@@ -38,32 +38,7 @@ function tripal_analysis_blast_menu() {
return $items;
-function tripal_analysis_blast_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit=array()){
- switch($op) {
- case 'list':
- $blocks['results']['info'] = t('Tripal Blast Analysis Results');
- $blocks['results']['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
- return $blocks;
- case 'view':
- if(user_access('access chado_analysis_blast content') and arg(0) == 'node' and is_numeric(arg(1))) {
- $nid = arg(1);
- $node = node_load($nid);
- $block = array();
- switch($delta){
- case 'results':
- $block['subject'] = t('Blast Results');
- $block['content'] = theme('tripal_analysis_blast_results', $node);
- break;
- default :
- }
- return $block;
- }
- }
* tripal_analysis_blast_nodeapi()
@@ -109,28 +84,20 @@ function tripal_analysis_blast_theme () {
return array(
'tripal_analysis_blast_results_index_version' => array (
'arguments' => array('node'),
- ),
- 'tripal_analysis_blast_results' => array (
- 'arguments' => array('node'=> null),
- 'template' => 'tripal_analysis_blast_results',
- ),
+ ),
+ 'tripal_analysis_blast_results' => array(
+ 'arguments' => array('node'=> null),
+ 'template' => 'tripal_analysis_blast_results',
+ )
- * Prepare blast result for the feature shown on the page
- */
-//function theme_tripal_analysis_blast_results ($node) {
-// $feature = $node->feature;
-// $content = tripal_get_blast_results($feature->feature_id, 0, 10, 0);
-// return $content;
function tripal_analysis_blast_preprocess_tripal_analysis_blast_results(&$variables){
$feature = $variables['node']->feature;
- $variables['tripal_analysis_blast']['results'] = tripal_get_blast_results($feature->feature_id, 0, 10, 0);
+ $blast_object = tripal_get_blast_results($feature->feature_id, 0, 10, 0);
+ $variables['blast_object'] = $blast_object;
@@ -164,11 +131,14 @@ function tripal_get_blast_results($feature_id, $db_id, $max,$ajax){
INNER JOIN analysisfeature AF ON AF.analysisfeature_id = AFP.analysisfeature_id
INNER JOIN analysisprop AP ON AP.analysis_id = AF.analysis_id
WHERE feature_id = %d
- AND AFP.type_id = %d ";
+ AND AFP.type_id = %d
+ AND AP.value like '%|%' ";
$result = db_query($sql, $feature_id, $type_id);
// get the HTML content for viewing each of the XML file
+ $blast_obj_array = array ();
+ $blast_obj_counter = 0;
while ($analysisfeatureprop = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// get db_id
@@ -189,9 +159,9 @@ function tripal_get_blast_results($feature_id, $db_id, $max,$ajax){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {db} WHERE db_id=%d";
$db = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $att_db_id));
- $content .= parse_NCBI_Blast_XML($analysisfeatureprop->afpvalue,$db,$max,$feature_id,$ajax, $analysis);
+ $blast_obj = tripal_analysis_blast_get_result_object($analysisfeatureprop->afpvalue,$db,$max,$feature_id, $analysis);
+ $blast_obj_array [$blast_obj_counter] = $blast_obj;
+ $blast_obj_counter ++;
// Otherwise, only update expandable box the user has clicked on
} else {
if ($att_db_id == $db_id) {
@@ -200,7 +170,9 @@ function tripal_get_blast_results($feature_id, $db_id, $max,$ajax){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {db} WHERE db_id=%d";
$db = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $att_db_id));
- $content .= parse_NCBI_Blast_XML($analysisfeatureprop->afpvalue,$db,$max,$feature_id,$ajax, $analysis);
+ $blast_obj = tripal_analysis_blast_get_result_object($analysisfeatureprop->afpvalue,$db,$max,$feature_id, $analysis);
+ $blast_obj_array [$blast_obj_counter] = $blast_obj;
+ $blast_obj_counter ++;
@@ -210,9 +182,10 @@ function tripal_get_blast_results($feature_id, $db_id, $max,$ajax){
// within the blast hits we need to setup the return
// different depending on the request type
+ $content = theme('tripal_analysis_blast_results', $node);drupal_set_message("CONTENT:".$content);
drupal_json(array('update' => $content));
} else {
- return $content;
+ return $blast_obj_array;
@@ -265,308 +238,7 @@ function tripal_get_blast_results_index_version ($feature_id){
return $content;
- * parse_NCBI_Blast_XML()
- * Parse XML BLAST result and generate HTML output
- */
-function parse_NCBI_Blast_XML($xml_string,$db,$max,$feature_id,$ajax, $analysis) {
- // Get the parser using db_id
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_analysis_blast} WHERE db_id = %d";
- $parser = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $db->db_id));
- $db_name = $parser->displayname;
- $is_genbank = $parser->genbank_style;
- $regex_hit_id = $parser->regex_hit_id;
- $regex_hit_def = $parser->regex_hit_def;
- $regex_hit_accession = $parser->regex_hit_accession;
- // set default if regular expressions have not been specified
- if(!$regex_hit_id){
- $regex_hit_id = '/^(.*?)\s.*$/';
- } else {
- $regex_hit_id = '/'.$regex_hit_id.'/';
- }
- if(!$regex_hit_def){
- $regex_hit_def = '/^.*?\s(.*)$/';
- } else {
- $regex_hit_def = '/'.$regex_hit_def.'/';
- }
- if(!$regex_hit_accession){
- $regex_hit_accession = '/^(.*?)\s.*$/';
- } else {
- $regex_hit_accession = '/'.$regex_hit_accession.'/';
- }
- // add a URL for this database if one exists
- if($db->url && $db_name){
- $db_name = "<a href=\"$db->url\">$db_name</a>";
- }
- $url = url("sites/all/themes/theme_tripal/images/ajax-loader.gif");
- // generate the HTML header for the table of blast results
- if(!$ajax){ // don't regenerate the header divs if this is an ajax request
- // add on the ajaxLoading box for use when updating via ajax
- $html_out .= "<div id=\"tripal_ajaxLoading\" style=\"display:none\">".
- "<div id=\"loadingText\">Loading...</div>".
- "<img src=\"$url\"></div>";
- if (!$db_name) {
- $html_out .= "<div id=\"blast-hits\" class=\"tripal_blast-info-box\">".
- "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBox\">".
- "<h3>$analysis->name</h3></div>".
- "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBoxContent\" ".
- "id=\"blast_db_$db->db_id\">";
- } else {
- $html_out .= "<div id=\"blast-hits\" class=\"tripal_blast-info-box\">".
- "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBox\">".
- "<h3>$db_name</h3></div>".
- "<div class=\"tripal_expandableBoxContent\" ".
- "id=\"blast_db_$db->db_id\">";
- }
- };
- // Find node id for the analysis
- $ana_nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {chado_analysis} WHERE analysis_id = %d", $analysis->aid));
- $ana_url = url("node/".$ana_nid);
- // Show analysis date and name
- $html_out .= "<strong>Analysis Date: </strong>$analysis->time (<a href=$ana_url>$analysis->name</a>)<br>";
- // Load the file. This XML file should be an extract
- // of the original XML file with only a single iteration.
- // An iteration is essentially all the hits for a single
- // query sequence.
- $xml_output = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
- $iteration = '';
- // new XML file parser has added the feature name within <Iteration_query-def> tags.
- if ($xml_output->getName() == 'Iteration') {
- foreach ($xml_output->children() as $xml_tag) {
- if ($xml_tag->getName() == 'Iteration_query-def') {
- // Here we show the feature name again to check if we pull the correct data
-// $html_out .= "Query: $xml_tag<br>";
- } else if ($xml_tag->getName() == 'Iteration_hits') {
- $iteration = $xml_tag;
- }
- }
- // This is for the file parsed by the old parser
- } else {
- $iteration = $xml_output;
- }
- $number_hits = 0;
- foreach($iteration->children() as $hits){
- $number_hits ++;
- }
- // add the links for updating blast info using Ajax
- if($max != 10){
- $url = url("tripal_top_blast/$feature_id/$db->db_id/10");
- $html_out .= "<span><a onclick=\"return tripal_update_blast(".
- "this,$db->db_id)\" href=\"$url\">Show Best 10 Hits</a></span>";
- } else {
- $html_out .= "<span>Best 10 Hits Shown</span>";
- }
- if($number_hits <= 10){
- // Do nothing if number of hits <= 10
- } else if ($max != 25) {
- $url = url("tripal_top_blast/$feature_id/$db->db_id/25");
- $html_out .= "<span> | <a onclick=\"return tripal_update_blast(".
- "this,$db->db_id)\" href=\"$url\">Show Best 25 Hits</a></span>";
- }else {
- $html_out .= "<span> | Best 25 Hits Shown</span>";
- }
- if($number_hits <= 25){
- // Do nothing if number of hits <= 25
- } else if ($max != 0) {
- $url = url("tripal_top_blast/$feature_id/$db->db_id/0");
- $html_out .= "<span> | <a onclick=\"return tripal_update_blast(".
- "this,$db->db_id)\" href=\"$url\">Show All Hits</a> </span>";
- } else {
- $html_out .= "<span> | All Hits Shown</span>";
- }
- $html_out .= '<br><span><i>Note:</i> Click a description for more details.'.
- '</span>';
- $html_out .= '<span><table class="tripal_blast_results_table">'.
- ' <tr>'.
- ' <th nowrap>Match Name</th>'.
- ' <th nowrap>E value</th>'.
- ' <th nowrap>Identity</th>'.
- ' <th nowrap>Description</th>'.
- ' </tr>';
- // now run through the blast hits/hsps of this iteration
- // and generate the rows of the table
- foreach($iteration->children() as $hits){
- // if we've hit the maximum number of hits then
- // return
- if($max > 0 && $hit_count >= $max){
- $html_out .= '</table></span>';
- if(!$ajax){
- $html_out .= '</div></div>';
- }
- return $html_out;
- }
- $hit_count++;
- foreach($hits->children() as $hit){
- $best_evalue = 0;
- $best_identity = 0;
- $best_len = 0;
- $element_name = $hit->getName();
- if($element_name == 'Hit_id'){
- // if parsing "name, acc, desc" from three tags (1/3)
- if ($is_genbank) {
- $hit_name = $hit;
- }
- } else if($element_name == 'Hit_def'){
- if($is_genbank){
- $description = $hit;
- } else {
- $accession = preg_replace($regex_hit_accession,"$1",$hit);
- $hit_name = preg_replace($regex_hit_id,"$1",$hit);
- $description = preg_replace($regex_hit_def,"$1",$hit);
- }
- } else if($element_name == 'Hit_accession'){
- // if parsing "name, acc, desc" from three tags (3/3)
- if ($is_genbank){
- $accession = $hit;
- }
- // now run through each HSP for this hit
- } else if($element_name == 'Hit_hsps'){
- foreach($hit->children() as $hsp){
- foreach($hsp->children() as $hsp_info){
- $element_name = $hsp_info->getName();
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_num'){
- $hsp_num = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_bit-score'){
- $hsp_bit_score = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_score'){
- $hsp_score = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_evalue'){
- $hsp_evalue = $hsp_info;
- // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
- // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
- // info for the overall match.
- if(!$best_evalue){
- $best_evalue = $hsp_evalue;
- }
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-from'){
- $hsp_query_from = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-to'){
- $hsp_query_to = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_hit-from'){
- $hsp_hit_from = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_hit-to'){
- $hsp_hit_to = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-frame'){
- $hsp_query_frame = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_identity'){
- $hsp_identity = $hsp_info;
- // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
- // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
- // info for the overall match.
- if(!$best_identity){
- $best_identity = $hsp_identity;
- }
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_positive'){
- $hsp_positive = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_align-len'){
- $hsp_align_len = $hsp_info;
- // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
- // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
- // info for the overall match.
- if(!$best_len){
- $best_len = $hsp_align_len;
- }
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_qseq'){
- $hsp_qseq = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_hseq'){
- $hsp_hseq = $hsp_info;
- }
- if($element_name == 'Hsp_midline'){
- $hsp_midline = $hsp_info;
- }
- }
- if($hsp_num > 1){
- // $html_out .="<br>";
- }
- $hsp_html_out .="<b>HSP $hsp_num</b> <pre>Score: ".
- "$hsp_bit_score bits ($hsp_score), ".
- "Expect = $hsp_evalue<br>";
- $hsp_html_out .= sprintf("Identity = %d/%d (%.2f%%), ".
- "Postives = %d/%d (%.2f%%), ".
- "Query Frame = $hsp_query_frame".
- "</pre>",
- $hsp_identity, $hsp_align_len,
- $hsp_identity/$hsp_align_len*100,
- $hsp_positive, $hsp_align_len,
- $hsp_positive/$hsp_align_len*100);
- $hsp_html_out .= sprintf("<pre>Query: %4d $hsp_qseq %d".
- "<br>",
- $hsp_query_from,$hsp_query_to);
- $hsp_html_out .= sprintf(" $hsp_midline<br>");
- $hsp_html_out .= sprintf("Sbjct: %4d $hsp_hseq %d</pre>".
- "<br>",
- $hsp_hit_from,$hsp_hit_to);
- }
- }
- }
- $arrowr_url = url(drupal_get_path('theme', 'tripal')."/images/arrow_r.png");
- $html_out .= "<tr>";
- if($accession && $db->urlprefix){
- $html_out .= "<td><a href=\"$db->urlprefix$accession\" target=\"_blank\">$hit_name</a></td>";
- } else {
- // Test if this is another feature in the database
- $sql = "SELECT feature_id FROM {feature} WHERE uniquename = '%s'";
- $previous_db = db_set_active('chado');
- $hit_feature_id = db_result(db_query($sql, $hit_name));
- db_set_active($previous_db);
- // If it is, add link to that feature
- if ($hit_feature_id) {
- $hit_url = url("ID$hit_feature_id");
- $html_out .= "<td><a href=\"$hit_url\" target=\"_blank\">$hit_name</a></td>";
- } else {
- $html_out .= "<td>$hit_name</td>";
- }
- }
- $html_out .= "<td nowrap>$best_evalue</td>";
- $percent_identity = number_format($best_identity/$best_len*100, 2);
- $html_out .= "<td nowrap>$percent_identity%</td>";
- $html_out .= "<td nowrap>$description</td>";
- $html_out .= "</tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan=4>
- <a class=\"blast-hit-arrow-icon\"><img src=$arrowr_url align=\"top\"> View Alignment</a>
- <div class=\"tripal_expandableSubBox\"></div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan=4><div class=\"tripal_expandableSubBoxContent\">$hsp_html_out</div><td>
- </tr>";
- $hsp_html_out = '';
- }
- $html_out .= '</table></span>';
- if(!$ajax){
- // we don't have the header div's when ajax is being used to update
- $html_out .= '</div></div>';
- }
- return $html_out;
* Parse NCBI Blast results for indexing so that user can use blast results to
* find corresponding features
@@ -1675,3 +1347,234 @@ function chado_analysis_blast_access($op, $node, $account){
return FALSE;
+ *
+ */
+function tripal_analysis_blast_get_result_object($xml_string,$db,$max,$feature_id, $analysis) {
+ $blast_object = new stdClass();
+ // Get the parser using db_id
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_analysis_blast} WHERE db_id = %d";
+ $parser = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $db->db_id));
+ $db_name = $parser->displayname;
+ $is_genbank = $parser->genbank_style;
+ $regex_hit_id = $parser->regex_hit_id;
+ $regex_hit_def = $parser->regex_hit_def;
+ $regex_hit_accession = $parser->regex_hit_accession;
+ // set default if regular expressions have not been specified
+ if(!$regex_hit_id){
+ $regex_hit_id = '/^(.*?)\s.*$/';
+ } else {
+ $regex_hit_id = '/'.$regex_hit_id.'/';
+ }
+ if(!$regex_hit_def){
+ $regex_hit_def = '/^.*?\s(.*)$/';
+ } else {
+ $regex_hit_def = '/'.$regex_hit_def.'/';
+ }
+ if(!$regex_hit_accession){
+ $regex_hit_accession = '/^(.*?)\s.*$/';
+ } else {
+ $regex_hit_accession = '/'.$regex_hit_accession.'/';
+ }
+ // Get analysis information
+ $blast_object->analysis = $analysis;
+ $blast_object->db = $db;
+ if (!$db_name) {
+ $blast_object->title = $analysis->name;
+ } else {
+ $blast_object->title = $db_name;
+ }
+ // Find node id for the analysis
+ $ana_nid = db_result(db_query("SELECT nid FROM {chado_analysis} WHERE analysis_id = %d", $analysis->aid));
+ $blast_object->ana_nid = $ana_nid;
+ $blast_object->ana_time = $analysis->time;
+ $blast_object->ana_name = $analysis->name;
+ // Load the file. This XML file should be an extract
+ // of the original XML file with only a single iteration.
+ // An iteration is essentially all the hits for a single
+ // query sequence.
+ $xml_output = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
+ $iteration = '';
+ // new XML file parser has added the feature name within <Iteration_query-def> tags.
+ if ($xml_output->getName() == 'Iteration') {
+ foreach ($xml_output->children() as $xml_tag) {
+ if ($xml_tag->getName() == 'Iteration_query-def') {
+ // Here we show the feature name again to check if we pull the correct data
+ $blast_object->xml_tag = $xml_tag;
+ } else if ($xml_tag->getName() == 'Iteration_hits') {
+ $iteration = $xml_tag;
+ }
+ }
+ // This is for the file parsed by the old parser
+ } else {
+ $iteration = $xml_output;
+ }
+ $number_hits = 0;
+ foreach($iteration->children() as $hits){
+ $number_hits ++;
+ }
+ // add the links for updating blast info using Ajax
+ $blast_object->max = $max;
+ $blast_object->number_hits = $number_hits;
+ $blast_object->feature_id = $feature_id;
+ $hits_array = array();
+ $hit_count = 0;
+ foreach($iteration->children() as $hits){
+ $hsp_array = array();
+ $counter = 0;
+ foreach($hits->children() as $hit){
+ $best_evalue = 0;
+ $best_identity = 0;
+ $best_len = 0;
+ $element_name = $hit->getName();
+ if($element_name == 'Hit_id'){
+ // if parsing "name, acc, desc" from three tags (1/3)
+ if ($is_genbank) {
+ $hit_name = $hit;
+ }
+ } else if($element_name == 'Hit_def'){
+ if($is_genbank){
+ $description = $hit;
+ } else {
+ $accession = preg_replace($regex_hit_accession,"$1",$hit);
+ $hit_name = preg_replace($regex_hit_id,"$1",$hit);
+ $description = preg_replace($regex_hit_def,"$1",$hit);
+ }
+ } else if($element_name == 'Hit_accession'){
+ // if parsing "name, acc, desc" from three tags (3/3)
+ if ($is_genbank){
+ $accession = $hit;
+ }
+ // now run through each HSP for this hit
+ } else if($element_name == 'Hit_hsps'){
+ foreach($hit->children() as $hsp){
+ foreach($hsp->children() as $hsp_info){
+ $element_name = $hsp_info->getName();
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_num'){
+ $hsp_num = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_bit-score'){
+ $hsp_bit_score = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_score'){
+ $hsp_score = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_evalue'){
+ $hsp_evalue = $hsp_info;
+ // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
+ // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
+ // info for the overall match.
+ if(!$best_evalue){
+ $best_evalue = $hsp_evalue;
+ }
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-from'){
+ $hsp_query_from = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-to'){
+ $hsp_query_to = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_hit-from'){
+ $hsp_hit_from = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_hit-to'){
+ $hsp_hit_to = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_query-frame'){
+ $hsp_query_frame = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_identity'){
+ $hsp_identity = $hsp_info;
+ // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
+ // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
+ // info for the overall match.
+ if(!$best_identity){
+ $best_identity = $hsp_identity;
+ }
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_positive'){
+ $hsp_positive = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_align-len'){
+ $hsp_align_len = $hsp_info;
+ // use the first evalue for this set of HSPs
+ // as the best evalue. This get's shown as
+ // info for the overall match.
+ if(!$best_len){
+ $best_len = $hsp_align_len;
+ }
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_qseq'){
+ $hsp_qseq = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_hseq'){
+ $hsp_hseq = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ if($element_name == 'Hsp_midline'){
+ $hsp_midline = $hsp_info;
+ }
+ }
+ $hsp_content = array();
+ $hsp_content ['hsp_num'] = $hsp_num;
+ $hsp_content ['bit_score'] = $hsp_bit_score;
+ $hsp_content ['score'] = $hsp_score;
+ $hsp_content ['evalue'] = $hsp_evalue;
+ $hsp_content ['query_frame'] = $hsp_query_frame;
+ $hsp_content ['qseq'] = $hsp_qseq;
+ $hsp_content ['midline'] = $hsp_midline;
+ $hsp_content ['hseq'] = $hsp_hseq;
+ $hsp_content ['hit_from'] = $hsp_hit_from;
+ $hsp_content ['hit_to'] = $hsp_hit_to;
+ $hsp_content['identity'] = $hsp_identity;
+ $hsp_content['align_len'] = $hsp_align_len;
+ $hsp_content['positive'] = $hsp_positive;
+ $hsp_content['query_from'] = $hsp_query_from;
+ $hsp_content['query_to'] = $hsp_query_to;
+ $hsp_array[$counter] = $hsp_content;
+ $counter ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $arrowr_url = url(drupal_get_path('theme', 'tripal')."/images/arrow_r.png");
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['arrowr_url'] = $arrowr_url;
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['accession'] = $accession;
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['hit_name'] = $hit_name;
+ if($accession && $db->urlprefix){
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['hit_url'] = "$db->urlprefix$accession";
+ } else {
+ // Test if this is another feature in the database
+ $sql = "SELECT feature_id FROM {feature} WHERE uniquename = '%s'";
+ $previous_db = db_set_active('chado');
+ $hit_feature_id = db_result(db_query($sql, $hit_name));
+ db_set_active($previous_db);
+ // If it is, add link to that feature
+ if ($hit_feature_id) {
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['hit_url'] = "ID$hit_feature_id";
+ }
+ }
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['best_evalue'] = $best_evalue;
+ $percent_identity = number_format($best_identity/$best_len*100, 2);
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['percent_identity'] = $percent_identity;
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['description'] = $description;
+ $hits_array[$hit_count]['hsp'] = $hsp_array;
+ $hit_count ++;
+ // if we've hit the maximum number of hits then return
+ if($max > 0 && $hit_count >= $max){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $blast_object->hits_array = $hits_array;
+ return $blast_object;