@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
field_attach_load($entity->type, array($entity->id => $entity),
FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT, array('field_id' => $field['id']));
- $this->addEntityField($key_adj, $entity, $field, $instance, $service_path, $expfield);
+ $this->addEntityField($key_adj, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path, $expfield);
@@ -127,19 +127,20 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$vocab = $term->vocab;
// Add the vocabulary to the context.
- $this->resource->addContextItem($vocab->vocabulary, $term->urlprefix);
$this->resource->addContextItem($term->name, $term->url);
// Get the TripalEntity
$entity = tripal_load_entity('TripalEntity', array('id' => $entity_id));
$entity = reset($entity);
+ $itemPage = tripal_get_term_details('schema', 'ItemPage');
+ $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
- $this->resource->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
- $this->resource->addContextItem('itemPage', 'schema:itemPage');
+ $this->resource->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
+ $this->resource->addContextItem('ItemPage', $itemPage['url']);
$this->resource->addProperty('label', $entity->title);
- $this->resource->addProperty('itemPage', url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
+ $this->resource->addProperty('ItemPage', url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->addEntityFields($entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path);
@@ -152,6 +153,10 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
private function addEntityFields($entity, $bundle, $term, $service_path) {
+ // If the entity is set to hide fields that have no values then we
+ // want to honor that in the web services too.
+ $hide_fields = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle->id, 'hide');
// Get information about the fields attached to this bundle and sort them
// in the order they were set for the display.
$instances = field_info_instances('TripalEntity', $bundle->name);
@@ -185,56 +190,49 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$vocabulary = $instance['settings']['term_vocabulary'];
$accession = $instance['settings']['term_accession'];
$term = tripal_get_term_details($vocabulary, $accession);
- if ($term) {
- $key = $term['name'];
- $key_adj = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $key));
- // The term schema:url also points to a recource so we need
- // to make sure we set the type to be '@id'.
- if ($vocabulary == 'schema' and $accession == 'url') {
- $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, array(
- '@id' => $term['url'],
- '@type' => '@id',
- ));
- }
- else {
- $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, $term['url']);
- }
- }
- else {
+ if (!$term) {
+ $key = $term['name'];
+ $key_adj = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $key));
// If this field should not be attached by default then just add a link
// so that the caller can get the information separately.
$instance_settings = $instance['settings'];
if (array_key_exists('auto_attach', $instance['settings']) and
$instance_settings['auto_attach'] == FALSE) {
- $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, array(
- '@id' => '', //$response['@context'][$key_adj],
- '@type' => '@id'
- ));
// Add a URL only if there are values. If there are no values then
// don't add a URL which would make the end-user think they can get
// that information.
$items = field_get_items('TripalEntity', $entity, $field_name);
if ($items and count($items) > 0 and $items[0]['value']) {
- $this->resource->addProperty($key_adj, $service_path . '/' . $entity->id . '/' . urlencode($key));
+ $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, $term['url']);
+ $this->resource->addProperty($key_adj, $service_path . '/' . $entity->id . '/' . urlencode($term['name']));
else {
- $this->resource->addProperty($key_adj, NULL);
+ if ($hide_fields == 'show') {
+ $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, $term['url']);
+ $this->resource->addProperty($key_adj, NULL);
+ }
// Get the details for this field for the JSON-LD response.
- $this->addEntityField($key_adj, $entity, $field, $instance, $service_path);
+ $this->addEntityField($key_adj, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance, $service_path);
* Adds the field as a property of the entity resource.
- private function addEntityField($key, $entity, $field, $instance, $service_path, $expfield = NULL) {
+ private function addEntityField($key, $term, $entity, $bundle, $field, $instance,
+ $service_path, $expfield = NULL) {
+ // If the entity is set to hide fields that have no values then we
+ // want to honor that in the web services too.
+ $hide_fields = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle->id, 'hide');
// Get the field settings.
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$field_settings = $field['settings'];
@@ -252,11 +250,16 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$values = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
- $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($items[$i]['value'], $service_path);
+ $values[$i] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($items[$i]['value'], $bundle, $service_path);
+ }
+ if ($hide_fields == 'hide' and empty($values[0])) {
+ return;
// If the field cardinality is 1
- if ($field[cardinality] == 1) {
+ if ($field['cardinality'] == 1) {
// If the value is an array and this is the field page then all of those
// key/value pairs should be added directly to the response.
if (is_array($values[0])) {
@@ -266,41 +269,46 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
else {
+ $this->resource->addContextItem($key, $term['url']);
$this->resource->addProperty($key, $values[0]);
// If the value is not an array it's a scalar so add it as is to the
// response.
else {
+ $this->resource->addContextItem($key, $term['url']);
$this->resource->addProperty($key, $values[0]);
// If the field cardinality is > 1
- if ($field[cardinality] != 1) {
+ if ($field['cardinality'] != 1) {
// If this is the expanded field page then we need to swap out
// the resource for a collection.
- if ($expfield) {
- $this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path . '/' . urlencode($expfield));
- $this->resource->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
- $this->resource->addProperty('label', $instance['label']);
- foreach ($values as $delta => $element) {
- $member = new TripalWebServiceResource($service_path);
- foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
- $member->addContextItem($key, '');
- $member->addProperty($key, $value);
- }
- $this->resource->addMember($member);
+ $response = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path . '/' . urlencode($expfield));
+ $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
+ $response->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
+ $response->addProperty('label', $instance['label']);
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($values as $delta => $element) {
+ $member = new TripalWebServiceResource($service_path . '/' . urlencode($expfield));
+ $member->setID($i);
+ // Add the context of the parent resource because all of the keys
+ // were santizied and set to match the proper context.
+ $member->setContext($this->resource);
+ $member->setType($key);
+ foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
+ $member->addProperty($key, $value);
+ $response->addMember($member);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if ($expfield) {
+ $this->resource = $response;
else {
- $response[$key] = array(
- '@type' => 'Collection',
- 'totalItems' => count($values),
- 'label' => $instance['label'],
- 'member' => $values,
- );
+ $this->resource->addProperty($key, $response);
@@ -308,7 +316,10 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
* Rewrites the keys of a field's items array for use with web services.
- private function sanitizeFieldKeys($value, $service_path) {
+ private function sanitizeFieldKeys($value, $bundle, $service_path) {
+ // If the entity is set to hide fields that have no values then we
+ // want to honor that in the web services too.
+ $hide_fields = tripal_get_bundle_variable('hide_empty_field', $bundle->id, 'hide');
$new_value = '';
// If the value is an array rather than a scalar then map the sub elements
@@ -316,32 +327,29 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
if (is_array($value)) {
$temp = array();
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
+ // exclude fields that have no values so we can hide them
+ if (empty($v) and $hide_fields == 'hide') {
+ continue;
+ }
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(.+):(.+)$/', $k, $matches)) {
$vocabulary = $matches[1];
$accession = $matches[2];
$term = tripal_get_term_details($vocabulary, $accession);
$key_adj = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $term['name']));
if (is_array($v)) {
- $temp[$key_adj] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($v, $service_path);
+ $temp[$key_adj] = $this->sanitizeFieldKeys($v, $bundle, $service_path);
else {
$temp[$key_adj] = $v !== "" ? $v : NULL;
- // The term schema:url also points to a recource so we need
- // to make sure we set the type to be '@id'.
- if ($vocabulary == 'schema' and $accession == 'url') {
- $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, array(
- '@id' => $term['url'],
- '@type' => '@id',
- ));
- }
- else {
- $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, $term['url']);
- }
+ $this->resource->addContextItem($key_adj, $term['url']);
else {
- $temp[$k] = $v;
+ // TODO: this is an error, if we get here then we have
+ // a key that isn't using the proper format... what to do?
$new_value = $temp;
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
- $this->sanitizeFieldEntity($items[$key], $response, $api_url);
+ $this->sanitizeFieldEntity($items[$key], $service_path);
@@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$item_entity = tripal_load_entity($item_etype, array($item_eid));
$item_entity = reset($item_entity);
$bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('name' => $item_entity->bundle));
- $items['@id'] = url($api_url . '/content/' . $bundle->label . '/' . $item_eid, array('absolute' => TRUE));
+ $items['@id'] = $this->getServicePath() . '/' . urlencode($bundle->label) . '/' . $item_eid;
@@ -390,8 +398,9 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
private function doContentTypeList($ctype) {
$service_path = $this->getServicePath() . '/' . urlencode($ctype);
+ $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
$this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path);
- $this->resource->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $this->resource->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
// Get the TripalBundle, TripalTerm and TripalVocab type for this type.
$bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('label' => $ctype));
@@ -567,8 +576,7 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
// Now perform the query.
$results = $query->execute();
- //$this->resource->initPager($num_records, $params['limit']);
- $this->resource->initPager($num_records, $limit);
+ $this->resource->initPager($num_records, $limit, $page);
// Iterate through the entities and add them to the list.
foreach ($results['TripalEntity'] as $entity_id => $stub) {
@@ -582,14 +590,16 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$query->condition('TE.id', $entity_id);
$entity = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
+ $itemPage = tripal_get_term_details('schema', 'ItemPage');
+ $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
$member = new TripalWebServiceResource($service_path);
- $member->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
- $member->addContextItem('itemPage', 'schema:itemPage');
+ $member->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
+ $member->addContextItem('ItemPage', $itemPage['url']);
$member->addContextItem($term->name, $term->url);
$member->addProperty('label', $entity->title);
- $member->addProperty('itemPage', url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
+ $member->addProperty('ItemPage', url('/bio_data/' . $entity->id, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
@@ -599,8 +609,9 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
private function doAllTypesList() {
$service_path = $this->getServicePath();
+ $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
$this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path);
- $this->resource->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $this->resource->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
$this->resource->addProperty('label', 'Content Types');
// Get the list of published terms (these are the bundle IDs)
@@ -624,7 +635,7 @@ class TripalEntityService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {
$member = new TripalWebServiceResource($service_path);
$member->addContextItem($term->name, $term->url);
- $member->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
+ $member->addContextItem('label', $label['url']);
$member->addContextItem('description', 'hydra:description');