@@ -33,22 +33,19 @@ function tripal_chado_field_storage_write($entity_type, $entity, $op, $fields) {
$type_field = $entity->chado_column;
$type_field = $entity->chado_column;
$record = $entity->chado_record;
$record = $entity->chado_record;
$record_id = $entity->chado_record_id;
$record_id = $entity->chado_record_id;
+ $base_schema = chado_get_schema($base_table);
+ $base_pkey = $base_schema['primary key'][0];
// Convert the fields into a key/value list of fields and their values.
// Convert the fields into a key/value list of fields and their values.
$field_vals = tripal_chado_field_storage_merge_fields($fields, $entity_type, $entity);
$field_vals = tripal_chado_field_storage_merge_fields($fields, $entity_type, $entity);
- // Write the record for the base table.
- $record_id = tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table(array(
- 'entity' => $entity,
- 'term' => $term,
- 'op' => $op,
- 'field_vals' => $field_vals,
- 'base_table' => $base_table,
- 'tablename' => $base_table,
- 'type_field' => $type_field,
- 'record_id' => $record_id,
- ));
+ // Write the record for the base table. If this is an update then we'll have
+ // the record_id and we need to add that to our values array.
+ $values = $field_vals[$base_table][0];
+ if ($record_id) {
+ $values[$base_pkey] = $record_id;
+ }
+ $base_record_id = tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($base_table, $values);
// If this is an insert then add the chado_entity record.
// If this is an insert then add the chado_entity record.
@@ -68,185 +65,108 @@ return;
// Now that we have handled the base table, we need to handle linking tables.
// Now that we have handled the base table, we need to handle linking tables.
- foreach ($fields as $field_id) {
- // Get the field using the id.
- $field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
- $field_name = $field['field_name'];
- // If the field has a chado_table setting then we can try to write.
- if (array_key_exists('settings', $field) and array_key_exists('chado_table', $field['settings'])) {
- // Skip fields that use the base table, as we've already handled those.
- if ($field['settings']['chado_table'] != $base_table){
- $field_table = $field['settings']['chado_table'];
- // Iterate through each record.
- if (array_key_exists($field_name, $field_vals)) {
- foreach ($field_vals[$field_name] as $delta => $fvals) {
- tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table(array(
- 'entity' => $entity,
- 'term' => $term,
- 'op' => $op,
- 'field_vals' => $fvals,
- 'base_table' => $base_table,
- 'tablename' => $field_table
- ));
- }
- }
- }
+ foreach ($field_vals as $table_name => $details) {
+ // Skip the base table as we've already dealt with it.
+ if ($table_name == $base_table) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($details as $delta => $values) {
+ $record_id = tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($table_name, $values);
+ * Write (inserts/oupdates) a nested array of values for a table.
+ *
+ * The $values array is of the same format used by chado_insert_record() and
+ * chado_update_record(). However, both of those methods will use any nested
+ * arrays (i.e. representing foreign keys) to select an appropriate record ID
+ * that can be substituted as the value. Here, the nested arrays are
+ * either inserted or updated as well, but the choice is determined if the
+ * primary key value is present. If present an update occurs, if not present
+ * then an insert occurs.
+ * This function is recursive and nested arrays from the lowest point of the
+ * "tree" are dealt with first.
+ *
+ * @param $table_name
+ * The name of the table on which the insertion/update is performed.
+ * @param $values
+ * The values array for the insertion.
+ * @throws Exception
+ * @return
+ * The unique record ID.
-function tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($params) {
- $entity = $params['entity'];
- $term = $params['term'];
- $op = $params['op'];
- $field_vals = $params['field_vals'];
- $base_table = $params['base_table'];
- $tablename = $params['tablename'];
- $type_field = array_key_exists('type_field', $params) ? $params['type_field'] : NULL;
- $record_id = array_key_exists('record_id', $params) ? $params['record_id'] : NULL;
- $depth = array_key_exists('depth', $params) ? $params['depth'] : 0;
- // Intialize the values array.
- $values = array();
- // Get the schema for this table so that we can identify the primary key
- // and foreign keys.
- $schema = chado_get_schema($tablename);
- $pkey_field = $schema['primary key'][0];
- $fkey_fields = $schema['foreign keys'];
- $fkey_fields_list = array();
- $fkey_base_linker = NULL;
- // STEP 1: Recurse on the FK fields.
- // Loop through the foreign keys so that we can recurse on those first.
- foreach ($fkey_fields as $fk_table => $details) {
- foreach ($details['columns'] as $local_id => $remote_id) {
- // If this is the base table then do not recurse on the type_id.
- if ($tablename == $base_table && $local_id == $type_field) {
- $values[$local_id] = $term->details['cvterm']->cvterm_id;
- continue;
- }
- // If this is a linking table, do not recurse on the fields that
- // link back to the base table.
- if ($tablename != $base_table && $details['table'] == $base_table) {
- $fkey_base_linker = $local_id;
- continue;
- }
- // Get the value of the FK field as provided by the user.
- $fk_val = NULL;
- $fk_vals = array();
- $fk_field_name = $tablename . '__' . $local_id;
- if (array_key_exists($fk_field_name, $field_vals)) {
- $fk_val = $field_vals[$fk_field_name][0][$tablename . '__' . $local_id];
- $fk_vals = $field_vals[$fk_field_name][0];
- }
- // Don't recurse if the value of the FK field is set to NULL. The
- // Tripal Chado API value for NULL is '__NULL__'.
- if ($fk_val == "__NULL__") {
- $values[$local_id] = $fk_val;
- continue;
- }
- // Don't recuse if there are no fkvals.
- if (count(array_keys($fk_vals)) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- // Keep track of the FK fields so that in STEP 2 we don't have to
- // loop through the $fk_fields again.
- $fkey_fields_list[] = $local_id;
- // Recurse on the FK field.
- $nparams = $params;
- $nparams['field_vals'] = $fk_vals;
- $nparams['tablename'] = $fk_table;
- $nparams['type_field'] = NULL;
- $nparams['record_id'] = $fk_val;
- $nparams['depth'] = $depth + 1;
- $fk_val = tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($nparams);
- if (isset($fk_val) and $fk_val != '' and $fk_val != 0) {
- $values[$local_id] = $fk_val;
- }
- }
- }
- // STEP 2: Loop through the non FK fields.
- // Loop through the fields passed to the function and find any that
- // are for this table. Then add their values to the $values array.
- foreach ($field_vals as $field_name => $items) {
- if (preg_match('/^' . $tablename . '__(.*)/', $field_name, $matches)) {
- $chado_field = $matches[1];
- // Skip the PKey field. We won't ever insert a primary key and if
- // one is provided in the fields then we use it for matching on an
- // update. We don't add it to the $values array in either case.
- if ($chado_field == $pkey_field) {
- continue;
- }
- // Skip FK fields as those should already have been dealt with the
- // recursive code above.
- if (in_array($chado_field, $fkey_fields_list)) {
- continue;
- }
- // If the value is empty then exclude this field
- if (!$items[0][$tablename . '__' . $chado_field]) {
- continue;
- }
- // Add the value of the field to the $values arr for later insert/update.
- $values[$chado_field] = $items[0][$tablename . '__' . $chado_field];
- }
- }
- // STEP 3: Insert/Update the record.
- // If there are no values then return.
- if (count($values) == 0) {
- return $record_id;
- }
- dpm($values);
- // If we don't have an incoming record ID then this is an insert.
- if ($record_id == NULL) {
- // STEP 3a: Before inserting, we want to make sure the record does not
- // already exist. Using the unique constraint check for a matching record.
- $options = array('is_duplicate' => TRUE);
- $is_duplicate = chado_select_record($tablename, array('*'), $values, $options);
- if($is_duplicate) {
- $record = chado_select_record($tablename, array('*'), $values);
- return $record[0]->$pkey_field;
- }
+function tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($table_name, $values) {
+ $schema = chado_get_schema($table_name);
+ $fkeys = $schema['foreign keys'];
+ $pkey = $schema['primary key'][0];
+ // Before inserting or updating this table, recruse if there are any
+ // nested FK array values.
+ foreach ($values as $column => $value) {
+ // If this value is an array then it must be a FK... let's recurse.
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ // Find the name of the FK table for this column.
+ $fktable_name = '';
+ foreach ($fkeys as $fktable => $details) {
+ foreach ($details['columns'] as $fkey_lcolumn => $fkey_rcolumn) {
+ if ($fkey_lcolumn == $column) {
+ $fktable_name = $fktable;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Recurse on this recod.
+ $record_id = tripal_chado_field_storage_write_table($fktable_name, $values[$column]);
+ $values[$column] = $record_id;
+ }
+ }
- // STEP 3b: Insert the reocrd
- // Insert the values array as a new record in the table.
- $record = chado_insert_record($tablename, $values);
- if ($record === FALSE) {
- throw new Exception('Could not insert Chado record into table: "' . $tablename . '".');
- }
- $record_id = $record[$pkey_field];
- }
- // We have an incoming record_id so this is an update.
- else {
- // TODO: what if the unique constraint matches another record? That is
- // not being tested for here.
- $match[$pkey_field] = $record_id;
- if (!chado_update_record($tablename, $match, $values)) {
- drupal_set_message("Could not update Chado record in table: $tablename.", 'error');
- }
- }
+ // Fields with a cardinality greater than 1 will often submit an
+ // empty form. We want to remove these empty submissions. We can detect
+ // them if all of the fields are empty.
+ $num_empty = 0;
+ foreach ($values as $column => $value) {
+ if (!$value) {
+ $num_empty++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($num_empty == count(array_keys($values))) {
+ return '';
+ }
- return $record_id;
+ // If the primary key column has a value then this will be an udpate,
+ // otherwise it's an insert.
+ if (!$values[$pkey]) {
+ // Before inserting, we want to make sure the record does not
+ // already exist. Using the unique constraint check for a matching record.
+ $options = array('is_duplicate' => TRUE);
+ $is_duplicate = chado_select_record($table_name, array('*'), $values, $options);
+ if($is_duplicate) {
+ $record = chado_select_record($table_name, array('*'), $values);
+ return $record[0]->$pkey_field;
+ }
+ // Insert the values array as a new record in the table.
+ $record = chado_insert_record($table_name, $values);
+ if ($record === FALSE) {
+ throw new Exception('Could not insert Chado record into table: "' . $tablename . '".');
+ }
+ return $record_id = $record[$pkey_field];
+ }
+ // We have an incoming record_id so this is an update.
+ else {
+ // TODO: what if the unique constraint matches another record? That is
+ // not being tested for here.
+ $match[$pkey] = $values[$pkey];
+ if (!chado_update_record($table_name, $match, $values)) {
+ drupal_set_message("Could not update Chado record in table: $tablename.", 'error');
+ }
+ return $values[$pkey];
+ }
@@ -420,15 +340,19 @@ function tripal_chado_field_storage_merge_fields($fields, $entity_type, $entity)
$parent_item_name = $matches[1];
$parent_item_name = $matches[1];
$sub_item_name = $matches[2];
$sub_item_name = $matches[2];
$sub_item = tripal_chado_field_storage_expand_field($sub_item_name, $value);
$sub_item = tripal_chado_field_storage_expand_field($sub_item_name, $value);
- // If we've already encountered this table and column then we've
- // already seen the numeric FK value or we've already added a
- // subcolumn. If the former we want to convert this to an array
- // so we can add the details.
- if (array_key_exists($parent_item_name, $new_fields[$table_name][$delta]) and
- !is_array($new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name])) {
- $new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name] = array();
+ if (count(array_keys($sub_item))) {
+ // If we've already encountered this table and column then we've
+ // already seen the numeric FK value or we've already added a
+ // subcolumn. If the former we want to convert this to an array
+ // so we can add the details.
+ if (!array_key_exists($table_name, $new_fields) or
+ !array_key_exists($delta, $new_fields[$table_name]) or
+ !array_key_exists($parent_item_name, $new_fields[$table_name][$delta]) or
+ !is_array($new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name])) {
+ $new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name] = array();
+ }
+ $new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name] += $sub_item;
- $new_fields[$table_name][$delta][$parent_item_name] += $sub_item;
else {
else {
// If not seen this table and column then just add it. If we've
// If not seen this table and column then just add it. If we've