@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
* The name of the bundle (i.e. content type) to which the entities belong.
protected $bundle_name = '';
+ /**
+ * The collection ID
+ */
+ protected $collection_id = NULL;
* The name of this collection.
@@ -32,6 +38,11 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
protected $downloaders = array();
+ /**
+ * The description for this collection.
+ */
+ protected $description = '';
* Constructs a new instance of the TripalEntityCollection class.
@@ -39,6 +50,44 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
+ /**
+ * Deletes the current collection
+ */
+ public function delete() {
+ if (!$this->collection_id) {
+ throw new Exception('This data collection object has not yet been loaded. Cannot delete.');
+ }
+ try {
+ db_delete('tripal_collection')
+ ->condition('collection_id', $this->collection_id)
+ ->execute();
+ // Remove any files that may have been created
+ foreach ($this->downloaders as $class_name => $label) {
+ tripal_load_include_downloader_class($class_name);
+ $outfile = $this->getOutfile($class_name);
+ $downloader = new $class_name($this->bundle_name, $this->ids, $this->fields,
+ $outfile, $this->getUserID());
+ $downloader->delete();
+ }
+ // Reset the class to defaults.
+ $this->collection_id = NULL;
+ $this->bundle_name = '';
+ $this->collection_name = '';
+ $this->create_date = '';
+ $this->description = '';
+ $this->fields = array();
+ $this->ids = array();
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ throw new Exception('Cannot delete collection: ' . $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
* Loads an existing collection using a collection ID.
@@ -48,6 +97,7 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
* @throws Exception
public function load($collection_id) {
// Make sure we have a numeric job_id.
if (!$collection_id or !is_numeric($collection_id)) {
throw new Exception("You must provide the collection_id to load the collection.");
@@ -70,31 +120,36 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
$this->user = user_load($collection->uid);
$this->ids = unserialize($collection->ids);
$this->fields = unserialize($collection->fields);
+ $this->description = $collection->description;
+ $this->collection_id = $collection->collection_id;
// Iterate through the fields and find out what download formats are
// supported for this basket.
foreach ($this->fields as $field_id) {
$field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
+ if (!$field) {
+ continue;
+ }
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$field_type = $field['type'];
$field_module = $field['module'];
$instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $field_name, $this->bundle_name);
- $settings = $instance['settings'];
$downloaders = array();
- if (array_key_exists('download_formatters', $settings)) {
- foreach ($settings['download_formatters'] as $class_name) {
- if (!in_array($class_name, $settings['download_formatters'])) {
- tripal_load_include_downloader_class($class_name);
- $this->downloaders[$class_name] = $class_name::$label;
- }
- // For backwards compatibility for fields that don't have
- // the download_formatters we'll set tab-delimeted and CSV
- // downloaders.
- else {
- tripal_load_include_downloader_class('TripalTabDownloader');
- $this->downloaders[$class_name] = $class_name::$label;
- tripal_load_include_downloader_class('TripalCSVDownloader');
- $this->downloaders[$class_name] = $class_name::$label;
+ // All fields should support the Tab and CSV downloaders.
+ tripal_load_include_downloader_class('TripalTabDownloader');
+ $this->downloaders['TripalTabDownloader'] = TripalTabDownloader::$label;
+ tripal_load_include_downloader_class('TripalCSVDownloader');
+ $this->downloaders['TripalCSVDownloader'] = TripalCSVDownloader::$label;
+ if (tripal_load_include_field_class($field_type)) {
+ $settings = $field_type::$default_instance_settings;
+ if (array_key_exists('download_formatters', $settings)) {
+ foreach ($settings['download_formatters'] as $class_name) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($class_name, $this->downloaders)) {
+ tripal_load_include_downloader_class($class_name);
+ $this->downloaders[$class_name] = $class_name::$label;
+ }
@@ -229,6 +284,26 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
return $this->collection_name;
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the collection ID.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * A numeric ID for this collection.
+ */
+ public function getCollectionID(){
+ return $this->collection_id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retreives the collection description
+ *
+ * @return
+ * A string containing the description of the collection.
+ */
+ public function getDescription() {
+ return $this->description;
+ }
* Retrieves the user object of the user that owns the collection
@@ -253,12 +328,18 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
- * Writes the collection to a file.
+ * Retrieves the output filename for the desired formatter.
- * @param formatter
- * The name of the formatter class to use (e.g. TripalTabDownloader).
+ * @param $formatter
+ * The class name of the formatter to use. The formatter must
+ * be compatible with the data collection.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
- public function write($formatter) {
+ public function getOutfile($formatter) {
+ if(!$this->isFormatterCompatible($formatter)) {
+ throw new Exception(t('The formatter, "%formatter", is not compatible with this data collection.', array('%formatter' => $formatter)));
+ }
if (!tripal_load_include_downloader_class($formatter)) {
throw new Exception(t('Cannot find the formatter named "@formatter".', array('@formatter', $formatter)));
@@ -268,6 +349,95 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
$create_date = $this->getCreateDate(FALSE);
$outfile = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', ucwords($this->collection_name)) . '_collection' . '_' . $create_date . '.' . $extension;
+ return $outfile;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates if the given formatter is compatible with the data collection.
+ *
+ * @param $formatter
+ * The class name of the formatter to check.
+ * @return boolean
+ * TRUE if the formatter is compatible, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+ public function isFormatterCompatible($formatter) {
+ foreach ($this->downloaders as $class_name => $label) {
+ if ($class_name == $formatter) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the collection to all file downloadable formats.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public function writeAll() {
+ foreach ($this->downloaders as $class_name => $lable) {
+ $this->write($class_name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the URL for the downloadable file.
+ *
+ * @param $formatter
+ * The name of the class
+ */
+ public function getOutfileURL($formatter) {
+ $outfile = $this->getOutfilePath($formatter);
+ return file_create_url($outfile);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the path for the downloadable file.
+ *
+ * The path is in the Drupal URI format.
+ *
+ * @param $formatter
+ * The name of the class
+ */
+ public function getOutfilePath($formatter) {
+ if(!$this->isFormatterCompatible($formatter)) {
+ throw new Exception(t('The formatter, "@formatter", is not compatible with this data collection.', array('@formatter' => $formatter)));
+ }
+ if (!tripal_load_include_downloader_class($formatter)) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Cannot find the formatter named "@formatter".', array('@formatter', $formatter)));
+ }
+ $outfile = $this->getOutfile($formatter);
+ $downloader = new $formatter($this->bundle_name, $this->ids, $this->fields, $outfile, $this->user->uid);
+ return $downloader->getURL();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes the collection to a file.
+ *
+ * @param formatter
+ * The name of the formatter class to use (e.g. TripalTabDownloader). The
+ * formatter must be compatible with the data collection.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public function write($formatter) {
+ if(!$this->isFormatterCompatible($formatter)) {
+ throw new Exception(t('The formatter, "@formatter", is not compatible with this data collection.', array('@formatter' => $formatter)));
+ }
+ if (!tripal_load_include_downloader_class($formatter)) {
+ throw new Exception(t('Cannot find the formatter named "@formatter".', array('@formatter', $formatter)));
+ }
+ $outfile = $this->getOutfile($formatter);
// Filter out fields that aren't supported by the formatter.
$supported_fields = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $field_id) {
@@ -284,10 +454,13 @@ class TripalEntityCollection {
// field and if so then add it to our list of supported fields.
$field = field_info_field_by_id($field_id);
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
- $instance = field_info_instance('TripalEntity', $field_name, $this->bundle_name);
- if (array_key_exists('download_formatters', $instance['settings'])) {
- if (in_array($formatter, $instance['settings']['download_formatters'])) {
- $supported_fields[] = $field_id;
+ $field_type = $field['type'];
+ if (tripal_load_include_field_class($field_type)) {
+ $settings = $field_type::$default_instance_settings;
+ if (array_key_exists('download_formatters', $settings)) {
+ if (in_array($formatter, $settings['download_formatters'])) {
+ $supported_fields[] = $field_id;
+ }