@@ -201,19 +201,23 @@ class ChadoSchemaTest extends TripalTestCase {
* @group chado
* @group chado-schema
- public function testGetBaseTables($version, $table_name) {
+ public function testGetBaseTables($version, $known_tables) {
// Check: Known base tables for a given version are returned.
$chado_schema = new \ChadoSchema($version);
$returned_tables = $chado_schema->getBaseTables();
foreach ($known_tables as $table_name) {
- $this->assertArrayHasKey(
- $table_name,
- $returned_tables,
- t('The table, "!known", should exist in the returned base tables list for version !version.',
- array(':known' => $table_name, ':version' => $version))
- );
+ $found = false;
+ foreach ($returned_tables as $check_table ){
+ if ($check_table == $table_name){
+ $found = True;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertTrue($found, "{$table_name} was not returned by getBaseTables for Chado v {$version}");
@@ -227,18 +231,19 @@ class ChadoSchemaTest extends TripalTestCase {
* @group chado
* @group chado-schema
- public function testGetCvtermMapping($version, $table_name) {
- // Ideally we would create a new chado table + mapping and then test this pulls it out
- // since admin can re-map terms. However, that's more then I meant to bite off right
- // now...
- // @todo Test that known terms match the tables we expect.
- // @todo Test that a non-existent term throws an error.
- // @todo Test that an fake unmapped term returns no mapping.
- }
+ // public function testGetCvtermMapping($version, $table_name) {
+ //
+// // Ideally we would create a new chado table + mapping and then test this pulls it out
+// // since admin can re-map terms. However, that's more then I meant to bite off right
+// // now...
+// // @todo Test that known terms match the tables we expect.
+// // @todo Test that a non-existent term throws an error.
+// // @todo Test that an fake unmapped term returns no mapping.
+ // }
* Data Provider: returns known tables specific to a given chado version.