@@ -2,192 +2,59 @@
* Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_info().
- /*function tripal_ds_ds_layout_settings_info() {
- $export = array();
- //$bundle_name = $bundle;
- $region_fields_right;
- $fields_string;
- //build the string for the regions and fields section from the $fields array
- $total_fields = count($fields[1][0]);
- $fields_string = implode(",", $fields[1][0]);
- for ($i=0; $i < $total_fields; $i++) {
- //watchdog('debug', '<pre>_ds_layout_settings_info $fields_string: '. print_r($fields[1][0][$i], TRUE) .'</pre>');
- $region_fields_right .= $i ." => ". $fields[1][0][$i].", ";
- $fields_string .= $fields[1][0][$i] ." => 'right', ";
- }
- $ds_layout = new stdClass();
- $ds_layout->api_version = 1;
- $ds_layout->id = 'TripalEntity|bio_data_78|default';
- $ds_layout->entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
- $ds_layout->bundle = 'bio_data_78';
- $ds_layout->view_mode = 'default';
- $ds_layout->layout = 'tripal_ds_feature';
- $ds_layout->settings = array(
- 'regions' => array(
- 'top' => array(),
- 'left' => array(),
- 'right' => array(
- 0 => 'project_contact',
- 1 => 'rdfs__type',
- 2 => 'sbo__database_cross_reference',
- 3 => 'sbo__relationship',
- 4 => 'schema__description',
- 5 => 'schema__name',
- 6 => 'schema__publication',
- ),
- 'bottom' => array(),
- ),
- 'fields' => array(
- 'project_contact' => 'right',
- 'rdfs__type' => 'right',
- 'sbo__database_cross_reference' => 'right',
- 'sbo__relationship' => 'right',
- 'schema__description' => 'right',
- 'schema__name' => 'right',
- 'schema__publication' => 'right',
- ),
- 'classes' => array(),
- 'wrappers' => array(
- 'top' => 'div',
- 'left' => 'div',
- 'right' => 'div',
- 'bottom' => 'div',
- ),
- 'layout_wrapper' => 'div',
- 'layout_attributes' => '',
- 'layout_attributes_merge' => 1,
- 'layout_link_attribute' => '',
- 'layout_link_custom' => '',
- 'layout_disable_css' => 0,
- );
- $export['TripalEntity|bio_data_78|default'] = $ds_layout;
- if($export){
- // Insert the layout.
- db_insert('ds_layout_settings')
- ->fields(array(
- 'id' => $ds_layout->id,
- 'entity_type' => 'TripalEntity',
- 'bundle' => $ds_layout->bundle,
- 'view_mode' => 'default',
- 'layout' => 'tripal_ds_feature',
- ))
- ->execute();
- }
- watchdog('debug', '<pre>_ds_layout_settings_info $$ds_layout->settings: '. print_r($ds_layout->settings, TRUE) .'</pre>');
- if($ds_layout->settings ){
- $record = new stdClass;
- $record->id ='TripalEntity|bio_data_73|default';
- $record->entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
- $record->bundle = ;
- $record->view_mode = 'default';
- $record->settings = $ds_layout->settings;
- drupal_write_record('ds_field_settings', $record);
- }
- return $export;
- * Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_info().
- */
-function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $fields) {
- $export = array();
- //$bundle_name = $bundle;
- $region_fields_right;
- $fields_string;
- //build the string for the regions and fields section from the $fields array
- $total_fields = count($fields[1][0]);
- $fields_string = implode(",", $fields[1][0]);
- for ($i=0; $i < $total_fields; $i++) {
- //watchdog('debug', '<pre>_ds_layout_settings_info $fields_string: '. print_r($fields[1][0][$i], TRUE) .'</pre>');
- $region_fields_right .= $i ." => ". $fields[1][0][$i].", ";
- $fields_string .= $fields[1][0][$i] ." => 'right', ";
- }
- $ds_layout = new stdClass();
- $ds_layout->api_version = 1;
- $ds_layout->id = 'TripalEntity|'.$bundle_name.'|default';
- $ds_layout->entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
- $ds_layout->bundle = $bundle_name;
- $ds_layout->view_mode = 'default';
- $ds_layout->layout = 'tripal_ds_feature';
- $ds_layout->settings = array(
- 'regions' => array(
- 'top' => array(),
- 'left' => array(),
- 'right' => array(
- 0 => 'project_contact',
- 1 => 'rdfs__type',
- 2 => 'sbo__database_cross_reference',
- 3 => 'sbo__relationship',
- 4 => 'schema__description',
- 5 => 'schema__name',
- 6 => 'schema__publication',
- ),
- 'bottom' => array(),
- ),
- 'fields' => array(
- 'project_contact' => 'right',
- 'rdfs__type' => 'right',
- 'sbo__database_cross_reference' => 'right',
- 'sbo__relationship' => 'right',
- 'schema__description' => 'right',
- 'schema__name' => 'right',
- 'schema__publication' => 'right',
- ),
- 'classes' => array(),
- 'wrappers' => array(
- 'top' => 'div',
- 'left' => 'div',
- 'right' => 'div',
- 'bottom' => 'div',
+function _ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $instances) {
+ $export = array();
+ $record = new stdClass;
+ $record->id ='TripalEntity|' . $bundle_name . '|default';
+ $record->entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
+ $record->bundle = $bundle_name;
+ $record->view_mode = 'default';
+ $record->layout = 'tripal_ds_feature';
+ $settings = array(
+ 'regions' => array(
+ 'top' => array(),
+ 'left' => array(),
+ 'right' => array(
+ 0 => 'project_contact',
+ 1 => 'rdfs__type',
+ 2 => 'sbo__database_cross_reference',
+ 3 => 'sbo__relationship',
+ 4 => 'schema__description',
+ 5 => 'schema__name',
+ 6 => 'schema__publication',
- 'layout_wrapper' => 'div',
- 'layout_attributes' => '',
- 'layout_attributes_merge' => 1,
- 'layout_link_attribute' => '',
- 'layout_link_custom' => '',
- 'layout_disable_css' => 0,
+ 'bottom' => array(),
+ ),
+ 'fields' => array(
+ 'project_contact' => 'right',
+ 'rdfs__type' => 'right',
+ 'sbo__database_cross_reference' => 'right',
+ 'sbo__relationship' => 'right',
+ 'schema__description' => 'right',
+ 'schema__name' => 'right',
+ 'schema__publication' => 'right',
+ ),
+ 'classes' => array(),
+ 'wrappers' => array(
+ 'top' => 'div',
+ 'left' => 'div',
+ 'right' => 'div',
+ 'bottom' => 'div',
+ ),
+ 'layout_wrapper' => 'div',
+ 'layout_attributes' => '',
+ 'layout_attributes_merge' => 1,
+ 'layout_link_attribute' => '',
+ 'layout_link_custom' => '',
+ 'layout_disable_css' => 0,
- $export['TripalEntity|'.$bundle_name.'|default'] = $ds_layout;
- module_load_include('inc', 'ds', 'ds.registry');
- _ds_entity_type_update('TripalEntity', $export, 'update');
- /*if($export){
- // Insert the layout.
- db_insert('ds_layout_settings')
- ->fields(array(
- 'id' => $ds_layout->id,
- 'entity_type' => 'TripalEntity',
- 'bundle' => $ds_layout->bundle,
- 'view_mode' => 'default',
- 'layout' => 'tripal_ds_feature',
- ))
- ->execute();
- }
- watchdog('debug', '<pre>_ds_layout_settings_info $$ds_layout->settings: '. print_r($ds_layout->settings, TRUE) .'</pre>');
- if($ds_layout->settings ){
- $record = new stdClass;
- $record->id ='TripalEntity|bio_data_73|default';
- $record->entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
- $record->bundle = ;
- $record->view_mode = 'default';
- $record->settings = $ds_layout->settings;
- drupal_write_record('ds_field_settings', $record);
- }*/
- return $export;
+ $record->settings = $settings;
+ drupal_write_record('ds_layout_settings', $record);
function tripal_ds_content_type_fields($bundle_name){
+ dpm(debug_backtrace());
$base_fields = array();
$all_fields = array();
$custom_fields = array();
@@ -228,9 +95,6 @@ function tripal_ds_content_type_fields($bundle_name){
- //tripal_ds_ds_layout_settings_info($bundle_name, $all_fields);
- watchdog('debug', '<pre>tripal_ds_content_type_fields $all_fields: '. print_r($all_fields, TRUE) .'</pre>');
return $all_fields;