@@ -22,25 +22,6 @@
function tripal_core_drush_help($command) {
switch ($command) {
- case 'trp-run-jobs':
- return dt('Launches pending jobs waiting in the queue.');
- break;
- case 'trp-rerun-job':
- return dt('Rerun a job in the queue.');
- break;
- case 'trp-get-currjob':
- return dt('Returns details about the currently running tripal job including percent complete.');
- break;
- // Placeholders for unimplmeneted jobs
- case 'trp-show-job':
- break;
- case 'trp-revert-jobs':
- break;
- case 'trp-cancel-job':
- break;
- case 'trp-list-jobs':
- break;
// Deprecated functions
case 'drush:tripal-launch-jobs':
return dt('DEPRECATED. Please use: trp-run-jobs.');
@@ -91,52 +72,7 @@ function tripal_core_drush_command() {
'table' => dt('The name of the materialized view table to update.'),
- $items['trp-get-currjob'] = array(
- 'description' => dt('Returns details about the currently running job including percent complete.'),
- 'arguments' => array(),
- 'examples' => array(
- 'Standard example' => 'drush trp-get-currjob',
- ),
- );
- $items['trp-run-jobs'] = array(
- 'description' => dt('Launches jobs waiting in the queue. Only one job can execute at a time unless the --parllel=1 option is provided.'),
- 'examples' => array(
- 'Single Job' => 'drush trp-run-jobs --username=administrator',
- 'Parallel Job' => 'drush trp-run-jobs --username=administrator --parallel=1'
- ),
- 'arguments' => array(),
- 'options' => array(
- 'user' => array(
- 'description' => dt('DEPRECATED. Conflicts with Drush 7.x --user argument. Please use the --username argument.'),
- ),
- 'username' => array(
- 'description' => dt('The Drupal user name for which the job should be run. The permissions for this user will be used.'),
- ),
- 'parallel' => dt('Normally jobs are executed one at a time. But if you are certain no conflicts will occur with other currently running jobs you may set this argument to a value of 1 to make the job run in parallel with other running jobs.'),
- 'job_id' => dt('Provide a job_id to run a specific job. Only jobs that have not been run already can be used'),
- ),
- );
- $items['trp-rerun-job'] = array(
- 'description' => dt('Re-run a specific job from the queue.'),
- 'examples' => array(
- 'Single Job' => 'drush trp-rerun-job --username=administrator --job_id=2',
- 'Parallel Job' => 'drush trp-rerun-job --username=administrator --job_id=2 --parallel=1'
- ),
- 'arguments' => array(),
- 'options' => array(
- 'user' => array(
- 'description' => dt('DEPRECATED. Conflicts with Drush 7.x --user argument. Please use the --username argument.'),
- ),
- 'username' => array(
- 'description' => dt('The Drupal user name for which the job should be run. The permissions for this user will be used.'),
- ),
- 'job_id' => array(
- 'description' => dt('The job ID to run.'),
- 'required' => TRUE,
- ),
- 'parallel' => dt('Normally jobs are executed one at a time. But if you are certain no conflicts will occur with other currently running jobs you may set this argument to a value of 1 to make the job run in parallel with other running jobs.'),
- ),
- );
$items['trp-get-cversion'] = array(
'description' => dt('Returns the current installed version of Chado.'),
'arguments' => array(),
@@ -268,22 +204,7 @@ function tripal_core_drush_command() {
* @ingroup tripal_drush
function drush_tripal_core_set_user($username) {
- if ($username) {
- $sql = "SELECT uid FROM {users} WHERE name = :name";
- $results = db_query($sql, array(':name' => $username));
- $u = $results->fetchObject();
- if (!$u) {
- drush_print('ERROR: Please provide a valid username (--username argument) for running this job.');
- exit;
- }
- global $user;
- $user = user_load($u->uid);
- return $u->uid;
- }
- else {
- drush_print('ERROR: Please provide a username (--username argument) for running this job.');
- exit;
- }
+ drush_tripal_set_user($username);
@@ -294,40 +215,7 @@ function drush_tripal_core_set_user($username) {
* @ingroup tripal_drush
function drush_tripal_core_trp_run_jobs() {
- $parallel = drush_get_option('parallel');
- $job_id = drush_get_option('job_id');
- // Unfortunately later versions of Drush use the '--user' argument which
- // makes it incompatible with how Tripal was using it. For backwards
- // compatabiliy we will accept --user with a non numeric value only. The
- // numeric value should be for Drush. Tripal will instead use the
- // --username argument for the fture.
- $user = drush_get_option('user');
- $uname = drush_get_option('username');
- if ($user and is_numeric($user)) {
- }
- elseif ($user) {
- print "\nNOTE: Use of the --user argument is deprecated as it conflicts with the --user argument of Drush 7.x. Please now use --username instead.\n\n";
- $username = $user;
- }
- if ($uname) {
- $username = $uname;
- }
- drush_tripal_core_set_user($username);
- if ($parallel) {
- drush_print("Tripal Job Launcher (in parallel)");
- drush_print("Running as user '$username'");
- drush_print("-------------------");
- tripal_launch_job($parallel, $job_id);
- }
- else {
- drush_print("Tripal Job Launcher");
- drush_print("Running as user '$username'");
- drush_print("-------------------");
- tripal_launch_job(0, $job_id);
- }
+ drush_tripal_trp_run_jobs();
* DEPRECATED. Executes jobs in the Tripal Jobs Queue.
@@ -367,43 +255,7 @@ function drush_tripal_core_tripal_jobs_launch($username) {
* @ingroup tripal_drush
function drush_tripal_core_trp_rerun_job() {
- // Unfortunately later versions of Drush use the '--user' argument which
- // makes it incompatible with how Tripal was using it. For backwards
- // compatabiliy we will accept --user with a non numeric value only. The
- // numeric value should be for Drush. Tripal will instead use the
- // --username argument for the fture.
- $user = drush_get_option('user');
- $uname = drush_get_option('username');
- print "USER: '$user', UNAME: '$uname'\n";
- if ($user and is_numeric($user)) {
- }
- elseif ($user) {
- print "\nNOTE: Use of the --user argument is deprecated as it conflicts with the --user argument of Drush 7.x. Please now use --username instead.\n\n";
- $username = $user;
- }
- if ($uname) {
- $username = $uname;
- }
- $parallel = drush_get_option('parallel');
- $job_id = drush_get_option('job_id');
- drush_tripal_core_set_user($username);
- $new_job_id = tripal_rerun_job($job_id, FALSE);
- if ($parallel) {
- drush_print("Tripal Job Launcher (in parallel)");
- drush_print("Running as user '$username'");
- drush_print("-------------------");
- tripal_launch_job($parallel, $new_job_id);
- }
- else {
- drush_print("Tripal Job Launcher");
- drush_print("Running as user '$username'");
- drush_print("-------------------");
- tripal_launch_job(0, $new_job_id);
- }
+ drush_tripal_trp_rerun_job();
@@ -432,29 +284,7 @@ function drush_tripal_core_tripal_jobs_rerun($username, $job_id) {
* @ingroup tripal_drush
function drush_tripal_core_trp_get_currjob() {
- $sql = "
- FROM {tripal_jobs} TJ
- WHERE TJ.end_time IS NULL and NOT TJ.start_time IS NULL
- ";
- $jobs = db_query($sql);
- foreach ($jobs as $job) {
- $job_pid = $job->pid;
- $output = "Name: " . $job->job_name . "\n" .
- "Submitted: " . date(DATE_RFC822, $job->submit_date) . "\n" .
- "Started: " . date(DATE_RFC822, $job->start_time) . "\n" .
- "Module: " . $job->modulename . "\n" .
- "Callback: " . $job->callback . "\n" .
- "Process ID: " . $job->pid . "\n" .
- "Progress: " . $job->progress . "%\n";
- drush_print($output);
- }
- if (!$job_pid) {
- drush_print('There are currently no running jobs.');
- }
- //log to the command line with an OK status
- drush_log('Running tripal-current-job', 'ok');
+ drush_tripal_trp_get_currjob();