selected.',array('%record'=>$table_data['record_id']),WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return $no_errors;
// make sure we have some value in the select_if_duplicate and update_if_duplicate options
if (!array_key_exists('select_if_duplicate', $table_data)) {
$table_data['select_if_duplicate'] = 0;
- }
+ }
if (!array_key_exists('update_if_duplicate', $table_data)) {
$table_data['update_if_duplicate'] = 0;
- }
- // if "select if duplicate" is enabled then check to ensure unique constraint is not violoated.
+ }
+ // if "select if duplicate" is enabled then check to ensure unique constraint is not violoated.
// If it is violoated then simply return, the record already exists in the database.
// We check for "insert_unique" for backwards compatibilty but that mode no longer exists
$data[$priority]['is_duplicate'] = 0;
- if (preg_match('/insert_unique/', $table_data['mode']) or
+ if (preg_match('/insert_unique/', $table_data['mode']) or
$table_data['select_if_duplicate'] == 1 or $table_data['update_if_duplicate'] == 1) {
$options = array('is_duplicate' => TRUE);
$duplicate = tripal_core_chado_select($table, array_keys($table_desc['fields']), $values, $options);
// if this is a duplicate then substitute the values in the table_data array so
// that for future records that my depend on this one, they can get the values needed
if ($duplicate and is_array($duplicate) and count($duplicate) == 1) {
@@ -597,29 +601,30 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
$data[$priority]['is_duplicate'] = (array) $dup_record;
// if all we have is one field then we will just use the value returned
- // rather than create an array of values. This way it will prevent
- // the tripal_core_chado_(select|insert|update) from recursing on
+ // rather than create an array of values. This way it will prevent
+ // the tripal_core_chado_(select|insert|update) from recursing on
// foreign keys and make the loader go faster.
if (count((array) $dup_record) == 1) {
- foreach ($dup_record as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($dup_record as $key => $value) {
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = $value;
- }
+ }
// if we have multiple fields returned then we need to set the values
// the new array.
else {
// convert object to array
$new_values = array();
- foreach ($dup_record as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($dup_record as $key => $value) {
$new_values[$key] = $value;
- }
- $data[$priority]['values_array'] = $new_values;
+ }
+ $data[$priority]['values_array'] = $new_values;
// return if this is a select_if_duplicate
if ($table_data['select_if_duplicate'] == 1) {
+ watchdog('T_bulk_loader','Simply returning values for %record since it was already inserted',array('%record'=>$table_data['record_id']),WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
return $no_errors;
- }
+ }
else {
# TODO: what to do if there are more than one value returned when
@@ -650,21 +655,21 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
$record = tripal_core_chado_update($table, $match, $values, $options);
else {
- $record = tripal_core_chado_insert($table, $values, $options);
+ $record = tripal_core_chado_insert($table, $values, $options);
// if the insert was not successful
if (!$record) {
- $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] . ' (' .
- $table_data['mode'] . ') Unable to insert record into ' . $table .
+ $msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] . ' (' .
+ $table_data['mode'] . ') Unable to insert record into ' . $table .
' where values:' . print_r($values, TRUE);
watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
$data[$priority]['error'] = TRUE;
$no_errors = FALSE;
// if the insert was succesful
- else {
+ else {
// if mode=insert_once then ensure we only insert it once
if (preg_match('/insert_once/', $table_data['mode'])) {
@@ -679,24 +684,24 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
if ($insert_record) {
- $insert_record->ids_inserted .= ',' . $values[$table_desc['primary key'][0] ];
+ $insert_record->ids_inserted .= ',' . $record[$table_desc['primary key'][0] ];
drupal_write_record('tripal_bulk_loader_inserted', $insert_record, 'tripal_bulk_loader_inserted_id');
//print 'Update: '.print_r($insert_record,TRUE)."\n";
- return $no_errors;
+ //return $no_errors;
else {
$insert_record = array(
'nid' => $addt->nid,
'table_inserted_into' => $table,
'table_primary_key' => $table_desc['primary key'][0],
- 'ids_inserted' => $values[ $table_desc['primary key'][0] ],
+ 'ids_inserted' => $record[ $table_desc['primary key'][0] ],
//print 'New: '.print_r($insert_record,TRUE)."\n";
$success = drupal_write_record('tripal_bulk_loader_inserted', $insert_record);
- return $no_errors;
+ //return $no_errors;
}//end of if insert record
}// end of if keeping track of records inserted
// substitute the values array for the primary key if it exists
// and is a single field
if (array_key_exists('primary key', $table_desc)) {
@@ -704,7 +709,7 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
$pkey_field = $table_desc['primary key'][0];
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = $record[$pkey_field];
- }
+ }
else {
//add changes back to values array
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = $record;
@@ -722,7 +727,7 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
// if the record doesn't exist and it's not optional then generate an error
if (count($matches) == 0) {
// No record on select
- if ($table_data['select_optional'] != 1) {
+ if ($table_data['select_optional'] != 1) {
$msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] . ' (' . $table_data['mode'] . ') No Matching record in ' . $table . ' where values:' . print_r($values, TRUE);
watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
$data[$priority]['error'] = TRUE;
@@ -735,33 +740,34 @@ function process_data_array_for_line($priority, &$data, &$default_data, $addt) {
// if we have more than one record matching and this select isn't optional then fail
- if (count($matches) > 1) {
+ if (count($matches) > 1) {
if ($table_data['select_optional'] != 1) {
$msg = "\nLine " . $addt->line_num . ' ' . $table_data['record_id'] . ' (' . $table_data['mode'] . ') Too many matching records in ' . $table . ' where values:' . print_r($values, TRUE);
watchdog('T_bulk_loader', $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
$data[$priority]['error'] = TRUE;
$no_errors = FALSE;
- }
+ }
// there are too many matches and this is an optional select so set
// the values to empty for any records with an FK relationship on this one
else {
$data[$priority]['values_array'] = NULL;
- }
+ }
// if mode=select_once then ensure we only select it once
if (preg_match('/select_once/', $table_data['mode'])) {
$default_data[$priority]['selected'] = TRUE;
// save the pkey
if (array_key_exists('primary key', $table_desc)) {
$new_values = array();
- foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $value) {
$new_values[$key] = $value;
- }
- $default_data[$priority]['values_default'] = $new_values;
- }
+ }
+ $default_data[$priority]['values_default'] = $new_values;
+ }
return $no_errors;
@@ -793,7 +799,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_spreadsheetdata_to_values($values, $line, $field
else {
- }
+ }
return $values;
@@ -807,7 +813,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_spreadsheetdata_to_values($values, $line, $field
* record is looked up and the values array is substituted in.
-function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $data, $record2priority, $nid,
+function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $data, $record2priority, $nid,
$priority, $default_data) {
// iterate through each field in the $values arrray and
@@ -815,16 +821,16 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $dat
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
// if the field value is an array then it is an FK
if (is_array($value)) {
// get the name and priority of the foreign record
$foreign_record = $value['foreign record']['record'];
$foreign_priority = $record2priority[$foreign_record];
$foreign_table = $value['foreign record']['table'];
$foreign_field = $value['foreign record']['field'];
// get the values of the foreign record and substitute those for the values
- $foreign_values = $data[$foreign_priority]['values_array'];
+ $foreign_values = $data[$foreign_priority]['values_array'];
// check to see if we have any default values in the $default_data array
// these were populated from select statements that only need to run once
// so we can reuse the values from those previous selects.
@@ -834,21 +840,21 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $dat
$values[$field] = $default_data[$foreign_priority]['values_default'][$foreign_field];
// if the field in the Referral records is in a FK relationship with
// this field then we can simply keep the value we have
$tbl_description = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($table_array['table']);
if ($tbl_description and
- array_key_exists('foreign keys', $tbl_description) and
- array_key_exists($foreign_table, $tbl_description['foreign keys']) and
+ array_key_exists('foreign keys', $tbl_description) and
+ array_key_exists($foreign_table, $tbl_description['foreign keys']) and
array_key_exists($field, $tbl_description['foreign keys'][$foreign_table]['columns']) and
$foreign_field == $tbl_description['foreign keys'][$foreign_table]['columns'][$field]) {
- $values[$field] = $foreign_values;
- }
+ $values[$field] = $foreign_values;
+ }
// if the field in the Referral records is not in an FK relationship
// with this field then we we have to get the requested value, we must
// return only a single value
- else {
+ else {
// if the current value of the referral records is a non-array then this
// is the primary key, we can use it to select the value we need.
$fk_description = tripal_core_get_chado_table_schema($foreign_table);
@@ -861,7 +867,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $dat
$record = tripal_core_chado_select($foreign_table, $columns, $fvalues, $options);
if ($record) {
$values[$field] = $record[0]->$foreign_field;
- }
+ }
else {
@@ -877,17 +883,17 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $dat
else {
$fvalues = $foreign_values;
$columns = array($foreign_field);
- $options = array('statement_name' => 'blk_' . $nid . $priority . $foreign_table);
+ $options = array('statement_name' => 'blk_' . $nid . $priority . $foreign_table);
$record = tripal_core_chado_select($foreign_table, $columns, $fvalues, $options);
if ($record) {
- $values[$field] = $record[0]->$foreign_field;
- }
+ $values[$field] = $record[0]->$foreign_field;
+ }
else {
- } // end else from: if (!is_array($foreign_values) ...
+ } // end else from: if (!is_array($foreign_values) ...
} // end else from: if ($tbl_description ...
- } // end if(is_array($value)) ...
+ } // end if(is_array($value)) ...
} // end foreach ($values ...
// return the updated field values
@@ -904,8 +910,8 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_add_foreignkey_to_values($table_array, $values, $dat
function tripal_bulk_loader_regex_tranform_values($values, $table_data, $line) {
- if (!array_key_exists('regex_transform', $table_data) or
- empty($table_data['regex_transform']) or
+ if (!array_key_exists('regex_transform', $table_data) or
+ empty($table_data['regex_transform']) or
!array_key_exists('regex_transform', $table_data) or
!is_array($table_data['regex_transform'])) {
return $values;
@@ -914,7 +920,7 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_regex_tranform_values($values, $table_data, $line) {
//watchdog('T_bulk_loader','Regex Transformation:<pre>'.print_r($table_data['regex_transform'], TRUE).'</pre>', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
foreach ($table_data['regex_transform'] as $field => $regex_array) {
- if (!array_key_exists('replace', $regex_array) or
+ if (!array_key_exists('replace', $regex_array) or
!array_key_exists('pattern', $regex_array) or
!is_array($regex_array['replace'])) {
@@ -979,22 +985,22 @@ function tripal_bulk_loader_flatten_array($values) {
function tripal_bulk_loader_progress_bar($current=0, $total=100, $size=50) {
$new_bar = FALSE;
- $mem = memory_get_usage();
+ $mem = memory_get_usage();
// First iteration
if ($current == 0) {
$new_bar = TRUE;
fputs(STDOUT, "Progress:\n");
// Percentage round off for a more clean, consistent look
$percent = sprintf("%.02f", round(($current/$total) * 100, 2));
// percent indicator must be four characters, if shorter, add some spaces
for ($i = strlen($percent); $i <= 4; $i++) {
$percent = ' ' . $percent;
$total_size = $size + $i + 3 + 2;
$place = 0;
// if it's not first go, remove the previous bar