@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+diff --git a/includes/handlers.inc b/includes/handlers.inc
+index 2a33d5d..f02bbb2 100644
+--- a/includes/handlers.inc
++++ b/includes/handlers.inc
+@@ -1530,6 +1530,16 @@ class views_join {
+ $right_table = $this->definition['table formula'];
+ }
++ $table_data = views_fetch_data($this->table);
++ if (!empty($table_data['table']['base']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['base']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } elseif (!empty($table_data['table']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } else {
++ $search_path = '';
++ }
+ if ($this->left_table) {
+ $left = $view_query->get_table_info($this->left_table);
+ $left_field = "$left[alias].$this->left_field";
+@@ -1542,6 +1552,14 @@ class views_join {
+ $condition = "$left_field = $table[alias].$this->field";
+ $arguments = array();
++ if (!empty($table_data['table']['base']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['base']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } elseif (!empty($table_data['table']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } else {
++ $search_path = '';
++ }
+ // Tack on the extra.
+ if (isset($this->extra)) {
+ if (is_array($this->extra)) {
+@@ -1612,7 +1630,7 @@ class views_join {
+ }
+ }
+- $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);
++ $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $search_path . $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1644,6 +1662,8 @@ class views_join_subquery extends views_join {
+ *
+ */
+ function build_join($select_query, $table, $view_query) {
++ $table_data = views_fetch_data($this->table);
+ if (empty($this->definition['table formula'])) {
+ $right_table = "{" . $this->table . "}";
+ }
+@@ -1651,6 +1671,14 @@ class views_join_subquery extends views_join {
+ $right_table = $this->definition['table formula'];
+ }
++ if (!empty($table_data['table']['base']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['base']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } elseif (!empty($table_data['table']['search_path'])) {
++ $search_path = $table_data['table']['search_path'] . '.' ;
++ } else {
++ $search_path = '';
++ }
+ // Add our join condition, using a subquery on the left instead of a field.
+ $condition = "($this->left_query) = $table[alias].$this->field";
+ $arguments = array();
+@@ -1704,7 +1732,7 @@ class views_join_subquery extends views_join {
+ }
+ }
+- $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);
++ $select_query->addJoin($this->type, $search_path . $right_table, $table['alias'], $condition, $arguments);
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/includes/view.inc b/includes/view.inc
+index d8c0c1f..629d770 100644
+--- a/includes/view.inc
++++ b/includes/view.inc
+@@ -202,6 +202,11 @@ class view extends views_db_object {
+ var $base_database = NULL;
+ /**
++ * Allow to set the search_path for databases which, unlike MySQL, are actually SQL-compliant
++ */
++ var $search_path = NULL;
++ /**
+ * Here comes a list of the possible handler which are active on this view.
+ */
+@@ -899,6 +904,12 @@ class view extends views_db_object {
+ $this->base_database = $views_data['table']['base']['database'];
+ }
++ if (!empty($views_data['table']['base']['search_path'])) {
++ $this->search_path = $views_data['table']['base']['search_path'];
++ } elseif (!empty($views_data['table']['search_path'])) {
++ $this->search_path = $views_data['table']['search_path'];
++ }
+ // Load the options.
+ $query_options = $this->display_handler->get_option('query');
+diff --git a/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc b/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
+index 030c5ea..20889a7 100644
+--- a/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
++++ b/plugins/views_plugin_query_default.inc
+@@ -1290,8 +1290,13 @@ class views_plugin_query_default extends views_plugin_query {
+ // Go ahead and build the query.
+ // db_select doesn't support to specify the key, so use getConnection directly.
++ $table_prefix = '';
++ if (isset($this->view->search_path)) {
++ $table_prefix = $this->view->search_path . '.';
++ }
+ $query = Database::getConnection($target, $key)
+- ->select($this->base_table, $this->base_table, $options)
++ ->select($table_prefix . $this->base_table, $this->base_table, $options)
+ ->addTag('views')
+ ->addTag('views_' . $this->view->name);