@@ -307,18 +307,101 @@ function tripal_save_title_format($entity, $format) {
* A default title format.
function tripal_get_default_title_format($entity) {
- $format = array();
+ $format = NULL;
// Retrieve all available tokens.
$tokens = tripal_get_tokens($entity);
- foreach($tokens as $token) {
- if ($token['required']) {
- $format[] = $token['token'];
+ // A) Check to see if more informed modules have suggested a title for this type.
+ // Invoke hook_tripal_default_title_format() to get all suggestions from other modules.
+ $suggestions = module_invoke_all('tripal_default_title_format', $entity, $tokens);
+ if ($suggestions) {
+ // Use the suggestion with the lightest weight.
+ $lightest_key = NULL;
+ foreach ($suggestions as $k => $s) {
+ if ($lightest_key === NULL) $lightest_key = $k;
+ if ($s['weight'] < $lightest_key) $lightest_key = $k;
+ $format = $suggestions[$lightest_key]['format'];
+ }
+ // B) Check to see if any fields contain "name" in the machine name and if so, use them.
+ $name_fields = preg_grep('/name/', array_keys($tokens));
+ if ($name_fields AND !$format) {
+ $format = implode(', ', $name_fields);
+ }
+ // C) Generate our own ugly title by simply comma-separating all the required fields.
+ if (!$format) {
+ $tmp = array();
+ // Check which tokens are required fields and join them into a default format.
+ foreach($tokens as $token) {
+ if ($token['required']) {
+ $tmp[] = $token['token'];
+ }
+ }
+ $format = implode(', ', $tmp);
+ }
+ return $format;
+ * Implement this hook to define default formats for Tripal Content Types.
+ *
+ * @param TripalBundle $entity
+ * A tripal content type entity with information to be used for determining the default title format.
+ * @param array $available_tokens
+ * An array of available tokens for this particular tripal content type.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * An array of potential formats. The lightest weighted format suggested by all modules will be chosen.
+ * Each array item should consist of a 'weight' and 'format'. See the hook implementation below
+ * for examples.
+ * - weight: an integer used to determine priority of suggestions.
+ * The smaller/lighter the number the higher the priority.
+ * Best practice is to use a weight less than 0 for extension modules.
+ * specifically, -2 is a good weight for calculated formats and -5 is a
+ * good weight for hard-coded formats specific to a given type.
+ * - format: a string including approved tokens used to determine the title
+ * on Tripal content pages.
+ */
+function hook_tripal_default_title_format($entity, $available_tokens) {
+ $format = array();
+ // If you want to suggest a default format for a particular vocabulary term:
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Load the term associated with this Tripal Content type.
+ $term = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $entity->term_id));
+ $term = reset($term);
+ // If it's the term you are interested in then suggest a format.
+ if ($term->name == 'organism') {
+ // To suggest a format, add an element to the array with a format & weight key.
+ $format[] = array(
+ // This is the format/pattern you suggest be used to determine the title of organism pages.
+ 'format' => '[organism__genus] [organism__species]',
+ // The weight/priority of your suggestion.
+ 'weight' => -5
+ );
+ }
+ // Say you know that in your particular site, all 'names' are required
+ // and you want to only use the human-readable name:
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $name_field = preg_grep('/__name]$/', array_keys($available_tokens));
+ $name_field = reset($name_field);
+ if (is_string($name_field)) {
+ $format[] = array(
+ 'format' => $name_field,
+ 'weight' => -2,
+ );
- return implode(', ', $format);
+ return $format;
@@ -551,4 +634,4 @@ function hook_vocab_select_term_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
function hook_vocab_get_term($namespace, $accession) {