@@ -343,11 +343,8 @@ function tripal_feature_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit=array()) {
$blocks['alignments']['info'] = t('Tripal Feature Alignments');
$blocks['alignments']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
- $blocks['object_relationships']['info'] = t('Tripal Feature Object Relationships');
- $blocks['object_relationships']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
- $blocks['subject_relationships']['info'] = t('Tripal Feature Subject Relationships');
- $blocks['subject_relationships']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
+ $blocks['relationships']['info'] = t('Tripal Feature Relationships');
+ $blocks['relationships']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
$blocks['org_feature_counts']['info'] = t('Tripal Organism Feature Counts');
$blocks['org_feature_counts']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
@@ -397,13 +394,9 @@ function tripal_feature_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit=array()) {
$block['subject'] = t('Alignments');
$block['content'] = theme('tripal_feature_alignments', $node);
- case 'object_relationships':
- $block['subject'] = t('Object Relationships');
- $block['content'] = theme('tripal_feature_object_relationships', $node);
- break;
- case 'subject_relationships':
- $block['subject'] = t('Subject Relationships');
- $block['content'] = theme('tripal_feature_object_relationships', $node);
+ case 'relationships':
+ $block['subject'] = t('Relationships');
+ $block['content'] = theme('tripal_feature_relationships', $node);
case 'org_feature_counts':
$block['subject'] = t('Feature Type Summary');
@@ -1847,69 +1840,201 @@ function tripal_feature_theme() {
return array(
'tripal_feature_search_index' => array(
'arguments' => array('node'),
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_search_results' => array(
'arguments' => array('node'),
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_organism_feature_browser' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_organism_feature_browser',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_organism_feature_counts' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_organism_feature_counts',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_library_feature_browser' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_library_feature_browser',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_analysis_feature_browser' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_analysis_feature_browser',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_base' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_base',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_sequence' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_sequence',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_synonyms' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_synonyms',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_featureloc_sequences' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_featureloc_sequences',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_references' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_references',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_properties' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_properties',
- ),
+ ),
'tripal_feature_alignments' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
'template' => 'tripal_feature_alignments',
- ),
- 'tripal_feature_object_relationships' => array(
- 'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
- 'template' => 'tripal_feature_object_relationships',
- ),
- 'tripal_feature_subject_relationships' => array(
+ ),
+ 'tripal_feature_relationships' => array(
'arguments' => array('node' => NULL),
- 'template' => 'tripal_feature_subject_relationships',
- ),
+ 'template' => 'tripal_feature_relationships',
+ ),
'tripal_feature_edit_ALL_properties_form' => array(
'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),
'function' => 'theme_tripal_feature_edit_ALL_properties_form',
- ),
+ ),
+ *
+ *
+ * @ingroup tripal_feature
+ */
+function tripal_feature_preprocess_tripal_feature_relationships(&$variables) {
+ // we want to provide a new variable that contains the matched features.
+ $feature = $variables['node']->feature;
+ // expand the feature object to include the feature relationships.
+ $feature = tripal_core_expand_chado_vars($feature,
+ 'table','feature_relationship', array('order_by'=>array('rank' => 'ASC')));
+ // get the subject relationships
+ $srelationships = $feature->feature_relationship->subject_id;
+ if (!$srelationships) {
+ $srelationships = array();
+ }
+ elseif (!is_array($srelationships)) {
+ $srelationships = array($srelationships);
+ }
+ // get the object relationships
+ $orelationships = $feature->feature_relationship->object_id;
+ if (!$orelationships) {
+ $orelationships = array();
+ }
+ elseif (!is_array($orelationships)) {
+ $orelationships = array($orelationships);
+ }
+ // get alignment as child
+ $cfeaturelocs = $feature->featureloc->feature_id;
+ if (!$cfeaturelocs) {
+ $cfeaturelocs = array();
+ }
+ elseif (!is_array($cfeaturelocs)) {
+ $cfeaturelocs = array($cfeaturelocs);
+ }
+ // prepare the SQL statement to get the featureloc for the
+ // feature in the relationships.
+ if(!tripal_core_is_sql_prepared('sel_featureloc_preprocess_relationships')){
+ $psql = "PREPARE sel_featureloc_preprocess_relationships (int, int) AS " .
+ "SELECT FL.featureloc_id, F.name as srcfeature_name, FL.srcfeature_id, ".
+ " FL.feature_id, FL.fmin, FL.fmax, FL.strand, FL.phase ".
+ "FROM featureloc FL " .
+ " INNER JOIN feature F ON F.feature_id = FL.srcfeature_id ".
+ "WHERE FL.feature_id = $1 and FL.srcfeature_id = $2";
+ $prepared = chado_query($psql);
+ if(!$prepared){
+ watchdog('tripal_feature', "tripal_feature_preprocess_tripal_feature_relationships: not able to prepare '%name' statement for: %sql", array('%name' => 'sel_featureloc_preprocess_relationships', '%sql' => $psql), 'WATCHDOG ERROR');
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // combine both object and subject relationshisp into a single array
+ $relationships = array();
+ $relationships['object'] = array();
+ $relationships['subject'] = array();
+ // iterate through the object relationships
+ foreach ($orelationships as $relationship) {
+ $rel = new stdClass();
+ // get locations where the child feature and this feature overlap with the
+ // same landmark feature.
+ $rel->child_featurelocs = array();
+ foreach ($cfeaturelocs as $featureloc) {
+ $res = chado_query("EXECUTE sel_featureloc_preprocess_relationships (%d, %d)",
+ $relationship->subject_id->feature_id,
+ $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id);
+ while ($loc = db_fetch_object($res)){
+ // add in the node id of the src feature if it exists and save this location
+ $loc->nid = $featureloc->srcfeature_id->nid;
+ $rel->child_featurelocs[] = $loc;
+ }
+ }
+ $rel->record = $relationship;
+ // get the relationship and child types
+ $rel_type = t(preg_replace('/_/'," ",$relationship->type_id->name));
+ $child_type = $relationship->subject_id->type_id->name;
+ // get the node id of the subject
+ $sql = "SELECT nid FROM chado_feature WHERE feature_id = %d";
+ $n = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql,$relationship->subject_id->feature_id));
+ if($n){
+ $rel->record->nid = $n->nid;
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists($rel_type, $relationships['object'])) {
+ $relationships['object'][$rel_type] = array();
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists($child_type, $relationships['object'][$rel_type])) {
+ $relationships['object'][$rel_type][$child_type] = array();
+ }
+ $relationships['object'][$rel_type][$child_type][] = $rel;
+ }
+ // now add in the subject relationships
+ foreach ($srelationships as $relationship) {
+ $rel = new stdClass();
+ // get locations where this feature overlaps with the parent
+ $rel->parent_featurelocs = array();
+ foreach ($cfeaturelocs as $featureloc) {
+ $res = chado_query("EXECUTE sel_featureloc_preprocess_relationships (%d, %d)",
+ $relationship->object_id->feature_id,
+ $featureloc->srcfeature_id->feature_id);
+ while ($loc = db_fetch_object($res)){
+ // add in the node id of the src feature if it exists and save this location
+ $loc->nid = $featureloc->srcfeature_id->nid;
+ $rel->parent_featurelocs[] = $loc;
+ }
+ }
+ $rel->record = $relationship;
+ $rel_type = t(preg_replace('/_/'," ",$relationship->type_id->name));
+ $parent_type = $relationship->object_id->type_id->name;
+ // get the node id of the subject
+ $sql = "SELECT nid FROM chado_feature WHERE feature_id = %d";
+ $n = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql,$relationship->object_id->feature_id));
+ if($n){
+ $rel->record->nid = $n->nid;
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists($rel_type, $relationships['subject'])) {
+ $relationships['subject'][$rel_type] = array();
+ }
+ if (!array_key_exists($child_type, $relationships['subject'][$rel_type])) {
+ $relationships['subject'][$rel_type][$parent_type] = array();
+ }
+ $relationships['subject'][$rel_type][$parent_type][] = $rel;
+ }
+ $feature->all_relationships = $relationships;